Research Papers 2021
Synopsis: Below you will find details of Research Publications which have been prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) for the Justice Committee in 2021.
Justice (Sexual Offences ad Trafficking Victims) Bill
- Date: 02/12/2021
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Justice (Sexual Offences and Trafficking Victims) Bill. It has two primary objectives which are (i) to enhance public safety by implementing certain elements of the Gillen Review Report into the law and procedures in serious sexual offence in Northern Ireland and from a review of the law on child sexual exploitation and sexual offences against children; and (ii) to improve services for victims of trafficking and victims of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour.
Online Trolling and Abuse
- Date: 05/07/2021
This briefing paper has been prepared in response to a request from the Committee for Justice, which sought research on the following: comparing the laws to tackle online trolling/abuse available in other jurisdictions including the UK and the Republic of Ireland; outlining examples of international good practice in this area; and clarifying what powers are reserved or devolved and what areas the Assembly can either influence or take action on in this area.
Personal Injury Discount Rate
- Date: 07/06/2021
This paper details the various impacts identified to date by a change in the discount rate in England and Wales and Scotland in recent years. It also looks at Northern Ireland’s specific circumstances to provide context to any potential issues that could arise from a change in the discount rate locally.
Protection from Stalking Bill
- Date: 15/04/2021
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Protection from Stalking Bill, which completed its second stage on 8th February 2021. The Bill has 20 clauses and is divided into three parts. Its predominant policy objectives are creating two new offences relating to stalking and introducing provision for Stalking Protection Orders.
Statutory Time Limits in other jurisdictions
- Date: 26/03/2021
This paper has been prepared in response to a request from the Committee for Justice for information about statutory case time limits and statutory custody time limits in other jurisdictions and whether they have contributed to a reduction in delays in criminal proceedings. The statutory time limits that apply to custody and case proceedings in national and international jurisdictions vary considerably. This paper details the various limits and examines their application in practice. It also looks at Northern Ireland’s current legislative provisions and processes to provide background and context to the issue.
Reform of the Criminal Justice Process in other jurisdictions
- Date: 26/03/2021
This briefing paper provides information in response to the Committee for Justice’s request regarding:; what other relevant jurisdictions have reformed or removed the committal process and the impact and/or effectiveness this has had on reducing delays in the criminal justice trial process; and the proposed changes and the anticipated impact of the introduction of a pre-trial hearing in the criminal trial process in the Republic of Ireland.