Research Papers 2012
Synopsis: Here you will find a list of Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister research papers published during 2012.
The Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Bill
- Date: 25/06/2012
This paper outlines the background to the legislation, examines the responses to the Executive’s consultation and briefly summarises the main provisions of the Bill. Some key issues are included in the final section.
Human Trafficking in Northern Ireland
- Date: 12/06/2012
This paper outlines the legislative framework relevant to human trafficking and explores some of the main themes and issues concerning how trafficking is dealt with in Northern Ireland. The research features the views of key stakeholders relevant to human trafficking in Northern Ireland.
European Commission Work Programme 2012
- Date: 24/05/2012
The Research and Information Service undertook a screening of the Commission’s 2010 and 2011 Work Programmes, and this paper provides an update on progress in relation to initiatives identified of interest to the OFMDFM committee. The paper also presents the results of a screening of the 2012 Work Programme, which was published on 15th November 2011.
Anti-Discrimination Legislation and Agency Workers in Northern Ireland
- Date: 23/05/2012
This paper is written in the context of a presentation by the Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities (NICEM) to the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister (OFMdFM) on 18 April 2012 in which it was stated that workers who are engaged by employment agencies outside the European Union (EU) are not protected by equality legislation in Northern Ireland.
Electronic Vote Counting Systems
- Date: 23/05/2012
This briefing paper looks at electronic vote counting or e-counting for elections. The paper examines what e-counting is and where it has been used previously. The paper also examines the various issues that arise with the use of electronic counting as well as recommendations the Electoral Commission has made for the future use of e-counting.
Disability – International Perspectives
- Date: 22/02/2012
The Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister has been considering issues relating to disability . Building on a previous paper summarising disability equality legislation in Northern Ireland, this paper examines disability issues in the international context, with some examples of good practice.
Disability Legislation and Policy
- Date: 08/02/2012
The Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister discussed disability issues on 18 January 2012. This paper briefly outlines equality legislation in Northern Ireland relating to disability and highlights potential developments in legislation and policy.
The Child Poverty Act 2010 and Northern Ireland’s Role
- Date: 12/01/2012
This briefing paper focuses on the Child Poverty Act and the obligations placed upon government departments in Northern Ireland. The first two sections outline the duties laid upon the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister and briefly summarises the actions it has taken to enable these obligations. Section 3 outlines the responsibilities placed by the Act upon the other NI departments. The final section of the paper briefly looks at the role, structure and makeup of the proposed Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission.