Research Publications 2012

Synopsis: The Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service produces a number of Research publications. These cover a variety of topics of interest to Members, Committees and the general public.

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The relationship between physical activity and mental health: a summary of evidence and policy
This paper summarises the evidence available for the positive effects of physical activity on mental ill-health. It also summarises references to this link in current strategy and policy documents, both in Northern Ireland and in Scotland.


Northern Ireland’s fiscal deficit in real terms
The Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) recently published its latest estimate of Northern Ireland’s net fiscal balance.   DFP’s publication presents estimates of the fiscal deficit for the years 2009-10 and 2010-11.
The purpose of this short Briefing Note is to show the impact of presenting the figures for Northern Ireland’s net fiscal balance in real terms.


The quality of financial forecasting and Improving Spending Control
This Briefing Paper considers a recent analysis of financial forecasting provided to the Committee of Finance and Personnel by the Department of Finance and Personnel. In particular, it examines the requirements of a recent policy issued by the Treasury called Improving Spending Control. It suggests possible enhancements to the information provided to the Committee by the Department in the context of the requirements of that policy.


The Ulster Canal
Background briefing jointly prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and by the Library & Research Service (L&RS) of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais).

194/12 Education Bill: school inspection
The Education Bill introduced to the Assembly on 2nd October 2012 enhances the powers of inspectors. This paper considers the proposed powers and provides a comparison with other jurisdictions. It also looks specifically at the approach to school inspection in Scotland.
193/12 Seat belts on home-to-school transport
This paper provides an overview of the legislation and policy as it relates to seat belts on home-to-school transport.
192/12 UK Youth Employment and Training Schemes
This paper provides a spreadsheet detailing UK Youth Employment and Training Schemes.
191/12 Child Protection
Background briefing jointly prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and by the Library & Research Service (L&RS) of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais).

Financial forecasting performance data: scrutiny by committees
This research paper examines the forecasting of expenditure by departments.  It explains the financial forecasting data that DFP provides to the Assembly, and makes some suggestions for committee scrutiny.


Opposition, community designation and D’Hondt
The paper provides information on the following topics with regard to the Northern Ireland Assembly and, where appropriate, other legislatures:

  • Opposition
  • Community designation
  • D’Hondt

The paper explores the issues in question and highlights areas that the Committee may find useful in its deliberations.


Potential areas of work for the Audit Committee
This Briefing Paper has been prepared to identify potential areas of work for the Assembly’s Audit Committee.  The research highlights three possible areas of focus, based on developments elsewhere in the UK and on issues which have arisen in the recent past in Northern Ireland.  Brief details are given in relation to:

  • The financial independence of the Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) from the Northern Ireland Executive;
  • The accountability of the NIAO of the Assembly; and,
  • Reforms to the governance of the National Audit Office (NAO) and Welsh Audit Office (WAO).

Scottish Manufacturing
This paper provides an statistical overview of Scottish manufacturing sector and identifies some strengths and weaknesses.


Background to the Free Travel Scheme for People Aged 60-64
This paper provides an overview of the Free Travel Scheme for people aged 60-64.

185/12 Equality Issues in Recruitment to the Northern Ireland Civil Service
This paper includes an analysis of recruitment competition outcomes in the Northern Ireland Civil Service and an examination of equality monitoring information made available by the Department of Finance and Personnel
184/12 Best practice in transport integration
This paper provides an insight into the concept of ‘Integrated Transport’ and examines cases of best practice.
183/12 Best Practice in Parking Enforcement
This paper provides an overview of parking enforcement.
182/12 Withdrawn  
181/12 Price Cap Regulation in the UK Water Industry
The Northern Ireland utility regulator has published its draft price control determination for its second price control period (PC13). This paper examines the approach the regulator takes to set the price limit and compares experiences of this form of price cap regulation across the United Kingdom.
180/12 The Small Business Research Initiative
This paper provides an overview of the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) and provides examples of projects that have been taken forward through the scheme.
179/12 Mobile Infrastructure Project
This paper provides an overview of the Mobile Infrastructure Project, outlining what the project aims to achieve, and how it will be delivered.
The paper also provides information on the project from a Northern Ireland perspective.

Prompt Payment of Invoices and New EU Directive
This briefing paper provides an overview of how the new EU Directive 2011/7/EU (2011 Directive) combating late payments on commercial transactions may impact existing UK legislation, which extends to Northern Ireland. The paper highlights:

  • aspects of the joint consultation launched in September 2012 by the Whitehall Department of Business, Industry and Skills (BIS) and the Scottish Government (joint consultation) on the 2011 Directive, including its context and provisions;
  • the UK legislative context, including an outline of existing legislation and its application in Northern Ireland and;
  • some potential issues for consideration in light of performance figures provided by Account NI, the body responsible for the processing and payment of invoices on behalf of government departments.
177/12 Underachievement
This research paper provides an overview of the levels of underachievement in Northern Ireland, considers factors that contribute to underachievement and discusses approaches to addressing it.
176/12 Marine Scotland Visit
In April 2012 the Environment Committee travelled to Scotland during its consideration of the NI Marine Bill to meet with Marine Scotland, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and a number of NGOs involved in the creation of the Marine (Scotland) Act.  This paper gives a summary of the meetings and highlights the main points discussed.

Surplus school places
This briefing paper details the basis on which surplus school places are calculated, highlighting differences between the approach used by the Department of Education (the Department) and the approach used by the Education and Library Boards (ELBs). It also briefly considers approaches to assessing school capacity in other jurisdictions.
In addition, it provides an overview of surplus places in primary and post-primary schools and a breakdown of vacant places by management type, Education and Library Board and on an urban/rural basis.


House of Commons Public Administration Committee Report on Special Advisers
In the context of the scrutiny of the Civil Service (Special Advisers) Bill 2012 by the Committee for Finance and Personnel, the House of Commons Public Administration Committee has published a report on its inquiry into political special advisers.  This Briefing Note summarises the conclusions and recommendations of the report.


The Release of Prisoners as Part of the Belfast Agreement 1998
This paper is written in the context of the consideration by the Committee for Finance and Personnel of the Civil Service (Special Advisers) Bill 2012, which includes a provision to exclude individuals with a serious criminal offence from the post of special adviser (Clause 2). In response to discussions within the Committee, this paper briefly summarises the circumstances and conditions of the release of prisoners as part of the Belfast Agreement 1998.


The Employment of Ex-Prisoners Released under the Belfast Agreement
This paper is written in the context of the consideration by the Committee for Finance and Personnel of the Civil Service (Special Advisers) Bill 2012, which includes a provision to exclude individuals with a serious criminal offence from the post of special adviser (Clause 2). In response to discussions within the Committee, this paper briefly considers the effectiveness of guidance for the employment of prisoners released in relation to the Belfast Agreement.


An analysis and summary of Delivering Tomorrow’s Libraries
This paper presents a summary and brief analysis of the Northern Ireland public libraries policy framework, Delivering Tomorrow’s Libraries.


Scottish Universities – Proof of Residence
This paper briefly discusses the proof of residency requirements needed to be met in order to attend Scottish Universities. 


World Heritage Sites – Developments and Delistings
This paper discusses World Heritage Sites which have undergone development and delisting.


Tax Incentives for Enterprise Zones
This paper provides an overview of Tax Incentives for Enterprise Zones.


School inspection
This paper provides an overview of approaches to inspection here; in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and internationally


Estimating the cost of machinery of government changes
This briefing note has been prepared for the Assembly & Executive Review Committee following its meeting on 9th October 2012. At the meeting the Committee requested information on costs of machinery of government changes. The briefing highlights two examples of costing machinery of government changes, including reorganisation of government departments and arms-lengths bodies. It outlines the methodology used by the National Audit Office and Institute for Government in their reports on this issue. Costing machinery of government (MoG) changes is a complex task using cost models and, potentially, externally commissioned specialist advice.

 165/12 Providing information on pupil and school performance
This paper provides an overview of the changes to Regulations on school information provision, considers some possible implications and discusses approaches elsewhere.
164/12 Air Passenger Duty (Setting of Rate) Bill
This Research Paper provides background on the Air Passenger Duty (Setting of Rate) Bill, which is to be debated at Second Stage on 16 October 2012. The Bill seeks to set a rate of duty for air passengers on certain flights departing from Northern Ireland.
Previous Research Papers: NIA 71/12 Legislative Consent Motion: UK Finance (No. 4) Bill 2012 Air Passenger Duty and NIA 82/12 Further information on Air Passenger Duty deal with many of the surrounding issues of the course of this process and may be referred to for more information.

Northern Ireland Petrol and Diesel prices – data analysis
This paper provides a number of statistical analyses which are intended to assist the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment in responding to the Office for Fair Trading’s call for evidence. The paper also:

  • Provides a historic comparison of Northern Ireland petrol and diesel pump prices prices with the rest of the UK; 
  • Calculates the petrol and diesel cost of travelling the median vehicle mileage in Northern Ireland;
  • Examines the relationship between the price of oil per barrel and pump price of petrol and diesel; and
  • Examines the relationship between fuel duty with the price paid by consumers for fuel at the pump.


 162/12 Scrap metal; legislation and responsibilities
In response to a request from the Environment Committee, this briefing paper will provide an indicative framework of regulation governing scrap metal dealing across the UK. It updates RaISe paper 119/12 Scrap Metal – theft and regulation of the industry (July 2012) by providing a guide to departmental responsibility with regards to implementing and overseeing the legislation. It also provides information on The Scrap Metal Dealers Bill 2012 which was presented to the House of Commons on 20 June 2012. An update regarding the consultation on the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Metal Dealers’ Exemption Warrants) Order 2012 is also provided.


 161/12 Update of PSNI Metal Theft Figures
The following tables provide an update of the figures previously provided by the PSNI in the research paper 119/12 Scrap Metal – theft and regulation of the industry (July 2012) .  A new addition of figures provided for 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012 shows 951 incidents, a significant increase from 553 incidents for the similar period in 2010/11.


 160/12 Tourism promotion and branding: Loch Lomond and Trossachs and Lake District National Parks
The following paper gives background and an overview of responsibilities in relation to tourism promotion and branding in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park and the Lake District National Park.


 159/12 Regulations and Constraints in UK National Parks
The following paper looks at regulations and constraints (other than planning) faced by those living and working in UK National Parks, and considers the allocation of funding to each National Park.  By way of background, the paper describes the legislative relationship between national parks, the National Park Authorities (NPAs) and associated public bodies.


 158/12 Privately owned land within national parks
This paper has been prepared in response to a request from the Environment Committee, detailing the extent of privately owned land in National Parks in England, Scotland and Wales.


 157/12 Shared Services in central government
This Briefing Paper presents a short history of the international trend towards public bodies sharing back office services.  It also details the services shared by Northern Ireland Civil Service departments.  It concludes by drawing together some lessons learned, and suggests points for future scrutiny by the Committee for Finance and Personnel.


 156/12 Sanctions recommended by standards committees in the UK and Ireland
This briefing note highlights instances where standards committees in the House of Commons, Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and Dail Eireann have recommended either the suspension or censure of a member as a result of a breach of the relevant rules of the legislature.


 155/12 Directions and procedures relating to the Standards Commissioners in UK legislatures
This research paper looks at how the Standards Commissioners in the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales, House of Commons and House of Lords operate within the Directions and Procedures laid down in legislation or issued by the respective institution.



Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry: The Implementation of Universal Credit
On 17 July 2012, the Westminster Work and Pensions Committee announced that it was launching an inquiry to review the progress being made towards the implementation of Universal Credit and to examine the implementation process, the proposed entitlement conditions and the future operation of the benefit.  This paper provides a summary of some of the main issues raised by welfare groups and other organisations in their submissions to the Work and Pensions Committee.



Shared education and Lisanelly 
This briefing paper provides a summary of some of the key benefits and challenges of shared education; gives examples of practice elsewhere; and provides information on the proposed Lisanelly shared campus. More detailed information on shared education can be found in Research Paper 165/11: Sharing and collaborating in education



Education Bill 
The Education Bill aims to provide for the establishment of the Education and Skills Authority (ESA) and introduces a range of other provisions related to the management and governance of schools. This Bill Paper discusses the Bill and highlights a number of areas that could be given further consideration



CAO Admissions Criteria
This paper discusses the Central Applications Office in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) admissions criteria for Northern Ireland (NI) students.  It also considers the points equivalence for A-Levels and AS-Levels to Leaving Certificate Exams (LCE) and the number of NI domiciled students attending ROI Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).



Clinical Excellence Awards Schemes 
This briefing paper provides an overview of Clinical Excellence Awards Schemes in the UK.



Supplementary Briefing on Human Trafficking 
This briefing paper examines whether there is evidence that stringent legislation reduces incidences of trafficking.



Diabetes: Policies, Service Commissioning and Costs
This briefing paper explores the issue of diabetes. In particular, it provides:

  • A brief overview of diabetes; 
  •  Statistics concerning the number of people affected;
  • Policies and standards for diabetes care in Northern Ireland and the UK;
  • Commissioning of diabetes services and service provision in Northern Ireland;
  • Costs associated with diabetes care;
  • Details of diabetes policies and plans in Europe, and examples of good practice elsewhere.  



DHSSPS Expenditure Plans 2012-13
This paper provides an overview of the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety’s Planned Resource Expenditure for the 2012-13 financial year.



The Mental Capacity Bill and Children under 16
The paper is in response to a research request from the Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety in relation to the key issues and stakeholder perspectives on the proposed Mental Capacity (Health, Welfare and Finance) Bill and children under 16 years of age. 



Poverty and Social Deprivation: Mapping Executive and Departmental Strategies, Policies and Programmes in Northern Ireland
This paper was commissioned by the Committee for Social Development to identify Executive and Departmental strategies, policies and programmes that are of relevance to the issues of poverty and deprivation; it also provides information their associated working groups. This mapping exercise is the first stage of the Committee’s potential investigation into the extent and nature of cross-departmental co-operation between the Department for Social Development and other Departments in relation to poverty and social deprivation. The exercise has identified over 90 strategies that are of high relevance to tackling the issues of poverty and social deprivation.



A Guide to the Welfare Reform Bill
The Welfare Reform Bill for Northern Ireland was introduced to the Assembly by the Minister for Social Development on 1 October 2012. This Guide is intended to assist Members in their scrutiny of the Bill by providing links to key papers and information on welfare reform. 



The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012: additional information
This note gives some information on recent developments since the passing of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012, and is a companion piece to the previous RaISe paper on the Act (Paper 142-12).



The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012
This research paper outlines the anticipated impact of the UK Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 , which was enacted on 8 March 2012. It further outlines the potential effects on public service commissioning of enacting similar legislation in Northern Ireland.



The Civil Service (Special Advisers) Bill 2012
This Bill Paper summarises the main points of the Civil Service (Special Advisers) Bill 2012 and briefly outlines some of the related debates.



Health Inequalities – Review by Committee for HSSPS
This paper has been prepared specifically in relation to the Committee’s review and is to assist the Committee to identify on which areas of health inequalities it wishes to focus.



European Globalisation Adjustment Fund
This paper provides an overview of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: European Commission funding that provides support to workers who have suffered redundancy as a result of globalisation or the economic crisis. The paper also provides details of qualification criteria and data on uptake of the fund to date.



Shale gas and hydraulic fracture – an overview of existing research
This paper examines national and supra-national literature on shale gas development with a focus on environmental concerns; resource assessments; and the interaction between shale gas development and growth in renewable generation.



Census 2011 – A Preliminary Report
This Briefing Note, which is the first in a series of reports on Census 2011, outlines preliminary findings from the first data release (16 July 2012).  The paper begins with some key statistics from the current census, followed by a comparison with the past 10 years, and across the last century (1911 – 2011).  The paper proceeds with a series of further comparisons with the Republic of Ireland, England and Wales, and the EU 27.



Issues raised in relation to the Department of Justice legislative proposals on Human Trafficking
This research paper examines issues raised by respondents to the Department of Justice legislative proposals on human trafficking in order to comply with the EU Directive 2011/36/EU and considers if other EU Countries have dealt with these issues in legislation



Health Inequalities in Northern Ireland by Constituency
This Briefing Paper reviews the available evidence on health inequalities in Northern Ireland by Assembly Area / Parliamentary Constituency.  The paper begins with a brief analysis of the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM), a suite of indicators which reflect inequalities in areas such as health.  This is followed by an examination of 11 key health indicators at constituency level.



Health Inequalities in Northern Ireland
This briefing paper has been prepared in response to a query regarding health inequalities in Northern Ireland (NI) and presents an introduction to the subject in terms of how health inequalities in NI are monitored, strategies and programmes to tackle them and the outcome of these.



Overview of English Baccalaureate Certificates
On 17th September 2012 Michael Gove, the Education Secretary in England, set out proposals to move from the current system of GCSEs at the end of Key Stage 4 to a system of English Baccalaureate Certificates. This paper provides a brief overview.



Public Transport Reform
This briefing paper provides an outline of the current legal status of the Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company (NITHC) and its relationship with the Department for Regional Development (DRD). The paper is written in the context of the on-going reform of public transport which was legislated for with the Transport Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.



Briefing Paper on Hull Study Visit
This briefing paper has been prepared to inform the Committee for Justice on a study visit to Hull. The purpose of the visit was to meet with multi-disciplinary representatives of criminal justice agencies including: Humberside police, Hull Youth Justice Service, Humberside Criminal Justice Board, HM Court Service and judiciary in relation to the Hull Triage system and to examine the youth court process.



European Commission Legislative Proposals 2012
This paper provides a spreadsheet detailing information on legislative and non-legislative initiatives laid out in the EU Commission Work Programme 2012.



Key European Union Issues of Note to the Committee for Employment and Learning
The following Briefing Note is a companion paper to Paper 130/12.  This paper briefly discusses key issues in the EU which may be of note to the Committee for Employment and Learning.



Northern Ireland’s Economy and Labour Market
This paper provides a discussion of the Northern Ireland Economy and Labour Market.  It includes consideration of economic growth, employment and unemployment and levels of economic activity.



EU Regional Employment Data
This paper is a companion paper to 128/12  Northern Ireland’s Economy and Labour Market.  It provides a comparison of major employment data for Northern Ireland and selected EU regions.  The data discussed includes:
Economic Activity rates



Machinery of Government - Departmental Arrangements
The term ‘machinery of government’ describes a variety of organisational or structural aspects of government, most commonly the number and names of government departments and ministerial portfolios. This research paper outlines the principles upon which machinery of government arrangements are made and addresses the arrangements existing in the UK, Ireland and elsewhere. In particular, the paper examines the move towards a more thematic approach to arrangements in Scotland and Wales and explores the potential for change in Northern Ireland.



The Superannuation Bill: further evidence
This Research Paper provides further evidence for committee stage of the Superannuation Bill.  It focuses on issues relevant to the Committee for Finance and Personnel’s consideration of potential amendments to the Bill, including Assembly procedure and negotiation versus consultation.  Information is also provided on parity in public service pension provision in Northern Ireland.



Charities Bill
This paper provides an overview of the Charities Bill introduced to the Assembly on 2 July 2012.  The primary purpose of the Bill is to amend the ‘public benefit’ provision set out in section 3 of the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008.  This paper briefly explores the ‘public benefit’ test issue and the rationale behind the amendment.  The paper also outlines key developments in charity law in Northern Ireland and examines the remit and activities of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.



Criminal Justice Bill
This paper provides information on the clauses of the Criminal Justice Bill and policy proposals underpinning the Bill.



Business Improvement Districts Bill
This paper provides an overview of Business Improvement Districts and the Business Improvement Districts Bill for Northern Ireland. The paper explores the definition of BIDs; the advantages of the BID model; international and national examples of successful BIDs; the types of activities and projects carried out by BIDs; funding of BIDs including the BID levy and funding from other sources; the drivers and barriers to successful BID development; factors contributing to the need for BIDs in Northern Ireland; and the future outlook for the BID model. The paper also provides a brief summary of the Northern Ireland BID Bill and highlights some of the key issues that may arise during the consideration of the Bill.


 121/12 Fair Employment in Northern Ireland: the decades of change (1990 – 2010
This paper chronicles the significant change which has occurred in the community composition of the workforce since the Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1989 came into operation on 1st January 1990.  Part 1 sets the scene with a brief historical overview of the various government initiatives which ultimately led to the 1989 Act.  This is followed in Part 2 by an analysis of patterns and trends in fair employment monitoring data for the period 1990 – 2010.  The paper concludes with some observations on the current situation and future trends


 120/12 Waiting Times –  Supplementary Briefing
This briefing paper has been prepared as a supplementary briefing to cover issues raised by the Committee for HSSPS in response to the Briefing paper 104/12 Northern Ireland Waiting Lists: Current and Historical Trends for Outpatients, Inpatients and Diagnostic Services. The areas covered by the briefing include:
  • A review of the key messages from the April 2012 RaISe briefing paper with the addition of a brief update of the latest waiting times in Northern Ireland for June 2012
  • The various waiting time targets/standards across the UK – rationale and measurements used;
  • The private practice work of consultants – a brief history of the private work of consultants; the consultant contract; guidelines on private work; and any potential impact on waiting times; and
  • Other issues for Northern Ireland including financial penalties for Trusts not meeting waiting time targets; Outpatient ‘review’ appointments; and the measures in place in Northern Ireland to address waiting lists and the success or otherwise of these initiatives.



Scrap metal – theft and regulation of the industry
In response to a request from the Environment Committee, this briefing paper will provide an indicative framework of regulation governing scrap metal dealing across the UK and Ireland as well as provide information on the extent of the problem of metal theft.



An update on the economic performance of the creative industries
This paper provides an update on the available statistics indicating the performance of the creative industries, following a previous Assembly research paper on this issue in September 2011 (Paper 93/11);  The Creative Industries: background, definitions and recent policy development. In particular, some indication is provided of the performance of the creative industries through the economic downturn.



The DCAL Creative Industries Framework and the Scottish Creative Industries Strategy
This paper presents a comparison between the draft DCAL Creative Industries Framework and the Scottish Creative Industries Strategy



Administration of medication in schools in other jurisdictions
This Briefing Note considers policies and arrangements for the administration of medications to pupils in schools in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.



Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA)
CCEA is a non-departmental public body reporting to the Department of Education in Northern Ireland. This Briefing Paper provides an overview of CCEA’s functions, comparable organisations in other jurisdictions and an overview of recent examination errors.



Youth Training Groups based in Northern Ireland
This paper provides a spreadsheet detailing groups based in Northern Ireland which provide training to young people.


 113/12 Local Government Reform Past and Present
This paper considers the past Local Government Reform, before suspension of the Reform Programme in 2010, by giving an overview of the process and the structures of delivery.  Finally it gives an overview of the changeover into the current Reform Programme



Planning Reform: Draft Planning (Northern Ireland) Bill 2012
The paper will give an over view of the clauses of the draft Bill, and briefly considers whether or not these show any difference in relation to similar provisions provided for in the Planning (Northern Ireland) Act 2011, and subsequently the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991.



Marine Bill: Sustainable Development and Climate Change General Duties.
This paper looks at the general duties in respect of sustainable development and climate change.  It sets the context by giving a brief overview of the situation in the Marine (Scotland) Act and the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act, before exploring the general duties in NI and how they may apply to the Northern Ireland Marine Bill.



Northern Ireland Marine Bill
This paper gives background to the introduction of the NI Marine Bill, an overview of the policy principles, and considers some of the main issues with the provisions.



Initiatives to Improve Performance in England and Wales
This briefing paper has been requested by the Justice Committee which has been considering the performance of the criminal justice system in relation to addressing avoidable delay. The paper provides information on initiatives introduced to improve performance and efficiency in England and Wales.



Statutory Time Limits
This research paper provides information on statutory time limits in Northern Ireland, England and Wales, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland



The Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Bill
This paper outlines the background to the legislation, examines the responses to the Executive’s consultation and briefly summarises the main provisions of the Bill. Some key issues are included in the final section.



Child protection and crimes against children
This paper is an addendum to Research Paper 87/12 'Child protection and referral statistics'.  It provides Members with further information in regard to child protection, in particular:
Pregnant teenage mothers (in this case, those under 18 years of age) and the Child Protection Register in Northern Ireland;
Details of child protection statistics in the Republic of Ireland;
Child level data on child protection registration in Northern Ireland;
Information relating to crime data and violence against children in the UK.



Supplementary Departmental Data on Emergency Care
This paper provides Members with supplementary information provided by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) in response to a request for information for inclusion in Research Paper 88/12 Emergency Care (A&E):
Emergency care policies in Trusts;
A&E flowcharts regarding patient care;
Trolley waits and reasons for delay in A&E;
Inappropriate attendances in A&Es;
Sanctions for breaches in the 12 hour waiting time target;
Staffing levels in A&Es throughout Northern Ireland.



Northern Ireland Waiting Lists: Current and Historical Trends for Outpatients, Inpatients and Diagnostic Services
The purpose of this briefing paper is to highlight the current key statistics and some trends from the past decade that have emerged from the waiting times and numbers published routinely by Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS).



Free school meals in other jurisdictions
This Briefing Paper explores the provision of free school meals (FSM) in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. It considers FSM policy and a number of initiatives that are in place or have been in place in these jurisdictions.



Social Briefing June 2012
This briefing presents key social indicators for Northern Ireland using the latest information published by government as at the end of May 2012.  Data on the population, health, education, welfare, homelessness, crime, road traffic casualties and public transport are provided.  For each social indicator, headline data and an analysis of trends over time are presented.  Some comparisons with other regions are also made where possible.  Links to source publications have been provided for those wishing to access more detailed information and analysis.



Reusable bags
This paper was prepared in response to a request from the Environment Committee and gives a general overview of re-usable plastic bags, this includes: what constitutes a re-usable bag, comparisons with other types of carrier bags, and their inclusion in phase two of the legislation.



Human Trafficking in Northern Ireland
This paper outlines the legislative framework relevant to human trafficking and explores some of the main themes and issues concerning how trafficking is dealt with in Northern Ireland.  The research features the views of key stakeholders relevant to human trafficking in Northern Ireland.



Discounted car parking initiatives
This paper examines the prevalence of discounted town and city centre parking initiatives as a policy response to declining town centre high streets.



European Regional Development Fund & Energy Efficiency
This paper examines the European Regional Development Fund and how it can be used to fund energy efficiency in existing housing stock.



Landlord Registration
The Committee for Social Development will soon consider draft regulations for a Northern Ireland Landlord Registration Scheme.  Scotland is currently the only other jurisdiction with the UK to operate a widespread mandatory landlord registration scheme. The purpose of this paper is to provide the Committee with information on the Scottish Landlord Registration scheme and the potential lessons that can be adopted for a Northern Ireland Scheme.  The paper also provides a brief overview of schemes in other jurisdictions.



Literacy and numeracy coordinators in other jurisdictions
This paper provides an overview of the role of literacy and numeracy coordinators in Northern Ireland, and discusses the qualifications required here and for comparable roles in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. 



Flexible Working
This paper provides a range of current case studies on flexible working practices in the private and public sectors, to inform the Committee for Finance and Personnel’s Inquiry into Flexible Working.



Sentencing Comparisons in Northern Ireland and England and Wales
This paper provides information on a comparison of sentencing statistics in Northern Ireland and England and Wales in relation to a range of offences for the year 2006.



European Commission Work Programme 2012
The Research and Information Service undertook a screening of the Commission’s 2010 and 2011 Work Programmes, and this paper provides an update on progress in relation to initiatives identified of interest to the OFMDFM committee.  The paper also presents the results of a screening of the 2012 Work Programme, which was published on 15th November 2011.



Political Groups
This briefing paper provides information on the formation of political/technical groups in the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales, Dáil Eireann and the European Parliament. It highlights the provision made for such groups within Standing Orders in each legislature and identifies the ability of such groups, where it exists, to bring forward motions and draft legislation and access to resources.



Electronic Vote Counting Systems
This briefing paper looks at electronic vote counting or e-counting for elections.  The paper examines what e-counting is and where it has been used previously.  The paper also examines the various issues that arise with the use of electronic counting as well as recommendations the Electoral Commission has made for the future use of e-counting.



Anti-Discrimination Legislation and Agency Workers in Northern Ireland
This paper is written in the context of a presentation by the Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities (NICEM) to the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister (OFMdFM) on 18 April 2012 in which it was stated that workers who are engaged by employment agencies outside the European Union (EU) are not protected by equality legislation in Northern Ireland.



Impacts of 20 mph schemes on increased walking, cycling and emission levels
This paper examines the merits of 20mph speed limit zones in urban and residential areas, focusing on the contribution they make to increasing walking and cycling and reducing emissions.

Proponents of lower speed limits believe at 20 mph the safety of vulnerable road users is increased significantly while users of motorized vehicles are not unduly inconvenienced. 

The paper uses case studies to demonstrate that 20mph zones have played an important role in increasing walking and cycling levels. However, evidence to support the assertion that 20mph will reduce emission is less clear cut.



Emergency Care (A&E)
This paper provides Members with information in relation to emergency care (A&E), paying particular focus to waiting time targets in Northern Ireland.  



‘Child Protection Register and Referral’ Statistics
This briefing paper provides a synopsis of data in relation to ‘Children Order Child Protection’ and ‘Referral Statistics’ in Northern Ireland. 



Electoral Constituencies - Further Information on Decoupling in Scotland
This paper provides information relating to coterminosity of electoral boundaries in Scotland, where the Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 decoupled Scottish Parliament constituencies from Westminster constituencies.



Committee Stages of Bills
This research paper compares the committee stages of the legislative process in the devolved legislatures, House of Commons and Dail Éireann.



Effective Legislative Scrutiny
This Note provides some detail on best practices put forward by international organisations in relation to scrutiny of budgets and financial information.  It also raises some issues facing parliamentary scrutiny in the wake of the international financial crisis.



Legislation and guidance governing the ownership of archaeological archives
Archaeological archives can be described as the artefacts and records which derive from archaeological excavation or survey work. The following is a summary of current issues regarding the ownership of archaeological archives in Northern Ireland, along with comparisons with other jurisdictions.



 82/12 Further information on Air Passenger Duty
This briefing note looks at issues surrounding the conditions which have been attached to airlines, and airport operators, in instances where European governments have considered reducing or abolishing Air Passenger Tax.




Community Transport in Northern Ireland
This paper discusses:

  • the development of community transport
  • the current state of the community transport sector in Northern Ireland
  • the potential for community transport to be better utilised for home-to-school, and patient transport
  • the potential role of community transport within proposed local transport plans




Achieving efficiencies in public transport delivery:The role of Local Integrated Transport Services (LITS)
This paper presents the findings of a review of the Local Integrated Transport Services Pilot Scheme which has taken place in a selection of rural communities in Ireland.


 79/12 Electoral Constituencies
This briefing paper provides information relevant to consideration of the following issues:
  •  the impact of the Northern Ireland Assembly constituencies remaining linked to UK Parliamentary boundaries
  • Possibility of using the new local Council/RPA boundaries for the MLA boundaries – how this might work (e.g. by varying the number of MLAs for some constituencies) and if there is any precedent on that model
  • Possibility of creating MLA constituencies (and number of MLAs per constituency) using a ‘bottom up’ approach – that is firstly looking at the population of an area and then determining the number of MLAs needed to represent this population and if this, in turn, would significantly affect the proportionality of MLAs/number of voters in an area



Further information on plenary and committee business in the Northern Ireland Assembly and other legislatures
This paper provides information on the following issues:

  •  analysis of plenary and committee business in the Northern Ireland Assembly and Scottish Parliament
  • The scope of Witnesses Care Units and the parts of the process not covered by them
  • Confirmation on whether plenary attendance in the Northern Ireland Assembly is recorded and the practice in other UK and Ireland parliaments



Rural Crime incidence – Northern Ireland and other jurisdictions
This updated briefing note quantifies the scale of rural crime within Northern Ireland and other neighbouring jurisdictions.


Bovine TB - Biosecurity measures
This briefing paper is in response to a request from the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development for information on biosecurity measures developed across the world to tackle Bovine TB. The paper draws upon a previous research paper on Bovine TB – comparative models for compensation and eradication/control (NIAR 245-22).


Programme for Government Northern Ireland 2008-11 – departmental performance
This briefing paper is to provide an analysis of departmental performance against targets outlined in the 2008-11 Programme for Government (PfG). This has been achieved by ascertaining the progress to date in relation to the targets contained in the 23 Public Service Agreements (PSAs). It aims to breakdown the data by government department for comparative purposes.


Withdrawn - duplicate


The link between Bovine TB and Badgers – an overview of key research and policy milestones from the Krebs Review/Report to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee Inquiry
This briefing paper provides an overview of the main efforts carried out under the instigation of successive UK governments to both better understand the relationship between TB incidence in cattle and badgers as well as associated work that has been taken to control and eradicate the disease. Figure 1 sets these interventions within a timeline ranging from 1996 to 2008. 


Research findings for the Committee’s Inquiry into School Councils
The Committee for Education is holding an Inquiry into School Councils aiming to examine the work of school councils in Northern Ireland, how they operate and their contribution to school life. This Research Paper presents the results of a recent survey of schools and focus groups with pupils undertaken as part of the inquiry.


Legislative Consent Motion: UK Finance (No. 4) Bill 2012 Air Passenger Duty
This Paper provides background on the forthcoming legislative consent motion that is to be put forward by the Department of Finance and Personnel. The motion concerns the devolution of Air Passenger Duty (APD) to Northern Ireland, as proposed by the UK Government’s Finance (No. 4) Bill 2012, which is currently under consideration in Westminster. Details surrounding the general APD debate are outlined, as well as potential issues for consideration.


Further Information on Standards Commissioners
This briefing paper provides further information relating to Standards Commissioners in the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and House of Commons. The information was requested by the Committee on Standards and Privileges following its consideration of  NIAR paper 717-11


Consultation: legal requirements and good practice. 
This Briefing Paper is a follow-up to RaISe Bill Paper 59/12 The Superannuation Bill.  Members of the Committee for Finance and Personnel requested additional research. The Paper concerns the duties that the Bill would place on the Department of Finance and Personnel to consult with trades unions, and to report the outcome of the consultation to the Assembly.


Scotland Tuition Fees and Northern Ireland Students
When a student goes to university in another EU country, as an EU citizen they are entitled to pay the same course fees as a national.  Within a nation (such as within the UK) it is possible for a country to differentiate fees between regions as they are not subject to the cross border aspect of EU regulations.   This gives rise to a potential issue regarding the unique constitutional circumstances of Northern Ireland residents, where it is possible for them to claim Irish and/or UK citizenship.  In these circumstances, the question must be asked – Is it possible for a Northern Ireland student holding an Irish passport to claim EU eligibility for free tuition fees in Scotland?


FSA Regulation of Northern Ireland Credit Unions
This paper compares the recommendations made in the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment’s Report on the Committee’s Inquiry into the Role and Potential of Credit Unions in Northern Ireland (First Report) Session 2008/09 with the final proposals concerning Financial Services Authority (FSA) regulation of Northern Ireland credit unions. The transfer of regulation took place on the 31 March 2012. The focus of this paper is upon the Committee’s recommendations only, rather than the broader implications of FSA regulation. The paper presents the eight recommendations emanating from the Committee’s inquiry, their reasoning and the FSA’s (or where appropriate HM Treasury) response to the those recommendations.


Rationale for Departmental Reorganisation and Location of DEL Principal Activities in Similar Government Departments 
This paper provides information on the reasons cited for Departmental reorganisation in a number of regional and national governments.  In order to ensure the relevancy with regards to the proposed reorganisation of the Department for Employment and Learning, the paper will be focused on government departments with a similar role. In addition, the paper includes a table detailing where the principal activities of the Department for Employment and Learning lie in other national and regional governments.


The NI Marine Bill: Comparison with other jurisdictions
This Research Paper presents some comparisons between the NI Marine Bill, the Marine (Scotland) Act, and the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act.


Electoral boundaries in Scotland and Wales
This briefing note has been prepared for the Assembly and Executive Review Committee. It provides information on issues arising from a presentation on Briefing Paper 08/12 including further detail on electoral boundaries in Scotland and Wales.


Scheduling Parliamentary Time
This briefing paper has been prepared for the Assembly and Executive Committee. It provides information in relation to the scheduling of Parliamentary business in the House of Commons, the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales and the Oireachtas. It also references international examples where appropriate.


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 
Research indicates that there is likely to be an increasing demand for graduates qualified in STEM within the growing sectors of the Northern Ireland economy in the coming years.  This Briefing Paper provides an overview of developments relating to STEM here, including the uptake of STEM subjects, STEM strategy and initiatives and commitments within the previous and current Programmes for Government.


Supplementary Briefing: Appointments to the Court of Appeal
This paper has been prepared for the Committee for Justice’s review of the operation of the amendments made by Schedules 2 to 5 to the Northern Ireland Act 2009. The Committee for Justice has requested further information on the process of appointments to the Court of Appeal in England and Wales, and how it differs from the process in Northern Ireland.


Judicial Appointments in Germany and the United States This research paper has been prepared to inform the Committee for Justice’s inquiry on Judicial Appointments.  The paper provides information on the process of judicial appointments, promotions and removal from judicial office in Germany and the United States.


The Superannuation Bill
This paper provides a general overview of existing redundancy pay – statutory, and in the private and wider public sector. It then concentrates on the provisions of the Superannuation Bill and raises some specific issues for Assembly Members’ consideration


A comparison of film tax relief schemes
A report commissioned by the UK Film Council has stated that the UK film industry contributes over £4.5 billion a year to UK GDP . The report states that a UK Film Tax Credit is ‘vital to sustaining the competitiveness of the core UK film industry’, and estimated that without it the film industry would be around 75% smaller. This briefing paper describes the nature of UK Film Tax Credit, and presents some comparisons with arrangements in other jurisdictions.


Malnutrition in the Community                                                The focus of this briefing note is to provide information, as far as possible, on the specific areas of Committee interest and some additional background to the issue of malnutrition originating in the community and the likely impacts on hospital admissions.


Linking budgets to outcomes: international experience
This paper presents two approaches that link budgets to outcomes and may provide possible models for improving financial and budgetary processes in Northern Ireland.  It also presents a detailed survey of initiatives to link performance against objectives to budgetary inputs.

 55/12 Economic Development in San Diego and Detroit
The following paper provides a brief discussion of the economic development in San Diego and Detroit. The paper includes a short discussion of the collapse of the local economies in both these cities and provides key points as to how the local governments regenerated or are in the process of regenerating their economies.
 54/12 Sport Matters strategy: Capital requirements
Sport Matters (the Northern Ireland Strategy for Sport and Physical Recreation 2009 – 2019) was developed by DCAL in partnership with Sport NI, and was approved by the Northern Ireland Executive in December 2009. A set of 26 targets are included in the strategy, structured around the themes of participation, performance and places. This paper also provides an overview of the strategy and its projected capital requirements. This paper details the actual DCAL expenditure on sport infrastructure and the estimated funding shortfall
 53/12 EU sports policy and the Sport Matters strategy
This paper describes current European Union policy with regard to sport, and in particular the actions set out in the European Commission Communication Developing the European Dimension of Sport. Some context for these proposed actions is provided through a brief analysis of Sport Matters: the Northern Ireland Strategy for Sport and Physical Recreation 2009–2019.
 52/12 Onshore hydrocarbon exploration on the Island of Ireland

The following paper draws together and updates previous research into hydrocarbon exploration and hydraulic fracturing on the Island of Ireland.

 51/12 Education Maintenance Allowance – The Scottish Model
The following paper discusses the Scottish Model of EMA and how it differs from the system as delivered in Northern Ireland.
 50/12 Northern Ireland Draft Economic Strategy – Areas of Note for the Employment and Learning Committee
On the 17th November 2011 the draft Economic Strategy for Northern Ireland was released. Interested parties have until the 22 of February 2012 to provide comments and suggestions to the consultation. This paper provides a brief overview of the main points of the Strategy which are relevant to the work and remit of the Committee of Employment and Learning. In addition, Appendix 1 to this paper provides a table detailing the objectives for DEL as detailed in the Draft Action Plan for the Strategy.
 49/12 Programme for Government – previous performance and future priorities for DARD
A Programme for Government (PfG) establishes a government’s overall strategic direction as well as setting time limited and specific targets. This briefing paper considers how DARD performed against the targets directly attributed to the Department in the 2008-2011 PfG.
 48/12 Middletown Centre for Autism
The Middletown Centre for Autism aims to support the promotion of excellence in the development and coordination of education services to children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The Centre is a cross-border facility jointly funded by the Department of Education in Northern Ireland and the Department of Education and Skills (DES) in Ireland. Plans for the establishment of the Centre were announced in 2002; it was officially launched in 2004 following the purchase of the site and it was opened in 2007. Its key proposed benefits were the provision of a diagnostic facility to allow for early diagnosis and assessment; the provision of a residential support centre; and the provision of a training and advisory service.

Use of electronic devices in plenary
This briefing paper has been prepared to inform the Committee on Procedures work on the use of electronic devices in the Chamber. It outlines the rules and procedures in other legislatures including the House of Commons, Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and Dail Éireann. It also highlights international examples where appropriate.


Family-friendly practices
This briefing paper has been prepared to inform the Committee on Procedures work on the issue of family-friendly practices. A previous paper, NIAR 369-11, provided information on family-friendly sittings in other legislatures. This briefing provides supplementary information on the topic and addresses the following issues

  • An update on the House of Commons Procedure Committee inquiry into ‘Sittings of the House and the Parliamentary calendar’
  • Time restrictions on legislative debates in other legislatures
  • How the aspiration to have family friendly sittings could be reflected in Standing Orders, or is it more appropriate to reflect this elsewhere?

Topical questions
This briefing paper has been prepared to inform the Committee on Procedures work on the issue of topical questions. In the UK, topical questions are a particular facility within Question Time in the House of Commons. However, as this paper shows, the concept of topical questions is interpreted differently across legislatures.


Procedure when a Member is not present in the Chamber to ask their question
This briefing paper has been prepared to inform the Committee on Procedures work on Standing Order 20(9) of the Northern Ireland Assembly. This paper looks at practice in other legislatures when similar circumstances arise.

 43/12 Supplementary Briefing Paper on Victims and Witnesses and the Community
This briefing paper is provided to assist the Committee for Justice in its inquiry on Victims and Witnesses. During a presentation to the Committee on three other papers related to the inquiry, two issues were identified for follow up information. They were as follows:
  • Whether staff in Witness Care Units (WCUs)in England and Wales have legal powers to compel information to overcome difficulties in getting information from other agencies:
  • Whether there are mechanisms to reassure or communicate to the wider community that a legal process has taken its course.
 42/12 Empowerment of rural women in Northern Ireland – impacts on poverty, development and current challenges
This paper provides an overview of the main approaches being taken to the alleviation of rural poverty and rural development as well as exploring whether these approaches have specifically targeted or benefitted rural women. The paper also identifies some of the key issues still impacting on rural women that need to be addressed both present and future within Northern Ireland.
 41/12 Kinship Care
In response to a request from the HSSPS Committee, this paper provides an insight into the complexities associated with kinship care in Northern Ireland. In particular, the paper considers:
  • The legal framework for the care of children in Northern Ireland;
  • Formal and informal types of kinship care;
  • Statistics in relation to the number of kinship carers and children;
  • Examples of support available to kinship carers and issues in accessing support;
  • Kinship care policy and practice in the UK and the Republic of Ireland;
  • Parental responsibility and the role of Special Guardianship Orders in kinship care.
 40/12 Disability – International Perspectives
The Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister has been considering issues relating to disability . Building on a previous paper summarising disability equality legislation in Northern Ireland , this paper examines disability issues in the international context, with some examples of good practice.
 39/12 Programme for Government pre-school commitment
The Draft Programme for Government (PfG) 2011-15 included a commitment to ensure that at least one year of pre-school education is available to every family that wants it. This paper sets out the current arrangements for pre-school provision, and considers the commitment in comparison to the current approach; the implementation of the commitment; and potential issues.
 38/12 Broadcasting in Courts
The paper provides a summary of the current position with regards to filming in court in Northern Ireland. This information was requested by the Justice Committee who are considering the issue of filming in court proceedings, particularly the judge’s summing up and remarks.
 37/12 Planning policy statements and their relationship with tourism
This research paper summarises coverage of issues relating to tourism within the body of Planning Policy Statements in Northern Ireland. As PPS16 is dealt with in another paper, this research is concerned with all of the other planning statements, and particularly PPS21. Comparisons are also made with tourism planning guidance in Ireland, and more briefly in Scotland, Wales and England
 36/12 The Fisheries Act and associated European legislation
This research paper describes the provisions made by the Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1966, particularly regarding the granting of licences for salmon fishing at sea. The relationship between the Act and relevant European legislation is also described, and the DCAL commitments under the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean outlined. An indication is provided of the likely process required for undertaking changes to the Fisheries Act.
 35/12 Planning and inland fisheries
This briefing paper sets out the provisions made within planning policy statements for inland fisheries, in the light of potential implications of development on flood plains and riverbanks.  
 34/12 Introduction to Community Meals
Current community care policy stresses the importance of maintaining people in their own home for as long as possible. Community meals form a part of the services that may be provided by the HSC Trusts to assist with this aim. This paper discusses who provides community meals in Northern Ireland and the number of clients receiving these meals. It explores the broader issues around community meals and reviews approaches by other jurisdictions to providing food and nutrition for older people.
 33/12 Car parking charges in the health and social care sector
This paper has been compiled in response to a request by the HSSPS Committee in relation to car parking charges in the health and social care sector (HSC) in Northern Ireland. Guidance on car parking provision and management on hospital sites has been in operation since June 2008. However, new proposals seek to permit charging in a wider context in the health and social care sector. This paper discusses current car park management contracts across local hospital sites, and also provides information on car park charging in hospital sites in the rest of the UK and the Republic of Ireland. 

Models of school ownership and management
This Briefing Paper highlights a range of models of ownership and management in schools. Areas for consideration in this regard could include the relevance of alternative models of ownership here, such as the involvement of sponsors in establishing schools and setting their ethos. Consideration could also be given to the recommendations of the group exploring transferring patronage from religious organisations in Ireland, particularly in terms of incorporating pupils of different beliefs and backgrounds within an individual school.


Migration in Northern Ireland: an update
Almost 122,000 long-term international migrants are estimated to have arrived in Northern Ireland between 2000 and 2010. This paper, which contains the latest unpublished statistics from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), updates a previous paper (June 2011) and describes the key elements of this remarkable demographic change.


State Aid
This Briefing Paper provides a general briefing on European State Aid rules. It explains the legislative background and gives some detail on what is, and what is not, permissible under those rules.



Pros and cons of the Barnett Formula for Northern Ireland
The purpose of this Briefing Note is to provide the Committee for Finance and Personnel with a concise summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the Barnett Formula for Northern Ireland. It draws together information from a number of previous RaISe papers1 and provides background for the evidence session with expert witnesses on 8 February 2012



Planning school provision
This Research Paper considers approaches to school planning in other jurisdictions, including approaches to rationalising schools where appropriate. It also briefly examines cultural diversity in school planning, and considers the issue of parental choice in education.



Disability Legislation and Policy
The Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister discussed disability issues on 18 January 2012. This paper briefly outlines equality legislation in Northern Ireland relating to disability and highlights potential developments in legislation and policy.



R&D and Innovation funding available in Northern Ireland (summary)
The following paper provides a summary of funding available for R&D and innovation in Northern Ireland. The paper focuses on businesses funding, although funding that encourages knowledge transfer between universities and business/other universities is also included.



Regional Innovation Systems
Paper providing an overview OECD Regional Innovation System theory and best practice with comparisons to Northern Ireland’s Regional Innovation Action Plan 2008-2011.



R&D and Innovation – strategy and support in the UK, Scotland, Wales and Republic of Ireland
This paper examines the R&D and innovation strategy, funding and support mechanisms in operation at a national level in the UK and Republic of Ireland, and at a regional level in Scotland and Wales.



Northern Ireland R&D policy and performance - update
The following paper updates previous Research and Information paper, 'R&D policy and performance'. It outlines R&D policy developments as introduced by the Draft Programme for Government and Draft Economic Strategy, and provides an overview of the latest data on Northern Ireland’s R&D performance.



Victim Impact Statements
This paper provides information on Victim Impact Statements in Northern Ireland and comparative information on England and Wales, Scotland, Republic of Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States.



Supplementary Briefing Paper on Victims and Witnesses
The Justice Committee requested this briefing paper to assist with its inquiry on victims and witnesses. This briefing paper provides information on three additional areas listed below.

  • Identified obstacles on getting cases to court or the trial starting;
  • Updated information on a police local community pilot scheme for domestic violence victims;
  • The scope of Witnesses Care Units and the parts of the process not covered by them



Statutory Requirements of Criminal Justice Agencies in Northern Ireland regarding Victims and Witnesses
This paper has been prepared to assist the Justice Committee in its inquiry on victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system. This briefing paper provides information on each of the criminal justice organisations and outlines the statutory requirements on criminal justice agencies in Northern Ireland with regards to victims and witnesses, where appropriate.



Judicial appointments in Northern Ireland
This paper looks at the process of judicial appointments in Northern Ireland, including the changes that have taken place since the Review of Criminal Justice following the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement. It compares the process in Northern Ireland with that operating in the rest of the UK and in the Republic of Ireland. It also describes the processes in Australia and Canada.



Survey results for the Committee’s Inquiry into School Councils
The Committee for Education is holding an Inquiry into School Councils aiming to examine the work of school councils in Northern Ireland, how they operate and their contribution to school life. This Research Paper presents the results of a recent survey of schools undertaken as part of the inquiry.



Programme for Government commitments: Culture, arts and leisure issues
A Draft Programme for Government (PfG) was introduced to the Assembly on 17 November 2011, setting out the Executive’s plans and priorities for the period 2011–15. The Executive also published a Draft Investment Strategy and an Economic Strategy for Northern Ireland. This briefing paper provides an overview of the main commitments and priorities set out within these documents in relation to culture, arts and leisure.



Staffing levels in the Northern Ireland Civil Service
This Briefing Paper is to support the Committee for Finance and Personnel’s consideration of options for holding an Inquiry. The first part of the Note presents evidence published by the National Audit Office on staff costs, staffing levels and distribution by grade in the home civil service. The process for approving new posts in the Northern Ireland Civil Service – in particular in relation to the Department of Finance and Personnel’s role is presented. Some initial data from DFP’s Comprehensive Pay and Grading Review is also discussed.



Justice Related Issues Regarding Car Insurance Costs
This paper proves information on the legal processes, legal fees and compensation levels involved in personal injury cases in NI and other jurisdictions. It also considers car crime and fraudulent claims and any impact on insurance premiums.



Potential Locations for Committee for Employment and Learning Study Visit
The following paper was requested in order to inform the decision of the Committee for Employment and Learning in selecting a European Union destination that provides a best practice example of improvements in employment (through work skills projects, structural reform, etc.) which result in overall economic and social growth.



Procurement in education: summary paper
This Research Paper summarises a number of key issues in regard to procurement in education here, based on a series of papers recently produced for the education committee on this issue.



Supporting SME access to public procurement opportunities
This Research Paper finds that SMEs can face a number of challenges in accessing public procurement opportunities. A number of measures have been highlighted that could be used to support SME access to procurement, including simplifying procurement processes, dividing larger contracts into lots, setting proportionate requirements and building capacity among SMEs.



Developments in European Transport Policy
This paper provides a description of the European Union’s role in developing transport policy. It provides an overview of the legal framework governing transport policy in Europe and discusses the role of the Transport White Papers in the formation of policy.



Unadopted roads in private developments
Following consideration of RaISe publication 155/11 entitled: ‘Adoption of New Roads in Private Developments and the use of Bonds’, Members requested further information, included in this briefing paper, on the number of unadopted roads in Northern Ireland. This is classified by District Council Area.



Rates (Amendment) Bill
Paper addressing the Rates (Amendment) Bill, including key developments in the Department of Finance and Personnel’s formulation of policy and legislative proposals and a commentary on the Bill.



Electoral systems for the Scottish Parliament and National Assembly for Wales
This briefing paper provides information on issues relating to the electoral systems used to elect the Scottish Parliament and National Assembly for Wales. The Assembly and Executive Review Committee requested this information following a presentation on NIAR paper 768-11.



Further information relating to the structure of the Northern Ireland Assembly
This briefing paper provides supplementary information on issues relating to the size of the Northern Ireland Assembly. The Assembly and Executive Review Committee requested this information following a presentation on paper 768-11.



Analysis of Public Library Standard two (PLS2): Northern Ireland (excluding Belfast)
The current libraries strategy for Northern Ireland, Delivering Tomorrow’s Libraries, contains a number of targets, referred to as Public Library Standards. This Briefing Paper addresses the second of these, PLS2, in the context of Northern Ireland, excluding Belfast.



Analysis of Public Library Standard two (PLS2)
The current libraries strategy for Northern Ireland, Delivering Tomorrow’s Libraries, contains a number of targets, referred to as Public Library Standards. This Briefing Paper addresses the second of these, PLS2.
[Please note: This file is very large (30MB) and may take a few moments to download]



Barnett Consequentials
This Briefing Paper explains how changes to Northern Ireland’s block grant are determined. Consideration is given to how ‘Barnett consequentials’ are announced and applied by the Northern Ireland Executive, the Scottish and the Welsh Governments. Some of the difficulties for the Assembly’s statutory committees’ financial scrutiny processes associated with the Barnett mechanism are also discussed.



Programme for Government 2011-15: Areas of Note to the Committee for Employment and Learning
The following paper discusses the recent PFG 2011-15 and its implications for the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL), including strategic priorities, key goals and commitments. The paper also includes a brief discussion of the pertinent points from the previous PFG and what targets have been met.



The Child Poverty Act 2010 and Northern Ireland’s Role
This briefing paper focuses on the Child Poverty Act and the obligations placed upon government departments in Northern Ireland. The first two sections outline the duties laid upon the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister and briefly summarises the actions it has taken to enable these obligations. Section 3 outlines the responsibilities placed by the Act upon the other NI departments. The final section of the paper briefly looks at the role, structure and makeup of the proposed Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission.



The Planning (General Development) (Amendment No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011
This short briefing note is to provide an explanation on the Statutory Rule entitled, ‘The Planning (General Development) (Amendment No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011’, which came into force on 30 December 2011.



* Date refers to the date on which the publication was released for the internet.