Number |
Title |
Date* |
84/21 |
A comparison of electric vehicle (EV) markets and policies to promote adoption in Europe
This paper considers the current state of the Electric Vehicle (EV) market in Europe. The main focus of the paper is on the key drivers of EV adoption in Europe’s top EV markets with a particular focus on financial incentives, infrastructure development and supply side factors.
22.12.21 |
83/21 |
Unacceptable behaviours - update on developments in other legislatures
This paper has been produced to inform the Joint Working Group’s development on an unacceptable behaviours policy. It provides updated information contained in RaISe paper NIAR 19-2020 and should ideally be read in conjunction with that paper.
The briefing details the latest developments on how legislatures are addressing issues in relation to unacceptable behaviours, including harassment, bullying and sexual harassment. It covers members, members’ staff and secretariat staff and the avenues available to them to raise complaints as well as the standards and guidance to which they expected to adhere.
22.12.21 |
82/21 |
Period Products (Free Provision) Bill
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Period Products (Free Provision) Bill. To contextualise an examination of the key Bill clauses, the paper first considers research evidence related to the affordability and accessibility of period products. It then provides an overview of existent schemes for the provision of free period products in Northern Ireland and in the rest of the UK. Thereafter, it provides commentary on the Bill's individual clauses. The Paper highlights issues for further consideration throughout.
22.12.21 |
81/21 |
Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill
This Bill Paper has been prepared to inform Assembly scrutiny of the Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill, including that undertaken by the Committee for the Economy. The Bill was introduced by Rachel Woods, Member of the Legislative Assembly. The Paper provides an overview of the Bill’s contents and identifies key potential issues for consideration.
16.12.21 |
80/21 |
Northern Ireland Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets in Proposed Climate Change Bills: A comparison of estimated public finance implications
Currently, the Committee for Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs is scrutinising two Climate Change Bills that now are before the Assembly – namely: a Private Member’s Bill; and, a Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Bill. Each Bill contains a greenhouse gas emissions target seeking to reduce emissions of GHGs in Northern Ireland. To support the Committee's consideration of the two proposed targets, this briefing paper provides an overview of the potential financial implications that could arise from the targets, if enacted as introduced, in particular those implications relating to the Executive Budget.
13.12.21 |
79/21 |
The unhealthy state of hospital waiting lists: What we know, don't know, and need to know
Northern Ireland waiting times have been reported to be the worst in the United Kingdom, and amongst some of the worst in Europe - even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Figures suggest that approximately one in every four people are now waiting for a first hospital consultation or procedure. Whilst radical change in this area is a must, this Research Paper seeks to unpick two issues for the Committee for Health, specifically in relation to:
- Gaps in how the data is reported; and,
- Gaps in the financing of waiting lists.
10.12.21 |
78/21 |
Support for Mortgage Interest etc. (Security for Loans) Bill
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Support for Mortgage Interest etc (Security for Loans) Bill. It is a short Bill consisting of just two clauses, one of which is substantive. The purpose of the Bill is to allow regulations to impose a charge on a property in respect of which a Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) loan is made and to provide for charges securing SMI loans to be registrable in the Statutory Charge Register.
07.12.21 |
77/21 |
Legislative Consent Motions: January 2020 – November 2021
This briefing paper has been prepared following a request from the Committee on Procedures, which asked for information on the following areas in order to clarify relevant details of figures in relation to LCMs (since January 2020) including;
(a) how many Bills have been introduced to Parliament during this period which require(d) the consent of the Northern Ireland Assembly; and of these
(b) on how many occasions Ministers have laid a memorandum (either in line with the requirements of Standing Order 42A(4) or not);
(c) how much time there was between the Bill’s introduction and its final amending stage (which is the deadline by which the Assembly consent must be given).
03.12.21 |
76/21 |
Small-Scale Green Energy Bill
This Bill Paper seeks to assist the Northern Ireland Assembly, and in particular the Committee for the Economy, in scrutinising the Small-Scale Green Energy Bill. The Paper provides background information contextualising the Bill and an overview and analysis of its clauses. It also considers some of the broader implications arising from of Bill, including potential financial and human rights impacts.
02.12.21 |
75/21 |
Integrated Education Bill
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Integrated Education Bill and focuses on the policy implications. To contextualise an examination of the key Bill clauses, this Bill Paper first provides an overview of relevant policy. It then provides background to the establishment and growth of integrated schools in Northern Ireland. Thereafter, it considers a number of issues arising from the Bill’s individual clauses, drawing on relevant sources, including issues raised through the Committee’s consideration of the Bill to date.
02.12.21 |
74/21 |
Climate change risks to transport infrastructure
This paper discusses climate risks to transport infrastructure in Northern Ireland and how they will change with a changing climate. Adaption measures to improve the resilience of transport infrastructure to these climate risks are also discussed.
02.12.21 |
73/21 |
Justice (Sexual Offences and Trafficking Victims) Bill
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Justice (Sexual Offences and Trafficking Victims) Bill.
The Bill has two primary objectives (i) to enhance public safety by implementing certain elements of the Gillen Review Report into the law and procedures in serious sexual offence in Northern Ireland and from a review of the law on child sexual exploitation and sexual offences against children; and (ii) to improve services for victims of trafficking and victims of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour.
02.12.21 |
72/21 |
Scrutinising the Financial Reporting (Departments and Public Bodies) Bill:key considerations.
This Bill Paper is to help inform Assembly scrutiny of the “Financial Reporting (Departments and Public Bodies) Bill”, including that undertaken by the Committee for the Finance.
24.11.21 |
71/21 |
UK Spending Review & Autumn Budget 2021 - key points to inform Draft NI Executive Budget 2022-25
This briefing paper outlines relevant information and data recently provided by the United Kingdom central government and the Northern Ireland Department of Finance, which will help to inform the formulation of the 2022-25 Draft Executive Budget. It follows on from the 2021 Spending Review and Autumn Budget, which the UK Chancellor announced in Westminster on 27 October 2021.
23.11.21 |
70/21 |
Hospital Parking Charges Bill
This paper has been prepared to inform the consideration of the Hospital Parking Charges Bill. Its main policy objective is to abolish hospital car parking charges across public Health and Social Care hospital sites in Northern Ireland for patients, staff and visitors.
22.11.21 |
69/21 |
E-voting in parliamentary chambers
The paper looks at the provision for electronic voting in the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Parliament, House of Commons, House of Lords and Dáil Eireann. It also provides information on the extent of electronic voting in parliamentary chambers in other parts of the world and the procedural considerations required to support its introduction.
19.11.21 |
68/21 |
The Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol: EU Response to Command Paper
This briefing paper addresses a query from the Committee for the Executive Office. It is the second of two papers which provide an overview of developments around the Ireland / Northern Ireland Protocol (the Protocol) in 2021, since the issue of the UK Government Command Paper, “The Northern Ireland Protocol: the way forward”. The paper provides an overview of events in the autumn, before summarising the EU’s new set of proposals, which are in addition to the non-papers published in June. The first paper presented to the Committee for the Executive Office can be found here.
18.11.21 |
67/21 |
Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland: A Reading List (updated 9 November 2021)
In the period between the referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union in June 2016 and its formal departure on 31 January 2020, the Assembly’s Research and Information Service (RaISe) published 31 versions of ‘Brexit and Northern Ireland: A Reading List’. This was followed by 6 versions of ‘Brexit Transition and Northern Ireland: A Reading List’, the last appearing on 31 December 2020. This new reading list focuses specifically on the period following the departure of the UK from the EU – that is, the period from 1st January 2021. The list is intended to assist Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) and others in scrutinising this new situation, and particularly the ways in which it affects Northern Ireland and the border.
09.11.21 |
66/21 |
Departmental Outturn and Forecast Outturn: Commentary on Full Year 2020-21 & August 2021 Data
This October 2021 Commentary is the third in a running series; building on previous Commentaries published by the PFSU in December 20201 and February 20212. It, as in the past, accompanies the Dashboard updates, to examine the most current departmental outturn and forecast outturn data that has been made available by DoF to the PFSU. This one covers the full year of 2020-21 and the current financial year, up to and including August 2021.
21.10.21 |
65/21 |
The Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill which was introduced to the Assembly on 13th September 2021. The Bill would require the Department of Health to create ‘safe access zones’ outside premises which provide lawful abortions or related information, advice or counselling. It would further create offences which apply to safe access zones, and empower the police to enforce these.
19.10.21 |
64/21 |
Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendment) Bill
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendment) Bill. The Bill represents the first stage of a two phased approach to gambling reform in Northern Ireland.
This paper looks at gambling regulation and gambling prevalence in Northern Ireland; provides an overview of the clauses of the Bill and identifies some issues that may merit further consideration; provides some contextual information on gambling regulation in GB and RoI; and explores other gambling-related issues that are not within the remit of the Bill (as introduced).
19.10.21 |
63/21 |
Participatory policy making
This briefing paper has been prepared for the Committee for the Executive Office. The committee asked for research on models of participatory policy-making, with examples from elsewhere, compared and contrasted with the Northern Ireland Civic Forum.
13.10.21 |
62/21 |
Climate Change (No. 2) Bill
This Bill Paper provides an overview, comparison and consideration of the Northern Ireland Climate Change (No.2) Bill 2021.
30.09.21 |
61/21 |
Adoption: Northern Ireland
This paper provides an overview of the adoption process and the profile of children currently placed for adoption. Statistical information relating to adoption, as well as the waiting times experienced by children and prospective families are presented. The paper also considers the legislative context for adoption, and what progress has been made towards the introduction of the much-awaited Adoption and Children (Northern Ireland) Bill.
28.09.21 |
60/21 |
The Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol - UK Government Command Paper
This Briefing Paper addresses a query from the Committee for the Executive Office. It provides an overview of developments around the Ireland / Northern Ireland Protocol (the Protocol) in 2021, which preceded the issue of the UK Government Command Paper “The Northern Ireland Protocol: the way forward”.
The paper then considers the command paper and the proposals it contains, together with the EU’s present position and response to the paper.
27.09.21 |
59/21 |
Public Service Pension Reform: Key Preliminary Considerations
This Briefing Paper is prepared for the Committee for Finance, to facilitate its consideration of Public Service Pension Reform in Northern Ireland.
23.09.21 |
58/21 |
Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill
This Bill Paper is to help inform Assembly scrutiny of the Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill. The Paper examines the Bill, both its policy and public finance implications. For a comparative perspective, it further provides an overview of statutory paid leave entitlements forworking parents and families in other countries.
21.09.21 |
57/21 |
Private Tenancies Bill
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Private Tenancies Bill. The stated aim of the Bill is to make the private rented sector a safer and more secure housing option for a wider range of households. The Bill introduces a series of amendments to The Private Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, which is the main legislative framework for the private rented sector in Northern Ireland.
21.09.21 |
56/21 |
Methane and Biogenic Methane - an overview
This paper has been prepared for the purpose of supporting the Committee’s scrutiny of the Climate Change Number 1 and Number 2 Bills. The paper provides an overview of methane and biogenic methane including information regarding overall emissions targets and specific methane targets as well as examples of Biogenic methane in other climate change legislation.
01.09.21 |
55/21 |
Charities Bill This Bill Paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Charities Bill. It provides background to the Bill's introduction and content, including comparison with current law in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland, and highlights potential issues for consideration.
11.08.21 |
54/21 |
Lough Foyle – opportunities and challenges for cross-border marine management This research paper discusses potential issues regarding the marine management of the cross-border Lough Foyle. It describes its historic background, governance arrangements and wider policy context. It describes the opportunities for fisheries activities, and explains how unregulated activities threaten the marine environment. It considers current risks to Lough Foyle’s environment and economy. It discusses the role of the Loughs Agency and explains the calls for stronger governance arrangements.
26.07.21 |
53/21 |
Damages (Return on Investment) Bill This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Damages (Return on Investment) Bill. The Bill has 6 clauses and a schedule. It aims to provide a new statutory methodology for calculating the personal injury discount rate for lump sum awards in personal injury cases and establishes a timeframe for review of the rate. It also provides that the task of reviewing and setting the rate will fall to the Government Actuary instead of the Department of Justice. This paper should be read in conjunction with paper NIAR 125-21.
19.07.21 |
52/21 |
Private Members' Bills – Bills that have become law in other legislatures and procedures in other legislatures This briefing paper has been prepared following a request from the Committee on Procedures. The Committee sought information on:
- the number of Private Members’ Bills (PMBs) that have become law in the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Parliament, House of Commons and Dáil Eireann; and
- the procedure for PMBs in other legislatures.
07.07.21 |
51/21 |
Online Trolling and Abuse This briefing paper has been prepared in response to a request from the Committee for Justice, which sought research on the following:
- comparing the laws to tackle online trolling/abuse available in other jurisdictions including the UK and the Republic of Ireland;
- outlining examples of international good practice in this area; and
- clarifying what powers are reserved or devolved and what areas the Assembly can either influence or take action on in this area.
05.07.21 |
50/21 |
The Reservoirs Act (Northern Ireland) 2015 – background, comparison, status and issues This research paper examines the Reservoirs Act (Northern Ireland) 2015, which aims to protect people and property from dam failure. It compares reservoir safety in Northern Ireland, other UK devolved administrations and the Republic of Ireland. It explains why few provisions of the Act have been commenced and indicates possible timescales for the Act’s full implementation. It discusses issues associated with the Act. It also raises questions which the Committee for Infrastructure may wish to consider as the Department seeks to bring forward regulations to commence the Act.
05.07.21 |
49/21 |
School Uniforms: Cost, Gender and Behavioural Considerations The school uniform is a long-contested topic in education circles. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of some of the arguments put forward regarding the advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms and any evidence to support those arguments.
02.07.21 |
48/21 |
A High Street Task Force for Northern Ireland: A Comparative Perspective This Briefing Paper is provided to support the Committee for the Executive Office in its consideration and scrutiny of the development of a High Street Task Force for Northern Ireland. It is to support the Committee when comparing and assessing the effectiveness of a selection of national and international High Street Regeneration (HSR) examples. Specifically, the Paper presents evidence from six jurisdictions identified by the Committee, namely: Detroit (US); Toronto (Canada); Greater Manchester (UK); Lille (France); Gothenburg (Sweden); and, Berlin (Germany).
25.06.21 |
47/21 |
Comparative analysis of the Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board A paper for the Committee for the Executive Office, comparing the Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board of Northern Ireland with similar redress schemes in other countries, and with the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme.
24.06.21 |
46/21 |
Electric and Ultra-low emission vehicles: Public survey results This research paper reports on the results of a public survey into electric and ultra-low emission vehicles in Northern Ireland. It also raises a number of questions to assist the Committee for Infrastructure in its scrutiny of electric car policy.
22.06.21 |
45/21 |
Horse Racing (Amendment) Bill This Bill paper provides an overview of the Horse Racing (Amendment) Bill as introduced to the Assembly on 13th April 2021. The paper also identifies those areas within the Bill which may merit further consideration and, where relevant, compares similar provisions within GB and Ireland
18.06.21 |
44/21 |
Executive Budget 2021-2022 This briefing paper seeks to support Assembly committees in their scrutiny and advisory roles in relation to the Executive Budget 2021-22. The paper addresses the shorter timeframe for Assembly consideration of Budget proposals; amidst announcements of additional funding confirmed as part of the Chancellor's Budget. Thereafter, the paper presents available information on the range of funding sources available to the Executive for 2021-22, before briefly assessing the Executive's allocations. Included throughout are potential issues meriting consideration.
16.06.21 |
43/21 |
Updated Statistics on Section 75 Categories for Education Service This Briefing Note has been requested by the Education Service. It updates a previous paper (NIAR 380-20) and contains statistics on the nine Section 75 categories relating to young people aged 13-17 years.
11.06.21 |
42/21 |
Inter-Parliamentary Relations: Committees This briefing paper addresses a query from the Committee on Procedures on “the procedural steps required to facilitate greater joint working between committees of each of the UK’s devolved legislatures and committees of the House of Commons, for purposes including shared scrutiny of inter-governmental working on policy areas of common interest”.
08.06.21 |
41/21 |
Personal Injury Discount Rate This paper details the various impacts identified to date by a change in the discount rate in England and Wales and Scotland in recent years. It also looks at Northern Ireland’s specific circumstances to provide context to any potential issues that could arise from a change in the discount rate locally.
07.06.21 |
40/21 |
Physical Activity and the Wellbeing of Children and Young People The purpose of this paper is to inform the Education Committee’s understanding of the value of physical activity (PA) and sport on children and young people’s physical health and emotional well-being. The paper begins by exploring the role of regular PA in safeguarding children’s physical and mental health, now and in their future. The paper also explores the progressive decline in physical activity among NI Youth. It will examine efforts to support schools in increasing the participation of children and young people in PE in Northern Ireland, including the role of the NI Curriculum Sports Programme. The paper finishes by exploring similar initiatives in other jurisdictions in the UK and the factors that support their effective delivery.
03.06.21 |
39/21 |
School Starting Age: Policy and Practice in the UK This briefing paper provides an overview of the main arguments relating to school starting age, views on appropriate education provision at ages four-five, the potential adverse outcomes for summer born children who start school early and the various policy options relating to school starting age and deferral across the UK.
27.05.21 |
38/21 |
Proposed Draft Farm Welfare Bill – potential considerations This briefing paper provides an overview of the proposed draft Farm Welfare Bill produced by NI Farm Groups. As well as considering the main elements within the Bill, the briefing paper presents an overview of the use of farm gate pricing mechanisms across a number of jurisdictions.
21.05.21 |
37/21 |
Approaches taken to combustible cladding materials in Ireland This paper follows on from RaISe research paper, ‘A comparison of approaches regarding a ban on the use of combustible cladding materials’ (NIAR 1-21). It sets out the approach taken currently to cladding on high rise buildings in the Republic of Ireland.
17.05.21 |
36/21 |
A comparison of approaches regarding a ban on the use of combustible cladding materials This briefing paper has been prepared on behalf of the Committee for Finance to assist in its scrutiny of proposals to amend the Building (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020. The paper seeks to provide a comparative overview of approaches taken to the banning of combustible material on external walls of applicable buildings across the UK.
17.05.21 |
35/21 |
Private Member Bill: Climate Change (Northern Ireland) Bill 2021 This Bill Paper provides an overview, comparison and consideration of the Climate Change (Northern Ireland) Bill 2021. The Bill was introduced to the NI Assembly on 22 March 2021. It provides for: the declaration of a climate emergency; development of five year Climate Action Plans with an overall target of net zero by 2045, annual targets, carbon budgets, nitrogen budgets and sectoral plans; establishment of a Northern Ireland Climate Commissioner and the Northern Ireland Climate Office as an independent body to monitor the implementation of the provisions and review the working of the PMB; and a guarantee of non-regression from existing climate and environmental standards.
13.05.21 |
34/21 |
Budgetary Oversight of Parliamentary Corporate Bodies: A comparative perspective This briefing paper, commissioned by the Assembly’s Audit Committee, provides comparative research on the Committee and its counterparts located in the United Kingdom, Wales, Scotland, and the Republic of Ireland. It offers a comparison of key oversight and procedural mechanisms for scrutiny of parliamentary corporate body budgets. The paper aims to help inform the Committee in its discharge of duties associated with the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission’s budget.
12.05.21 |
33/21 |
Nature Friendly Farming in Northern Ireland This paper provides a brief overview of the concept of ‘Nature Friendly Farming’ and its application in Northern Ireland, within the context of the 2014-20 CAP programme period, its associated programmes/schemes and future agricultural policy development. In addition, the paper identifies those areas of Northern Ireland which are currently subject to some form of protective designation that may either maintain or enhance environment/habitat. It also provides an overview of what the main designations cover.
12.05.21 |
32/21 |
Peat and Peatlands This briefing paper provides information on peat and peatlands across the UK and the Republic of Ireland. It discusses the current extent and conditions of peatlands across the jurisdictions and natural capital and ecosystem services provided by peatlands. The various jurisdictions' national peatland strategies are outlined and peatland restoration efforts are discussed. The role peatlands play in climate change targets are examined and finally future considerations are detailed.
05.05.21 |
31/21 |
Gender budgeting in government: a comparative perspective on legal bases On request, this briefing paper was prepared for the Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights (the "Committee"), to examine legal bases underpinning current uses of gender budgeting in government, in particular a constitutional basis. To provide such a comparative perspective, the paper draws on the experience of individual countries belonging to the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Throughout, potential issues are identified, aiming to help inform the Committee's future consideration in this area.
05.05.21 |
30/21 |
CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention: A comparative view on transposition and implementation in domestic law and practice This paper is provided following a request from the Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights. It details research on the implementation of the United Nations ('UN') Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women ('CEDAW'), and provisions relating to violence against women, in domestic law. As the most relevant international treaty relating to violence against women, the Istanbul Convention is considered in particular.
05.05.21 |
29/21 |
Anaerobic Digestion in Northern Ireland This briefing paper provides an overview of anaerobic digestion (AD) in Northern Ireland (NI). The paper explores what AD is, the extent and usage of AD in NI, the regulation of AD in NI, funding support available for AD in NI, and opposition to AD development in NI. It also provides information on environmental considerations and AD’s potential role in NI’s future energy strategy.
05.05.21 |
28/21 |
Internal Market Act 2020 and the Protocol on Ireland/ Northern Ireland Within the current unsettled context, and from a layperson’s perspective, this paper seeks to explain how provisions contained in the Internal Market Act 2020 (the “IMA”) and the “Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland” appear to relate to each other; while also highlighting their relevance to the work of the Committee for Finance. Throughout, potential issues for consideration are provided, to support the Committee when discharging its advisory and scrutiny roles.
23.04.21 |
27/21 |
Sport and disability in Northern Ireland This research examines Northern Ireland’s sports and physical activity participation rates for those with a disability. The second part of the paper provides details of key challenges for disability sport, how relevant organisations are tackling those challenges, the resulting impacts and future plans.
19.04.21 |
26/21 |
Female participation in sport and physical activity in Northern Ireland This research paper explores key issues relating to female participation in sport and physical activity in Northern Ireland and compares findings with neighbouring jurisdictions. The paper also includes a summary of different strategies and policies to increase female participation
19.04.21 |
25/21 |
Protection from Stalking Bill This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Protection from Stalking Bill, which completed its second stage on 8th February 2021. The Bill has 20 clauses and is divided into three parts. Its predominant policy objectives are creating two new offences relating to stalking and introducing provision for Stalking Protection Orders.
15.04.21 |
24/21 |
Topical issues in other legislatures This briefing paper has been prepared following a request from the Committee on Standards and Privileges. It discusses issues in other legislatures in relation to standards that have arisen between January 2017 and January 2020.
15.04.21 |
23/21 |
Suicide: Northern Ireland This research paper considers the complex issue of suicide in the context of: mental health; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; support services; suicide data - including the most recent suicide data for Northern Ireland (2020) and suicide rates from neighbouring jurisdictions; and suicide prevention strategies.
14.03.21 |
22/21 |
Statutory Time Limits in other jurisdictions This paper has been prepared in response to a request from the Committee for Justice for information about statutory case time limits and statutory custody time limits in other jurisdictions and whether they have contributed to a reduction in delays in criminal proceedings. The statutory time limits that apply to custody and case proceedings in national and international jurisdictions vary considerably. This paper details the various limits and examines their application in practice. It also looks at Northern Ireland's current legislative provisions and processes to provide background and context to the issue.
26.03.21 |
21/21 |
Reform of the Criminal Justice Process in other jurisdictions This briefing paper provides information in response to the Committee for Justice’s request regarding: what other relevant jurisdictions have reformed or removed the committal process and the impact and/or effectiveness this has had on reducing delays in the criminal justice trial process; and the proposed changes and the anticipated impact of the introduction of a pre-trial hearing in the criminal trial process in the Republic of Ireland.
26.03.21 |
20/21 |
Programme for Government: Draft Outcomes Framework This briefing note has been prepared for the Committee for the Executive Office, as an addendum to the paper entitled ‘Outcomes Based Accountability and the Programme for Government’ (NIAR 362-20, published 29th January 2021). The note details the key changes to outcomes since the first outcomes-based Programme for Government in 2016, and then considers the lack of detail in the draft Outcomes Framework beyond the nine proposed outcomes. Throughout, questions are specified which the committee may wish to consider.
25.03.21 |
19/21 |
Mental ill health and substance misuse: Dual Diagnosis This paper has been compiled in response to an MLA request on the complex issue of 'dual diagnosis' in the context of service provision. Specifically, the paper provides the following: An overview of dual diagnosis; estimated prevalence rates; the impact of dual diagnosis on people's lives; types of services available and challenges in terms of accessibility; recommendations for service delivery and the policy context in Northern Ireland and neighbouring jurisdictions.
23.03.21 |
18/21 |
Ireland/ Northern Ireland Protocol and Net Zero This briefing note is a follow up to the RaISe paper Northern Ireland and Net Zero (NIAR 47-21). It provides examples of some of the potential impacts of the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol in achieving Net Zero, and should not be considered as a comprehensive analysis or assessment.
22.03.21 |
17/21 |
Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill: Motion under Assembly Standing Order 34 This paper supplements section 5 of the RaISe Bill Paper entitled 'Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill', dated 5th March 2021 (Paper 16/21, NIAR 54-21). It details the Assembly debate on the 8th March 2021 regarding a Member's motion under Standing Order 34, which sought the Bill's referral to the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission for advice on its human rights compatibility. Although the Assembly passed this motion, the Bill still progressed to its Second Stage, and has since passed this before being referred to the Committee for Health.
19.03.21 |
16/21 |
Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill This paper aims to support MLAs’ consideration of the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill. It discusses relevant legislative and policy background in this area, before considering the content of the Bill as introduced; the Assembly’s consideration of the Bill so far; and key issues arising from the Bill as introduced.
10.03.21 |
15/21 |
The Public Procurement Common Framework This paper explores issues arising from the Public Procurement Common Framework, to assist the Committee for Finance in its scrutiny role.
09.03.21 |
14/21 |
Northern Ireland and Net Zero This paper has been provided in response to an AERA Committee request for information on net zero targets across the UK, Republic of Ireland (RoI), and particularly Wales; it also examines departmental programmes aimed at addressing climate change across different sectors in Northern Ireland (NI). Finally, examples of “greenhouse gas removing technologies” are provided, as mentioned in the Climate Change Committee Letter on Northern Ireland’s contribution to UK Net Zero and DAERA’s response Letter.
04.03.21 |
13/21 |
Draft Executive Budget 2021-2022 This Briefing Paper seeks to support Assembly committees in their scrutiny and advisory roles in relation to the draft Executive Budget 2021-22. The Paper addresses the compressed timescale for Assembly consideration of the draft Budget proposals; amidst ongoing funding allocation changes, including those from Treasury to the Executive. Thereafter, the Paper presents available information on the range of funding sources available to the Executive for 2021-22, before briefly assessing the Executive’s draft proposals. Included throughout are potential issues meriting consideration.
04/03/21 |
12/21 |
Restraint and Seclusion of Children with Additional Needs in Schools This briefing paper discusses the use of restraint and seclusion in schools in the UK, specifically with children and young people who have additional needs. It explores the relationship between challenging behaviour and the use of restrictive practices, as well as the impact that the use of such practices have on children, their families and education staff. The paper examines the use of restrictive practices and their implications for children's human rights as well as presenting an overview of policies and actions being introduced across the UK aimed at reducing their use. Finally, the paper provides a brief overview of positive behaviour support (PBS) strategies as an alternative approach to managing challenging behaviour with restraint and seclusion used only as a last resort option.
26.02.21 |
11/21 |
Children's Rights and Educational Policy in Northern Ireland: Implementation of the UNCRC The UK’s 6th periodic reporting cycle to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is underway. In February 2021, the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is expected to send the UK Government a request for specific information, known as a ‘List of Issues Prior to Reporting’ (LOIPR). The list asks the UK government and its devolved administrations to detail measures and developments relating to its implementation of the UNCRC. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the predominant issues currently impacting on a child’s right to education in Northern Ireland (NI). It will provide an overview of the UNCRC including how it is implemented and monitored across the UK. The paper will also focus on the concerns and recommendations raised by the CRC in relation to education in its previous round of reporting in 2016, progress made by the NI government on the relevant issues, as well as commentary by key stakeholders in NI.
26.02.21 |
10/21 |
2020-21 Spring Supplementary Estimates: Key Points This briefing note – commissioned by the Assembly’s Finance Committee – aims to support the Committee’s consideration of the 2020-21 Spring Supplementary Estimates (SSEs), the 2021-22 Vote on Account, and the corresponding Supply Resolutions; prior to the scheduled debate in the Assembly plenary on 1 March 2021. In particular, the briefing summarises and contextualises the 2020-21 SSEs highlighting key points meriting the Committee’s attention. |
25.02.21 |
09/21 |
Analysis of Departmental Bids Relating to Monitoring Rounds and Separate Covid-19 Exercise This briefing paper - commissioned by the Assembly's Finance Committee (the Committee) - aims to support the Committee's oversight of departments' Monitoring Round bids and the separate Covid-19 funding exercise; both processes directed by the Minister of the Department for Finance (DoF). The paper provides a brief analysis of those bids (Monitoring Round and Covid-19 exercise) overall, and at the departmental level. A table containing aggregated departmental bid responses is appended to facilitate the Committee's consideration.
22.02.21 |
08/21 |
Select literature review: Autism and its economic costs This briefing paper was commissioned by a Member of the Assembly, to aid consideration of the issue of autism and related economic costs. As requested, the paper provides an overview of key findings arising from a selection of relevant available literature addressing economic and financial costs associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - i.e. costs for both individuals who have ASD and their families, as well as government, when ASD is addressed and unaddressed. The examined literature concerns research undertaken in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Canada and the United States.
22.02.21 |
07/21 |
Departmental Outturn and Forecast Outturn: Commentary on Quarter 3 2020-21 Data This Commentary is part of an ongoing pilot project, proactively undertaken by the Public Finance Scrutiny Unit (PFSU) of the Assembly's Research and Information Service (RaISe). Ultimately, the project aims to further support Assembly committees when discharging their advisory and scrutiny roles and responsibilities under current Northern Ireland (NI) devolution financial arrangements. In particular, it seeks to enhance committees' understanding of departmental Outturn and Forecast Outturn data; so that committees use that data to scrutinise departments' forecasting accuracy – i.e. to scrutinise how effectively departments plan and actually spend their expenditure.
17.02.21 |
06/21 |
UK Freeport policy and the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland This paper has been prepared for the Committee for Finance to assist in its scrutiny role. The paper’s central focus is to examine the interaction between United Kingdom (UK) Freeport Policy and the “Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland” (the Protocol). It also provides a range of background information to provide a useful context for the analysis.
15.02.21 |
05/21 |
Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland: A Reading List (updated 29 July 2021) In the period between the referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union in June 2016 and its formal departure on 31 January 2020, the Assembly’s Research and Information Service (RaISe) published 31 versions of ‘Brexit and Northern Ireland: A Reading List’. This was followed by 6 versions of ‘Brexit Transition and Northern Ireland: A Reading List’, the last appearing on 31 December 2020. This new reading list focuses specifically on the period following the departure of the UK from the EU – that is, the period from 1st January 2021. The list is intended to assist Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) and others in scrutinising this new situation, and particularly the ways in which it affects Northern Ireland and the border.
15.02.21 |
04/21 |
The Executive's International Relations and comparisons with Scotland & Wales This briefing provides information on the Northern Ireland Executive’s international relations strategy and places this in a comparative context, in which the approaches of the Scottish and Welsh governments are also detailed.
12.02.21 |
03/21 |
Departmental Financial Forecasts & Outturns: Dashboard User Guide The Dashboard presents Departmental Total Forecast Outturn (TFO) data for capital and resource spending in three parts, across five pages to cover: monthly expenditure profiles, annual expenditure profiles, and monthly forecast performance. The monthly expenditure profile and monthly forecast performance pages cover the current financial year running from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. The Annual expenditure profile pages cover the financial years of 2017-18 to 2020-21.
11.02.21 |
02/21 |
Outcomes Based Accountability and the Programme for Government This research paper considers Outcomes Based Accountability, in the context of the publication of the Executive’s Outcomes Framework for consultation in January 2021. The paper has been developed in advance of the publication of a new Programme for Government (PfG) in 2021. The key points detail findings that may be of value when considering and scrutinising the new PfG, its delivery and the allocation of associated budgets.
29.01.21 |
01/21 |
Public Health (Coronavirus Restriction) Regulations: emergency procedures This briefing note has been prepared following a request from the Committee for Health. It considers the use across the UK of an 'emergency procedure' to make public health regulations which, due to the coronavirus pandemic, place restrictions on a range of activities. It also considers the ability of the relevant legislatures to scrutinise these measures.
28.01.21 |