Research Papers 2013

Synopsis: Here you will find a list of Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment research papers published during 2013.

Interconnector financing models

- Date: 09/10/2013 - Author: Aidan Stennett

This paper outlines the European Union regulation of interconnection financing and Ofgem’s proposals to mix the regulated and market approaches. A number of case studies are also provided.


Financial Assistance and Access to Finance for Businesses in Northern Ireland

- Date: 19/09/2013 - Author: Dr. Robert Barry

This paper summarises the main sources of loans and funding for businesses in Northern Ireland and also looks at the UK-wide business bank programme and its applicability to local businesses.


The impact of the Gleneagles G8 meeting on the Scottish economy

- Date: 07/06/2013 - Author: Aidan Stennett

The following paper examines the economic impact of hosting the 2005 G8 in Gleneagles on Scotland. The paper is largely based upon the assessment commissioned by the Scottish Government following the event. Briefer assessments of the event carried out by OECD and the University of Toronto are also considered.


Public sector renewable generation uptake

- Date: 07/06/2013 - Author: Aidan Stennett

The following paper uses data from Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) to provide an estimate of the number of sites in the public sector currently employing a form of renewable energy generation.


Enterprise zones

- Date: 04/03/2013 - Author: Aidan Stennett

The following paper provides an overview of Enterprise Zones in England, Scotland and Wales. Three questions are addressed: •How many Enterprise Zones have been introduced and where are they located? •What incentives are in place to attract business into these zones? •What has their impact been?


ETI Committee – Payday loans stakeholder event

- Date: 04/03/2013 - Author: Aidan Stennett & Donie O’Sullivan

On 5 February 2013 the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment hosted an event which explored the regulation of payday lending. This briefing note provides an overview of the event.


Green Job Estimates – supplementary

- Date: 07/02/2013 - Author: Aidan Stennett

This paper provides supplementary information to RaISe paper ‘Green’ job estimates: Northern Ireland (Paper 09/13). The purpose of this paper is to address a query raised during the Committee’s discussion on the previous research. In this respect this paper revisits the Department of Employment and Learning (DEL)/ECORYS estimates of skills needed outlined in the previous research and provide further details on the potential skills gap identified in the DEL report.


‘Green’ job estimates: Northern Ireland

- Date: 18/01/2013 - Author: Aidan Stennett

The following paper provides a current estimate of jobs in Northern Ireland’s low carbon and environmental sector and examines a number of studies which assess the potential for job creation in the renewable sector.


The budgetary flexibility of Invest Northern Ireland

- Date: 18/01/2013 - Author: Colin Pidgeon

This Research Paper presents evidence relevant to the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment’s consideration of the case for increased budgetary flexibility for Invest Northern Ireland.