Deposited Papers 2010
The following list contains details of documents which have been deposited in the Library in 2010. Copies of these and all other Deposited Papers are currently available in the Assembly Library for consultation. Where possible, they have been made available as pdfs. The list is in reverse chronological order.
Deposited Papers from other years are also available:
[2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007]
No. | Title | Issuing Office | Contact | Date Received |
North South Ministerial Council Agriculture Sectoral Format, Farmleigh, Dublin, 13 October 2010,: Joint Communique [pdf] |
NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 |
14/10/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister for the Environment: Food store, lands off Buncrana Road, Londonderry (SUB 594/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Planning Office, Tel: 90 540107 (40107) |
13/10/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister for the Environment: Retail development, Melmount Road, Strathmore Drive, Lismourne Place, Strabane (SUB/587/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 717 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 541166 (41166) |
13/10/10 |
Names and addresses of each of the 244 schools who do not employ any male teachers broken down by constituency, with statement of whether each school teaches all male, all female or mixed gender pupils: information supplied by Minister of Education in answer to AQW 909/11 (issued pursuant to answer to AQW 114/11) [pdf] |
Dept. of Education |
Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91279546 |
11/10/10 |
Policies in place in each Education and Library Board to deal with the mis-use of the internet by employees: information supplied by the Minister of Education in answer to AQW 534/11 [pdf] |
Dept. of Education |
Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91279546 |
11/10/10 |
Details of teacher-pupil ratio in each school in each of the last three years: information supplied by the Minister of Education in answer to AQW 527/11 [pdf] |
Dept. of Education |
Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91279546 |
11/10/10 |
Letter from Minister for Employment & Learning to Mr Paul Givan MLA giving figures for drop out numbers from full-time courses from Northern Ireland Further Education Colleges: information complements that supplied in answer to AQW 8201/10 [pdf] |
DEL Private Office, Tel: 90257791 (57791) |
11/10/10 |
Article 31 letter from Minister of the Environment: Extension to existing quarry into the former Parishagh Quarry Works, Demesne Quarry, 17 Munie Road, Glenarm, Larne (SUB 567/2010) [pdf] |
Private Office, Department of Environment, Tel: 90540050 (40050) |
05/10/10 |
Article 31 letter from Minister of the Environment: New retail units ETC.: Abbeycentre Shopping Centre, Longwood Road, Newtownabbey (SUB/199/2010) [pdf] |
Private Office, Department of Environment, Tel: 90540050 (40050) |
29/09/10 |
Letter from Minister for Enterprise Trade and Investment to Mr Sean Neeson MLA answering wquestion concerning the number of companies from Northern Ireland and the Republic f Ireland taking up the facilities of InterTradeIreland, raised in debate on Assembly statement of 13/09/10 [pdf] |
Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Tel: 90529440 (29400) |
23/09/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: Strategic mixed use development on land North West of and including Strabane/Lifford roundabout, between Foyle River and Lifford Road/Barnhill Road, Strabane (SUB/541/2010) [pdf] |
Private Office, Department of Environment, Tel: 90540050 (40050) |
22/09/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Aquaculture/Marine Sectoral Format, Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission (FCILC), NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices Armagh, 09 Sept 2010: Joint Communiqué [pdf] |
NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh Tel: 37515009 |
10/09/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: Biomass fuelled power plant, near Ballyvannon Road, Glenavy, Crumlin: SUB/483/2010 [pdf] |
Private Office, Department of Environment, Tel: 90540050 (40050) |
31/08/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: electricity utility at Trewmount Road, Moy: SUB/467/2010 [pdf] |
Private Office, Department of Environment, Tel: 90540050 (40050) |
20/08/10 |
Letter from the Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow MLA responding to the following questions: i) how many PSNI officers are currently trained in tactical support ii) will these officers be taken from other duties to assist in the event of disturbances or unrest iii) how adequate is the tactical support provision available to ensure public safety and welfare (AQW 8141/10) [pdf] |
Minister's Office, Department of Justice, Castle Buildings, Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
09/08/10 |
Details of i) total number of claims for compensation made against PSNI in each of the last five years; ii) the number of those claims which were a) successful b) unsuccessful in either the courts, or out of court settlements; iii) the total amount of compensation awarded; iv) a summary of the reasons for those claims (AQW 8087/10): Letter to Mr. Thomas Burns MLA (AQW 8087/10) [pdf] |
Minister's Office, Department of Justice, Castle Buildings, Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
09/08/10 |
Letter from the Minister of Finance and Personnel to all MLAs on 2010-2011 June monitoring round [pdf] |
DFP Assembly Section, Craigantlet Buildings, Tel: 90529183 (29183) |
03/08/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: erection of food superstore etc, lands west of Downshire Road, Newry: SUB/439/2010 [pdf] |
DoE |
Private Office, Department of Environment, Tel: 90540050 (40050) |
30/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Simon Hamilton MLA replying to question of how many speeding fines were recorded but not processed by the PSNI in each of the last five years(AQW 7213/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
29/07/10 |
Details of i) the total number of compensation claims made against the PSNI by serving prisoners in each of the last five years; ii) number of claims that have a) been successful, b) unsuccessful, in either the courts or out of court settlements; iii) the total amount of compensation awarded; and a summary of the reasons for those claims (AQW 8086/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
28/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Thomas Burns MLA replying to question for details of Police Officers who have been disciplined for accepting bribes in the last ten years broken down by the rank of the Officer (AQW 8289/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
26/07/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: mixed use comprehensive development lands located between Derry Road and Strule Road, Omagh: SUB/246/2010 [pdf] |
DoE |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17 Clarence Court, Tel: 90540176 (40176) |
23/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Thomas Burns MLA replying to his request to the Minister of Justice pursuant to his answwer to AQW 7243/10 (number of Police Injury Duty Award appeals processed in each of the last five years) i) to detail the total amount of compensation paid in these cases; ii) to detail the average amount of compensation paid in each case for the three years provided and iii) to provide the same information for 2005 and 2006 (AQW 7978/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
23/07/10 |
Letter from Minister of Education to Speaker responding to Public Petition on the removal of funding for summer schemes for children with learning difficulties presented to the Assembly by Mr Tommy Gallagher MLA on 28 June 2010 [pdf] |
Speaker's Office |
Speaker's Office |
23/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Daithi McKay MLA about the number of recommendations made by the Criminal Justice Northern Ireland relating to the PSNI currently still to be implemented and the actions planned to address these recommendations (AQW 2308/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
22/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Simon Hamilton MLA replying to question whether speeding fines must be processed within a period of time and what happens to the fine if the deeadline is missed (AQW 7214/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
22/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Allan Bresland MLA replying to question about progress being made by the PSNI in its investigations into recent terrorist attacks in the Strabane area (AQW 7771/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
22/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Daithi McKay MLA replying to question asking for numbers of civilians currently in possession of a legally held firearm, broken down by religion (AQW 7684/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
22/07/10 |
Numbers of incidents of elderly people assaulted in their homes recorded in the i) Magherafelt; and ii) Cookstown Council areas in each of the last five years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Ian McCrea MLA (AQW/8189/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
22/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Pat Ramsey MLA replying to request for the number of violent assaults against pregnant women recorded by the PSNI in each of the last ten years (AWQ 6498/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
22/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Thomas Burns MLA replying to question as to how much has been spent investigating theft of ATMs in last five years, and requesting a summary of the outcome of these investigations (AWQ 8146/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
20/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Paul Butler MLA supplying figures of PSNI officers in i) West Belfast; and ii) Lisburn District Command Units and outlining disciplinary measures they received (AWQ 7844/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
20/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Daithi McKay MLA answering question of how many times the PSNI has recovered, from bonfires, posters which have been stolen and are the property of a political party in each of the last five years (AWQ 7683/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
20/07/10 |
Numbers of convicted sex offenders currently living in each district council area: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow MLA (AQW/6618/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
David Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
20/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Peter Weir MLA in reply to a request for details of the average number of times per month the PSNI set up breathylser checks in North Down over the last three years (AWQ 8426/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
19/07/10 |
Numbers of reported incidents of domestic violence in each district council area in each of the last five years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Ian McCrea MLA (AQW/8275/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
19/07/10 |
Figures of drink driving offences recorded in East Antrim in the last two years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr David Hilditch MLA (AQW/7876/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
196/07/10 |
Figures of incidents of domestic abuse, involving an ex-partner of the victim recorded in i) H District; ii) Northern Ireland, in each of the last five years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Daithi McKay MLA (AQW/7735/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
19/07/10 |
Figures of projections for the percentages of PSNI staff that will be i) Protestant; and ii) Catholic in a) March 2011; b) March 2015; and c) March 2020: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Daithi McKay MLA [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Figures of projections for the percentages of PSNI staff that will be i) Protestant; and ii) Catholic in a) March 2011; b) March 2015; and c) March 2020: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Daithi McKay MLA [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Daithi McKay MLA outlining engagements of PSNI with schools or students in North Antrim in each of the last five years (AWQ 7565/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Daithi McKay MLA in reply to question asking whether the PSNI will record previous service in the RUC on new police staff records (AWQ 7035/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Paul Butler MLA replying to question on how many police officers have been disciplined in the past three years and action taken against these officers (AQW/6966/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Ken Robinson MLA replying to question on numbers of people: i) apprehended; ii) processed and iii) charged with possessing or consuming alcohol in a public place on or during seven named public holidays in the last three years (AQW/7472/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of people holding firearms in each constituency: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Alastair Ross MLA (AQW/7400/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Ken Robinson MLA replying to question on numbers of police officers and Belfast City Council officials engaged in removing alcohol from people in possession of or consuming alcohol in public places in Belfast at seven named holiday times, in each of the last three years (AQW/7473/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Ian McCrea MLA on when work will commence on the new police station in Cookstown (AQW/7766/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of brothels investigated and/or raided by PSNI in each of the last five years, broken down by District Policing Partnership area: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Thomas Burns MLA (AQW/7703/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr John O'Dowd MLA on question of numbers of people charged and convicted as a result of street disturbances connected to dissident activity in the Lagan and Brownlow areas in the last three years (AQW/7126/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr David Hilditch MLA outlining measures in place to ensure that PSNI officers retain their physical fitness (AQW/7873/10) [ [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of incidents of elderly people being assaulted in their homes recorded in H Disrict in each of the last five years and convictions for such assaults: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Mervyn Storey MLA (AQW/7825/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office supplying breakdown: of i) procedures and ii) costs involved in obtaining and serving a European Arrest Warrant; to Lord Morrow (AQW/7332/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Tom Elliott MLA explaining why it takes up to a year for the PSNI Firearms and Explosives branch to issue a firearms licence and outlining the proceses involved in issuing a firearms licence (AQW/7245/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Number of people holding firearms licences: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Alastair Ross MLA (AQW/7347/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Costs of policing bonfires on the Twelfth of July for each of the last five years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Peter Weir MLA (AQW/8114/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Ms. Margaret Ritchie MP, MLA on likely commencement of work on the new police station in Downpatrick (AQW/7444/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of domestic abuse incidents recorded in: i) H District; ii) Northern Ireland, involving a sexual assault on: a) a current partner; b) a former partner; c) a child, broken down by the i) age and ii) sex of the victim: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Mervyn Storey MLA (AQW/7774/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr. Thomas Burns MLA in answer to a series of questions relating to the numbers, identity and times of visits by dignitaries to Northern Ireland, the duration of their visits and security costs incurred as a result by PSNI, in each of the last five years (AQW/8142/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of people killed by a current or former partner in i) H District and ii) Northern Ireland in each of the last five years broken down by a) age and b) sex of victim : letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Mervyn Storey MLA (AQW/7775/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of civilians in legal possession of a firearm in each of the last ten years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Daithi Mckay MLA (AQW/7685/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr. Alex Maskey MLA, on question of how many members of the RUC and subsequently the PSNI have been removed from their jobs because of siblings' connections to other organisations or parties in the last twenty years (AQW/7152/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Details of i) the total number of: a) firearms; b) live amunition; c) blank ammunition lost, or misplaced by or stolen from the PSNI in each of the last ten years ii) the types of ammunition lost, misplaced, stolen iii) the length of time each item was lost or misplaced iv) whether each item was lost or remains missing : letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Thomas Burns MLA (AQW/7625/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Details of the average number of times the PSNI set up breathalyser tests in East Antrim: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr David Hilditch MLA (AQW/7877/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Details of the total numbers of i ) arson attacks and ii) vandalism attacks on: a) GAA premises; b) Orange halls; c) Masonic halls in each of the last 10 years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Thomas Burns MLA (AQW/7980/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr. Daithi McKay MLA, on the possible impact of the policing of parades in 2010 on PSNI's budget and resources (AQW/6257/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr. Alex Easton MLA, outlining plans to get more Police Officers on to the beat (AQW/6290/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr. Thomas Burns MLA, in answer to request for details of i) the number of Police officers who left the psni under a Patten severage package subsequently re-employed as 'civilian experts' or consultants; ii) how much these individuals were paid for their services; iii) the number of such individuals currently employed by PSNI and iv) in what capacity they were employed(AQW/6285/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of serving police officers currently on i) restricted duties or ii) suspended from duty as a result of a charge being brought against them: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Thomas Burns MLA (AQW/6207/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter to Mr.Daithi McKay MLA, on possible plans to promote the Irish language within the PSNI (AQW/6447/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr. Thomas Burns MLA, answering question of how many Police Officers who left PSNI or RUC under any Patten severance package subsequently returned to serve as Police Officers in the PSNI (AQW/6345/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
David Graham, Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr. Jim Shannon MLA, on possible plans to retain the police reserve in light of the increased dissident republican activity (AQW/6466/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr. Alex Easton MLA, answering question as to whether there were plans to reopen Holywood police station on a 24 hour basis (AQW/6291/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr. Alex Easton MLA, on possible plans to increase community policing (AQW/6394/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow MLA on possible reversion of Newtownhamilton police station, in the light of recent terrorist attacks in the area and whether, if this happens, additional security measures will be put in place to protect police officers and staff (AQW/6472/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Figures of PSNI stations currently operating on a part-time basis and number of them located in border areas: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Lord Morrow, MLA (AQW/6473/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Costs of policing bonfires in each of the last five years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Peter Weir, MLA (AQW/7837/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Alex Maskey MLA on question of how many times secutity clearance has been denied to PSNI applicants on the grounds that they have a sibling who is a member of i) Sinn Fein; ii) SDLP; iii) DUP; iv) DUP; v) PUP (AQW/7153/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Jim Shannon MP, MLA on steps being taken to ensure that there is an adequate security force presence on the ground to deal with increasing dissident republican activity (AQW/6461/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Danny Kinahan MLA on locations where PSNI applicants can undertake the entry examinations(AQW/6509/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of people on Sex Offenders Register, how many are juveniles or register for life, broken down by constituency: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow, MLA (AQW/6420/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Figures of incidents of domestic abuse occuring in each Policing District and numbers regarded as serious: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow, MLA (AQW/6670/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of police officers assaulted whilst on duty in each constituency in each of the last three years, and how many of these assaults were regarded as serious:letter from Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow, MLA (AQW/6617/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of unsolved murders in each of the last three years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Jim Shannon, MP, MLA (AQW/6677/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Figures on deployment of tasers by PSNI officers since their introduction: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow, MLA (AQW/6624/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow, MLA answering request to provide a breakdown of the nature and number of crimes recorded in each Policing District for 2009/10 (AQW/6671/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Details of clearance rates for i) burglary ii) rape iii) assault in each of the Policing Districts for each of the last three years: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Jim Shannon MP, MLA (AQW/6678/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Details of numbers of recorded incidents of i) domestic violence ii) sexual assault iii) actual bodily harm iv) grevious bodily harm recorded in the East Antrim constituency in the last five years; letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Alastair Ross, MLA (AQW/6703/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Figures of officers assigned front-line duties since the appointment of the current Chief Constable and the percentage of Reserve Constables among them:Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Adrian McQuillan, MLA (AQW/7077/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Paul Butler, MLA on measures and procedures PSNI has in place to monitor all calls made by the public to the police (AQW/7280/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Adrian McQuillan, MLA on means to ensure that the Discretion Project will offer fair and transparent policing and on the monitoring of the project (AQW/7084/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Adrian McQuillan, MLA on dates for the Discretion Project to be rolled out to all the Policing Districts (AQW/7080/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Details of numbers of registered sex offenders currently living at unknown addresses or regarded as being of no fixed abode and the management of their cases: Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow, MLA (AQW/7549/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Details of numbers of registered sex offenders currently living at unknown addresses or regarded as being of no fixed abode and the management of their cases: Letter from Chief Constable's Office to Lord Morrow, MLA (AQW/7549/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to MR Alex Easton, MLA on possible plans to rool out Keep Safe Drug Project to other areas in North Down (AQW/6946/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office to MR Daithi McKay, MLA on whether ex-RUC members' previous experience will be taken into account in PSNI civilian staff applications (AQW/7151/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Total Number of CCTV cameras in operation, broken down by county and major town: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Tom Elliott MLA (AQW/7617/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Letter from Chief Constable's Office on plans to expand the Speed over Distance Cameras System (SPEES) to Mr Peter Weir MLA (AQW/7692/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Numbers of registered sex offenders in Mid-Ulster area: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Ian McCrea, MLA (AQW/7768/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Figures on drug seizures since the appointment of the current Chief Constable, arranged by Policing Districts: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Adrian McQuillan MLA (AQW/7063/10) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Number of civilians currently in legal possession of a firearm: letter from Chief Constable's Office to Mr Jonathan Craig MLA (AQW/7527/2010) [pdf] |
Department of Justice |
Minister's Office, Department Of Justice, (Castle Buildings), Tel: 90528127 (28127) |
16/07/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: Mechanical Biologial Treatment Facility, Lisbane Landfill, 29 Auglish Road, Tandragee, Co. Armagh : (SUB/365/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17, Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540050 (40050) |
08/07/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: Energy from Waste Power Plant, 51 Ballyutoag Road, Belfast: (SUB/393/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17, Clarence Court, Tel: 90 541166 (41166) |
07/07/10 |
Department of Education Review of Capital Projects 05 July 2010 [pdf] |
Department of Education |
Area Planning Policy Team, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91279995 (59995) |
05/07/10 |
Details supplied by Minister of Education on the current backlog of school maintenance work, broken down by i) school; ii) Education & Library Board area; iii) the nature of the work; iv) the estimated cost (AQW 7399/10) [xls] |
Department of Education |
Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91279546 (59946) |
05/07/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Trade & Business Sectoral Format, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices Armagh, 30 June 2010: Joint Communique [pdf] |
NSMC Joint Secretariat, Tel 37515009 (33009) |
30/06/10 |
List supplied by Minister of Education of primary schools currently below the enrolment threshold, including their improved and actual enrolment figures (AQW 7540/10) [xls] |
Department of Education |
Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91279546 (59946) |
28/06/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Education Sectoral Format Warrenpoint, 23 June 2010: Joint Communique [pdf] |
NSMC Joint Secretariat, Tel 37513033 (33033) |
24/06/10 |
Details of staff numbers in Further Education Colleges broken down by gender, staffing leveland numbers of hourly paid staff supplied by Minister for Employment and Learning (AQW 7415/10) [pdf] |
Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, DEL, Tel 90 257798 (57798) |
21/06/10 |
Letter from the Minister for Finance & Personnel to Mr Conall McDevitt, MLA clarifying answer on total cost of the 2011 census and on making census as accessible as possible to hard-to-reach groups (AQO 1414/10) (14/06/10) [pdf] |
DFP Assembly Section, Tel: 90529183 (29183) |
21/06/10 |
Letter from the Minister for Finance & Personnel to Mr Sam Gardiner, MLA clarifying answer on inclusion of a question on former residences and addresses in the 2011 Census (AQO 1414/10) (14/06/10) [pdf] |
DFP Assembly Section, Tel: 90529183 (29183) |
21/06/10 |
Building a Better Future: the Northern Ireland Executive's Programme for Government 2008-2011, delivery report for period 1 April 2008-31 March 2009 [pdf] |
Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Tel: 90378057 (88057) |
18/06/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Tourism Sectoral Format, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 16 June 2010: Joint Communiqué [pdf] |
NSMC Joint Secretariat, Tel: 37515009 |
16/06/10 |
Communiqué from Joint Minister Council Plenary of 8 June 2010 with JMC Annual report 2009-2010 [pdf] |
Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Tel: 90378061 (88061) |
16/06/10 |
Building a better future: the Northern Ireland Executive's Programme for Government 2008-2011, delivery report, progress up to 30 September 2009 [pdf] |
Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Tel: 90378060 (88060) |
16/06/10 |
Letter from the Minister of Education to Speaker clarifying comments on spending on the statutory pre-school sector from debate on Pre-school Places in Assembly on 25 May 2010 [pdf] |
Speaker's Office |
Speaker's Office |
15/06/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: Construction of new superstore etc. 160-220 Castlereagh Road, Belfast BT5 5FT: (SUB/170/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17, Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540050 (40050) |
15/06/10 |
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment: Retail foodstore etc. 3 Inver Road, Larne: (SUB/309/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17, Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540050 (40050) |
07/06/10 |
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment: Mixed use development at 62 Newry Road, Warrenpoint [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17, Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540050 (40050) |
03/06/10 |
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment: Superstore etc. at lands of the former spinning mill F.G. Wilson, 36 Hillhead Road, Ballyclare [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17, Clarence Court Tel: 90 540176 (40176) |
03/06/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Health & Food Safety Sectoral Format, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 2 June 2010: Joint Communique [pdf] |
North South Ministerial Council |
NSMC Joint Secretariat, Tel: 37515009) |
02/06/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Sectoral Format, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 26 May 2010: Joint Communique [pdf] |
North South Ministerial Council |
NSMC Joint Secretariat, Tel: 37515009) |
26/05/10 |
Figures giving breakdown of provisional running cost by cost code of each library in the Libraries NI library Service for the 2009/10 financial year, supplied by Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure (AWQ 6455/10) [xls] |
DCAL Private Office ( |
24/05/10 |
Numbers of surplus pre-school places available in the 2010/11 academic year broken down by pre-school and constituency, supplied by Minister of Education (AQW 6705/10) [pdf] |
DETI Private Office, Netherleigh, Tel: 90529222 |
20/05/10 |
Letter from Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Development to Mr Paul Maskey MLA supplying details of the amount of money spent by DETI on Research and Development in the further education sector: follow up to DETI Assembly Question on 10 May 2010 (AQO 1191/10) [pdf] |
DETI Private Office, Netherleigh, Tel: 90529222 |
20/05/10 |
Letter from Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, clarifying whether the clause for crop insurance insurance in State Aid rules comes in to effect only in January 2010, to Mr John McCallister MLA (AQWs 1122/10, 1124/10, 1133/10) [pdf] |
Asst. Correspondence and AQ Secretary, Office for the Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development, Room 438, Dundonald House, Tel: 90520860 (20860) |
14/05/10 |
Letter from Minister for Regional Development to Mr Dominic Bradley, MLA on traffic matters at Camlough Road and Millvale Road junction, following a public petition, with covering letter to speaker [pdf] |
Speaker's Office |
Speaker's Office |
13/05/10 |
Job descriptions for Corporate Services staff in Libraries NI (Supplied by Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure) in answer to AQW 6433/2010 [pdf] |
DCAL Private Office |
10/05/10 |
Letter from Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Development to David Ford MLA about budgets for renewable energy (follow up to AQO 991/10) [pdf] |
DETI Private Office, Netherleigh, Tel: 90529222 |
05/05/10 |
Job descriptions of staff employed in libraries formerly under the control of the Belfast Education and Library Board, now under the control of Libraries NI in answer to AQW 6375/10 (Supplied by Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure) [pdf] |
DCAL Private Office |
04/05/10 |
Tables supplied by Minister for Finance and Personnel showing number of businesses awarded Small Business Rate Relief with monetary value, arranged by District Council and Ward [pdf] |
DFP Assembly Section, Craigantlet Buildings, Tel: 90 529146 (29146) |
04/05/10 |
Letter from Minister of Enterprise Trade and Investment to Mr Alban Maginness MLA and Ms Jennifer McCann MLA clarifying responses to supplementary questions on Titanic Signature Project given in plenary sessions at 23/02/10 (AQW 823/10) [pdf] |
Tourism Policy, Dept. of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Tel: 90529378 (29378) |
30/04/10 |
Figures of funding allocated to community relations funding over the last three years in the East Londonderry constituency, supplied by Office of the First and Deputy First Minister in answer to AQO 1096/10 [pdf] |
OFMDFM Assembly Section, Tel: 88057 |
19/04/10 |
Letter from Minister for Finance and Personnel to Mr Peter Weir MLA amending information about expenses for the chairman of Northern Ireland Water, supplied in answer to AQW 4762/10) [pdf] |
DFP Assembly Section, Craigantlet Buildings, Tel: 90 529136 (29136) |
19/04/10 |
List of planning applications in the East Antrim Constituency where representations were made by Mr Sammy Wilson MLA during his period as Minister of the Environment, supplied by the Minister of the Environment (AQW 5667) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17, Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540176 (40175) |
19/04/10 |
List supplied by Minister of Finance and Personnel of Super Output Areas [electoral wards or subdivisions of electoral wards] with deprivation ranking (AQW 5993/10) [pdf] |
Assembly Section, DFP, Craigantlet Buildings, Tel: 90 529146 (29146) |
19/04/10 |
List supplied by First Minister and Deputy First Minister of all infrastructure projects started and completed under the auspices of the Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland, including their monetary values, broken down by each parliamentary constituency, since May 2007 (AQW 5236/10) [pdf] |
OFMDFM Assembly Section, Tel: 88057 |
19/04/10 |
Letter from Minister of Enterprise Trade and Investment to Minister for Social Development passing on comments made at the second stage of the Debt Relief Bill on 23 March 2010 [pdf] |
Private Office, Dept. Of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Tel: 90529440 (29440) |
14/04/10 |
Information on detailed funding by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister in the North Belfast constituency since May 2007 through the North Belfast Community Action Unit, the Community Relations Council and Belfast City Council (AQW 5631/10) [pdf] |
Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Tel: 90418060 (88060) |
09/04/10 |
Roads Service Policy and Procedure Guide: Advertisements placed within road boundaries and overlooking motorways, supplied by Minister for Regional Development (AQW 5960 on the unauthorised use of lamposts and other street furniture for displaying a) flags b) advertising signs) [pdf] |
DRD Private Office, Tel: 90 541186(41186) |
09/04/10 |
Revised answer from Minister for Regional Development to AQW 2427/10 : costs of Rail and Bus Fuel Installation, Inspection and Maintenance Contracts in the last three years [pdf] |
DRD Private Office, Tel: 90 541190(41190) |
08/04/10 |
Letter from Minister for Employment and Learning to the Speaker correcting information on employer incentive payments with the ApprenticeshipsNI Programme in answer to supplementary question from Patsy McGlone MLA in Oral Question Time - 22 March 2010 [pdf] |
DEL Private Office, Tel: 90 257431 (57431) |
08/04/10 |
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment: Creation of a new village settlement, Dunadry, Templepatrick (SUB/196/2010) [pdf] |
Tel: 90 540050 (40050) |
02/04/10 |
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment: Re-development of land and buildings and mixed use developments in Belfast City Centre (Royal Avenue area) - three seperate applications (SUB/191/2010) [pdf] |
Tel: 90 540050 (40050) |
02/04/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Aquaculture & Marine Sectoral Format, Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission (FCILC), AFBI Hillsborough 31 March 2010: Joint Communique [pdf] |
North South Ministerial Council |
North South Ministerial Council Joint Secretariat, Tel: 37513033 (33033) |
31/03/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Agriculture Sectoral Format, AFBI, Hillsborough 31 March 2010 [pdf] |
North South Ministerial Council |
North South Ministerial Council Joint Secretariat, Tel: 37513033 (33033) |
31/03/10 |
Numbers of pupils currently enrolled in each class in primary schools in the Southern Education and Library Board (AQW 5581/10) [pdf] |
Department of Education |
Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Dept. of Education, Rathgael House, Tel: 91279946 (59946) |
30/03/10 |
Ministerial Offices (Number and Functions) Determination 2010 deposited by the Office of the First and Deputy First Minister [pdf] |
Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Tel: 88059 |
25/03/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: Food superstore, lands between Magheralave Road and Lisburn North Feeder, Lisburn (SUB/162/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 717 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540011 (40011) |
25/03/10 |
Minute to be presented to Members - donation of Swine Flu Vaccine to World Health Organisation with accompanying letter to Speaker from Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety [pdf] |
Speaker's Office |
Speaker's Office |
23/03/10 |
Report on establishing the Office of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland and related correspondence, deposited by the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister [pdf] |
Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Tel: 88060 |
23/03/10 |
List of projects approved under PEACE III Theme 1.2 'Acknowledging and dealing with the past', supplied by Minister for Finance & Personnel in response to question by Mr Alex Atwood MLA following Ministerial statement on the North/South Ministerial Council in Special EU Programmes Sectoral Format [pdf] |
DFP Private Office, Craigantlet Buildings, Tel: 90 529138 (529138) |
23/03/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: Retail warehouse on land to North East of Enkalon Industrial Estate, Randalstown Road, Antrim (SUB/161/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 717 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540050 (40050) |
22/03/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: proposed runway extension and other works at George Best Belfast City Airport (SUB/132/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 717 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540011 (40011) |
19/03/10 |
Documents relating to Small Business Rate Relief Scheme, deposited by Minister of Finance and Personnel (AQW 5150/10) [pdf] |
Assembly Section, DFP, Tel: 29140 |
15/03/10 |
Information supplied by First Minister and deputy First Minister on detailed funding provided through the Community Relations Council, Belfast City Council and the North Belfast Community Action Unit for projects working with young people to promote good relations in Belfast broken down by four Belfast constituencies in each of the last three years. (AQW 5256/10) [pdf] |
Assembly Section, OFMDFMNI, Castle Buildings |
15/03/10 |
Report of the Independent Review Team to the Accounting Officer of the Department for Regional Development and Northern Ireland Water, 25 February 2010, lodged by the Minister for Regional Development [pdf] |
Assistant Private Secretary, DRD Private Office, Room 7-08 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 541186 (41186) |
15/03/10 |
Information supplied by First Minister and deputy First Minister on detailed funding provided through the Community Relations Council, Belfast City Council and the North Belfast Community Action Unit to promote good relations in Belfast.(Information broken down by the four Belfast constituencies in each of the last three years) (AQW 5247/10) [pdf] |
Assembly Section, OFMDFMNI, Castle Buildings |
15/03/10 |
Savills Report: Stock Condition Survey of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) Housing Stock, deposited by Minister for Social Development at the plenary debate of 08/03/10 [pdf] |
Private Office, Dept. for Social Development |
12/03/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: extension to existing salt mine, Kilroot, Carrickfergus (SUB/142/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 717 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540011 (40011) |
11/03/10 |
Letter from Minister for Finance and Personnel to Peter Weir giving definition of 'rural areas' used by DFP for the purposes of the Rates (Exemption for ATMs In Rural Areas) Order (NI) 2010 (Plenary Debate of 07/03/10) [pdf] |
Assistant Private Secretary to Minister, Tel: 90 549137 (29137) |
09/03/10 |
Terms of reference for topographical survey of Comber Greenway commissioned by Rapid Transport Division, Department for Regional Development (AQW 4893/10) [pdf] |
Rapid Transit Division, DRD, Room 101 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540616 (40616) |
08/03/10 |
Details of numbers of Catholic maintained schools, numbers of pupils attending in 2008/09 and amount of funding received by each institution for 2009/10 supplied by Minister of Education (AQW 4875/10) [pdf] |
Department of Education |
Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91279546 |
08/03/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Environment Sectoral Format: Custom House, Dublin, 05 March 2010: Joint Communique [pdf] |
North South Ministerial Council |
North South Ministerial Council Joint Secretariat, Tel: 37513033 (33033) |
05/03/10 |
Letter from the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety to Mr Ken Robinson MLA correcting figures of neurophysiotherapists contained in AQW 4339/10 [pdf] |
Private Office, DHSSPS, Castle Buildings Tel: 90 520638 (20638) |
04/03/10 |
Letter from the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety to Mr Ken Robinson MLA correcting figures of neurophysiotherapists in AQW 4338/10 [pdf] |
Private Office, DHSSPS, Castle Buildings Tel: 90 520638 (20638) |
04/03/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Transport Sectoral Format: Newry, 03 March 2010: Joint Communique [pdf] |
North South Ministerial Council |
North South Ministerial Council Joint Secretariat, Tel: 37513033 (33033) |
03/03/10 |
Letter from John Simpson, Director Planning, Information and Performance Management, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust to Chris Berry of the Development Committee, Knock Golf Club, deposited in the library by the Minister of the Environment (AQO 853/10) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540176 (40176) |
01/03/10 |
Details supplied by Minister of Education of children entitled to free school meals who have enrolled in the first year of a grammar school in the last five years. (AQW 4791/10) [xls] [pdf] |
Deptartment.of Education |
Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 9127954 |
01/03/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: Strategic Business Park at Melmount Road, Strabane (SUB/115/2010) [pdf] |
DoE Private Office, Tel: 90 540050 (40050) |
25/02/10 |
Roads Service policy and procedures for processing proposals for abandonment of laneways in residential areas (AQW 7100/10) [pdf] |
Roads Service Secretariat, DRD, Clarence Court, Tel: 90 540480 (40480) |
24/02/10 |
Figures supplied by Minister of Education of GCSE examination results achieved by i) Protestant Girls; ii) Roman Catholic Girls; iii) Protestant Boys; and iv) Roman Catholic Boys, broken down by (a) subject; and (b) grade in 2007/08 and 2008/09 [Excel Spreadsheet] |
Department of Education |
Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel. 91279546 |
23/02/10 |
North South Ministerial Council Special EU Programmes Sectoral Format: Government Buildings, Dublin, 17 February 2010: Joint Communique [pdf] |
North South Ministerial Council |
North South Ministerial Council Joint Secretariat, Tel: 37513033 (33033) |
17/02/10 |
Letter from Minister for Education, acknowledging receipt of a public petition laid in the Assembly on 26 January 2010 regarding special educational needs and inclusion, to Mr Dominic Bradley MLA. [pdf] |
Speaker's Office |
Speaker's Office |
15/02/10 |
Letter from Minister for Finance & Personnel to Mr. Mitchel McLaughlin MLA about the financial management of IT Assist (issue raised in the December Monitoring Debate in the Plenary session on 11/01/10 ) [pdf] |
Private Office, Dept. of Finance & Personnel, Craigantlet Buildings, Tel: 90 529140 (29140) |
12/02/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: residential neighbourhood at 169 Rathgael Road/School Road, Bangor (SUB/81/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 7-17 Clarence Clarence Court, Tel: 905 (40176) |
10/02/10 |
Details supplied of primary and secondary schools closed during the recent cold weather, from the Minister of Education (AQW 4127/10) [pdf] |
Department of Education |
Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel. 91279546 (59546) |
08/02/10 |
Letter to Alex Easton MLA from Minister for Regional Development on withdrawal of Easibus services in the Bangor area, correcting information contained in AQW, 3543/10 AND 3544/10 [pdf] |
Assistant Private Secretary, Private Office, DRD Room 708 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 541186 (41186) |
05/02/10 |
Letter to Peter Weir MLA from Minister for Regional Development on withdrawal of Easibus services in the Bangor area, correcting information contained in AQW 3829/10 [pdf] |
Drd |
Assistant Private Secretary, Private Office, DRD Room 708 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 541186 (41186) |
05/02/10 |
Article 31 Letter from Minister for the Environment: New Retail Store, Balloo Retail Park, Balloo Link, Bangor [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 717 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 541166 (41166) |
05/02/10 |
Article 31 Letter from Minister for the Environment: Redevelopment of Dairy Farm District Farm Centre, Stewartstown Road, Dunmurry (SUB/54/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 717 Clarence Court, Tel: 90 541166 (41166) |
05/02/10 |
Letter from the Minister for Health, Social Services & Public Safety to the Speaker Mr. Hay re: an Executive Paper response to the Public Petition on victims of institutional abuse [pdf] |
Speaker's Office |
Speaker's Office |
04/02/10 |
Figures supplied by Minister for Employment and Learning on number and nature of disciplinary actions taken against lecturers and teaching staff in Northern Ireland's Further and Higher Education Institutions (AQW 3724/10) [pdf] |
Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, DEL, Tel: 90 257832 (57832) |
01/02/10 |
Article 31 letter from the Minister for the Environment: 298 bed acute hospital, Irvinestown Road, Enniskillen (SUB/53/2010) [pdf] |
DOE Private Office, Room 717, Clarence Court, Tel: 90 541166 (41166) |
29/01/10 |
Letter from Minister of Finance and Personnel to Mitchell McLaughlin MLA setting out current position on the Executive's End-Year Flexibility (EYF) stock, following statement in Assembly Plenary Debate [pdf] |
DFP Private Office, Tel: 90529137 (29137) |
20/01/10 |
Details of existing and proposed public sector and government office accomodation arranged by parliamentary constituency (AQW 3016/10) [pdf] |
Assembly Section, DFP, Craigantlet Buildings, Tel: 90529146 (29146) |
04/01/10 |