146/13 |
Cilliní graveyards and burial in unconsecrated ground This paper provides a brief overview of cilliní graveyards, in which unbaptised babies, suicide victims and others have traditionally been buried throughout Ireland. It provides a brief summary of the practice, sets out the limited degree of legislation which exists to regulate cemeteries in Northern Ireland, describes the Local Authorities’ Cemeteries Order in England, and refers to a review of burials legislation carried out in Scotland.
10.12.13 |
145/13 |
Overview of approaches to farm safety – Northern Ireland, Great Britain and Republic of Ireland This paper provides an overview of issues relating to farm safety in Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland, under the following 3 areas: (i) Agriculture related accident statistics; (ii) Farm safety risk factors and; (iii) Existing farm safety mechanisms and initiatives.
10.12.13 |
144/13 |
European Union Competitive Funding in Northern Ireland This paper gives an overview of the European Union competitive funding policies and priorities of the Northern Ireland Executive. The paper also examines issues surrounding the drawdown of these funds in Northern Ireland.
10.12.13 |
143/13 |
Approved Wind Farm Applications and Buffer Zones This paper paper was requested by the Environment Committee during its consideration of a wind inquiry. It is supplementary to the research paper “Wind Turbines: Planning and Separation Distances” and should be read in conjunction with it.
10.12.13 |
142/13 |
Cancer services: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This paper provides information in response to a Member’s request regarding information on cancer services. As some of the financial data requested is unavailable, the paper focuses on cancer policies and services in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It also explores the current level of cross-border collaboration in terms of cancer care and services.
10.12.13 |
141/13 |
Telework in the US Federal Government This briefing paper provides further information and evidence to the Committee for Finance and Personnel in relation to the implementation in the United States of the Telework Enhancement Act 2010.
05.12.13 |
140/13 |
Waiting Times for Elective Care This paper provides a starting point for a new programme of work that the Committee has agreed it wishes to take forward concerning waiting times. The paper includes the history of policies, targets and numbers waiting in Northern Ireland and also some detail concerning neighbouring jurisdictions. It also highlights key evidence from a recent OECD study of 13 countries regarding examples of practices that have been implemented to drive down waiting times.
28.11.13 |
139/13 |
The Health and Social Care (Amendment) Bill This paper examines the Health and Social Care (Amendment) Bill that was introduced to the Assembly by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety on 16th September 2013 and passed the second stage on 24th September 2013. The proposed amendments and the reasons behind them are considered.
27.11.13 |
138/13 |
Census 2011: Detailed Characteristics of Ethnicity and Country of Birth at the Northern Ireland level This Paper contains an analysis of Census 2011 data showing the relationships between Ethnicity / Country of Birth and a series of variables, including age, household size, tenure, health, education, and labour market activity.
22.11.13 |
137/13 |
Review of committee structures Comparative information from other legislatures This research paper provides information on the committee systems operating in a number of legislatures. It identifies any significant reforms undertaken to the structure of the system and highlights key characteristics, including membership and composition.
21.11.13 |
136/13 |
CAP Reform 2014–20:EU Agreement and Implementation in the UK and in Ireland This paper sets out the reactions and emerging implementation decisions of the four countries of the UK, and also of Ireland, in relation to the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform package for 2014-20. The new agreement, which is in its final stages of EU negotiation, allows Member States and their devolved administrations a great deal of flexibility in terms of how they implement the provisions. The implementation decisions taken within the UK and in Ireland could therefore differ considerably, despite the intra-UK and international (Irish/UK) shared borders. This paper seeks to indicate where the key differences and common approaches are emerging. It also considers the possible trajectory of future CAP reform.
20.11.13 |
135/13 |
Climate Change Legislation and Targets This paper is in response to a request from the Environment Committee and gives an overview of legislation containing climate change targets in other jurisdictions throughout the UK, Europe and further afield. It gives a brief account of current commitments throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland and considers in more detail the legislative targets in other countries.
15.11.13 |
134/13 |
Health inequalities and people with a learning disability This paper examines the evidence relating to the health inequalities faced by people with a learning disability. It also considers policy developments from the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) in terms of addressing health inequalities in the learning disability population.
13.11.13 |
133/13 |
GP Out-of-Hours and emergency ambulance services This paper provides an overview of GP Out-of-Hours services and emergency ambulance service provision in Northern Ireland and Ireland, and examines the potential role of cross-border collaboration in these two areas of unscheduled care.
12.11.13 |
132/13 |
Energy Security This background briefing paper is presented to inform Members of the North/South Inter-Parliamentary Association (N/SI-PA) on the topic of energy security in advance of the third meeting of the N/SI-PA in October 2013. The outline for the paper is as follows:
- Definition of energy security in the context of the joint research paper
- Current framework / policy context (including key statistics, targets and drivers of policy)
- Key challenges / potential areas for cooperation.
12.11.13 |
131/13 |
Relationship between the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission and Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Ombudsman This briefing paper has been prepared in response to a request from the Committee for Justice. Section 2 of this paper covers the following areas: the remit of the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission (NIJAC); the NIJAC judicial appointments process; a breakdown of judicial appointments from 2005-2012; and NIJAC’s complaints procedure. Section 3 of this paper covers the remit and powers of the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Ombudsman (NIJAO); and the number of complaints made to the NIJAO.
11.11.13 |
130/13 |
Recent developments in architectural policy across the UK and Ireland This paper describes recent developments in architectural policy across the UK and Ireland.
07.11.13 |
129/13 |
Statistics on Blind and Partially-sighted people in Northern Ireland This Briefing Note provides a short summary of currently available statistics on blind or partially sighted persons living in Northern Ireland.
04.11.13 |
128/13 |
Wind Turbines: Planning and Separation Distances This paper provides a summary of the planning process for wind development and considers Planning Policy and Guidance in Northern Ireland in relation to separation distances of turbines from residential areas. It also gives an account of the situation in the rest of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Finally it gives examples worldwide where separation distances are more of an actual requirement.
29.10.13 |
127/13 |
Examining social inclusion in the arts in Northern Ireland This research paper examines the degree of social inclusion in the arts in Northern Ireland, focusing particularly on engagement in areas of high deprivation. Comparisons are made with other jurisdictions, and the evidence for the perceived social benefits of widening engagement with the arts is examined.
17.10.13 |
126/13 |
Approaches to school inspection This paper outlines the approach to inspection in place in NI and in a number of jurisdictions internationally. It also considers the governance arrangements for school inspection, including powers, legal frameworks, transparency and inspector qualifications and evaluation.
09.10.13 |
125/13 |
Assessing value added in school inspection and supporting improvement This paper considers the factors in schools that can influence student outcomes, and potential approaches to measuring the value schools add. It also examines processes for reviewing school performance and supporting improvement within schools.
09.10.13 |
124/13 |
Interconnector financing models This paper outlines the European Union regulation of interconnection financing and Ofgem’s proposals to mix the regulated and market approaches. A number of case studies are also provided.
09.10.13 |
123/13 |
Good Practice Gender Equality Policy in EU27 Nations This paper discusses examples of good practice policy for the promotion of gender equality within the labour market. The paper will initially briefly discuss the Gender Equality Strategy for Northern Ireland. It will then briefly discuss the policy used in Finland, Denmark and Austria.
09.10.13 |
122/13 |
Human Trafficking & Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill 2013 This paper summarises the provisions of the Human Trafficking & Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill 2013 and explores some of the key issues associated with the legislative proposals.
04.10.13 |
121/13 |
Local Government Audit in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales This briefing was prepared for the Committee for the Environment. It seeks to facilitate the committee’s consideration of local government auditors in the United Kingdom devolved administrations, providing comparisons of their roles and responsibilities.
03.10.13 |
120/13 |
Local Government Bill This Bill paper gives a brief overview of the Local Government Bill as introduced to the Assembly on the 23rd of September 2013. It describes similar legislation in other jurisdictions and highlights potential areas for further consideration.
02.10.13 |
119/13 |
Community Planning The following paper is in response to a request from the Environment Committee in relation to community planning and examples. It looks at the different definitions afforded to the term of community planning throughout England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and gives an overview of the legislative framework in these areas. Examples of community planning in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland are explored, and where information is available, it gives the outcomes of the process and findings from any reviews conducted both at a local and national scale.
01.10.13 |
118/13 |
The re-purchase of ex-social housing by Social Landlords This paper provides brief background information on the House Sales Scheme in Northern Ireland; the 10 year rule regarding the re-purchase of ex-NIHE and ex-Housing Association properties; trends in sales under the House Sales Scheme; the approach of re-purchasing ex-social housing stock in Great Britain (i.e.‘buy back’ schemes); and, restrictions to the ‘Right to Buy’ in other jurisdictions
30.09.13 |
117/13 |
Severance Scheme: Republic of Ireland In the Republic of Ireland, the severance scheme is called a retirement gratuity. It was introduced in 2002 based on service from 2000; however there was an ex-gratia payment payable for a maximum of 20 years’ service prior to 2000. In response to a request from the Environment Committee, this paper gives details on both schemes.
30.09.13 |
116/13 |
Councillor Remuneration This paper is in response to a request from the Environment Committee and gives details on the remuneration schemes for councillors in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
30.09.13 |
115/13 |
Financial Assistance and Access to Finance for Businesses in Northern Ireland This paper summarises the main sources of loans and funding for businesses in Northern Ireland and also looks at the UK-wide business bank programme and its applicability to local businesses.
19.09.13 |
114/13 |
GCSE and A level reform This paper considers the shared qualification arrangements across England, Wales and Northern Ireland and discusses current practice and plans for the reform of qualifications in these jurisdictions, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland. It also explores approaches to maintaining standards at Key Stage 4; considers higher education destinations; and discusses a number of issues in regard to qualification reform. |
18.09.13 |
113/13 |
Issues of Note to the Committee for Employment and Learning
- Northern Ireland Economy and Labour Market;
- Zero hours contracts; and
- Unemployment amongst older workers.
18.09.13 |
112/13 |
Measuring Employment and Unemployment This paper briefly discusses the main measures of employment and unemployment in Northern Ireland. |
18.09.13 |
111/13 |
Counting NEETs This paper provides a brief discussion regarding how the number of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) is calculated. |
18.09.13 |
110/13 |
Spending Round 2013 This Briefing Note provides the Assembly with information on the implications of the United Kingdom (UK) Government’s Spending Round (SR) 2013 for Northern Ireland. |
11.09.13 |
109/13 |
The Civic Forum This research paper provides information on the Civic Forum, including an update on the current status of the Forum; the legislative basis of the Forum; equivalent institutions in other jurisdictions and an overview of what is meant by the term ‘participative democracy’. |
10.09.13 |
108/13 |
Women in the Northern Ireland Assembly This paper summarises the background to women’s representation in politics, outlines the legislative frameworks relevant to women’s representation in the Northern Ireland Assembly and reviews some mechanisms for increasing female representation. |
10.09.13 |
107/13 |
Caring for an Ageing Society Background briefing jointly prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and by the Library & Research Service (L&RS) of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais). |
06.09.13 |
106/13 |
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Background briefing jointly prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and by the Library & Research Service (L&RS) of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais). |
06.09.13 |
105/13 |
Suicide Background briefing jointly prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and by the Library & Research Service (L&RS) of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais). |
06.09.13 |
104/13 |
Positive mental health strategies Background briefing jointly prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and by the Library & Research Service (L&RS) of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais). |
06.09.13 |
103/13 |
Follow up Questions to Quarter 2 Commission Work Programme Briefing
This paper provides a response to questions asked by the Committee for Employment and Learning during a briefing on the European Commission Work Programme.The paper provides further information on:
- Partnership Agreements for the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF);
- The Consultative Partnership Group; and
- The previous use of Partnership Agreements.
03.09.13 |
102/13 |
EU Legislative Proposals & Non-Legislative Proposals Q2 2013 Spreadsheets detailing the EU legislative and non-legislaive proposals for Quarter 2, 2013. |
03.09.13 |
101/13 |
3rd International Symposium on Expertise in Sustainable Society This paper provides a brief discussion of the 3rd International Symposium on Expertise in Sustainable Society (ISESS). |
03.09.13 |
100/13 |
Barriers to employer led training programmes This paper considers the perceived barriers to employer led training programmes designed to encourage young people into employment.
03.09.13 |
99/13 |
Census 2011: Detailed Characteristics of Religion, National Identity and Health at Northern Ireland level This paper contains an analysis of the Detailed Characteristics set of Census 2011 tables produced by NISRA (first release). The paper focuses on the interactions between religion, identity and health and other topics, such as age and economic activity.
19.08.13 |
98/13 |
Licensing of Pavement Cafés Bill The Licensing of Pavement Cafés Bill was introduced to the Assembly by the Minister for Social Development on 17 June 2013. This paper provides an overview of the Bill and the Department’s pavement café appraisal exercise. This paper also looks briefly at the issue of café culture and explores some of the benefits which may be derived from the cultivation of a café culture in Northern Ireland. Although there has been significant support for a pavement café statutory framework for Northern Ireland, the paper also explores some of the concerns raised in relation to pavement café regulation.
30.07.13 |
97/13 |
A brief comparison of arts council strategies in the UK and Ireland This paper and associated table summarise in very brief terms some of the key differences between the strategy documents produced in recent years by the government arts agencies throughout the UK and Ireland.
08.07.13 |
96/13 |
Cabinet Office Mystery Shopper Scheme This paper considers the role of the Cabinet Office Mystery Shopper Scheme in Public Procurement Contracts. |
08.07.13 |
95/13 |
Potential opportunities for and threats to the local sea fishing industry This paper provides a brief overview of some of the potential threats and opportunities facing the sea fishing industry within Northern Ireland over the coming years.
08.07.13 |
94/13 |
Flexible working: further evidence This Briefing Paper is to support the Committee for Finance and Personnel’s inquiry into flexible working in the Northern Ireland public sector. It updates RaISe paper Flexible Working 95/12 by providing a review of recent evidence. An in-depth case study of the United States’ federal agencies’ telework programme is also presented.
08.07.13 |
93/13 |
Support for Elite Athletes in Northern Ireland and other jurisdictions This briefing paper provides information on measures in place for the financial and non-financial support of elite athletes in Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales and the Republic of Ireland.
28.06.13 |
92/13 |
Preparations and legacy planning for the Glasgow Commonwealth Games 2014 This research paper summarises preparations by the Scottish Government and other public bodies for the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014. It also examines plans for the social and economic legacy of the Games, and highlights a number of issues which may be of interest in a Northern Ireland context.
28.06.13 |
91/13 |
Financial forecasting by Northern Ireland departments 2012-13: an analysis This paper presents from the Assembly’s perspective an analysis of Northern Ireland departments’ financial forecasting performance for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13. It seeks to identify whether performance improved in 2012-13 compared to the previous year. Particular attention is paid to the forecasting performance of the Department of Finance and Personnel. In addition, this paper provides the Committee for Finance and Personnel with an update following its recommendation that the Assembly’s statutory committees may wish to receive regular briefings from RaISe on the subject.
26/09/13 |
90/13 |
The Defamation Act 2013 The paper briefly examines the Defamation Act in the light of current legislation concerning defamation in Northern Ireland and summarises the main points considered during debates during the passage of the Bill
26.06.13 |
89/13 |
NICS Human Resources: Shared Services This research paper presents an overview of the performance of the e-HR Programme, with a particular emphasis on its key shared service deliverable, HRConnect. It tracks the projected benefits from the e-HR Programme’s Full Business Case across its subsequent performance reviews.
26.06.13 |
88/13 |
European Funding: Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) The European Commission proposes to introduce a new tool, known as Integrated Territorial Investments (ITIs) to focus on integrated actions in urban development through the means of simplified European funding. The briefing paper, prepared for the Committee for Social Development, looks at the types of ITIs that could be formed and the perceived benefits of ITIs.
25.06.13 |
87/13 |
Public Service Pensions Bill Paper This Research Paper provides background on the Public Service Pensions Bill, which is to be debated at Second Stage on 25 June 2013.
24.06.13 |
86/13 |
Sub-economic tendering: Developments and Best Practice This paper considers the issue of sub-economic/abnormally low tendering in the awarding of public contracts from an international comparative perspective.
21.06.13 |
85/13 |
Prompt Payments: Developments and Best Practice This briefing paper provides an overview of recent key developments regarding prompt payments and considers international best practice in this area.
21.06.13 |
84/13 |
Measuring deprivation in education, Universal Credit and free school meals This research paper explores approaches to measuring deprivation in other jurisdictions, and considers the potential implications of the planned introduction of Universal Credit for free school meals.
19.06.13 |
83/13 |
EU freshwater policy This paper provides an overview of EU water policy since the adoption of the Water Framework Policy in 2000;
- It examines the implementation of the water framework Directive in Northern Ireland; and
- It provides an assessment of the possible policy changes made as a result of the fitness check of water policy and the forthcoming blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Waters.
12.06.13 |
82/13 |
Comparison of the planning systems in the four UK countries This paper describes and compares the current land use planning systems operating in the four UK countries. In particular given the changes introduced by the UK Government that affect the system in England, it compares the extent to which similar changes have so far been made in other parts of the UK. It also describes future changes for each country that are in the pipeline
19.06.13 |
81/13 |
Carrier Bags Bill (2013) The following paper gives an overview of the Carrier Bags Bill as introduced to the Assembly on the 3rd June 2013. It considers the steps used to increase the Carrier Bags levy to 5 pence and extend it to cover low cost reusable bags. It also gives a summary of other bag levies and bans used in other countries.
12.06.13 |
80/13 |
The impact of the Gleneagles G8 meeting on the Scottish economy The following paper examines the economic impact of hosting the 2005 G8 in Gleneagles on Scotland. The paper is largely based upon the assessment commissioned by the Scottish Government following the event. Briefer assessments of the event carried out by OECD and the University of Toronto are also considered.
07.06.13 |
79/13 |
Public sector renewable generation uptake The following paper uses data from Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) to provide an estimate of the number of sites in the public sector currently employing a form of renewable energy generation.
07.06.13 |
78/13 |
Overview of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and the proposed European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) This paper provides an overview of European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and the proposed European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
07.06.13 |
77/13 |
Future EU food labelling regulations – Spring 2013 This paper provides a brief update on future EU food labelling regulations.
30.05.13 |
76/13 |
Overview of the sea fishing sector in Northern Ireland – Spring 2013 This paper provides a brief overview of the current state of the sea fishing sector within Northern Ireland under the following areas:
- The current state of fish stocks utilised;
- The size of the fishing fleet;
- The role of DARD in relation to sea fishing;
- The role of the local Fish Producer Organisations; and
- The role and level of professional skills and training within the local industry
30.05.13 |
75/13 |
Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy– Spring 2013 update This paper provides a brief update on Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.
30.05.13 |
74/13 |
Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy– Spring 2013 update This paper provides a brief update on Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy.
30.05.13 |
73/13 |
Bovine TB and vaccination update – Spring 2013 This paper gives a brief update on vaccinating cattle against Bovine TB.
30.05.13 |
72/13 |
Supplementary Briefing on Civil Legal Aid The Justice Committee received a briefing on a paper prepared by RaISE 69/13 on Civil Legal Aid on 9th May 2013. This briefing note has been prepared in response to a question as to whether there is a correlation between the recession and increase in civil legal aid expenditure.
29.05.13 |
71/13 |
Evaluation of the PEACE III Programme This paper gives a brief overview of evaluations of the PEACE III Programme.
22.05.13 |
70/13 |
Census 2011: Key Statistics at Assembly Area level This paper contains an analysis of Key Statistics from Census 2011 for Assembly Areas under the following headings: demography; religion, identity, ethnicity and language; health, housing and accommodation; education; and the labour market.
20.05.13 |
69/13 |
Civil Legal Aid This research paper provides information on civil legal aid schemes and expenditure in Northern Ireland. The paper looks at recent developments in Northern Ireland and examines practices in other jurisdictions.
10.05.13 |
68/13 |
Tobacco Retailers Bill This paper provides information on the Tobacco Retailers Bill, which will require local councils to maintain a register of tobacco retailers within their area. The paper highlights key provisions within the Bill and, where appropriate, draws comparisons with existing schemes in Scotland and the Republic of Ireland.
10.05.13 |
67/13 |
A summary of the European Capital of Culture programme This paper provides a brief summary of the European Capital of Culture programme. It discusses some of the conclusions made of the programme as a whole, highlights some brief examples to illustrate key successes and difficulties, and then focuses specifically on the example of Liverpool in 2008.
10.05.13 |
66/13 |
Additional information on Petitions of Concern This briefing provides further information on Petitions of Concern. The Assembly and Executive Review Committee requested this information at its meeting on 23 April 2013. The information is presented in a series of tables.
08.05.13 |
65/13 |
Gazumping and Gazundering in Northern Ireland This briefing note explains the concepts of Gazumping and Gazundering (G&G), in the context of the Northern Ireland (NI) property market. It also discusses measures to reduce the incidence of G& G and offers key considerations when seeking to protect potential buyers and sellers from both practices.
08.05.13 |
64/13 |
Prompt payments: Education This paper highlights a number of issues around the prompt payment of invoices across some of the Department’s arm’s length bodies.
01.05.13 |
63/13 |
Early years provision This research paper considers early years provision in Northern Ireland and internationally. It discusses the integration of education and care and briefly considers issues around the school starting age. It also considers Learning to Learn, the draft early years framework, identifying areas of potential overlap with OFMdFM’s Towards a Childcare Strategy.
01.05.13 |
62/13 |
Government Support for Public Transport in Great Britain and Northern Ireland This paper compares the types and levels of transport subsidy paid in Northern Ireland and Great Britain.
26.04.13 |
61/13 |
A Public Transport Authority for Northern Ireland This paper revisits the public transport reform process and examines the plans for a new transport authority for Northern Ireland based within the Department for Regional Development.
26.04.13 |
60/13 |
Integrated Transport in the Netherlands This paper examines integrated public transport provision in the Netherlands.
25.04.13 |
59/13 |
A comparison of urban bus fares in Europe This paper provides a comparison of urban bus fares in Europe.
25.04.13 |
58/13 |
Cancelled outpatient appointments: follow-up This paper provides follow-up information to research paper 24/13 Consultant-led Outpatient Appointments . It also considers Health and Social Care (HSC) performance in terms of outpatient waiting lists and waiting time targets.
25.04.13 |
57/13 |
EU funding opportunities for sport This paper provides information on some of the options available from the European Union for the funding of sport, with a view to providing for sport within schools. Reference is also made to various education-specific funds, though none of these are geared towards sport.
25.04.13 |
56/13 |
The DCAL Community Festivals Fund Evaluation In September 2012, DCAL published an evaluation of the Community Festivals Fund. This paper examines the DCAL evaluation and provides some observations on the methodology applied.
55/13 |
Skills Shortages in Germany The Briefing Note is written in response to a question raised in the Committee for Employment and Learning with regard to the nature of skills shortages in Germany.
24.04.13 |
52/13 |
Anaerobic Digestion across the UK and Europe The following paper considers the use of anaerobic digestion in the UK and Europe. It explores the legislative framework in Europe and NI, and the current situation in the UK and NI in terms of AD plant development. While considering case studies from across the UK it looks to Europe to appreciate how the biogas industry and anaerobic digestion is facilitated. It concludes by discussing a number of considerations for NI.
12.04.13 |
51/13 |
George Best City Airport Planning Application The following paper gives the chronological breakdown of the planning application process for the George Best Belfast City Airport (GBBCA). It considers the process from the initial planning application linked to the terminal extension, the extension of the runway, seats for sale and through to the delayed public inquiry.
11.04.13 |
50/13 |
EU Budget 2014-2020 This briefing paper describes the negotiations for the European Union (EU) Budget 2014-2020, also referred to as the Multiannual Financial Framework (the MFF).
11.04.13 |
49/13 |
European Commission Work Programme 2013: proposals within the remit of the Committee for Finance and Personnel. This Note provides a table that lists the proposals in the European Commission Work Programme 2013 which RaISe has identified as relevant to the Committee for Finance and Personnel’s (CFP) remit. A description of each proposal is provided. In addition, RaISe has provided some commentary and, in places, some suggested actions for CFP to consider.
11.04.13 |
48/13 |
School Uniform Policy in Scotland, England, Wales and the Republic of Ireland This briefing paper provides an overview of school uniform policy in Scotland, England, Wales and the Republic of Ireland, including background information on school uniform policy in Northern Ireland.
10.04.13 |
47/13 |
Acorn This briefing paper provides information on the area-based classification systems Acorn and Mosaic, and discusses some recent findings on the use of FSME as a measure for deprivation.
10.04.13 |
46/13 |
Issues affecting the viability of Agricultural businesses in Northern Ireland – Autumn 2012 This paper provides a brief overview of some of the factors perceived as having a negative impact on agricultural profitability within Northern Ireland over recent months, including the cost of inputs, the farm gate price for produce, the operation of the food supply chain and the weather.
10.04.13 |
45/13 |
Compulsory Purchase of Residential Dwellings: Financial Compensation for Owner-Occupiers This briefing paper has been prepared to assist the Committee for Social Development in its consideration of financial support for owner-occupiers whose properties have been vested. The paper provides an outline of the current arrangements for financial compensation in Northern Ireland; an overview of a recent Lands Tribunal case relating to a property vested in the Village Area of South Belfast; and, approaches taken in other jurisdictions to assist owner-occupiers in redevelopment areas.
27.03.13 |
44/13 |
The Independent Living Fund The purpose of this paper is to provide background information on the Independent Living Fund; the Coalition Government’s rationale for the closure of the fund; and an overview of some of the concerns/issues raised by local stakeholders.
27.03.13 |
43/13 |
Child abuse inquiries: victims and survivors who were abused in other settings This paper examines five child abuse inquiries in other jurisdictions, three from the Republic of Ireland and two from Australia.
21.03.13 |
42/13 |
European Commission Legislative and Non-Legislative Proposals 2013 Q1 This paper provides spreadsheets detailing European Commission legislative and non-legislative proposals 2013 Q1.
19.03.13 |
41/13 |
Follow up Questions to Quarter 1 Commission Work Programme Briefing This paper provides a response to a number of questions raised by the Committee for Employment and Learning following a RaISe briefing on the European Commission Work Programme 2013 for the 1st Quarter of 2013.
19.03.13 |
40/13 |
Work Experience Programmes in Great Britain This paper discusses the work experience programmes as they operate in Great Britain and the implications of the recent court judgement on the Sector Based Work Academies. |
19.03.13 |
39/13 |
The Work Programme This paper discusses the Work Programme in Great Britain and its Providers. |
19.03.13 |
38/13 |
Equality Issues in Recruitment to the Northern Ireland Civil Service (Update) This paper provides an analysis of recruitment competition outcomes within the Northern Ireland Civil Service through an examination of equality monitoring information made available by the Department of Finance and Personnel. |
11.03.13 |
37/13 |
The Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 This paper sets out the process for school closures in Northern Ireland and Scotland; considers the other provisions of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act; and discusses its implementation. |
05.03.13 |
36/13 |
Enterprise zones
The following paper provides an overview of Enterprise Zones in England, Scotland and Wales. Three questions are addressed:
- How many Enterprise Zones have been introduced and where are they located?
- What incentives are in place to attract business into these zones?
- What has their impact been?
04.03.13 |
35/13 |
ETI Committee – Payday loans stakeholder event On 5 February 2013 the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment hosted an event which explored the regulation of payday lending. This briefing note provides an overview of the event. |
04.03.13 |
34/13 |
Financial Forecasting by the Office of First Minister and deputy First Minister for 2012-13 This Briefing Paper provides the Committee for the Office of First Minister and deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) with the most up-to-date data available on the OFMDFM’s forecast outturn for the current financial year.
01.03.13 |
33/13 |
European Social Fund and the Department for Employment and Learning This paper discusses the European Social Fund and how it is allocated to applicant organisations in Northern Ireland. The paper will also discuss the most recent funding tranche (Call 2, Priority 1) including the funding streams, the assessment process and the amounts allocated
27.02.13 |
32/13 |
Speaking rights of Attorneys General/Law Officers in legislatures This paper outlines precedent and processes used in other legislatures where the Attorney General/Law Officer is required to speak in plenary in respect of guidance s/he has issued.
26.02.13 |
31/13 |
Northern Ireland and international educational studies Northern Ireland has participated in a number of international educational studies in recent years that aim to allow for international benchmarking on students’ performance. This paper considers the findings of recent studies, discusses the common attributes of high performing countries and limitations of such studies.
21.02.13 |
30/13 |
Census 2011: Key Statistics at Northern Ireland and LGD level This paper presents a selection of key statistics from Census 2011 at the Northern Ireland and local government district (LGD) level. The paper covers twelve categories, including demography, religion, ethnicity, marital status, lone parents, health, economic activity and housing. An appendix to the paper presents the main LGD results in tabular format
20.02.13 |
29/13 |
Eu Work Programme 2013: Areas of Potential Interest to the Committee for OFMdFM This paper is written in the context of the responsibility of the Research and Information Service (RaISe) to monitor and disseminate key developments in the European Union that may impact on policy development in Northern Ireland
20.02.13 |
28/13 |
Update on Fiscal Devolution and Devolved Funding This Research Paper provides an up-to-date review of developments across the United Kingdom (UK) in relation to fiscal devolution and funding arrangements for the devolved administrations. The paper suggests some issues arising from the review that the Committee for Finance and Personnel may wish to consider as part of its future inquiry into the Barnett formula.
15.02.13 |
27/13 |
Rural schools This Research Paper considers rural schools in Northern Ireland and explores the evidence on issues affecting rural schools, the implications of rural school closures and approaches in other jurisdictions.
14.02.13 |
26/13 |
Briefing on EU priorities relating to culture, arts and leisure This paper highlights issues and possible areas of interest for the Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee along with some suggestions for potential actions which could be taken.
12.02.13 |
25/13 |
Update on European issues relating to culture, arts and leisure This paper documents recent policy activity at a European level on culture, arts and leisure issues. It deals largely with the European Union but also references the Council of Europe.
11.02.13 |
24/13 |
Consultant-led Outpatient Appointments This paper provides Members with data in relation to consultant-led outpatient appointments in Northern Ireland, paying particular attention to appointments that are cancelled by hospital providers.
11.02.13 |
23/13 |
Green Job Estimates – supplementary This paper provides supplementary information to RaISe paper ‘Green’ job estimates: Northern Ireland (Paper 09/13). The purpose of this paper is to address a query raised during the Committee’s discussion on the previous research. In this respect this paper revisits the Department of Employment and Learning (DEL)/ECORYS estimates of skills needed outlined in the previous research and provide further details on the potential skills gap identified in the DEL report.
07.02.13 |
22/13 |
Apprenticeships in Germany This paper briefly describes the apprenticeship system in Germany, explores some advantages and challenges, and offers some analysis of its applicability to other contexts.
06.02.13 |
21/13 |
Financial Forecasting by the Department of Justice for 2012-13 This Briefing Paper provides the Committee for Justice with the most up-to-date data available on the Department of Justice’s (DoJ) forecast outturn for the current financial year
05.02.13 |
20/13 |
Access and Liability Briefing The following paper is the briefing given to the Environment Committee on Access and Liability legislation in Northern Ireland, and should be read in conjunction with the Research Paper Access to the countryside in Northern Ireland – occupiers’ liability (Paper 19/13)
04.02.13 |
19/13 |
Access to the countryside in Northern Ireland – occupiers’ liability This briefing paper has been prepared in response to a request from the Environment Committee for information regarding occupiers’ liability in terms of access to the countryside. The paper provides a contextual look at this issue by providing an indicative list of key legislation, types of access land and the amount of publically owned land for outdoor recreation. Concerns and perceptions regarding occupiers’ liability are addressed and details on the actual number of claims made are provided.
04.02.13 |
18/13 |
Pupil Premium This paper provides an overview of the Pupil Premium in England; sets out initial findings on it and estimates the potential cost of introducing the Premium in Northern Ireland.
31.01.13 |
17/13 |
Reintroduction of fallen or rejected Bills This briefing paper has been prepared for the Committee on Procedures following its meeting on 27 November 2012. At that meeting, Members had considered a letter from the Speaker of the Assembly in relation to Standing Order 32(2) which relates to reasoned amendments to Bills. The letter asked the Committee to consider whether Standing Orders should be amended to state a period during which a Bill rejected at Second Stage cannot be reintroduced. The Committee asked that research be carried out into practice in other legislatures.
31.01.13 |
16/13 |
Barroso Northern Ireland Task Force This paper provides an overview of The Barroso or Northern Ireland Task Force.
29.01.13 |
15/13 |
The Living Wage This paper provides an overview of how The Living Wage is calculated and who benefits. |
25.01.13 |
14/13 |
Sentencing Comparisons in Northern Ireland and England and Wales This paper provides information on a comparison of sentencing statistics in Northern Ireland and England and Wales for a range of offences for the years 2007 and 2008. |
25.01.13 |
13/13 |
Planning Bill 2012 This paper gives an overview of the clauses of the 2012 Planning Bill, and will return to some of the issues that were discussed during the consideration of equivalent provisions within the 2011 Act. It will also give a brief account of the new additions to the 2012 Bill that are not included in the 2011 Act. |
25.01.13 |
12/13 |
Grassroots sport in Northern Ireland: A summary of participation and potential challenges This research paper seeks to describe current levels of participation in grassroots sport in Northern Ireland and to highlight some potential issues and challenges.
24.01.13 |
11/13 |
Employment Law: A Comparison of Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland This paper briefly compares the employment legislation of Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland in the context of the review of employment law by the Department for Employment and Learning.
23.01.13 |
10/13 |
Update on the PEACE IV Programme The paper provides an update on the status of the development of a future PEACE IV Programme from 2014
23.01.13 |
09/13 |
‘Green’ job estimates: Northern Ireland The following paper provides a current estimate of jobs in Northern Ireland’s low carbon and environmental sector and examines a number of studies which assess the potential for job creation in the renewable sector.
18.01.13 |
08/13 |
The budgetary flexibility of Invest Northern Ireland This Research Paper presents evidence relevant to the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment’s consideration of the case for increased budgetary flexibility for Invest Northern Ireland.
18.01.13 |
07/13 |
Northern Ireland’s Economy and Labour Market This paper provides a discussion of the Northern Ireland Economy and Labour Market. It includes consideration of economic growth, employment and unemployment and levels of economic activity.
17.01.13 |
06/13 |
CERN -The Potential Benefits of Links with Northern Ireland The following paper discusses CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire - the European Organisation for Nuclear Research) and possible opportunities for Northern Ireland.
17.01.13 |
05/13 |
Relationship between Employment Regulation and Labour Market Flexibility The following paper considers the potential impact regulation has on employment levels and labour market flexibility.
17.01.13 |
04/13 |
Labour Force Survey Methodology This paper briefly discusses the methodology used in the United Kingdom and the European Union to gather data for the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and working age definitions.
17.01.13 |
03/13 |
The University of Geneva and CERN This Briefing Note provides information on the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the links it has developed with CERN.
17.01.13 |
02/13 |
Financial Forecasting by the Department of Employment and Learning for 2012-13 This short Briefing Note provides the Committee for Employment and Learning with the most up-to-date data available on the Department for Employment and Learning’s (DEL) forecast outturn for the current financial year. |
17.01.13 |
01/13 |
The Regulation of Registered Housing Associations This paper provides an overview of the regulation of Registered Housing Associations in Northern Ireland and Great Britain. It explores the definition of regulation; what makes good regulation; why it is important that social housing is regulated; the arguments for and against independent regulation; regulatory structures in England and the devolved administrations; some views from the social housing sector; and, the role of tenants and service users in regulation. |
16.01.13 |