Northern Ireland Assembly Committees 2011-2016

Synopsis: Information published by Committees during the 2011-2016 Mandate.

Statutory Committees

Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development

Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure

Committee for Education

Committee for Employment and Learning

Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment

Committee for the Environment

Committee for Finance and Personnel

Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety

Committee for Justice

Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister

Committee for Regional Development

Committee for Social Development

Business Committee

Business Committee

Chairpersons' Liaison Group

Chairpersons' Liaison Group

Committee Legacy Reports: 2011/2016

See how Committees have spent their time this mandate and what they have achieved.

The Legacy reports summarise Committees’ key activities and achievements and, importantly, what impact they have had on Government policy and legislation. Find out more...

Committee End of Session Reports: 2014/2015

See how Committees have spent their time this year and what they have achieved.

The End of Session reports are here and summarise Committees’ key activities and achievements and, importantly, what impact they have had on Government policy and legislation.

You can also view the Committee reports from the 2013/2014 here, the 2012/2013 session here and from the 2011/2012 session here.

Committee Review Group

On 5 November 2013, the Committee Review Group published its report on the Review of the Committee System of the Northern Ireland Assembly. The report which was debated in Plenary, makes a number of recommendations on enhancing and improving the effectiveness of committees.

View the report here.

View the Plenary debate here.

Contact the Committee Review Group

Committee Clerk: Dr Kathryn Aiken
Room 242,
Parliament Buildings
Tel (028) 90 521787