Research Papers 2015

Synopsis: Here you will find a list of Committee on Standards and Privileges research papers published in 2014. Links to the report text are available from each of the reports listed.

Relationship between public services Ombudsmen and Standards Commissioners in the UK

- Date: 22/10/2015

This briefing paper has been prepared following a request from the Committee on Standards and Privileges and provides information on the following issues: Whether any of the Parliamentary/Assembly standards Commissioners in the UK fall within the remit of their respective Ombudsmen and whether there are other accountability mechanisms are in place which allow for complaints against Commissioners to be investigated


Employment of benefits received by "connected Persons" in relation to elected representatives

- Date: 02/02/2015


Impact of rules on lobbying in relation to overseas visits

- Date: 27/06/2014


Parliamentary Privilege

- Date: 19/02/2014