Deposited Papers 2016
Deposited Papers are unpublished Papers placed in the Library at the direction of the Speaker or a Minister in the Executive. In most cases they provide information requested in an Assembly Question. Guidance on the laying, presenting and depositing of papers in the Northern Ireland Assembly (as outlined at Standing Order 23 of the Assembly's Standing Orders) has been published by NICS.
The following list contains details of documents which have been deposited in the Library in 2016. Copies of these and all other Deposited Papers are currently available in the Assembly Library for consultation. Where possible, they have been made available as pdfs. The list is in reverse chronological order.
Deposited Papers from previous years are also available:
[2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007]
Number: 1600 Issuing Office: DfE Date Received: 22/12/16
Information provided by the Minister for the Economy in response to an Oral Question from Mr Danny Kennedy MLA on 06 December 2016 in which he sought details of the level of commitment required to provide an adequate and effective system of broadband in Newry and Armagh and an indication of how much money has been earmarked for that in the immediate future. [pdf]
Contact: Correspondence Secretary, Private Office, Department for the Economy, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP Tel: 028 9052 9209 email:
Number: 1599 Issuing Office: DF Date Received: 22/12/16
Information provided by the Minister of Finance in response to Assembly Question AQW 9074/16-21 from Mr Jim Allister MLA in which he asked the Minister whether he will place in the Assembly Library a copy of the original letter of approval issued by the Department of Finance and Personnel when the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme was referred to DFP Supply. [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Section, Department of Finance, Clare House, 303 Airport Road West, Belfast BT3 9ED Tel: 02890 816717 email:
Number: 1598 Issuing Office: DAERA Date Received: 21/12/16
Written Ministerial Statement by Minister McIlveen MLA, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, regarding the outcome of the December Fisheries Council Meeting [pdf]
Contact: DAERA Private Office, Room 438, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB. email: DAERA Private Office
Number: 1597 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 20/12/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 8652/16-21 from Mr Keith Buchanan MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the roads not yet adopted by his Department in Mid Ulster, broken down by town. [pdf]
Contact: Departmental Coordination Unit, Department for Infrastructure, Room 7-15 Clarence Court,10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB. Tel. 028 90540093 email:
Number: 1596 Issuing Office: DfE Date Received: 19/12/16
Further documentation provided by the Minister for the Economy in regard to the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme. [pdf]
Contact: Central Management Branch, Department for the Economy, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP. Tel: 028 9052 9637 email:
Number: 1595 Issuing Office: DfE Date Received: 19/12/16
Documentation provided by the Minister for the Economy in regard to the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme. [pdf]
Contact: Central Management Branch, Department for the Economy, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP. Tel: 028 9052 9637 email:
Number: 1594 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 19/12/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 8508/16-21 from Mr Colin McGrath MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the projected surplus/deficit figures for all schools from this year’s submission by school principals for (i) 2016-17; (ii) 2017-18; and (iii) 2018-19. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472 email:
Number: 1593 Issuing Office: DH Date Received: 15/12/16
Information provided by the Minister for Health in correction to an earlier response to Assembly Question AQW 4566/16-21 from Mrs Jo-Anne Dobson MLA in which she asked the Minister to detail the patient waiting times for an appointment with a consultant at the gastroenterology department at the Belfast City Hospital for (i) urgent cases; and (ii) non-urgent appointments. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Health, Private Office, C5.10, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast. Tel: 028 9052 0642 email:
Number: 1592 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 15/12/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 8021/16-21 from Ms Sandra Overend MLA in which she asked the Minister to list (i) every school building; and (ii) every piece of school land currently under the ownership of (a) his Department; (b) the Education Authority; (c) the CCMS; (d) protestant churches; (e) voluntary grammar schools; and (f) all other owners. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. email:
Number: 1591 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 13/12/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 8024/16-21 from Mr Steve Aiken MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail; (i) all schools; and (ii) all organisations who have attended each Outdoor Education Centre in the last three years. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472 email:
Number: 1590 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 12/12/16
North South Ministerial Council. Transport Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 12 December 2016. Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 37515010 or (048) 37515010
Number: 1589 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 07/12/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 7852/16-21 from Mr Colin McGrath MLA in which he asked the Minister to list all primary schools with (i) their capacity for pupils; and (ii) the number of pupils they were entitled to enrol for 2016-17. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472 email:
Number: 1588 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 06/12/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to (a) Assembly Question AQW 7410/16-21 from Mr Robin Swann MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the number of times in the last four years that the Bushmills Outdoor Education Centre has hosted schools or organisations; and (ii) the names of those organisations or schools, broken down by community background; and (b) Assembly Question AQW 7412/16-21 from Mr Robin Swann MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the schools; (ii) other organisations that have used the facilities at Bushmills Outdoor Education Centre in each of the last four years. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. email:
Number: 1587 Issuing Office: DfC Date Received: 06/12/16
Written Ministerial Statement to the Assembly by Mr Paul Givan, the Minister for Communities in respect of the introduction of universal credit in Northern Ireland. [pdf]
Contact: Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, 10th Level, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG Tel: (028) 9083330
Number: 1586 Issuing Office: DfC Date Received: 05/12/16
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 7713/16-21 from Mr Steven Agnew MLA in which he asked the Minister, pursuant to AQW 6858/16-21, to outline the total amount of (i) development potential land held by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive; and (ii) existing open space land held by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, broken down by Local Government district; and to provide a definition of each of these land types. [pdf]
Contact: Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, 10th Level, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG Tel: (028) 90823 392
Number: 1585 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 02/12/16
North South Ministerial Council. Special EU Programmes Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 2 December 2016: Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 37515010 or (048) 37515010
Number: 1584 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 02/12/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 7339/16-21 from Mr Colin McGrath MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the deficit or surplus position per the submitted three year financial plan that Principals make each year for every primary school in each year since 2013. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472 email:
Number: 1583 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 25/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 6746/16-21 from Mr Trevor Clarke MLA in which he asked the Minister pursuant to AQW 5885/16-21, to detail (i) how many bus stops are between Antrim and Lisburn, via Belfast International Airport; (ii) the location of each bus stop; and (iii) how many passengers have got on at each bus stop daily over the last six months. [pdf]
Contact: Departmental Coordination Unit, Department for Infrastructure, Room 7-15 Clarence Court,10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB. Tel. 02890540093 email:
Number: 1582 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 25/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 6748/16-21 from Mr Trevor Clarke MLA in which he asked the Minister pursuant to AQW 5885/16-21, to detail (i) how many bus stops are between Crumlin to Antrim Area Hospital; (ii) the location of each bus stop; and (iii) how many passengers have got on at each bus stop daily over the last six months. [pdf]
Contact: Departmental Coordination Unit, Department for Infrastructure, Room 7-15 Clarence Court,10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB. Tel. 02890540093 email:
Number: 1581 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 18/11/16
North South Ministerial Council Twenty-third Plenary Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Office, Armagh. 18 November 2016. Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, ARMAGH, BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 3751 5004 (Network 33004)
Number: 1580 Issuing Office: DfE Date Received: 16/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for the Economy pursuant to a Topical Question in the Assembly on Monday 11 October 2016 from Ms Jo-Anne Dobson MLA regarding the help which his Department provides to colleges to measure the impact of community courses and to better target provision for rural areas. [pdf]
Contact: Department for Economy, Tel: 028 905 29296 email:
Number: 1579 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 14/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 6507/16-21 from Mr Mike Nesbitt MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the total deficit projected for all 325 primary schools predicted to be in budget deficit by 2018-19 as detailed in the Draft Strategic Area Plan for School Provision; and (ii) a breakdown for each of the 325 schools of the projected deficit for each year between now and 2018-19. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472 email:
Number: 1578 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 14/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 6506/16-21 from Mr Mike Nesbitt MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the total deficit projected for all 62 post-primary schools predicted to be in a budget deficit by 2018-19 as detailed in the Draft Strategic Area Plan for School Provision; and (ii) a breakdown for each of the 62 schools of the projected deficit for each year between now and 2018-19. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472 email:
Number: 1577 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 10/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 6357/16-21 from Mr Philip Smith MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) all schools that have a budget surplus; and (ii) the value of the surplus for each school. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472 email:
Number: 1576 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 10/11/16
North South Ministerial Council Health and Food Safety Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh. 9 November 2016. Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel 028 3751 5013 (Network 33013).
Number: 1575 Issuing Office: The Executive Office Date Received: 08/11/16
Information provided by the First Minister and deputy First Minister in response to Assembly Question AQW 5559/16-21 from Mr Alex Attwood MLA in which he asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister to detail (i) the amount spent in supporting projects under Social Investment Fund; and (ii) the location of each project, broken down for each of the last five years. [pdf]
Contact: The Executive Office, Assembly Section. Tel. Ext 88060 email:
Number: 1574 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 03/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 5690/16-21 from Mr Trevor Clarke MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of passengers who used the Airport Express 300 bus to Belfast International Airport, broken down by each stop from Belfast, daily over the last six months. [pdf]
Contact: Department for Infrastructure Assembly Business Unit, 7th Floor Clarence Court. Belfast. email:
Number: 1573 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 03/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 5689/16-21 from Mr Trevor Clarke MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of passengers who used the Airport Express 300 bus to Belfast, broken down by each stop from the Belfast International Airport, daily over the last six months. [pdf]
Contact: Department for Infrastructure Assembly Business Unit, 7th Floor Clarence Court. Belfast. email:
Number: 1572 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 03/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 5688/16-21 from Mr Trevor Clarke MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of passengers who used the 109a bus to Belfast International Airport, broken down by each stop from Lisburn, daily over the last six months. [pdf]
Contact: Department for Infrastructure Assembly Business Unit, 7th Floor Clarence Court. Belfast. email:
Number: 1571 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 03/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 5687/16-21 from Mr Trevor Clarke MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of passengers that used the 109a bus to Lisburn, broken down by each stop from the Belfast International Airport, daily over the last six months. [pdf]
Contact: Department for Infrastructure Assembly Business Unit, 7th Floor Clarence Court. Belfast. email:
Number: 1570 Issuing Office: DF Date Received: 01/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Finance in response to Assembly Question AQW 5731/16-21 from Mr Patsy McGlone MLA in which he asked the Minister whether he has written to the EU Regional Policy Commissioner regarding the potential implications of Brexit on the PEACE and INTERREG Programmes; and will he place on public record any response received. [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Section, Department of Finance, Clare House, 303 Airport Road West, Belfast BT3 9ED Tel: 02890 816719 email:
Number: 1569 Issuing Office: DfC Date Received: 01/11/16
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 5364/16-21 from Mr Alex Easton MLA in which he asked the Minister to outline (i) the community organisations that receive funding through Neighbourhood Renewal; and (ii) the funding each community organisation has received since 2014. [pdf]
Contact: Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, 10th Level, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG Tel: (028) 90823 392
Number: 1568 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 26/10/16
North South Ministerial Council Agriculture Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 26 October 2016. Joint Communiqé [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 37515010 or (048) 37515010
Number: 1567 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 5/10/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 5030/16-21 from Mr Harold McKee MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the current class sizes for each Year from 1 to 7, broken down by each primary school in South Down. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472 email:
Number: 1566 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 24/10/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 4016/16-21 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA in which he asked the Minister (i) to outline the business case and risk assessment that took place prior to the Board of Northern Ireland Water permitting oil exploratory drilling to occur within the water catchment area of Woodburn dams; and; (ii) whether he would provide a copy of any such assessment. [pdf]
Contact: Departmental Co-ordination Unit, Department for Infrastructure, Room 7-15 Clarence Court,10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB. Tel. 02890540093 email:
Number: 1565 Issuing Office: DoJ Date Received: 21/10/16
Information provided by the Minister for Justice in response to Assembly Question AQW 4760/16-21 from Lord Morrow MLA in which he asked the Minister, pursuant to AQW 2795/16-21 re. Serious Further Offence Review, to provide, or place in the Assembly Library, a copy of the standard pro forma template. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Justice, Minister's Office, Block B, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SG. Tel. (028) 9076 3000
Number: 1564 Issuing Office: The Executive Office Date Received: 21/10/16
Information provided by the First Minister and deputy First Minister in response to Assembly Question AQW 4737/16-21 from Mr Stewart Dickson MLA, in which he asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister for an update on Social Investment Fund projects that have been (i) approved; (ii) started; and (iii) completed. [pdf]
Contact: The Executive Office, Assembly Section. Tel. Ext 88060 email:
Number: 1563 Issuing Office: The Executive Office Date Received: 21/10/16
Information provided by the First Minister and deputy First Minister in response to Assembly Question AQW 4736/16-21 from Mr Stewart Dickson MLA, in which he asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister to detail all Social Investment Fund projects and their (i) Project Lead/Management Agent; and (ii) Project Delivery Agent. [pdf]
Contact: The Executive Office, Assembly Section. Tel. Ext 88060 email:
Number: 1562 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 19/10/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 4558/16-21 from Ms Kellie Armstrong MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail each (i) primary school; (ii) post-primary school that has a deficit; and (iii) to detail each deficit at the end of each financial year (a) 2010/2011; (b) 2011/2012; (c) 2012/2013; (d) 2013/2014; and (e) 2014/2015 [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472. Email:
Number: 1561 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 18/10/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 4434/16-21 from Ms Kellie Armstrong MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail each school’s maintenance costs, broken down by (i) primary; and (ii) post-primary school. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Education, Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279472 email:
Number: 1560 Issuing Office: DF Date Received: 18/10/16
Information provided by the Minister of Finance in response to Assembly Question AQW 4986/16-21 from Mr Steven Agnew MLA, in which he asked the Minister to publish, or place in the Assembly Library, a copy of the letter he received from the Chief Secretary to the Treasury outlining Treasury guarantees over EU funding. [pdf]
Contact: DoF Assembly Section, Clare House, 303 Airport Road West, Belfast BT3 9ED. Tel: 02890 816717 (ext 76717) email:
Number: 1559 Issuing Office: The Executive Office Date Received: 18/10/16
Letters of Invitation from the Prime Minister Teresa May addressed to the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, inviting them to attend the next Plenary meeting of the Joint Ministerial Committee, which is due to take place from 1100-1300 on Monday 24 October at 10 Downing Street. [pdf]
Contact: The Executive Office, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle. Tel. Ext 88057 email:
Number: 1558 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 14/10/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 4773/16-21 from Mr Colin McGrath MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the deficit or surplus position of every primary school, broken down by (a) school; and (b) Education Authority region as per the submitted three year financial plan that Principals make each year. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279376 (59376) email:
Number: 1557 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 04/10/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 3513/16-21 from Mr Richie McPhillips MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the total number of youth clubs in Fermanagh and South Tyrone; and (ii) the amount of funding each youth group receives from his Department, broken down over the last three years. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279376 (59376) email:
Number: 1556 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 04/10/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 3426/16-21 from Mr Paul Girvan MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the surplus and deficits held by each school in South Antrim, broken down over each of the last five years. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279376 (59376) email:
Number: 1555 Issuing Office: The Executive Office Date Received: 30/09/16
Information provided by the First Minister and deputy First Minister in response to Assembly Question AQW 2175/16-21 from Mrs Sandra Overend MLA, in which she asked the Ministers to detail the monetary breakdown and number of awards made by the Victims and Survivors Service through the Individual Needs Programme for the 2015-16 (a) Support for the Bereaved; (b) Support for the Injured 1; (c) Support for the Injured 2; (d) Carers; (e) Financial Assistance; and (f) Disability Aids schemes, broken down by (i) parliamentary constituency; (ii) victims and survivors located in the Republic of Ireland; (iii) victims and survivors located in Great Britain; and (iv) those outside the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. [pdf]
Contact: The Executive Office, Assembly Section. Tel. Ext 88060 email:
Number: 1554 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 29/09/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 3092/16-21 from Mr Daniel McCrossan MLA, in which he asked the Minister to list the roads not yet adopted by his Department in West Tyrone, broken down by town. [pdf]
Contact: Departmental Coordination Unit, Department for Infrastructure, Room 7-15 Clarence Court,10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB. Tel. 02890540093 email:
Number: 1553 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 29/09/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 3128/16-21 from Mr John O'Dowd MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the surplus and deficits held by each school in Upper Bann in each of the last five years. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279376 (59376) email:
Number: 1552 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 26/09/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 2759/16-21 from Mr Danny Kennedy MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) all pre-school providers per constituency; and (ii) how many first preference applications each received and how many first preference applications were accepted by each provider. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Rathgael House, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel: 028 91279376 (59376) email:
Number: 1551 Issuing Office: DfI Date Received: 26/09/16
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 2736/16-21 from Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley MLA, in which he asked the Minister to provide or place in the Assembly library copies of all correspondence issued by DVA in respect of the installation and regulation compliance of same. [pdf]
Contact: Departmental Coordination Unit, Department for Infrastructure, Room 7-15 Clarence Court,10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB. Tel. 02890540093 email:
Number: 1550 Issuing Office: DoH Date Received: 26/09/16
Information provided by the Minister for Health in correction to a response which was previously provided to Assembly Question AQW 2372/16-21 from Mr Gerry Mullan MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of cancelled operations in each Health and Social Care Trust, broken down by hospital. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Health, Private Office C5.10, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast. Tel: 028 9052 0642 email:
Number: 1549 Issuing Office: DoH Date Received: 26/09/16
Information provided by the Minister for Health in correction to a response which was previously provided to Assembly Question AQW 2366/16-21 from Mr Daniel McCrossan MLA, in which he sought the (i) allocated budget; and (ii) the budget spent on adult learning disability sen/ices in the Western Health and Social Care Trust, in each of the last five years. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Health, Private Office C5.10, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast. Tel: 028 9052 0642 email:
Number: 1548 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 21/09/16
orth South Ministerial Council Education Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 21 September 2016. Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, ARMAGH, BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 3751 5004 (Network 33004)
Number: 1547 Issuing Office: DfC Date Received: 21/09/16
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to AQW 2517/16-21 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the amount of investment in sporting facilities since 2006, broken down by facility. [pdf]
Contact: Department for Communities, Sports Branch, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT1 7FB. Tel. 75208.
Number: 1546 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 15/09/16
North South Ministerial Council Aquaculture and Marine Meeting, Foyle, Carlingford & Irish lights Commission (FCILC), NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh 14 September 2016. Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 37515010 or (048) 37515010
Number: 1545 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 14/09/16
North South Ministerial Council Twenty-Second Environment Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 14 September 2016. Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 37515010 or (048) 37515010
Number: 1544 Issuing Office: The Executive Office Date Received: 04/08/16
Information provided by the First and Deputy First Minister in response to AQW 1873/16-21 from Mr Jim Allister in which he asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister to detail the projects and their value committed under the Social Investment Fund, broken down by constituency. [pdf]
Contact: The Executive Office, Assembly Section. Tel. Ext 88060. Email:
Number: 1543 Issuing Office: The Executive Office Date Received: 03/08/16
Information provided by the First and Deputy First Minister in response to AQW 1646/16-21 from Mr Colin McGrath in which he asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister to list the volunteer and community groups that received funding from their Department, or legacy Department, in each of the last three years, including the amount given each year. [pdf]
Contact: The Executive Office, Assembly Section. Tel. Ext 88060. Email
Number: 1542 Issuing Office: NIA Commission Office Date Received: 08/07/16
Information provided by Mr Alex Attwood in response to AQW 1140/16-21 from Mr Nelson McCausland MLA in which he asked the Assembly Commission whether it will place a copy of the terms and conditions, including remuneration, for the Commissioner for Standards in the Assembly library. [pdf]
Contact: NI Assembly Commission and Clerk / Chief Executive’s Office, Parliament Buildings, Stormont. Tel. 028 905 20334
Number: 1541 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 07/07/16
INorth South Ministerial Council Special EU Programmes Meeting, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Iveagh House, Dublin, 07 July 2016, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, 58 Upper English Street, ARMAGH. BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 3751 5007 (Network 33007)
Number: 1540 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 07/07/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 1644/16-21 from Mr Colin McGrath MLA, in which he asked the Minister to list the volunteer and community groups that received funding from his Department, or legacy Department, in each of the last three years, including the amount given each year. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education. Tel 02891279946 (ext 59946) email:
Number: 1539 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 04/07/16
North South Ministerial Council Twenty-Second Plenary Meeting, Dublin Castle, 04 July 2016, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, 58 Upper English Street, ARMAGH. BT61 7LG. Tel. (028/048) 3751 8068
Number: 1538 Issuing Office: DoJ Date Received: 30/06/16
Information provided by the Minister for Justice in response to AQW 1606/16-21 from Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley MLA in which he asked the Minister to provide, or place in the Assembly library, a copy of the NI Civil Service Code of Conduct as applied to the Prison Service. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Justice, Minister's Office, Block B, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SG. Tel. (028) 9076 3000
Number: 1537 Issuing Office: DoH Date Received: 28/06/16
Information provided by the Minister for Health in response to AQW 651/16-21 from Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley MLA in which he asked the Minister whether the whistle-blowing policy in place is the same across all Health and Social Care Trusts or each have their own policy; and in either event to have a copy of same placed in the Assembly Library. [pdf]
Contact: DoH Private Office, Room C5.10 Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SQ. Tel. 028 9052 0638. Email:
Number: 1536 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 24/06/16
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 24 June 2016, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, 58 Upper English Street, ARMAGH. BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 3751 5007 (Network 33007)
Number: 1535 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 24/06/16
North South Ministerial Council Language Body Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 24 June 2016, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, 58 Upper English Street, ARMAGH. BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 3751 5007 (Network 33007)
Number: 1534 Issuing Office: DAERA Date Received: 24/06/16
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to AQW 644/16-21 from Mr Eamonn McCann MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail what findings have been reported to her Department from tests of water quality in the River Faughan carried out in the weeks beginning (i) 1 Jan 2012; (ii) 1 April 2012; (iii) 1 July 2012; and (iv) 1 October 2012 and in these weeks of each year up to and including 1 April 2016. [pdf]
Contact: DAERA Private Office, Room 438, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB. Tel: 02890 520860 (ext 20860)
Number: 1533 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 23/06/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 757/16-21 from Ms Kellie Armstrong MLA in which she asked the Minister to detail (i) the integrated schools that received applications for more pupils than could be accommodated for the September intake in each year from 2006 until 2016; (ii) how many places were available per primary and post-primary school; (iii) how many first preference applications were received; (iv) how many children were not able to be accommodated per school; and (v) how many of those children were allocated schools outside the integrated sector. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education. Tel 02891279946 (ext 59946). Email:
Number: 1532 Issuing Office: DE Date Received: 17/06/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 443/16-21 from Mr Colin McGrath MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the amount spent by each Education Authority Area (and former Education and Library Board areas) on (i) full time voluntary youth centres; and (ii) full time statutory youth centres (listed separately) for each of the last five years. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department for Education. Tel 02891279946 (ext 59946). Email:
Number: 1531 Issuing Office: DoJ Date Received: 07/06/16
Information provided by the Minister for Justice in response to AQW 72/16-21 from Lord Morrow MLA in which he asked the Minister, pursuant to AQW 52257/11-16, on what date the staff deployment agreement was last reviewed or amended; and to place a copy of the agreement in the Assembly Library. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Justice, Communications/PRT. Tel:02890 520929 (20929)
Number: 1530 Issuing Office: DRD Date Received: 22/03/16
Information provided by the Minister for Regional Development in response to AQW 54995/11-16 from Daniel McCrossan MLA in which he asked the Minister (i) to detail the (a) matched; and (b) unmatched European Union funding her Department has spent in West Tyrone in each of the last ten years; and (ii) where this money was spent. [pdf]
Contact: DRD Private Office, Room 7-08 Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB Tel No. 028905 40093
Number: 1529 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 21/03/16
Information provided by the Minister for the Environment in response to AQW 54635/11-16 from Mr Samuel Gardiner MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the total cost of the reform of local government in each new authority area, broken down by area of expenditure. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel No. 02890 256025 (Ext.37025)
Number: 1528 Issuing Office: DRD Date Received: 21/03/16
Information provided by the Minister for Regional Development in response to AQW 55091/11-16 from Mr Gerard Diver MLA in which he asked the Minister (i) to detail the (a) matched; and (b) unmatched European Union funding her Department has spent in Foyle in each of the last ten years; and (ii) where this money was spent. [pdf]
Contact: DRD Private Office, Room 7-08 Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB Tel No. 028905 40093
Number: 1527 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 15/03/16
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 54750/11-16 from Mr Fearghal McKinney MLA in which he asked the Minister (i) to detail the (a) matched; and (b) unmatched European Union funding his Department has spent in South Belfast in each of the last ten years; and (ii) where this money was spent. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel No. 02890 256025 (Ext.37025)
Number: 1526 Issuing Office: DARD Date Received: 09/03/16
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in response to AQW 54739/11-16 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA in which he asked the Minister to provide a copy of the management agreement between her Department and NI Water in relation to the management of trees at the Woodburn Site PL1/10. [pdf]
Contact: DARD Private Office, Room 438, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB
Number: 1525 Issuing Office: DFP Date Received: 04/03/16
Information provided by the Minister of Finance and Personnel pursuant to a question from Mr Alban Maginness MLA at Topical Question Time regarding the level of economic inactivity in North Belfast. [pdf]
Contact: DFP Private Office. Tel: 02890 816714 (76714),
Number: 1524 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 04/03/16
Information provided by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety in response to AQW 54038/11-16 from Mr John Dallat MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of assaults on staff in Emergency Departments, broken down by hospital, in each of the last twelve months. [pdf]
Contact: DHSSPSNI Private Office, Room C5.10, Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SQ. Tel. 028 9052 0638
Number: 1523 Issuing Office: OFMDFM Date Received: 03/03/16
Determination made by the First Minister and Deputy First Minister acting jointly under Section 17 of The Northern Ireland Act 1998 and subject to approval by resolution of The Assembly: Ministerial Offices (Number and Functions) Determination 2016. [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle. Tel: 02890 378060 (88060)
Number: 1522 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 02/03/16
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 54208/11-16 from Ms Bronwyn McGahan MLA in which she asked the Minister to detail the investment his Department has made in Fermanagh and South Tyrone since 2011. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel No. 02890 256025 (Ext.37025)
Number: 1521 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 02/03/16
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 54215/11-16 from Mr Oliver McMullan MLA in which he asked the Minister for a breakdown of his Department's spend in the Glens area in each year since 2010. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel No. 02890 256025 (Ext.37025)
Number: 1520 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 29/02/16
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 54205/11-16 from Mr Peter Weir MLA in which he asked the Minister for a breakdown of his Department's spend in North Down in each year since 2011. [pdf]
Contact: Steven McGoldrick, DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel No. 02890 256025 (Ext.37025)
Number: 1519 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 29/02/16
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 53915/11-16 from Mr Fearghal McKinney MLA in which he asked the Minister (i) to detail the (a) matched; and (b) unmatched European Union funding his Department has sourced in each of the last ten years; and (ii) where this money was spent. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel No. 02890 256025 (Ext.37025)
Number: 1518 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 24/02/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 54419/11-16 and pursuant to AQW 43025/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the rate per thousand of primary school pupils that had less than 85 per cent attendance in 2014-15, broken down by (a) council area; and (b) electoral ward; and (ii) what further action is being taken to reduce levels of absenteeism. [pdf]
Contact: DENI, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR, Tel: 02891 279546 (59546)
Number: 1517 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 24/02/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 54418/11-16 and pursuant to AQW 43024/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the rate per thousand of post-primary school pupils that had less than 85 per cent attendance in 2014-15, broken down by (a) council area; and (b) electoral ward; and (ii) what further action is being taken to reduce levels of absenteeism. [pdf]
Contact: DENI, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR, Tel: 02891 279546 (59546)
Number: 1516 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 24/02/16
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 54417/11-16 and pursuant to AQW 43027/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the rate per thousand of fifteen to seventeen year old pupils that had less than 85 per cent attendance in 2014-15, broken down by (a) council area; and (b) electoral ward; and (ii) what further action is being taken to reduce levels of absenteeism. [pdf]
Contact: DENI, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR, Tel: 02891 279546 (59546)
Number: 1515 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 24/02/16
Information provided by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment in response to AQO 9596/11-16 from Mr Paul Frew MLA in which he asked the Minister for an update on the delivery of superfast broadband in North Antrim and a follow-up question from Mr Stewart Dickson MLA. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP. Tel: 028 9052 9222 (ext: 29222)
Number: 1514 Issuing Office: DRD Date Received: 24/02/16
Information provided by the Minister for Regional Development in response to AQW 53804/11-16 from Mr Fearghal McKinney MLA in which he asked the Minister; (i) to detail the (a) matched; and (b) unmatched European Union funding her Department has sourced in each of the last ten years; and (ii) where this money was spent. [pdf]
Contact: DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street Belfast BT2 8GB, Tel No: 02890 541188
Number: 1513 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 22/02/16
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 51217/11-16 from Mr Steven Agnew MLA in which he asked the Minister in light of paragraph 10 of the Planning Appeals Commission ruling relating to Lough Neagh dated 13 November 2013, whether (i) the planning application being considered as part of the enforcement appeal relates solely to the retrospective regularisation of unauthorised sand extraction up to the date of the enforcement notice; and (ii) all unauthorised activities currently being permitted because he did not serve stop notices are not the subject of the enforcement appeal. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast, BT1 4NN. Tel No. 02890 256025 (Ext.37025)
Number: 1512 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 22/02/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to AQW 53828/11-16, AQW 53934/11-16 and AQW 53991/11-16 from Mr Peter Weir MLA in which he asked the Minister;
(i) To detail the schools that currently provide a breakfast club service.
(ii)To detail the funding given to schools for breakfast clubs in each of the last three years.
(iii)To detail what support his Department provides to schools that run breakfast clubs. [pdf]
Contact: DENI, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR, Tel: 02891 279546 (59546)
Number: 1511 Issuing Office: OFMDFM Date Received: 11/02/16
Information provided by the First Minister and deputy First Minister in response to AQO 9138/11-16 from Mr Jonathan Craig MLA in which he asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister to outline the total grant aid paid to each group through the Central Good Relations Funding Programme since it was launched on 8 January 2013. [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle. Tel: 02890 378060 (88060)
Number: 1510 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 09/02/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to AQW 53790/11-16 from Mr John Dallat MLA in which he asked the Minister to provide a breakdown of teachers by (i) gender; and (ii) responsibility or grade, in each primary and post-primary school. [pdf]
Contact: DENI, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR, Tel: 02891 279546 (59546)
Number: 1509 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 03/02/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to AQW 53113/11-16 and AQW 53114/11-16 from Ms Caitríona Ruane MLA in which she asked the Minister;
1) To detail (i) number of new school builds; and (ii) the total financial investment in South Down and schools that serve South Down in each year since 2007, broken down by the (a) name of each school and the (b) individual investment they received; and
2) To detail the (i) number of schools that benefited from the School Building Programme or Minor Works investment in South Down and schools that serve South Down in each year since 2007, broken down by the (a) name of each school and the (b) individual investment they received. [pdf]
Contact: DENI, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR, Tel: 02891 279546 (59546)
Number: 1508 Issuing Office: DARD Date Received: 03/02/16
Information provided by the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development in response to AQW 52989/11-16 from Mr Jim Allister MLA in which he asked the Minister to place a copy of a map in the Assembly Library delineating the lands owned by her Department adjacent to Ballysallagh Upper Reservoir and Cairn Wood and referred to in several recent answers to Assembly Questions. [pdf]
Contact: DARD Private Office, Room 438 Dundonald House,Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3SB. Tel. 02890 524732 (ext. 24732)
Number: 1507 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 02/02/16
Information provided by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety in response to AQW 48168/11-16 from Mr Samuel Gardiner MLA in which he asked the Minister; to detail the number of (i) non-medical; and (ii) medical staff in his Department and each of its arm's-length bodies that had a total annual remuneration in excess of £100,000 in each of the last 3 years, broken down by job title or grade; and to list every individual remuneration in excess of £125,000. [pdf]
Contact: DHSSPSNI Private Office, Room C5.10, Castle Buildings, Stormont, BELFAST BT4 3SQ. Tel. 028 9052 0638.
Number: 1506 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 02/02/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to AQW 50047/11-16 from Ms Rosaleen McCorley MLA in which she asked the Minister; (i) to detail the current financial surplus or deficit position; and (ii) for a breakdown of any additional money received through the funding formula for deprivation or other special categories for each (a) Council for Catholic Maintained; and (b) Irish-medium primary school in West Belfast. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education. Tel 02891279946 (ext 59946)
Number: 1505 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 29/01/16
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to AQW 53174/11-16 from Mr David McNarry MLA in which he asked the Minister, to detail primary schools with between (i) 1 and 20 ; (ii) 21 and 30; (iii) 31 and 40; and (iii) over 40 pupils that do not have English or Irish as their first language, broken down by Education Authority region. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education. Tel 02891279946 (ext 59946)
Number: 1504 Issuing Office: DoJ Date Received: 29/01/16
Prison Review Oversight Group - Justice Committee Summary Report - December 2015. The purpose of this summary report is to provide the Committee with an update following the fifteenth meeting of the Prison Review Oversight Group (the Group), which took place on 25 November 2015. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Justice, Communications/PRT, Tel:02890 520929 (20929)
Number: 1503 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 29/01/16
North South Ministerial Council Health and Food Safety Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 20 January 2016, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 37515010 or (048) 37515010
Number: 1502 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 29/01/16
North South Ministerial Council Agriculture Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 20 January 2016, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC, 58 Upper English Street, ARMAGH. BT61 7LG. Tel: 028 3751 5007 (Network 33007)
Number: 1501 Issuing Office: DoE Date Received: 14/01/16
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment in response to AQW 51491/11-16 from Lord Morrow MLA in which he asked the Minister, (i) to provide or place in the Assembly Library a copy of his Department's Whistleblower Policy; and (ii) to detail whether it covers all staff within agencies and arm's-length bodies under his departmental remit. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel No. 02890 256025 (Ext.37025)