Deposited Papers 2015

Deposited Papers are unpublished Papers placed in the Library at the direction of the Speaker or a Minister in the Executive. In most cases they provide information requested in an Assembly Question. Guidance on the laying, presenting and depositing of papers in the Northern Ireland Assembly (as outlined at Standing Order 23 of the Assembly's Standing Orders) has been published by OFMDFM.

The following list contains details of documents which have been deposited in the Library in 2015. Copies of these and all other Deposited Papers are currently available in the Assembly Library for consultation. Where possible, they have been made available as pdfs. The list is in reverse chronological order. 

Deposited Papers from previous years are also available: 

[2022[2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007]


Number: 1500         Issuing Office: DFP             Date Received: 16/12/15
Letter from the Minister for Finance and Personnel to Mr Daithi McKay MLA as a follow up to his letter and Assembly Question in March regarding starting a Wealth and Assets Survey in Northern Ireland. [pdf]
Contact:  DFP Private Office, Tel: 02890 816714 (76714)


Number: 1499         Issuing Office: NSMC             Date Received: 14/12/15
North South Ministerial Council. Twenty-First Plenary Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh. 11 December 2015 Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact:  North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515004 (33004)


Number: 1498         Issuing Office: NSMC             Date Received: 14/12/15
North South Ministerial Council. Special EU Programmes Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 11 December 2015. Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact:  NSMC, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 37515010 or (048) 37515010 


Number: 1497         Issuing Office: NSMC             Date Received: 14/12/15
North South Ministerial Council Education Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 11 December 2015. Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact:  NSMC, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 37515010 or (048) 37515010 


Number: 1496         Issuing Office: NSMC             Date Received: 03/12/15
North South Ministerial Council Trade and Business Development Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 2 December 2015, Joint Communiqué  [pdf]
Contact  NSMC, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 37515010 or (048) 37515010 


Number: 1495         Issuing Office: NSMC             Date Received: 03/12/15
North South Ministerial Council Tourism Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 2 December 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact NSMC, 58 Upper English Street, Armagn, BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 3751 5007 (33007)


Number: 1494          Issuing Office: DARD             Date Received: 03/12/15
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in response to AQW 51404/11-16 from Mr Danny Kennedy MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of herds in County Armagh (i) currently closed due to TB; and (ii) affected in each of the last three years. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DARD, Room 438 Dundonald House,Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3SB. Tel: 02890 520860 (ext 20860)  


Number: 1493          Issuing Office: OFMDFM         Date Received: 27/11/15
Information provided by the First Minister and deputy First Minister in response to AQW 50421/11-16 from Mr Jim Wells MLA in which he asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister to detail the total grant aid paid to each group through the Central Good Relations Funding Programme since its launch. [pdf]
Contact  Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle, Tel: 02890 378060 (88060)


Number: 1492          Issuing Office: DOE                 Date Received: 27/11/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 50748/11-16 from Mr Peter Weir MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail what actions his Department is taking to improve the water quality at Ballyholme Beach. [pdf]
Contact  DOE Private Office, 8th Floor Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN, Tel: 02890 256036 (37036)


Number: 1491          Issuing Office: DOE                  Date Received: 27/11/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 50581/11-16 from Mr Daithi McKay, in which he asked the Minister to detail all thatched properties that are listed buildings.  [pdf]
Contact  DOE,   email:


Number: 1490          Issuing Office: Speaker's Office   Date Received: 24/11/15
Letter received by the Speaker from Shane Logan the Chief Executive of Ulster Rugby placing on record that it takes no view on the proposed Human Transplantation Bill. [pdf]
Contact  Speaker's Office, Tel: 02890 521181


Number: 1489    Issuing Office: DHSSPS                     Date Received: 17/11/15
Letter received by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety from Consultant Nephrologists and Transplant Surgeons at Belfast HSC Trust, Re: Private Members Bill on changes to the arrangements for Organ Donation, which he referred to during a debate on 16 November in the NI Assembly on the 2nd Reading of the Human Transplantation Bill. pdf
Contact  Private Office, Room C5.10, Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SQ, Tel: 02890 520638


Number: 1488     Issuing Office: Speaker   Date Received: 12/11/15
Information provided by the speaker following an invitation, from Mr Stephen Moutray MLA, for him to respond to the committee's consideration of the Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill  pdf
Contact Speaker's Office, Tel: 02890 521181


Number: 1487     Issuing Office: NSMC    Date Received: 12/11/15
North South Ministerial Council Aquaculture & Marine Meeting, Foyle, Carlingford & Irish Lights Commission (FCILC), NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 11 November 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact  North South Ministerial Council Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG,Tel: 02837 515010 or (048) 37515010


Number: 1486     Issuing Office: DOJ         Date Received: 10/11/15
Document placed in the library of the Northern Ireland Assembly by the Minister of Justice. Maghaberry Prison Action Plan following CJINI report – Response to unannounced inspection from May 2015 [pdf]
Contact Minister's Office, Department of Justice, Block B, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SG, Tel: 02890 520798, e.mail


Number: 1485     Issuing Office: NSMC      Date Received: 10/11/15
North South Ministerial Council North South Language Body Meeting, Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig, Co. Monaghan, 6 November 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh Theas Cruinniú - An Foras Teanga, Ionad Tyrone Guthrie, Eanach Mhic Dheirg, Co. Mhuineacháin, 6 Samhain 2015, Comhráiteas [pdf]
Contact  North South Ministerial Council Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG,Tel: 02837 515010 or (048) 37515010


Number:1484     Issuing Office: NSMC     Date Received: 10/11/15
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Meeting, Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig, Co Monaghan, 6 November 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
  North South Ministerial Council Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG,Tel: 02837 515010 or (048) 37515010


Number: 1483    Issuing Office: DHSSPS   Date Received: 10/11/15
An updated response provided by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in response to AQW 47507/11-15 from Mrs Jo-Anne Dobson MLA which asked the Minister for an update on the Asceptic Unit Audit which was conducted by a Regional Quality Assurance team at Craigavon Area Hospital in December 2014; and to further detail any non-compliance issues were raised by this audit [pdf]
Contact  DHSSPS Private Office, Tel: 02890 528221


Number: 1482    Issuing Office: DFP        Date Received: 10/11/15
Information provided by the Minister of Finance and Personnel in response to AQT 2996/11-16 from Ms Maeve McLaughlin MLA made during oral questions on 13 October 2015 which asked the Minister to clarify how many NAMA-related meetings involving her Department were not minuted. [pdf]
Contact  DFP Private Office, Tel: 02890 816714 (76714)


Number: 1481   Issuing Office: DHSSPS  Date Received: 29/10/15
Information provided by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in response to AQW 46597/11-15 from Mr Fearghal McKinney MLA which asked the Minister to detail (i) the composition; (ii) the remit; and (iii) the terms of reference of the Strategic Leadership Group [pdf]
Contact  Office of the Permanent Secretary, DHSSPS, Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SQ, Tel: 02890 528232


Number: 1480    Issuing Office: DENI    Date Received: 29/10/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 49739/11-16 from Ms Claire Sugden MLA, which asked the Minister to detail (i) the schools that have had their budgets reduced since changes to the Common Funding Formula were introduced in 2014; and (ii) which schools received transition payments; and the amount awarded in each case. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel: 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1479     Issuing Office: DSD     Date Received: 22/10/15
Information provided by the Minister for Social Development in response to AQW 49570/11-16 from to Mr Peter Weir MLA , which asked the Minister to list the (i) domestic; and (ii) non-domestic land banks in North Down that will be transferred to the Ards and North Down Borough Council. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, Department for Social Development, 5th Floor, Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park , Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829026 (38026)


Number: 1478     Issuing Office: DENI     Date Received: 14/10/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 49558/11-16 from Ms Claire Sugden MLA, which asked him to detail the schools in (i) East Londonderry; and (ii) the rest of Northern Ireland that have qualified for and received Extended Schools funding in each of the last three years. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel: 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1477    Issuing Office: DARD    Date Received: 14/10/15
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in response to AQW 49257/11-16  from Mr Robin Swann MLA, which asked the Minister, how many cattle, in each of the last three years, that tested positive for bovine TB then tested negative post-slaughter, broken down by constituency. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office DARD, Room 438, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB, Tel:02890 520860 ( 20860)


Number: 1476    Issuing Office: DCAL    Date Received: 14/10/15
Information provided by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure, updating her response to Assembly Question AQW 43159/11-15 from Mr Robin Swann MLA which asked for an update on her Department's support for MAGUS, given its current funding and remit comes to a conclusion on the 23 March 2015. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DCAL, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7EG,  Tel: 02890 515167 (75167)


Number: 1475     Issuing Office: DENI      Date Received: 23/09/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQO 8635/11-16 from Mr Jim Allister MLA which asked the Minister to outline the schools in respect of which he has approved or refused increases in intake figures for 2015/16 for both year 1 in primary schools and year 8 in post-primary schools. [pdf]
Contact  DENI, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR, Tel: 02891 279279 (59946)


Number: 1474      Issuing Office: DOJ         Date Received: 23/09/15
Prison Review Oversight Group - Justice Committee Summary Report - May 2015. The purpose of this summary report is to provide the Committee with an update following the thirteenth meeting of the Prison Review Oversight Group (the Group), which took place on 14 May 2015. [pdf]
Contact  Department of Justice, Communications/PRT, Tel: 02890 520929 (20929)


Number: 1473      Issuing Office: DEL        Date Received: 16/09/15
Information provided by the Minister for Employment and Learing, Mr. Stephen Farry in response to Assembly Question AQW 48285/11-16 from Ms Claire Sugden MLA, in which she asked him to detail the number of providers who have withdrawn from the Steps 2 Success programme, including their reasons for withdrawal. [pdf]
Contact   Assembly Questions Section, Department for Employment and Learning, Tel. 028 902 57798


Number: 1472      Issuing Office: DETI        Date Received: 04/08/15
Letter from the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, in response to a request from Mr Pat Ramsey MLA following during Assembly Question Time on 29 June 2015, providing details as to when the Ministerial Sub-Group will be looking at regional imbalances. [pdf]
Contact Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1471      Issuing Office: OFMDFM  Date Received: 22/07/15
Memorandum Of Understanding: Inquiry Into Historical Institutional Abuse 1922 To 1995: Version 7 June 2015 [pdf]
Contact  Finance, Strategic Planning & Social Change Direcortorate,  E4.21 Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SL, Tel: 02890 523215 (23215)


Number: 1470      Issuing Office: DENI        Date Received: 09/07/15
Response from the Minister of Education to AQW 47600/11-15 from Mr Peter Weir MLA which asked the Minister to detail the contracts awarded by each Education and Library Board between October 2014 and March 2015. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1469       Issuing Office: DETI      Date Received: 09/07/15
Response from the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to AQW 45503/11-15 from Mr Jim Allister MLA which asked the Minister how many visits by potential foreign direct investors took place to each constituency in 2014/15. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1468       Issuing Office: DETI      Date Received: 09/07/15
Response from the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to AQW 45502/11-15 from Mr Jim Allister MLA which asked the Minister how many jobs were created by InvestNI in each constituency in 2014/15 [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1467      Issuing Office: DETI     Date Received: 08/07/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr Colum Eastwood MLA in response to AQW 44963/11-15 concerning the number of jobs created by Invest NI in each constituency during the 2014/15 financial year that offer a salary of (i) above, but less than 25 percent above the average private sector wage; and (ii) 25 percent or more above the average private sector wage, expressed as a number and a percentage of all the new jobs created by inward investment projects during this period. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1466      Issuing Office: DETI     Date Received: 08/07/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr Colum Eastwood MLA in response to AQW 44962/11-15 concerning the number of new jobs created from first time international investors that were supported by Invest NI during the 2014/15 financial year, broken down by constituency; and what each figure represents as
a percentage of the total amount of new jobs created by first time international investors during that period. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1465      Issuing Office: DETI    Date Received: 08/07/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr Colum Eastwood MLA in response to AQW 44961/11-15 concerning the number of new jobs created from inward investment projects supported by Invest NI during the 2014/15 financial year, broken down by constituency; and what each figure represents as a percentage of the total amount of new jobs created by inward investment projects during that period. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1464      Issuing Office: DETI   Date Received: 08/07/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr Colum Eastwood MLA in response to AQW 44960/11-15 concerning the financial assistance provided by Invest NI to companies during the 2014/15 financial year, broken down by constituency; and what each amount represents as a percentage of the total financial assistance provided by Invest NI during this period. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1463      Issuing Office: DSD    Date Received: 03/07/15
Information provided by the Minister for Social Development in response to AQW 47406/11-15 from Mr Jim Allister MLA, pursuant to AQW 39953/11-15 which asked the Minister whether he will publish a list of the documents still retained in respect of the regeneration of 148/158 Springfield Road. [pdf], [pdf] and [pdf]
Contact   Corporate Services Unit and Private Office, Tel: 38566


Number: 1462      Issuing Office: DENI    Date Received: 02/07/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 47503/11-15 from Mr Samuel Gardiner MLA which asked the Minister to detail the total (i) number of full time equivalent employees; and (ii) salary costs as of 1 April in each financial year from 2007, broken down by (a) his Department; and (b) each of his Department's arm's-length bodies. [pdf]
Contact  DENI, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR, Tel: 02891 279279 (59546)


Number: 1461      Issuing Office: DRD     Date Received: 30/06/15
Response from the Minister for Regional Development, including a copy of the Bus Lane (East Bridge Street, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2000 (2000 No. 352), in answer to AQW 47259/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA which requested that the Minister provide, or place in the Assembly Library, the legislation that bans public hire taxis from the bus lane in East Bridge Street, Belfast. [pdf]
Contact  DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB, Tel No: 02890 540934 


Number: 1460       Issuing Office: DEL     Date Received: 18/06/15
Follow up response from the Minister for Employment and Learning to a topical question from Ms Michaela Boyle MLA, during oral questions on 02 june 2015, providing information about cross border research collaboration projects and the press release for the launch of the SFI-DEL Investigators Programme Partnership. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, Department for Employment and Learning, Tel: 02890 257431


Number: 1459      Issuing Office: DENI    Date Received: 18/06/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 46765/11-15 from Mr Alex Easton MLA which asked the Minister to detail the number of year one school places broken down by primary school [pdf]
Contact  DENI, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR, Tel: 02891 279279 (59546)


Number: 1458      Issuing Office: DRD     Date Received: 16/06/15
Information provided by the Minister for Regional Development to Members as a follow up to an Urgent Question for Oral Answer on Tuesday 02 June 2015 in relation to the Coleraine to Londonderry Phase 2 Project Assessment Review (PAR) report. [pdf]
Contact  DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB, Tel No: 02890 541188


Number: 1457      Issuing Office: DEL      Date Received: 28/04/15
Information on vacancy figures held by the Employment Service relating specifically to the Performing Arts sector provided by the Minister for Employment and Learning, as a follow up from oral questions on 2 june 2015, in response to a question from Mr Fra McCann MLA which asked the Minister give a breakdown of the current labour market information pertaining to specialist performing arts. [pdf]
Contact  Employment Service Division DEL, 5th Floor, Gloucester House, 57-63 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4RA, Tel:02890 25030 ( 50305) 


Number: 1456     Issuing Office: NSMC      Date Received: 10/06/15
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Meeting, Ulster-Scots Agency Office, Belfast, 10 June 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact  North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515004 (33004)


Number: 1455     Issuing Office: NSMC      Date Received: 10/06/15
North South Ministerial Council North South Language Body Meeting, Ulster-Scots Agency Office, Belfast, 10 June 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh Theas, Cruinniú - An Foras Teanga, Oifig Ghníomhaireacht Na Hultaise, Béal Feirste, 10 Meitheamh 2015, Comhráiteas [pdf]
Contact  NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)


Number: 1454     Issuing Office: NSMC     Date Received: 10/06/15
North South Ministerial Council Twentieth Plenary Meeting, Dublin Castle, 5 June 2015, Joint Communiqué  [pdf]
Contact  North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515004 (33004) 


Number: 1453     Issuing Office: DOE        Date Received: 09/06/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 46118/11-15 from Mr Daithí McKay MLA which asked the Minister to provide the (a) reference numbers, (b) capacity in megawatts and (c) location of all large scale ground mounted solar applications (i) approved since January 2013, (ii) refused since January 2013, (iii) lodged since January 2013; and (iv) pre-applications lodged since January 2013. [pdf]
Contact   DOE Private Office, 8th Floor Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN, Tel: 02890 256036 (37036)


Number: 1452    Issuing Office: DCAL       Date Received: 09/06/15
Information provided by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure in response to AQO 8272/11-15 from Mr Nelson McCausland MLA which asked the Minister for an update on the Gaeltacht Quarter, including the support her Department has provided for it. [pdf]
Contact   Cultural & Language Div Br, Department of Culture, Arts & Leisure, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7EG, Tel: 02890 515062 (75062)


Number: 1451    Issuing Office: DHSSPS    Date Received: 04/06/15
Revised information provided by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety in response to AQW 36534/11-15 from Mr Jim Allister MLA providing a breakdown of the expenses paid to senior management in the Health Service in the last twelve months. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DHSSPS, Room C5.10 Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SQ, Tel: 02890 520638


Number: 1450      Issuing Office : DRD       Date Received: 04/06/15
Information provided by the Minister for Regional Development in response to AQW 45808/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA, pursuant to AQW 45227/11-15, which asked the Minister to provide, or place in the Assembly library, a copy of the procurement and tendering procedures or policies relevant to Translink, as a Departmental related agency at the time of the tender in 2009 and to detail any amendments to these procedures and policies since 2009. [pdf]
Contact   DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB, Tel No: 02890 540934 ,


Number: 1449      Issuing Office: DETI       Date Received: 28/05/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr Samuel Douglas MLA outlining the progress made through the Jobs Fund, as well as information on other job creation activities in the constituency following an undertaking by his predecessor, Arlene Foster MLA during Assembly Questions on Monday 11 May 2015, to write to Invest NI to ascertain what response or progress there has been in East Belfast through jobs created by the Jobs Fund. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI,  Netherleigh, Massey Avenue Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529209 (29209)


Number: 1448       Issuing Office: DETI       Date Received: 28/05/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr Fearghal McKinney MLA following an undertaking, made during Assembly Questions on 11 May 2015 by his my predecessor Arlene Foster MLA, to ascertain from Invest NI the number of Expressions of Interest it has received in relation to its proposals to stimulate the development of new Grade A office accommodation. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue,Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529209 (29209)


Number: 1447        Issuing Office: DETI       Date Received: 28/05/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, in response to Topical Question AQT 2453/11-15 from Mr Barry McElduff MLA, during Assembly Questions on 11 May 2015, following which, the Minister's predecessor Arlene Foster MLA undertook to ascertain from Invest NI whether further progress had been made in their efforts towards securing new industrial land to service the Omagh area. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529209 (29209)


Number: 1446      Issuing Office: DRD       Date Received: 28/05/15
Information provided by the Minister for Regional Development in response to AQW 45858/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA, pursuant to AQW 45227/11-15 concerning the private hire taxi-rank at Central Station, Belfast, which asked the Minister given this contract is approaching six years in existence, (i) what was the stated duration of the tender when advertised in 2009; and to list the other tendered for contracts in his Department and its arm's-length bodies over the last three years. [pdf]
Contact  DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB, Tel: 02890 541188


Number: 1445      Issuing Office: NSMC     Date Received: 27/05/15
North South Ministerial Council Environment Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 13 May 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact  NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)


Number: 1444      Issuing Office: DRD         Date Received: 27/05/15
Information provided by the Minister for Regional Development in response to AQW 45505/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA, pursuant to AQW 41408/11-15 concerning the private hire taxi-rank at Central Station, Belfast, which asked the Minister to provide, or place in the Assembly library, the business plan and economic appraisal for this development [pdf]
Contact   DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB, Tel: 02890 541188


Number:1443       Issuing Office: DRD          Date Received: 27/05/15
Information provided by the Minister for Regional Development in response to AQW 45227/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA,  pursuant to AQW 44582/11-15, which asked the Minister to provide, or place in the Assembly library, a copy of the contract for taxi provision as advertised, along with a list of where the contract was advertised. [pdf]
Contact  DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB, Tel: 02890 541188


Number: 1442      Issuing Office: DETI         Date Received: 27/05/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise,Trade and Investment to Mr Joe Byrne MLA, as agreed by the former DETI Minister during question time on the 11 May 2015, giving a comprehensive update on mobile coverage. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue
Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1441      Issuing Office: DETI         Date Received: 27/05/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise,Trade and Investment to Mr Barry McElduff MLA, giving a written update, as agreed by the former DETI Minister during question time on the 11 May 2015, on the precise measures that are planned for the 2015-16 year to improve broadband coverage in rural west Tyrone. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue
Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1440       Issuing Office: DHSSPS     Date Received: 27/05/15
Supplementary information provided by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, as a follow up to his initial response to AQO 7965/11-15 from Ms Catriona Ruane MLA, regarding sleep clinics. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DHSSPS, Room C5.10 Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SQ, Tel: 02890 520638


Number: 1439       Issuing Office: DARD        Date Received: 13/05/15
Revised information provided by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in response to AQW 42726/11-15 from Ms Caitríona Ruane, which asked the Minister to detail her Department's financial investment in South Down in each year since 2007, including the (i) organisations that have received funding; and (ii) investment they received. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office DARD, Room 438, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB, Tel:02890 520860 ( 20860) 


Number: 1438        Issuing Office: NSMC        Date Received: 13/05/15
North South Ministerial Council Environment Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 13 May 2015, Joint Communiqué  [pdf]
Contact  NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)


Number: 1437       Issuing Office: DETI          Date Received: 29/04/15
Letter from the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr Patsy McGlone MLA in response to an enquiry made by him during the Question and Answer session following her Assembly Statement on 23 March 2015 in relation to Trade and Business Development, which asked whether figures were available for the percentage of public sector contracts in Northern Ireland that go on to micro-businesses, i.e. which have fewer than 10 employees and also whether any details were available, relating to the net benefits to micro-businesses from the allocation of such contracts. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529504 (29504)


Number: 1436       Issuing Office: DSD            Date Received: 29/04/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to Mr Jim Allister MLA in response to AQW 44465/11-15,which asked the Minister to detail the amount of Neighbourhood Renewal funding allocated, or projected to be allocated, to each organisation in 2015/16; and the amount paid to each in the 2014/15 financial year. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, Department for Social Development, 5th Floor, Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829026


Number: 1435       Issuing Office:  CAL                    Date Received: 28/04/15
Letter from the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure to Mr Jim Allister MLA as a follow up to oral question time on 24 March 2015 during which he referred to "the discriminatory practice operated by Sport NI of refusing to fund clubs that are not affiliated to the IABA", formally refuting his comments on this matter and providing clarity around Sport NI's funding practices in order to demonstrate that these are not discriminatory. [pdf]
Contact  Sport & Recreation, DCAL, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7EG, Tel: 02890 515098 (75098)


Number: 1434       Issuing Office: DOJ               Date Received: 23/04/15
Letter from the Minister of Justice to Mr Mickey Brady MLA providing a copy of the timetable for introduction and review of statutory time limits (STLs) in the Youth Court as a follow up to Assembly Question AQO 7976/11-15 concerning statutory time limits in youth justice cases [pdf]
Contact Speeding up Justice, Criminal Justice Division, Department of Justice, Massey House, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SX, Tel: 02890 169509 (73509)


Number: 1433       Issuing Office: NSMC            Date Received: 22/04/15
North South Ministerial Council Transport Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 22 April 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact  NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)


Number: 1432       Issuing Office: NSMC            Date Received: 16/04/15
North South Ministerial Council Health and Food Safety Meeting, Altnagelvin Area Hospital, 15 April 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact  NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)


Number: 1431       Issuing Office: DCAL           Date Received: 15/04/15
Letter from the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure to Ministerial Colleagues endorsing & enclosing the report 'Sport Matters' The Strategy for Sport and Physical Recreation 2009 - 2019 'The First 5 Years' a Mid-term Review. [pdf]
Contact Sport & Recreation, DCAL, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7EG, Tel: 02890 515098 (75098)


Number: 1430       Issuing Office: DENI             Date Received: 15/04/15
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 43869/11-15 from Mr Jim Allister MLA which asked the Minister to list the recipients and value of funding received from each of the funding streams available through his Department to assist with early years educational intervention, in each of the last six years. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education,Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1429     Issuing Office: DENI             Date Received: 15/04/15
Information provided by the Minister for Education providing clarification on the issue of the Certificate of Religious Education, as a follow up to Assembly Question  AQO 7506/11-15 from Mr Trevor Lunn MLA, which asked the Minister to outline the annual number of teacher training places allocated to St Mary's University College and Stranmillis University College, since 2012/13. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team,Department of Education,Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1428     Issuing Office: DOE              Date Received: 14/04/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to Assembly Question AQW 43100/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA which asked the Minister whether a letter has been, or will be, sent to all taxi drivers to inform them that Single Tier is not being introduced; and if so, whether he will provide a copy or place the letter in the Assembly Library. [pdf]
Contact  DOE Private Office,8th Floor Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN, Tel: 02890 256047 (37047)


Number: 1427     Issuing Office: OFMDFM     Date Received: 31/03/15
Information provided by the First Minister and deputy First Minister in response to AQW 42830/11-15 from Mr Mike Nesbitt MLA, which asked them to detail (i) the community and voluntary groups in South Belfast that were awarded funding by their Department, or its arm's-length bodies in each month of the last two years; (ii) the date that funding was awarded; (iii) who awarded the funding; (iv) the method by which funding was paid; (v) the amount of funding awarded in each case; and (vi) who was involved in any presentations. [pdf]
Contact   Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle, Tel: 02890 378060 (88060)


Number: 1426     Issuing Office: NSMC    Date Received: 26/03/15
North South Ministerial Council Education Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 25 March 2015, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact  NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)


Number: 1425     Issuing Office: DOE       Date Received: 25/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to Assembly Question AQW 42929/11-15 from Mr Oliver McMullan MLA, pursuant to AQW 42175/11-15, which asked the Minister whether he will provide a copy of the Environmental Impact Assessment report relating to drilling for gas adjacent to Woodburn Reservoir. [pdf]
Contact  DOE Private Office, 8th Floor Goodwood House,44-58 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN, Tel: 02890 256036 (37036) 


Number: 1424    Issuing Office: DHSSPSNI      Date Received: 25/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in a revised response to Assembly Question AQW 35616/11-15, from Mrs Judith Cochrane MLA, which asked the Minister for his assessment of (i) the current system for determining the value of generic drugs which dictates the amount recuperated by community pharmacists who dispense them; and (ii) it is appropriate to continue to use cost predictions made in England in relation to generic drugs, given market differences and additional costs of transportation and delivery to Northern Ireland, in the context of a devolved health administration. [pdf]
Contact  DHSSPSNI Private Office, Room C5.10 Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SQ, Tel:02890 520638


Number: 1423    Issuing Office: DOE      Date Received: 25/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to Assembly Question AQW 43318/11-15, from Mr Alex Easton MLA, relating to details of listed buildings in Bangor. [pdf]
Contact  DOE Private Office, 8th Floor, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel: 02890 256030 (37030) 


Number: 1422    Issuing Office: DOE      Date Received: 24/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to Assembly Question AQW 43240/11-15, from Mr Alex Easton MLA, relating to details of listed buildings in Millisle. [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, 8th Floor, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel: 02890 256027 (37027)


Number: 1421     Issuing Office: DOE     Date Received: 24/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to Assembly Question AQW 43239/11-15, from Mr Alex Easton MLA, relating to details of listed buildings in Donaghadee. [pdf]
Contact  DOE Private Office, 8th Floor, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel: 02890 256027 (37027)


Number: 1420     Issuing Office: DOE    Date Received: 24/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to Assembly Question AQW 43238/11-15, from Mr Alex Easton MLA, relating to details of listed buildings in Holywood. [pdf]
Contact  DOE Private Office, 8th Floor, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel: 02890 256027 (37027) 


Number: 1419    Issuing Office: DSD     Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to MLAs, concerning Budgets Transferring to Local Government, confirming that copies of letters that were sent to the 11 new councils outlining the funding allocation that would transfer to them in April 2016 have now been deposited in the Assembly Library. [pdf]
Contact James Crawford, DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035)


Number: 1418    Issuing Office: DSD     Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035)


Number: 1417    Issuing Office: DSD     Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of North Down and Ards Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035)


Number: 1416    Issuing Office: DSD     Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529209 (29209


Number: 1415    Issuing Office: DSD     Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Mid Ulster Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035)


Number: 1414   Issuing Office: DSD      Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Mid and East Antrim District Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035)


Number: 1413   Issuing Office: DSD       Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035) 


Number: 1412   Issuing Office: DSD        Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Derry City and Strabane District Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035) 


Number: 1411   Issuing Office: DSD        Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Causeway Coast and Glens District Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035)


Number: 1410    Issuing Office: DSD       Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Belfast City Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035)


Number: 1409    Issuing Office: DSD        Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council providing an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035)


Number: 1408    Issuing Office: DSD         Date Received: 24/03/15
Letter from the Minister for Social Development to the chief Executive of Antrim and Newtownabbey District Council probviding an update on the budgetary position for 2015/16 and the amount to transfer to Local Government from 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact  DSD Private Office, 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast BT7 2JB, Tel: 02890 829035 (38035) 


Number: 1407     Issuing Office: DARD     Date Received: 24/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in response to AQW 43093/11-15 from Mrs Jo-Anne Dobson MLA, which asked the Minister what steps her Department is taking to improve internet access availability in the Loughbrickland and Ballyward areas. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, DARD, Room 438, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB. Tel: 02890 520860 (ext 20860) 


Number: 1406      Issuing Office: DETI       Date Received: 19/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade & Investment in response to Topical Question (AQT 2211/11-15), from Mr Cathal Boylan MLA, during topical questions on 3 March 2015 relating to the Northern Ireland Broadband Improvement Project. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529209 (29209)


Number: 1405      Issuing Office: DSD        Date Received: 12/03/15
Information provided by the Minister for Social Development in response to a request made by Mr Alex Attwood MLA, during the Further Consideration Stage debate on the Welfare Reform Bill on Tuesday 24 February 2015, to place in the Library the references that he made to comments made by the Lord Chancellor and Home Secretary in Westminster. These were in reference to bodies delivering privatised or contracted-out public services being within the scope of the Human Rights Act 1998 by the "public function" provision in section 6(3)(b). [pdf]
Contact  DSD, Social Security Policy & Legislation Division , Tel: 37104 / 37103


Number: 1404      Issuing Office: DENI      Date Received: 11/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 43027/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA pursuant to AQW 38040/11-15, which asked him to detail (i) the rate per thousand of fifteen to seventeen year old pupils who had less than 85 per cent attendance in 2013/14, broken down by (a) council area; and (b) electoral ward; and (ii) what further action is being taken to reduce levels of absenteeism. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education,Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1403      Issuing Office: DENI       Date Received: 11/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 43025/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA pursuant to AQW 38042/11-15, which asked him to detail (i) the rate per thousand of primary school pupils who had less than 85 per cent attendance in 2013/14, broken down by (a) council area; and (b) electoral ward; and (ii) what further action is being taken to reduce levels of absenteeism. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team,Department of Education,Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1402      Issuing Office: DENI       Date Received: 11/03/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 43024/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA pursuant to AQW 38044/11-15, which asked him to detail (i) the rate per thousand of post-primary school pupils who had less than 85 per cent attendance in 2013/14, broken down by (a) council area; and (b) electoral ward; and (ii) what further action is being taken to reduce levels of absenteeism. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team,Department of Education,Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1401      Issuing Office: DARD       Date Received: 06/03/15
 Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in response to AQW 42726/11-15 from Ms Caitríona Ruane MLA, which asked the Minister to detail her Department's financial investment in South Down in each year since 2007, including the (i) organisations that have received funding; and (b) investment they received. [pdf]
Contact Thomas Taylor, Private Office, DARD, Room 438, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB. Tel: 02890 520860 (ext 20860)


Number: 1400      Issuing Office: NSMC       Date Received: 05/03/15
North South Ministerial Council Trade & Business Development Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 25 February 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact  NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)


Number: 1399      Issuing Office: NSMC       Date Received: 05/03/15
North South Ministerial Council Tourism Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 5 March 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact  NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515010 (33010) 


Number: 1398      Issuing Office: DENI          Date Received: 03/03/15 Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 41397/11-15 from Ms Caitríona Ruane MLA, which asked him to detail the (i) number of new school builds; and (ii) the total financial investment in South Down, and schools that serve South Down, in each of the last eight years, broken down by (a) school; (b) investment received. [pdf]
Contact Graeme McFarland, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1397     Issuing Office: DENI         Date Received: 26/02/15 Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 41396/11-15 from Ms Caitríona Ruane MLA, which asked him to detail the (i) number of new school builds; and (ii) the total financial investment in South Down, and schools that serve South Down, in each of the last eight years, broken down by (a) school; (b) investment received. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1396     Issuing Office: NSMC          Date Received: 26/02/15
North South Ministerial Council Agriculture Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 25 February 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact  NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515010 (33010) 


Number: 1395     Issuing Office: NSMC          Date Received: 26/02/15
North South Ministerial Council Tenth Institutional Meeting, Stormont Castle, Belfast, 25 February 2015, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact Louise Brady, NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515013 (33013)


Number: 1394      Issuing Office: DETI          Date Received: 19/02/15
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade & Investment in response to Topical Question AQT 2083/11-15 from Mr Sammy Wilson MLA, relating to monies made available by the Department to BT to improve broadband & fibre-optic cables across Northern Ireland. pdf]
Contact  Private Office, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)


Number: 1393     Issuing Office: DOE             Date Received: 18/02/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 41734/11-15 from Mr Phil Flanagan MLA which asked the Minister to detail (i) the number of raths in each council area; and (ii) the number that are protected by the NIEA. [pdf]
Contact  DOE Private Office, 8th Floor Goodwood House, 44 – 58 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN, Tel:02890 256080 (37080)


Number: 1392       Issuing Office: DARD          Date Received: 17/02/15
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in response to  AQW 41608/11-15 from Mr Cathal Boylan MLA which asked the Minister to detail the funding her Department has awarded to the Newry and Armagh constituency since 2007, broken down by the (i) amount awarded; and (ii) the scheme from which the funding was awarded. [pdf]
Contact  Private Office DARD, Room 438 Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB, Tel: 02890 520860 (20860) 


Number: 1391        Issuing Office: CAL             Date Received: 17/02/15
Information provided by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure in response to AQW 41522/11-15 from Mr Nelson McCausland MLA which asked her to detail the (i) resource; and (ii) capital grants paid out to boxing clubs for each of the last three years, including (a) the name of the club; (b) the amount of the grant; (c) the funding stream from which it was drawn; and (d) whether the grant was from (i) her Department; or (ii) Sport NI. [pdf]
Contact  Head of Sport, Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT1 7FB, Tel: 02890 515208


Number: 1390        Issuing Office: DOJ               Date Received: 12/02/15
Prison Review Oversight Group - Justice Committee Summary Report - December 2014. The purpose of this summary report is to provide the Committee with an update following the twelfth meeting of the Prison Review Oversight Group (the Group), which took place on 03 December 2014. [pdf]
Contact Department of Justice, Communications/PRT, Tel: 02890 520929 (20929)


Number: 1389         Issuing Office: DOJ              Date Received: 12/02/15
Prison Review Oversight Group - Justice Committee Summary Report - September 2014. The purpose of this summary report is to provide the Committee with an update following the eleventh meeting of the Prison Review Oversight Group (the Group), which took place on 10 September 2014. [pdf]
Contact Department of Justice, Communications/PRT, Tel: 02890 520929 (20929)


Number: 1388          Issuing Office: DOJ            Date Received: 12/02/15
Information provided by the Minister of Justice in response to AQW 41232/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA to provide, or place in the Assembly library, the risk assessment document used in deciding whether a convicted murderer is suitable for temporary leave from custody; and (i) when this criteria were drawn up and put into practice; and (ii) how many changes have been implemented since its introduction. [pdf]
Contact Minister's Office, Department of Justice, Block B, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SG, Tel: 02890 522823 (22823), e.mail


Number: 1387        Issuing Office: DOJ              Date Received: 12/02/15
Information provided by the Minister of Justice in response to AQW 40990/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA which asked him provide, or place in the Assembly library, a copy of his Department's Whistleblower policy; and whether this applies to all agencies under his departmental remit. [pdf]
Contact Minister's Office, Department of Justice, Block B, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SG, Tel: 02890 522823 (22823) 


Number: 1386        Issuing Office: CAL                Date Received: 10/02/15
Information provided by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure in response to AQW 40710/11-15 from Mr Jim Allister MLA which asked her to list the (i) recipients; and (ii) relevant awards from Sports NI since May 2011 [pdf]
Contact  Head of Sport, DCAL, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT1 7FB, Tel: 02890 515208


Number: 1385          Issuing Office: DHSSPS        Date Received: 03/02/15
Information provided by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in revised response to AQW 40378/11-15 from Mr Steven Agnew MLA which asked him to detail (i) the number of applications for adoption from same-sex couples; and (ii) the number of people adopted by same-sex couples, since December 2013. [pdf]
Contact  DHSSPS Private Office, Room C5.10, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SQ, Tel: 02890 520638 (20638) 


Number: 1384          Issuing Office: DENI            Date Received: 30/01/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 41169/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA which asked him to provide, or place in the Assembly Library, a copy of his Department's Child Protection Policy; and if the policy is applicable to all agencies under his remit. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team,Department of Education,Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1383          Issuing Office: DOE             Date Received: 30/01/15
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 40626/11-15 from Mr Phil Flanagan MLA which asked that he provide details of the Landfill Communities Fund, including (i) the total claimed by each council in each year since the fund was established; (ii) the total paid out in grants by each council since the fund was established; and (iii) the current accumulated balances held by each council. [pdf]
Contact George Turkington, DOE Private Office, 8th Floor Goodwood House, 44 – 58 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN, Tel:02890 256030 (37030)


Number: 1382             Issuing Office: DENI           Date Received: 30/01/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 40725/11-15 from Mr Nelson McCausland MLA which asked him to detail the spend on youth services in North Belfast in each of the last three years, broken down by (a) capital; and (b) resources for each organisation that has received funding. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team,Department of Education,Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1381            Issuing Office: DENI         Date Received: 29/01/15
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 41077/11-15 from Mr Peter Weir MLA which asked him to detail the (i) capital; and (ii) resource spend on youth services in North Down in each of the last three years, broken down by organisation. [pdf]
Contact  Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel 02891 279946 (59946)


Number: 1380            Issuing Office: DOJ           Date Received: 28/01/15
Copy of a letter from the Minister of Justice to Members enclosing information in relation to ongoing discussions around the National Crime Agency - Proposals for Operation in Northern Ireland. [pdf]
Contact Minister's Office, Department of Justice, Block B, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SG, Tel: 02890 522704 (22704) or (07872 418238)


Number: 1379            Issuing Office: CAL          Date Received: 19/01/15
Copy of a letter from the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure to Mr Peter Weir MLA and follow up information in response to AQW 39075/11-15 which asked how much funding each boxing club has received in each of the last three years. [pdf]
Contact  Head of Sport, DCAL, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT1 7FB, Tel: 02890 515208 


Number: 1378            Issuing Office: Speaker      Date Received: 14/01/15
Letter from the Speaker to all Assembly Members, relating to a decision by the Minister of Education to approve changes to post-primary education in Fermanagh, discontinuing the Collegiate Grammar School and Portera, containing a copy of the Speaker's letter issued to all Party Leaders consulting them on whether the Minister's decision fell within the requirements of section 28B (1) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 Act, and the responses received. [pdf]
Contact  Adviser to the Speaker, Office of the Speaker, Northern Ireland Assembly, Tel: 02890 521551


Number: 1377            Issuing Office: OFMDFM      Date Received: 09/01/15
Winning in Europe: European Priorities 2014-15 Mid-year Progress Report [pdf]
Contact  European Policy and Co-ordination Unit, OFMDFM, Tel: 02890 523125


Number: 1376            Issuing Office: OFMDFM      Date Received: 09/01/15
Winning in Europe: European Priorities 2014-15 [pdf]
Contact  European Policy and Co-ordination Unit, OFMDFM, Tel: 02890 523125


Number: 1375            Issuing Office: OFMDFM      Date Received: 09/01/15
Winning in Europe: European Priorities 2013/14 Implementation Report  [pdf]
Contact  European Policy and Co-ordination Unit, OFMDFM, Tel: 02890 523125


Number: 1374            Issuing Office: CAL                Date Received: 08/01/15
Information provided by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure in response to AQW 36513/11-15 from Mr Pat Ramsey MLA which asked for the 2011-15 budget period, that the Minister details (i) the budget reductions over £1,000, broken down by (a) the name of the item; (b) the amount of the reduction; and (c) the reduction as a percentage of the previous funding awarded; and (ii) the impact of Welfare Reform penalties on that budget.  [pdf]
Contact  Finance Branch, DCAL, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7EG, Tel: 02890 515079 (75079)


Number: 1373            Issuing Office: CAL                Date Received: 08/01/15
Information provided by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure in response to AQW 37205/11-15 from Mr Steven Agnew MLA which asked (i) for a a breakdown of her Department’s bids in the forthcoming October monitoring round; (ii) which bids for funding are inescapable or required to meet the Department’s statutory obligations; and (iii) whether she will deposit a copy of her Department’s bid in the Assembly library for scrutiny ahead of the Assembly debate. [pdf]
Contact  Finance Branch, DCAL, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7EG, Tel: 02890 515079 (75079)


Number: 1372            Issuing Office: DOJ                 Date Received: 06/01/15
Northern Ireland DNA Database Governance Board Report 2012-14  [pdf]
Contact  Department of Justice, Forensic Science Branch, Block B Castle Buildings, Stormont BT4 3SG


Number: 1371            Issuing Office: DHSSPS          Date Received: 05/01/15
Information provided by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in response to AQW 39757/11-15 from Mr Oliver McMullan MLA which asked whether he will ensure that councillors cannot be nominated for a second term to the Northern Local Commissioning Group, therefore providing the opportunity for new councillors to be nominated.   [pdf]
Contact  DHSSPS Private Office,  Room C5.10, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SQ, Tel: 02890 520638 (20638)