Deposited Papers 2025

Deposited Papers are unpublished Papers placed in the Library at the direction of the Speaker or a Minister in the Executive. In most cases they provide information requested in an Assembly Question. Guidance on the laying, presenting and depositing of papers in the Northern Ireland Assembly (as outlined at Standing Order 23 of the Assembly's Standing Orders) has been published by NICS.

The following list contains details of documents which have been deposited in the Library in 2025 (in pdf format). Copies of these and all other Deposited Papers are currently available in the Assembly Library for consultation. The list is in reverse chronological order.  Deposited Papers from previous years can still be accessed;  
[2024]  [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007]

Number: 1867        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 04/02/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 20569/22-27 from Ms Sian Mullholland MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail any steps being taken to promote gender equality in sports officiating, including specific initiatives to encourage and support women to pursue careers as referees, following the recent achievement of the first female referee officiating a NIFL Premiership match.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1866        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 04/02/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 20442/22-27 from Mr Daniel McCrossan MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the number of people waiting for adaptions to their Housing Executive home; and (ii) the length of time they have been waiting, broken down by constituency.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1865        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 04/02/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19059/22-27 from Ms Kellie Armstrong MLA, in which she asked the Minister following the publication of the Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin July - September 2024, to detail the number of individuals (i) currently on the social housing waiting list; (ii) that have Full Duty Applicant status and homelessness status, broken down by (a) age; (b) household type; and (c) local government area.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1864        Issuing Office: The Executive Office                                        Date Received: 04/02/25
Response from the Junior Ministers to Mr Mark Durkan MLA regarding a supplementary question during Question Time on Monday 20 January 2025 in relation to the Minority Ethnic Development Fund. [pdf]
The Executive Office, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle, Belfast, BT4 3ST  Email:


Number: 1863        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 04/02/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 20570/22-27 from Ms Sian Mullholland MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail (i) any funding and resources being allocated to support women in under-represented roles within sports or positions within sport; and (ii) any steps being taken to ensure greater gender equality in these roles.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1862        Issuing Office: The Executive Office                                        Date Received: 28/01/25
Copy of letter from the First and deputy First Minster, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and the Minister of Finance to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rt. Hon. Rachel Reeves MP regarding concerns from the farming community in relation to the changes on Inheritance Tax Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR) announced as part of the budget statement on 30th October 2024.The Chancellor's response to this letter is also included. [pdf]
The Executive Office, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle, Belfast, BT4 3ST  Email:


Number: 1861        Issuing Office: Department of Education                                     Date Received: 28/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 21153/22-27 from Miss Michelle McIlveen MLA, in which she asked the Minister, pursuant to AQW 18934/22-27, to detail the projects where an external consultant was engaged in each of the last five years, including the cost of that consultant as it relates to each project. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Email:


Number: 1860        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 16/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 20198/22-27 from Miss Michelle McIlveen MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail the number of buildings that were demolished or otherwise destroyed while under consideration for listed status by Historic Environment Division in each of the last ten years.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1859        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 13/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19493/22-27 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the vacant land under the ownership of the Housing Executive, broken down by (i) location; and (ii) the number of years the land has been vacant.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1858        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 13/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19228/22-27 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the number of applicants taken off the housing waiting list; and (ii) the number of these applicants who reapplied in each of the last five years.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1857        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 13/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19032/22-27 from Mr Gerry Carroll MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of households on the social housing waiting list for each Common Landlord Area in North Belfast in the last five years, broken down by (i) those with Full Duty Applicant status; and (ii) those in housing stress.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1856        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 13/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19031/22-27 from Mr Gerry Carroll MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of households on the social housing waiting list for each Common Landlord Area in South Belfast in the last five years, broken down by (i) those with Full Duty Applicant status; and (ii) those in housing stress.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1855        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 13/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19030/22-27 from Mr Gerry Carroll MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of households on the social housing waiting list for each Common Landlord Area in Derry and Strabane in the last five years, broken down by (i) those with Full Duty Applicant status; and (ii) those in housing stress.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1854        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 09/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19844/22-27 from Mr Justin McNulty MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of children living in poverty, broken down by District Electoral Area.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1853        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 08/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19033/22-27 from Mr Gerry Carroll MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of households on the social housing waiting list for each Common Landlord Area in East Belfast in the last five years, broken down by (i) those with Full Duty Applicant status; and (ii) those in housing stress.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1852        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 07/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19593/22-27 from Mrs Michelle Guy MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail (i) any actions his Department has taken under goal 2.1 of the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy; and (ii) any evidence of progress on this goal.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1851        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 07/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19263/22-27 from Ms Cheryl Brownlee MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail (i) the number of properties currently listed on the Heritage at Risk Register, broken down by building type; (ii) the number of properties that have been added or removed from the register in each of the last five years; (iii) when the last comprehensive survey of at-risk buildings was carried out; and (iv) the findings of the last survey.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1850        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 07/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19349/22-27 from Mr Timothy Gaston MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail all funding provided by his Department and its arm's-length bodies to sports clubs between 2015 and 2020. [pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1849        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 07/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19163/22-27 from Ms Cheryl Brownlee MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail the amount of funding that has been invested into boxing in each of the last five years, broken down by constituency.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1848        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 07/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19220/22-27 from Ms Diane Forsythe MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail his plans to maximise Northern Ireland’s participation and success in the 2026 Commonwealth Games.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:


Number: 1847        Issuing Office: Department of Education                                     Date Received: 07/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to a series of Assembly Questions from Mr Gerry Carroll MLA (detailed below) pursuant to AQW 14705/22-27 regarding the number of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking families and advocacy groups that were consulted on the new Intercultural Education Service Arrangements for children living in Housing Executive Non-Standard Accommodation.

AQW 19875/22-27 To ask the Minister of Education, pursuant to AQW 14705/22-27, (i) when his Department and the Education Authority reviewed this arrangement; (ii) who conducted the review; and (iii) to detail any equality screening and child rights impact assessment carried out as part of the review.

AQW 19876/22-27 To ask the Minister of Education, pursuant to AQW 14705/22-27, to detail the outcome of the review, including whether it has been communicated to families and stakeholders who support those families.

AQW 19877/22-27 To ask the Minister of Education, pursuant to AQW 14705/22-27, (i) when an update was shared with the Education Authority's Joint Consultative Forum and with Refugee and Asylum Forum; and (ii) to provide a copy of this update.

AQW 19878/22-27 To ask the Minister of Education to detail (i) when Intercultural Education Service provision for children living with their families in initial or contingency asylum accommodation was last reviewed; (ii) who conducted the review; and (ii) any equality screening and child rights impact assessments that were carried out as part of the review.

AQW 19879/22-27 To ask the Minister of Education to detail (i) the outcome of the review of the Intercultural Education Service provision for children living with their families in initial or contingency asylum accommodation; and (ii) whether the outcome has been communicated to families and stakeholders across all sectors who support families.

Contact: Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Email:


Number: 1846        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 06/01/25
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19227/22-27 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of homes delivered in each of the last five years, broken down by (i) number of bedrooms; and (ii) housing area.[pdf]
Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG.  Email:

1845      Issuing Office: The Executive Office                                           Date Received: 06/01/25
Information received from the First and Deputy First Minister in response to a supplementary question from Ms Claire Sugden MLA to the First and deputy First Minister on 9 December 2024 in respect of AQO 1281/22-27 [pdf]
The Executive Office, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle, Belfast, BT4 3ST. Email:


Number: 1852        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 07/01/25