Number | Title |
133/08 |
The 'Supporting People' Programme |
132/08 |
Urban Regeneration in Northern Ireland |
131/08 |
The Charities Bill |
130/08 |
Procurement and Social Housing |
129/08 |
Developer Contributions in the Delivery of Social and Affordable Housing |
128/08 |
Town Centre Regeneration Inquiry |
127/08 |
The EU 'Pesticides Package' |
126/08 |
The Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of Biofuel Production |
125/08 |
Strategic Business Review of the Social Security Agency |
124/08 |
People and Place: A Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal |
123/08 |
Social and Affordable Housing in Europe |
122/08 |
The Status of Scottish and Northern Irish Banknotes |
121/08 |
EU Sub-National Governments |
120/08 |
Parliamentary Funding – A Comparative Analysis |
119/08 |
Public Procurement and SMEs |
118/08 |
Financial Inclusion, Credit Unions & HM Treasury Latest Proposals for Credit Union Reform |
117/08 |
Debt Relief Orders |
116/08 |
The Role of Credit unions in Community Enterprise Initiatives in the Republic of Ireland |
115/08 |
The Role and Contribution of Credit Unions in Great Britain |
114/08 |
Gender Equality |
113/08 |
Government and the Voluntary and Community Sector in Northern Ireland: Timeline of Key Developments |
112/08 |
Latest Developments in the Regulation of the Private Rented Sector in England |
111/08 |
Community Use of School Premises |
110/08 |
Community Use of School Premises Bill |
109/08 |
The Common Funding Formula |
108/08 |
The New Housing Agenda for Northern Ireland |
106/08 |
Planning for Flooding and the Impact of Climate Change |
105/08 |
Review of the House of Commons Business and Enterprise Committee Report "Energy Prices, Fuel Poverty and Ofgem" and its Implications for Northern Ireland |
104/08 |
Northern Ireland Economic Downturn |
103/08 |
Procedures Governing Private Legislation in Other Legislatures |
102/08 |
Public Transport Reform - Process To Date |
101/08 |
Public Transport Reform - Best Practice |
100/08 |
Public Transport Reform - Analysis of Strategic Business plan Options |
99/08 |
Improving Services for People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder |
98/08 |
Presumption of Death Bill |
97/08 |
Briefing Note: Flooding in Northern Ireland |
96/08 |
Health Effects of Electric Fields and Interconnectors |
95/08 |
Synopsis of ROI Regulatory Assessment and Mandatory Renewables in Scotland |
94/08 |
The Reliability and Costs of Renewable Technology |
93/08 |
Museum Policy in Northern Ireland |
92/08 |
The Public Authorities (Reform) Bill 2008 |
91/08 |
Health and Social Care (Reform) Bill |
90/08 |
Definition of Vocational Education and Training |
89/08 |
Scale of the Education and Skills Authority |
88/08 |
Europe's Innovation Landscape |
87/08 |
Residents' Parking Schemes - A Comparative Study |
86/08 |
Civil Registration Bill |
85/08 |
Implementation of the UNCRC by the UK: NGO Alternative Report |
84/08 |
Aid for Pigmeat Industry |
83/08 |
Poultry Waste Incineration |
82/08 |
Early Retirement Scheme for Farmers |
81/08 |
Background Information for the Red Meat Seminar being held on 13th March 2008 |
80/08 |
An Overview of Innovation in Northern Ireland |
79/08 |
Economic Development Agency Performance - A Comparison |
78/08 |
ETI Committee Motion on Rising Energy Costs |
77/08 |
Nova Scotia Business Inc |
76/08 |
Primary School Funding |
75/08 |
Committee System and Structures Survey |
74/08 |
United Nations Committee on the rights of the child: Northern Ireland's report on the implementation of the UNCRC |
73/08 |
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) |
72/08 |
The Draft Criminal Justice (NI) Order 2007 |
71/08 |
The Northern Ireland Court Service |
70/08 |
A Rapid Transit Network for Belfast metropolitan area - Summary of key findings |
69/08 |
Vocational Education and Training in Finland and Germany |
68/08 |
Speed Management in Northern Ireland |
67/08 |
Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments: Draft Planning Policy Statement 18 - Renewable Energy |
66/08 |
Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments: Draft Planning Policy Statement 14 - Sustainable Development in the Countryside |
65/08 |
Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments: Planning Policy Statement 11 - Planning and Waste Management |
64/08 |
Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments: Major Planning Applications |
63/08 |
Overview of Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments |
62/08 |
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework |
61/08 |
The National Qualifications Framework |
59/08 |
Training in Tourism and Hospitality in Northern Ireland |
58/08 |
Policy responsibilities of the Court Services in Northern Ireland, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland |
57/08 |
Comparative analysis of procedures governing The Right of Reply and Prior Notification in Legislative Chambers |
56/08 |
Comparative analysis of procedures governing Amendments to Amendments on Legislation |
55/08 |
Post-Conflict Northern Ireland: Dealing with the Past |
54/08 |
The Children and Young Persons Commissioner for Northern Ireland |
53/08 |
Best Practice with regard to Employment Schemes for People with a Disability |
52/08 |
Disability: Current Protection, Comparative Analyses and Options for Enhanced Protection |
51/08 |
Disability and Transport |
50/08 |
Comparative Analysis: Experiences in Dealing with Post Office Closures |
49/08 |
Comparative Analysis of Draft Budget 2008-11 |
48/08 |
Partial Selection and Banding in Schools in England and Northern Ireland |
47/08 |
The Lisbon Treaty - Application of the Principle of Subsidiarity |
46/08 |
Finnish Education System |
45/08 |
Utility Regulation and Sustainable Development |
44/08 |
Mesothelioma, Etc. Bill |
43/08 |
The Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Bill |
42/08 |
"Twenty's Plenty" Schemes |
41/08 |
Variable Speed Limits Outside Schools: Pilot Schemes in the Republic of Ireland |
40/08 |
Variable Speed Limits Outside Schools: A Scottish Case Study
39/08 |
Improving Stroke Services in Northern Ireland |
38/08 |
Review of Public Administration |
37/08 |
Irish Hare |
36/08 |
All-Ireland Species Action Plan for the Red Squirrel (Sciurus Vulgaris) |
35/08 |
Article 31 Planning Decisions in Northern Ireland - Legislative Background and Process |
34/08 |
Potential Impacts of National Parks Designation with Particular Reference to the Proposed Mournes National Park |
33/08 |
Tyrone to Cavan Interconnector |
32/08 |
Climate Change Bill |
31/08 |
The Carer's Allowance Bill 2008 |
30/08 |
Briefing Series on the Eurpoean Union: Diagrams of Key Decision-Making Processes/Procedures used in European Union Institutions |
29/08 |
Briefing Series on the European Union: Supplemental Briefing Note: Key Aspects of Legislative Scrutiny Arrangements for European Union Matters in the Republic of Ireland |
28/08 |
Briefing Series of the European Union: The Current Position of the EU Reform Treaty |
27/08 |
Briefing Series on the European Union: Briefing 3 - Legislative Scrutiny Arrangements for European Union Matters in the United Kingdom and Other Member States |
26/08 |
Briefing Series on the European Union: Briefing 2 - Relevancy of the European Union Law and Policy to Northern Ireland Devolved Governance |
25/08 |
Briefing Series on the European Union: Briefing 1 - European Institutions and Decision-Making Processes |
24/08 |
Committee for the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister: Inquiry into Child Poverty The Measurement of Severe and Persistent Childhood Poverty |
23/08 |
Comparing Child Poverty in Northern Ireland with Other Regions |
22/08 |
Reducing Childhood Poverty Comparative Research |
21/08 |
Conflicts Of Interests
20/08 |
Sustainable Development
19/08 |
Comparative Planning Systems
18/08 |
School Transfer At Age 14
17/08 |
Strand One Report – Technical Annexes
16/08 |
Childcare Provision In The UK And Republic Of Ireland
15/08 |
Strand Two Recommendations And Water Framework Directive Compliance
14/08 |
Northern Ireland Water 6 Month Interim Report Of Strategic Business Plan
13/08 |
The Building Regulations (Amendment) Bill (Northern Ireland) 2008
12/08 |
Proposals For Health And Social Care Reform In Northern Ireland: A Comparative Perspective
11/08 |
Water Reform And The Affordability Of The Affordability Tariff
10/08 |
UK Marine Bill White Paper
09/08 |
Committee For The Office For The First Minister And Deputy First Minister Child Poverty Inquiry Tackling Severe Childhood Poverty
08/08 |
Health Outcomes/Benefits Of Sport And Physical Recreation
07/08 |
An Overview Of Innovation In Northern Ireland
06/08 |
Follow up Research to Committee Meeting 30/01/08 The Location of Public Sector Jobs
05/08 |
The Relocation Of Public Sector Jobs In England, Scotland And The Republic Of Ireland
04/08 |
Child Health Inequalities And The Links To Child Poverty
03/08 |
The Phasing Out Of Industrial De-Rating In Northern Ireland
02/08 |
Charities Bill Briefing Note On Designated Religious Status
01/08 |
A Comparison Of International Tax Varying Powers