Research Publications 2015

Synopsis: The Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service (RaISe) produces a number of Research publications each year. These cover a variety of topics which are of interest to Members, Committees and the general public.

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Number   Date

Disciplinary procedures and the role of lay persons and professional members in selected non-legal professions
This briefing paper has been written in response to a request from the Committee for Finance and Personnel regarding the arrangements within non-legal professions in terms of best practice relating to the role of lay persons and professional members of disciplinary or complaints committees. Professions examined in this briefing paper include accountancy, medicine and social care.


A Comparative Perspective on Public Procurement Requirements: social, environmental and economic 
This Briefing Paper supplements RaISe Paper NIAR 925-13. It provides a comparative perspective to the use of public contracts to address ancillary objectives of government when securing works, supplies or services, such as social, environmental, or economic considerations.


Origins, role, responsibilities and activities of the UK’s Grocery Code Adjudicator
This paper provides an overview of the origins, role, responsibilities and activities of the UK’s Grocery Code Adjudicator. It also highlights some of the issues being considered in moving forward both role of the Adjudicator, as well as providing a snapshot of EU
activity on the issue of Unfair Trading Practices which might potentially complement or supersede the role of the Adjudicator.


Addressing Bullying in Schools Bill – Assessing the Costs
On 30 November 2015 the Addressing Bullying in Schools Bill (the Bill) was introduced in the Assembly. This Review of Bill Costs provides a framework to facilitate Assembly financial scrutiny of the Bill. It should be read in conjunction with RaISe Bill Paper NIAR 612-15 (3 December 2015), wherein policy issues are addressed.


Taxing Sugar Sweetened Beverages: a Comparative Perspective
This Briefing Paper aims to facilitate the Assembly’s consideration of the proposed sugar tax amendment to the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, as introduced in the Assembly by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on 30 November 2015. The Paper sets out the key societal and governmental developments in this area in the United Kingdom and provides a comparative perspective, highlighting attempts taken within various countries to tax beverages containing high levels of added sugar.


Women in Public Life
Background Briefing Paper for the seventh meeting of the North-South Inter-Parliamentary Association - prepared by the Research and
Information Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and of the Library & Research Service of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais).


Addressing Bullying in Schools Bill
This Bill Paper is prepared to support the Committee for Education in its scrutiny of the Addressing Bullying in Schools Bill. It provides background information on the prevalence of bullying and current practice in schools in Northern Ireland, and considers a number of issues arising from the Bill’s individual clauses. A further Research and Information Service (RaISe) paper (NIAR 632-15; dated 3rd
December 2015
) provides a Review of Bill Costs to supplement this Paper.


European Commission Work Programme 2016
This research paper identifies initiatives contained in European Commission’s 2016 Work Programme which are of potential interest to statutory committees of the Northern Ireland Assembly, as part of their engagement with European issues.


The Executive Departments (Northern Ireland) Bill
This paper provides background on the legislation to reduce the number of Northern Ireland departments from 12 to 9. It places this legislation in the context of machinery of government changes in other jurisdictions, including attempts to make government more cohesive and outcomes focused.


Human Transplantation Bill - Review of Bill Costs  (updated)
On 13 October 2015 the Human Transplantation Bill (the Bill) was
introduced in the Assembly. This Review of Bill Costs provides a framework to facilitate the Assembly’s financial scrutiny of the Bill. It should be read in conjunction with RaISe Bill Paper NIAR 650-15 (dated 3 December 2015) which addresses policy implications arising from the Bill.


Human Transplantation Bill
This Bill Paper provides a thematic discussion of the Human Transplantation Bill for Northern Ireland with clause scrutiny where relevant, providing comparison mainly to the Welsh Act and to the recently introduced Scottish Private Member’s Bill where pertinent. It
also provides an overview of statistics, policy/strategy and current relevant law in Northern Ireland and neighbouring jurisdictions. The financial impact of the Bill is dealt with in a separate RaISe
Paper NIAR 671-15


The BBC Charter Review and its potential implications for devolved jurisdictions 
The BBC Charter, otherwise referred to as the Royal Charter, is a document which provides the constitutional basis for the BBC. This
Briefing Paper outlines the BBC Charter Review and its potential implications for devolved jurisdictions


The Convention on the International Protection of Adults and the Mental Capacity Bill
This Briefing Paper summarises the content and background to the Convention on the International Protection of Adults 2000 and discusses the relevance of the Convention to the Mental Capacity Bill.


Scrap Metal Dealers Bill
This paper considers the Scrap Metal Dealers Bill as introduced to the Assembly. It provides the rationale for it, an overview of the provisions and highlights areas that may be of interest to Members for further consideration.


The Rural Needs Bill
This Bill paper provides an overview of the Rural Needs Bill as introduced to the Assembly on the 9th November 2015. The paper also identifies those areas within the Bill which may benefit from
further scrutiny. It should be read in conjunction with RaISe
Bill Costing Paper NIAR 645-15
(17 November 2015), which addresses the potential cost implications of the Bill.


River Pollution: Background and Summary of Potential Issues
This briefing paper provides background to the Committee’s River Pollution Review. As requested by the Committee, the paper outlines the different governmental responsibilities regarding water quality/river pollution; it aims to reflect on the impact that the Water Framework Directive (WFD) has had on water quality and pollution incidents; it also considers the implementation of the WFD, focusing on the key role that partnership has in the delivery of the measures through the draft River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). It provides examples of partnership approaches from other jurisdictions and, finally, discusses a number of potential points for further consideration.


Northern Ireland Tourism: Sectors
This paper, which has been prepared for the Enterprise, Trade and Investment Committee, seeks to outline the tourism sectors which Tourism Northern Ireland is currently focused on. This paper is intended to accompany Paper 125/15 (NIAR513-15) on Northern Ireland's tourism structures.


Northern Ireland Tourism: Structures
This paper, which has been prepared for the Enterprise, Trade and Investment Committee, seeks to outline the government structures which impact the development of tourism in Northern Ireland. It provides a brief overview of the roles of Tourism Northern Ireland (Tourism NI) and Tourism Ireland & also examines a number of other government functions which interact with tourism development. The paper provides a brief overview of changes to these structures
resulting from the Hunter Review and the anticipated realignment of Northern Ireland's Government Departments.


Rural Needs Bill – Assessing the Costs
On 9 November 2015 the Rural Needs Bill (the Bill) was introduced in the Assembly.  This Review of Bill Costs provides a framework to facilitate Assembly financial scrutiny of the Bill.  It should be read in conjunction with RaISe Bill Paper NIAR 177-15 (15 November 2015), which addresses policy issues. 


Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill – Assessing the Costs
On 22 September 2015 the Assembly and Executive Reform
(Assembly Opposition) Bill (the Bill) was introduced in the Assembly. This Bill Costing provides a framework to facilitate Assembly financial scrutiny of the Bill. It should be read in conjunction with RaISe Bill Paper NIAR 592-15  (4 November 2015), wherein policy issues are addressed.


Mental Capacity Bill: A disregard provision for “treatment”?
In the Mental Capacity Bill consultation document, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) proposed that it would consider extending the disregard provision in Article 10 of the Mental Health (NI) Order (MHO) to include ‘detention for treatment’ for children under 16.  Yet when the Mental Capacity Bill was published, no extension to disregard ‘treatment’ was included under Schedule 8.  This paper explores this complex issue and reflects on a number of stakeholder views.


The Housing (Amendment) Bill
The Housing (Amendment) Bill was introduced to the Northern Ireland Assembly on the 30 June 2015. This Bill paper explores the provisions of the Bill; the policy context behind those provisions; and issues highlighted by respondents to the Committee for Social Development’s Call for Evidence on the Bill.


Why are we waiting? Outpatient appointments
This briefing paper provides a synopsis of waiting times and targets for a consultant-led first outpatient appointment in Northern Ireland during the period from 2009 to 2015.


Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill (Northern Ireland) 2015
This Bill paper has been produced for the Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill (Northern Ireland) 2015 (the Bill). The Bill seeks to make a number of changes to the way the Assembly undertakes business, primarily by providing for formally recognised Opposition. It also proposes changes to the formation and working of the Executive. This paper provides an overview of the Bill and provides commentary on key areas that emerged during Second Stage debate and subsequent Committee Stage.


Advance Decisions: Mental Capacity Bill
This paper focuses on advance decisions to refuse treatment (ADRTs), and their legal status across the UK and ADRTs and their interaction with and impact on a number of clauses of the Mental Capacity (NI) Bill.


Japanese knotweed
This paper considers legislation in Northern Ireland (NI) across GB and the Republic of Ireland (ROI) surrounding Japanese Knotweed from two perspectives: as an invasive species and the control of it
spreading to neighbouring properties. It also gives detail on a new EU
Regulation on invasive alien species. In considering the legislative
differences, the paper highlights the use of anti-social behaviour legislation in England to deal with problems concerning Japanese knotweed. It also explores the anti-social behaviour legislation in NI including legislation for statutory nuisance.


Costs of Special Educational Needs Provision for ages 16 - 25 in England and Wales
This paper is prepared at the request of the Committee for Employment and Learning (CEL). It examines the financial costs of
the 16+ Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Learning Disability Assessment (LDA) support provided in England and Wales.


Ulster University Cuts: School of Modern Languages
This paper, commissioned by the Committee for Employment and Learning, discusses the available information on the announced cutting of the School of Modern Languages from Ulster University.


Relationship between public services Ombudsmen and Standards Commissioners in the UK
This briefing paper has been prepared following a request from the Committee on Standards and Privileges and provides information on the following issues:

  • Whether any of the Parliamentary/Assembly standards Commissioners in the UK fall within the remit of their respective Ombudsmen and 
  • Whether there are other accountability mechanisms are in place which allow for complaints against Commissioners to be investigated

Women on Boards of the Top 100 Companies in Northern Ireland
This Note summarises a survey of the officers of company boards in the top 100 companies in Northern Ireland. The Note gives some background, explains the methodology and provides the results of the survey.


Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister EU Priorities 2015: Update
This paper gives a brief update on the developments in three initiatives from the Commission Work Programme of potential interest to the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister (COFMdFM). These initiatives are:

  • Labour Mobility Package
  • European Agenda on Migration
  • EU Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights

The Mental Capacity Bill and Human Rights
This paper briefly summarises the key human rights issues that have been raised in relation to the Mental Capacity Bill 2015. The paper primarily draws on evidence submitted to the Ad Hoc Joint Committee to Consider the Mental Capacity Bill.


The use of onsite wastewater treatment systems in Northern Ireland.
The purpose of this paper is to assess the potential implications from the use of OSWWTS in Northern Ireland. This will be achieved by:

  • Looking at the laws pertaining to the use of OSWWTSs in Northern Ireland;
  • Detailing the prevalence of OSWWTS in Northern Ireland;
  • An examination of the current literature on the impacts of OSWWTSs; and
  • A review of measures employed to mitigate the impact of OSWWTS.
109/15 NAMA’s Sale of the Property Loan Portfolio in Northern Ireland - Timeline (Revised Feb 2016)
A key responsibility of the Assembly’s Committee for Finance and Personnel (the CFP) is to scrutinise matters relating to finance and the economy in Northern Ireland (NI). Since July 2015, there has been an
on-going CFP review into the sale of the property loan portfolio in NI by the Republic of Ireland’s (RoI) National Asset Management Agency (NAMA). To facilitate its review, the CFP commissioned the Assembly’s Research and Information Service (RaISe) to compile a timeline regarding the sale of the NI portfolio, and then agreed it would be published.
108/15 Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds: Zone Five
The UK Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (or the ‘Green Guide’) and the Northern Ireland Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (or the ‘Red Guide’) both state that ‘it may be helpful’ to plan the circulation of spectators in terms of a series of zones. This briefing note outlines the categorisation of these zones which is slightly different in each case.

Stadium safety legislation prior to the Safety of Sports Grounds (Northern Ireland) Order 2006
This paper looks at the legislation prior to The Safety of Sports Grounds (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, which is the primary legislation governing spectator safety at major stadia in Northern


Responsibility for emergency planning at sports stadia
This paper examines which agencies have primary responsibility for
emergency planning at sports grounds, as stated in the ‘Green Guide’, the ‘Red Guide’, and the more recent Safety Management guide published by the Sports Grounds Safety Authority.


Use of the pitch in the Green and the Red Guides
This briefing paper discusses the Green and the Red Guides which are in agreement in providing two separate forms of guidance regarding use of the pitch in emergency situations.


The Northern Ireland Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds and European health and safety legislation
This briefing paper looks at the Northern Ireland Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (or the ‘Red Guide’) which specifies safety standards for sports grounds and sits alongside the Safety of Sports Grounds (Northern Ireland) Order 2006.


An outline of stadium safety legislation and guidance
This paper provides a summary of the Safety of Sports Grounds (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 and the Northern Ireland Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds.


Fine Collection and Enforcement Mechanisms: Supplementary Information
This briefing note has been prepared in response to a request
from the Committee for Justice for additional information to supplement Research Paper NIAR49-2015, entitled “Fine Collection and Enforcement Mechanisms”


Fine Collection and Enforcement Mechanisms
This paper provides comparative information on fine collection and
enforcement systems in a number of jurisdictions including England and Wales, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.


Sustainable Drainage System provisions within the Water and Sewerage Services Bill
The Water and Sewerage Services Bill seeks to amend the Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, primarily in order to extend the period for which the Department for Regional Development (DRD) can pay subsidies to NI Water. This Bill will make a series of other amendments to the 2006 order, including the introduction of measures that are designed to promote the use of sustainable drainage systems.  This paper outlines these amendments and provides a detailed discussion on proposals made in respect of SuDS.

99/15 Key Statistics for Settlements, Census 2011
This paper contains an analysis of recently-published key statistics from Census 2011 relating to Settlement Bands A - E in Northern Ireland. The bands include cities, and large, medium and small towns.

Young people’s views on school inspection
This briefing paper explores the views of students on school inspection obtained through a series of 12 focus groups held with schools. A number of the schools had recently experienced an inspection.


Environmental Better Regulation Bill
This Bill paper gives a brief overview of the Environmental Better Regulation Bill as introduced to the Assembly on the 22 June 2015. It also gives a brief account of similar legislation in other jurisdictions, highlights areas of concern expressed during the consultation and makes suggestions of potential areas for further consideration.


Mental Capacity Bill: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
This briefing paper examines the definition of ‘deprivation of
liberty’ and how it is being shaped by case law; looks at the operation of deprivation of liberty safeguards within the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in England and Wales and some difficulties that have been encountered; and summarises the proposals in the draft Mental Capacity Bill dealing with deprivation of liberty safeguards and how they might operate in practice.


Mental Capacity Bill: DoJ’s Recurring Costs (Paper 5 of 5) 
To facilitate Assembly consideration of the costs arising from the Mental Capacity Bill, this Briefing Paper is the fifth in a five-part series produced by RaISe’s Public Finance Scrutiny Unit (PFSU). The Paper examines the estimates that the Department of Justice (DoJ) produced for its ongoing or ‘recurring’ costs under the Bill.


Mental Capacity Bill: DHSSPS’s Recurring Costs (Paper 4 of 5)  To facilitate Assembly consideration of the costs arising from the Mental Capacity Bill, this Briefing Paper is the fourth in a five-part series produced by RaISe’s Public Finance Scrutiny Unit (PFSU). The Paper examines the estimates that the Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) produced for its ongoing or ‘recurring’ costs under the Bill.


Mental Capacity Bill: Deprivation of Liberty Assessment Costs (Paper 3 of 5)
To facilitate Assembly consideration of the costs arising from the Mental Capacity Bill (the Bill), this Briefing Paper is the third in a five-part series produced by RaISe’s Public Finance Scrutiny Unit
(PFSU). It examines costs that the Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety estimates for the ‘Deprivation of Liberty’ assessments proposed under the Bill


Mental Capacity Bill:Training Costs (Paper 2 of 5)
On 8 June 2015 the Mental Capacity Bill (the Bill) was introduced in the Assembly.  To facilitate Assembly consideration of the costs arising from the Bill, this Briefing Paper is the second in a five-part series produced by RaISe’s Public Finance Scrutiny Unit (PFSU).  The Paper examines the costs that the Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) and the Department of Justice (DoJ) have estimated for staff training relating to the Bill.



Mental Capacity Bill: Assessing the Costs (Paper 1 of 5)
On 8 June 2015 the Mental Capacity Bill (the Bill) was introduced in the Assembly.  To facilitate Assembly consideration of the costs arising from the Bill, this Briefing Paper is the first in a five-part series produced by RaISe’s Public Finance Scrutiny Unit (PFSU).  The Paper provides a framework to orientate financial scrutiny of the Bill.


Special Educational Needs in Finland
Since 2000 Finland has performed strongly in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), and has been cited as one of the most efficient countries in terms of student outcomes in relation to money invested in education. This paper provides a brief overview of the educational system in Finland and its approach to special educational needs (SEN).


Health and Social Care (Control of Data Processing) Bill
This paper examines the key provisions of the Health and Social Care (Control of Data Processing) Bill proposed by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) in Northern Ireland, and considers some differences between the proposed Bill and the legislation in England and Wales. 


SEN funding and transitions in other jurisdictions, duties of HSC Trusts and SEN in Irish-medium education
This paper considers a number of issues in relation to special educational needs (SEN): funding, transitions, training for governors, the involvement of Health and Social Care (HSC) Trusts and Irish-medium education.


Young people’s views on sharing and integration in education
This research paper presents the findings of a series of focus groups and two surveys conducted with children and young people, exploring their views on shared and integrated education


School Uniform
Research shows that many parents in Northern Ireland struggle to meet back to school costs each year. This briefing paper considers school uniform policies and financial assistance available for uniforms in Northern Ireland, England, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


Deep Brain Stimulation
Background briefing prepared by the Research and Information
Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Library & Research Service of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais) for the North South Inter-Parliamentary Association.




Paediatric Congenital Cardiac Surgery 
Background briefing prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Library & Research Service of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais) for the North South Inter-Parliamentary Association.




Human Trafficking
Background briefing prepared by the Research and Information
Service (RaISe) of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Library & Research Service of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Tithe an Oireachtais) for the North South Inter-Parliamentary Association.



Ombudsman Gender Neutral?
This paper has been prepared in response to a request from the COFMDFM, which introduced the 'Public Services Ombudsperson Bill' to the Assembly on 20 April 2015. The Bill is currently being considered at Committee Stage by an Ad Hoc Committee.


Own-motion investigations by Ombudsmen
This briefing paper has been prepared for the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister to inform its deliberations on a forthcoming Bill to reform and update the office of the Northern Ireland Ombudsman


Kinship Care in the UK and the Republic of Ireland
This paper briefly discusses Kinship Care in Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales and the Republic of Ireland.


Pension Schemes Bill
The Pension Schemes Bill aims to encourage greater risk sharing in private pension arrangements and to allow for new types of pension arrangements based on the extent of risk that is borne by scheme members.


Living Wage Employers in Northern Ireland
This paper provides three maps detailing the location of living wage employers in Northern Ireland.


Departmental financial forecasting 2011-12 to 2014-15
To facilitate committees in their scrutiny role, this paper aims to assess departmental forecasting performance in 2014-15, when compared to the three previous years.


Background, overview and progress on Going for Growth – June 2015
This paper provides an overview of the key elements of the Going for Growth Action Plan, the current state/health of the agri-food sector, and an assessment of the performance of DARD and DETI in relation to actual implementation of particular recommendations/actions identified within Going for Growth.


The accuracy of financial forecasting by Northern Ireland departments 2011-12 to 2013-14
This paper presents an analysis of Northern Ireland departments' financial forecasting performance for the years 2011-12 to 2013-14. It aims to assess whether performance improved in 2013-14, when compared to the two previous years and thereby further facilitate committees in their scrutiny role.


ETI Committee Stakeholder event: ‘Growing the Economy and Creating Jobs in A Reduced Tax Environment’
This Briefing Paper provides an overview of an event hosted by the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment on the 14 April 2015,    as part of their Inquiry into ‘Growing the Economy and Creating Jobs in a Reduced Tax Environment, which was attended by leading members of Northern Ireland’s business community, their representative bodies and representatives from other areas including further and higher education.


Support for Entrepreneurship in NI and RoI
This briefing paper compares the range of support for entrepreneurship in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (RoI). It examines these supports against the background of the recently published RoI policy framework, the National Policy Statement on Entrepreneurship in Ireland. The paper provides an overview of the relevant schemes and initiatives delivered in NI and RoI. It also highlights the tax based incentives provided to entrepreneurs and initiatives that specifically target High Potential Start-Ups (HPSUs).


Northern Ireland’s Global Competitiveness in Comparison
This briefing paper compares economic conditions in regions where Invest NI’s global offices were located. As comparable sub-national data was unavailable, country level data has been used in order to make comparisons.


ETI Committee - Stuttgart visit
This briefing paper provides an overview of the presentations which Committee Members received during a visit to the Stuttgart Region on the 25 and 26 of March 2015, hosted by the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS), which formed part of the Committee’s inquiry into Economic Growth and Job Creation in a Reduced Tax Environment. The paper concludes by identifying points of learning which may feed-into the Committee’s inquiry.


IDA Ireland: Regional targets and policy measures
This briefing paper seeks to outline the objectives set out by IDA Ireland in attracting FDI outside of Dublin and Cork; to evaluate the success in meeting these targets; and to outline the new regional goals in the latest FDI strategy.


Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment’s business survey – headline results
This paper paper outlines the headline results of the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment’s survey of Northern Ireland businesses. In total 223 businesses completed this survey which ran from the 1 January 2015 until the 10 March 2015.


Foreign Direct Investment in the Republic of Ireland - supplementary
This paper supplements NIAR 61-15: Foreign Direct Investment in the Republic of Ireland. It responds to an Enterprise, Trade and Investment Committee query on the comparable provision of specific factors in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (RoI).


Foreign Direct Investment in the Republic of Ireland (FDI)
This briefing paper examines the Republic of Ireland’s (RoI) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) proposition by looking at perspectives on how it established itself as a FDI attractive region and current perspectives on its FDI offering. The paper also outlines RoI Government’s strategic approach to maintaining and enhancing its FDI proposition up to 2020.


Early Departure Schemes
This paper discusses the use of Early Departure schemes as part of Public Sector Reform. It considers examples of recent schemes in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland including how effective they have been in reaching their goals.


Funding of Transport Schemes for People with Disabilities
In the context of budgetary pressures currently being experienced by the Department for Regional Development (DRD) this paper explores the impact of reduced funding on transport services for people with disabilities. Consideration is also given to the financial support of these services in GB.


Draft Mental Capacity Bill: Principles Framework
In anticipation of the introduction to the Assembly of a Mental Capacity Bill, this paper provides background to the development of the core principles framework which underpin the legislative provisions contained within the draft Bill which was published for consultation in 2014. The paper includes an overview of the range of consultation responses which addressed the principles framework contained in Part 1 of the draft Bill.


The Living Wage in the Public and Private Sectors of Northern Ireland
This paper considers the Living Wage (LW) in Northern Ireland and what occupations in the Public and Private Sectors are paid below it.


Rating Online Retailers in Northern Ireland: preliminary considerations
This briefing gives an overview of issues relating to the charging of non-domestic rates to online retailers in Northern Ireland..


Primary Care Prescribing
This briefing paper looks at selected aspects of primary care prescribing in Northern Ireland (NI) including: How the prescribing process operates; Overall prescribing patterns; Prescribing of generic drugs – potential savings; The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Report on Primary Care Prescribing (March 2015); and Examples are also included of some European and international models in
terms of prescription charging policies, particularly focusing on models with a means-tested element.


Learning Disability Support Locations in Northern Ireland 
This paper provides information on the locations of support for people with learning disabilities in Northern Ireland


SEN mediation, appeals and the transfer of rights to children with SEN
This Research Paper considers appeals and mediation in relation to special educational needs (SEN), and explores the transfer of rights from parents to children, including issues around mental capacity.


SEN Legislation and Policy in Northern Ireland
This paper provides an overview of special educational needs (SEN) legislation and policy in Northern Ireland, including regulations and Codes of Practice. It details timescales in relation to SEN assessment and summarises arrangements for those with SEN over the age of 16. It also compares the SEND Bill with proposals published by the Department in 2012.


Economic Inactivity in Northern Ireland
This paper provides an introduction to some of the major themes and issues regarding Economic Inactivity in Northern


The Youth Employment Initiative and NI
This paper discusses Northern Ireland’s eligibility to access support under the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI).


NUTS III Regions
The NUTS Classification refers to “Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics”. This paper provides a brief discussion of NUTS III regions and how they are identified.


Public Procurement Competitions: Further Education Sector
This briefing is a companion paper to NIAR 531-2014 and provides information on the current public procurement process in relation to Northern Ireland’s Further Education Sector.


Possible Amendment to the Special Education Needs and Disability Bill
This paper examines the case for a possible Committee for Employment and Learning Amendment to the proposed Special
Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Bill extending the provision of SEN to young people over the age of 19. The paper outlines the current system of Special Education Needs (SEN) support in Northern Ireland, before considering the systems in place in England, Scotland and Wales. It includes a discussion of the establishing


Support for Looked After Children in Scotland
This briefing paper provides a broad overview of recent measures to improve the quality and extent of care for 'looked after children' in Scotland. The paper also includes a brief description of the support available to children and young people living in care in Scotland. It focuses specifically on the changes introduced by the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.



Local Council Spending on Culture and Heritage
This briefing paper provides information on culture and heritage expenditure for each of the 26 councils. The figures are derived from the annual reports of each council which provide standardised headings for a number of different categories of service expenditure.


Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsperson Bill
This paper provides information on the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsperson (NIPSO) Bill. It highlights key areas within the Bill that the Committee may wish to consider further and which were significant issues that emerged during the initial proposals by the OFMdFM Committee.


Women in the General Election in Northern Ireland 2015
This paper briefly summarises the results of the UK General Election 2015 in Northern Ireland by gender. The paper is written in the context of the approval by the Northern Ireland Assembly on 9 March 2014 of the report of the Assembly and Executive Review Committee on Women in Politics and the Northern Ireland Assembly, which recommends that political parties consider measures to increase the representation of women in politics.


Northern Ireland Public Service Ombudsman Bill – Cost Implications  This paper supports the work of the OFMDFM Committee in assessing the costs associated with the policy proposals to be given effect by the Northern Ireland Public Service Ombudsman Bill. The estimates suggested in the paper reflect the information available to RaISe at the time of writing.




Comparison of In-Work Poverty in NI, GB and ROI
This paper provides a comparison of the working poor in Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland.


Northern Ireland Public Service Ombudsman Bill – Update on Estimated Cost Implications
This paper provides an update on the estimated cost implications for the Northern Ireland Public Service Ombudsman Bill.


Integrated children’s services
This Briefing Paper considers integrated children's services in England and Germany, in the light of the Children’s Services Co-operation Bill which was introduced to the Assembly by Mr Steven Agnew, MLA on 8 December 2014 and passed its Second Stage on 26 January 2015.


General Election 2015: Gender Representation
This Briefing Paper briefly summarises the gender breakdown of the candidates in Northern Ireland for the general election.


Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) Bill: Key Provisions and Considerations
This Briefing Paper is compiled for the Committee for Finance and Personnel, to inform its discussion and debate about the Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) Bill, which is currently progressing through the House of Lords.



The Provision of Services for Children with Autism
This paper provides the legislative background to the provision of autism services in Northern Ireland. It outlines the current range of services provided by the Department of Education and highlights issues in the provision of educational services relating to autism. Finally, the paper lists organisations involved in autism education in Northern Ireland.



The Children’s Services Co-operation Bill
The Children’s Services Co-operation Bill was introduced to the Assembly by Mr Steven Agnew, MLA on 8 December 2014.The Bill amends the Children (NI) Order 1995. It requires NI departments to co-operate with each other to contribute to the achievement of specified outcomes relating to the well-being of children and young people. It creates a duty for all key agencies to cooperate in the planning, commissioning and delivery of children’s services. The Bill also creates an enabling power to allow departments to pool budgets for crosscutting children’s issues. 



EU issues relating to the work of the ARD Committee – Spring 2015 and beyond
This briefing paper provides an overview of current EU issues that have implications for the work of the ARD Committee in Spring 2015 and beyond, with a particular emphasis on the following: CAP Pillar 1 implementation issues and future direction; RDP progress – lack of Commission approval for NIRDP; State of EU dairy market and interventions; State of the EU pork market and interventions; Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) CETA; and Unfair Trading Practices.



Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Bill
The SEND Bill aims to give effect to legislative changes in support of the policy for a revised SEN and inclusion framework. It aims to ensure the early identification, assessment and provision for SEN children with the child at the centre of the process. This Bill Paper outlines the background and consultation process; considers the individual clauses and highlights a range of areas that could be given further consideration. 



Coding in schools
Coding, or computer programming, is the process of developing sets of instructions allowing computers to carry out specific tasks. This briefing paper provides an overview of the formal and informal teaching of coding in schools in Northern Ireland, and considers qualifications and teacher training in this regard. It also explores practice in other jurisdictions.



European Commission Legislative & Non Legislative Proposals 2015 Q1
This paper provides spreadsheets detailing European Commission legislative and
non-legislative proposals in the first Quarter of 2015.



Transforming Your Care (TYC) Workforce Planning 2 – Trends in HSC Staff Numbers
The TYC Strategic Implementation Plan identified the main impact on health and social care (HSC) staff as stemming from the shift of activity from an acute to a community and enhanced primary care setting. This second RaISe briefing paper regarding workforce planning provides a baseline and an introductory review of HSC staff numbers and trends in a selection of staff groups likely to be impacted by TYC.



Census 2011 – Key Statistics for Gender
This Paper presents a selection of key statistics from Census 2011 at the Northern Ireland level, focusing on the similarities and differences between men and women. The paper covers 12 categories including age, marital status, country of birth, health, economic activity, voluntary work and occupation.



EU Initiatives Update
This briefing paper aims to highlight a number of European initiatives from the new 2015 Commission Work Programme that may be of interest to the Environment Committee. It also considers initiatives from the 2013 and 2014 programmes, giving an update where possible. It should be noted that this paper is indicative and in no way exhaustive, areas not identified can be fully explored at further request.



Overview of selected animal registration and traceability systems outside NI – main features and costs 
This briefing paper provides a brief overview of selected animal registration and traceability systems in use outside of Northern Ireland. The selected systems are compared in terms of their key features and costs. The context for this paper is provided by DARD's proposal to develop a new Northern Ireland Food Animal Information Service (NIFAIS) to replace the current Animal and Public Health Information System (APHIS) which went live in 1998.



Contextual overview of the use of Remote Sensing data within CAP eligibility inspection and control
This paper provides a brief overview of how remote sensing is utilised across the EU as a control mechanism in relation to the Single Farm Payment/Basic Payment scheme. The paper also highlights the usage of control with remote sensing in Northern Ireland and expands upon data from a previous RaISe paper that considered the benefits and effectiveness of remote sensing as a CAP eligibility control mechanism within the Republic of Ireland and Wales.



Supplementary information on the Irish Dairy sector in support of Briefing Paper 29/15 (NIAR 912-14)
This briefing note provides supplementary information to RaISe Briefing paper Briefing Paper 29/15 (NIAR 912-14) which looked at the state of the dairy industry within the Republic of Ireland.



The Dairy Industry in the Republic of Ireland – strategic direction, current state and challenges moving forward
This briefing paper provides an overview of the current state of the dairy industry in the Republic of Ireland in terms of strategic direction, current status and the challenges that industry faces going into 2015 and beyond.



The Attorney General's proposed amendment to the Justice Bill
This paper has been produced in response to a research request by the Committee for Justice on whether the Attorney General in other jurisdictions (England and Wales, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland) have an equivalent power to that of the AGNI under the Coroners Act 1959 and whether they have a statutory power to obtain papers.



Implementation of social clauses policy in Northern Ireland 
This Briefing Paper presents information in relation to the implementation of social clauses by Northern Ireland departments. It also gives some information about developments related to the use social clauses in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland.



Education Other than at School and youth work
This briefing paper considers Education Other than at School (EOTAS) – education for children who cannot otherwise access appropriate provision, and youth work in Northern Ireland, particularly in regard to curriculum and inspection.



European Commission Work Programme 2015
This research paper identifies initiatives contained in European Commission's 2015 Work Programme which are of potential interest to statutory committees of the Assembly, as part of their engagement with European issues.



Cycling for leisure, recreation and tourism
This paper explores the economic benefits of cycling tourism.By way of introducing the concept of cycling tourism this paper includes analysis of the cycling tourism market. Including:The size and value of the market in the UK and beyond; andThe characteristics and preferences of cycle tourists.



Why do people cycle & what benefits does cycling bring? Lessons from the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany
This literature review explores current understanding of what makes cycling so attractive in the world’s top three cycling nations: The Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. Additionally, a series of case studies, from municipalities within each country, are used to demonstrate the economic benefits derived from high cycling levels.



Car free days: A literature review
This paper reviews the literature around car free days with a particular focus on evaluation studies that have presented data on the impacts, both positive and negative, on host cities.



Northern Ireland Air Connectivity
This paper discusses the UK Government's ongoing plans to increase runway capacity in the South East of England and potential implications of the final decision on the Northern Ireland economy.



Enforcing Bus Lanes
As part of the Belfast on the Move, Transport Masterplan, the Department for Regional Development (DRD) has installed 13 bus lanes on core city centre streets. The Installation and successful operation of these bus lanes is a pivotal step in preparing the city centre for the introduction of a new Rapid Transit system. Proper enforcement will be critical to the functioning and credibility of Belfast's bus lanes. This paper examines Bus Lane enforcement in England Scotland & Wales. 



Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill
This paper examines the provisions of the Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill



Community Relations Funding through Local Councils in Northern Ireland
This paper briefly outlines community relations funding for groups through local councils in Northern Ireland in the context of the inquiry by the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister into the Together: Building a United Community strategy. The paper is a supplement to a previous paper, Community
Relations Funding in Northern Ireland



Impact of 20mph speed limits
This paper examines the experiences of a number of highway authorities that have introduced 20mph speed limits and 30km/h zones.



Edinburgh 20mph Speed Limits
This paper provides a brief background to the 20mph speed limit pilot in Edinburgh. The aim of this (Pilot) project was to reduce vehicle speeds through signage and surface markings only, as opposed to using physical traffic calming measures.



The role of speed in the frequency and severity of Road Traffic Collisions
This paper draws on a number of studies to present the empirical relationship between vehicle speeds and pedestrian injuries.



Speed limit compliance and enforcement
This paper has been produced to support members in their scrutiny of the Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill. The primary objective of the bill is to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities caused by road traffic collisions by reducing the speed limit on residential (unclassified) roads from 30mph to 20mph. This paper reviews the literature on speed limit compliance.



An overview of key road traffic collisions statistics in Northern Ireland
This paper has been produced to support members in their scrutiny of the Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill. The primary objective of the bill is to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities caused by road traffic collisions by reducing the speed limit on residential (unclassified) roads from 30mph to 20mph. This paper examines a number of key trends in road traffic collisions within Northern Ireland, including:What road users are most likely to be involved in road traffic collisions;On what type of roads collisions occur; andThe causes of road traffic collisions



Commission Work Programme 2014: Update 
This Briefing Paper is written in the context of scrutiny by the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister (COFMdFM) of responses by the Northern Ireland Executive to developments in EU policy and legislation that may impact upon Northern Ireland.



FDI determinants in European regions
This briefing paper explores Foreign Direct Investment in a number of European regions, specifically

  • Nordrhein-Westfalen;
  • Scotland;
  • Greater Stockholm;
  • The Amsterdam Region;
  • Copenhagen Capital Region; and
  • Greater Zurich Area.
    These regions have been selected due to their performance and placing in the FDI Intelligence European Cities and Regions of the Future Report 2014/2015.  All regions appear in the report's top ten European regions and perform well in their specific categories: large; mid-sized; and small region. Two regions from each category are examined 


A Review of Literature Regarding the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
This briefing paper reviews the literature on FDI determinants. It is the first of a series of papers for the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment that examine Northern Ireland's FDI attractiveness.



Information on sanctions available to Speakers/Presiding Officers in other legislatures
This briefing paper has been prepared for the Committee on Procedures following its meeting on 25 November 2014. It addresses issues relating to the role of the Speaker/Presiding Officer in the maintenance of order. It provides information on the practice in legislatures in the UK and Ireland.



Horizon 2020 Workshop 
Horizon 2020 is the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The programme runs until 2020 with a budget of approximately €78 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 -2020). On the 20th November, the Department of the Environment hosted a free workshop aimed at a range of sectors: local and central government, research bodies, NGOs, not for profit organisations, the agri-food sector, business/industry, and in particular, the SME sector. This paper provides an overview of that event.




EU Competitive funding
In response to a request from the Committee for the Environment (the Committee) this paper addresses competitive EU funding drawdown by the Department of the Environment (the Department. The paper draws on information provided by the Department to the Committee and gives a brief explanation of the funding identified by the Department and the role the Department takes in securing such funding. It also highlights some areas where the Committee may wish to seek further clarification from the Department.




Final Budget 2015-16: Initial Considerations
Following the Draft Budget proposals and related public consultation, as well as the Stormont House Agreement, this Briefing Paper outlines initial considerations arising from the Executive's revised allocations. The allocations were presented to the Assembly on 19 January 2015, in the form of the Final Budget 2015-16. 



Self-Employment in Northern Ireland
This paper provides a brief discussion of Self-Employment (SE) in Northern Ireland.



Financing education
In a climate of continuing financial restraint, meeting increasing demands for education from the public purse is becoming more difficult for governments internationally. In addition, balancing public and private financing is seen as a key policy issue for many. This briefing paper details sources of income for compulsory school-age education in Northern Ireland and considers EU funding streams. It also outlines the proportions of private and public education spending internationally and considers a number of examples of income generation within the education sector.



Attainment targets and the influence of socio-economic background on outcomes
The Programme for Government 2011-15 includes a number of
educational targets relating to attainment at GCSE and A level. This paper highlights the post-primary attainment targets in place here and in England, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It also explores briefly the relationship between socio-economic background and educational performance in a number of countries internationally.


Looked after children – educational policy and practice
This paper outlines the educational policy around looked after children in Northern Ireland, England, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


Young People's Views on Planned Changes to Driving Licensing Laws in Northern Ireland 
This paper presents the findings of research into young people's views on planned changes to driving licensing laws in Northern Ireland. The research was conducted by the Northern Ireland Assembly's Research and Information Service (RaISe) in November 2014. It was carried out on behalf of the Environment Committee in support of its scrutiny of proposed changes to the Road Traffic Bill.
