Deposited Papers 2021

Deposited Papers are unpublished Papers placed in the Library at the direction of the Speaker or a Minister in the Executive. In most cases they provide information requested in an Assembly Question. Guidance on the laying, presenting and depositing of papers in the Northern Ireland Assembly (as outlined at Standing Order 23 of the Assembly's Standing Orders) has been published by NICS.

The following list contains details of documents which have been deposited in the Library in 2021. Copies of these and all other Deposited Papers are currently available in the Assembly Library for consultation. Where possible, they have been made available as pdfs. The list is in reverse chronological order.  Deposited Papers from previous years can still be accessed;  
[2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007/]


Number: 1732-A           Issuing Office: NI Assembly Commission                               Date Received: 17/12/21*
Information provided by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission in response to Assembly Question AQW 26195/17-22 from Mr David Hilditch MLA, in which he asked the Assembly Commission what arrangements are being put in place to cover the lunch and hospitality areas of Parliament Buildings with the introduction of COVID Status Certification in Domestic Settings. [pdf]
Contact:  Office of The Speaker, Parliament Buildings, Ballymiscaw, Stormont, Belfast, BT4 3XX. Tel: +44 (0) 28 9052 1130 email:


Number: 1732           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 17/12/21

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 26545/17-22 from Ms Kellie Armstrong MLA, in which she asked the Minister to provide a copy of the (i) approved Business Case for the Sports Sustainability Fund; and (ii) application form and criteria subsequently published by Sport NI for sports bodies and organisations to use to make application for aforementioned Covid funding. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1731           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 17/12/21

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 26821/17-22 from Ms Kellie Armstrong MLA, in which she asked the Minister  pursuant to AQW 24920/17-22, to provide a copy of the written communications provided to Housing Executive tenants that provides the alternative method to report repairs rather than the online Tenant Portal. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1730           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 17/12/21

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 26631/17-22 from Mrs Pam Cameron MLA, in which she asked the Minister (i) what employers or public agencies have employees contracted to work within the Supporting People programme; and (ii) how many workers her Department estimates will be eligible from the Supporting People programme for the special recognition payment. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1729           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 17/12/21

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 25992/17-22 from Mr Justin McNulty MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the average waiting time for housing allocation, broken down by constituency. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1728           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 16/12/21

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 26244/17-22 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the vacant land that has been in the ownership of the Housing Executive for more than 10 years. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1727           Issuing Office: Department of Education                                       Date Received: 14/12/21

Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 26590/17-22 from Ms Claire Bailey MLA, in which she asked the Minister to to provide a breakdown of funding for (i) the current financial year; and (ii) each financial year since 2017, for (a) Catholic Schools' Trustee Service; (b) Council for Catholic Maintained Schools; (c) Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta; (d) Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education; (e) Controlled Schools' Support Council; (f) Transferors Representatives’ Council; (g) Governing Bodies Association; (h) General Teaching Council for NI; (i) Education Authority; (j) Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment; (l) Integrated Education Fund; (m) Department of Education; (n) Education and Training Inspectorate; (o) Iontaobhas na Gaelscolaíochta; and (p) Foras na Gaeilge.[pdf]

Contact: Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email:


Number: 1726           Issuing Office: Department of Education                                       Date Received: 30/11/21

Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 26185/17-22 from Mrs Deborah Erskine MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail the schools that have (i) ordered period poverty products as part of the Education Authority allocated budget; (ii) nominated a period dignity key contact to implement the Period Dignity Policy; and (iii) attended a teacher professional learning on period dignity and menstrual wellbeing session.[pdf]

Contact: Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email:


Number: 1725           Issuing Office: Department of Infrastructure                                 Date Received: 24/11/21

Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 25418/17-22 from Ms Rachel Woods MLA providing a spill performance assessment,  an annual spill frequency and volume for each discharging asset in the catchment and a map showing Location of Discharges. [pdf]

Contact:  Private Office, Department for Infrastructure, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast  BT2 8GB  Email: 


Number: 1724           Issuing Office: Department of Education                                       Date Received: 23/11/21

Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 25370/17-22 from Mr Justin McNulty MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of children in receipt of free school meals, broken down by (i) school; (ii) educational sector, and (iii) constituency[pdf]

Contact: Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email:


Number: 1723           Issuing Office: DAERA                                                                  Date Received: 18/11/21

Information provided by the Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 25285/17-22 from Mr Alex Easton MLA, in which he asked the Minister how many cases of Bovine TB were recorded in North Down, in the last two years. [pdf]

Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1722           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                                Date Received: 15/11/21

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 24189/17-22 from Ms Claire Sugden MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail the amount of funding given by her Department to older people’s initiatives and groups in each of the past five years, broken down by constituency. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1721           Issuing Office: Department of Education                                Date Received: 11/11/21

Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 24115/17-22 from Mr Colin McGrath MLA, in which he asked the Minister (i) to list the youth groups that now receive less funding or no funding at all as a result of the recent revised funding scheme for youth work delivery by the Education Authority; (ii) to detail the amount of reduced funding for each group or organisation; and (iii) for the lists to be broken down by council area. [pdf]

Contact: Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email:


Number: 1720        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 10/11/21 

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 23558/17-22 from Ms Carál Ní Chuilín MLA, in which she asked the Minister (i) for a breakdown of Supporting People Projects in the Belfast area by geographical breakdown; (ii) how much funding each project is receiving from her Department; and (iii) what each project offers for vulnerable people. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1719        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 10/11/21 

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 24754/17-22 from Mr Daniel McCrossan MLA, in which he asked the Minister for an update on the social housing cyclical maintenance schemes in West Tyrone.[pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1718          Issuing Office: NSMC                                                              Date Received: 03/11/21 
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, and by Videoconference, 03 November 2021.  Joint Communiqué [pdf]

Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG. Tel: 02837 515002 (33002) Email:


Number: 1717         Issuing Office: Department of Justice                                       Date Received: 02/11/21

Information provided by the Minister of Justice in response to Oral Question AQO 2654/17-22 from Mr Andy Allen MLA outlining the total value of fines levied within the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service, in each of the last five years. [pdf]

Contact: DOJ Assembly Section, Minister’s Office, 5th Floor, Castle Buildings.



Number: 1716         Issuing Office: Department for Infrastructure                               Date Received: 25/10/21

Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 23929/17-22 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) all unadopted roads for which a Road or Water Bond exists; (ii) which of those unadopted roads have been subject to complaint in relation to the failure of the road to be completed; and (iii) for which unadopted roads her Department has commenced the legal process to draw down the bond to enable the road to be completed, broken down by constituency. [pdf]

Contact:  Private Office, Department for Infrastructure, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast  BT2 8GB  Email:


Number: 1715           Issuing Office: DAERA                                                           Date Received: 22/10/21

Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 24165/17-22  from Mr Alex Easton MLA, in which he asked the Minister how many pollution incidents have there been reported originating from the river flowing into Ward Park, Bangor in the last five years. [pdf]

Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1714         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received:12/10/21

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 23800/17-22 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked, pursuant to AQW 22892/17-22, to detail the total number of pest control requests the cost relates to in each year. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1713         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received:22/10/21

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 23968/17-22 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of social housing builds delayed due to COVID-19, broken down by the length of the delay. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1712        Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 22/10/21 

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 23800/17-22 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister pursuant to AQW 22892/17-22, to detail the total number of pest control requests the cost relates to in each year. [pdf]

Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1711         Issuing Office: The Executive Office                                        Date Received: 19/10/21

Information provided by the First and deputy First Minister in response to Topical Question AQT 1595/17-22 from Mr Mark Durkan MLA concerning the Climate Change Committee's presentation to the Executive. [pdf]

Contact: The Executive Office, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle, Belfast, BT4 3ST  Email: 


Number: 1710         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 15/10/21

Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 22888/17-22 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister for a breakdown of the Housing Executive's pest control response time over the past five years, broken down by constituency. [pdf]

Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1709         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 15/10/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 23054/17-22 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister for a breakdown of the key performance indicators used by the Housing Executive for both its planned and routine maintenance work. [pdf]

Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1708           Issuing Office: NSMC                                                              Date Received: 14/10/21 
North South Ministerial Council Health and Food Safety Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, and by Videoconference, 14 October 2021.  Joint Communiqué [pdf]
North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG. Tel: 02837 515002 (33002) Email:


Number: 1707           Issuing Office: DAERA                                                           Date Received: 11/10/21
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 23286/17-22  from Ms Claire Sugden MLA, in which she asked the Minister for detail of  (i) the amount of funding that has been distributed via the Rural Villages Renewal fund, broken down by constituency; and (ii) the projects in East Londonderry that have received funding from it. [pdf]

Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1706           Issuing Office: DAERA                                                           Date Received: 11/10/21
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 23342/17-22  from Ms Cara Hunter MLA, in which she asked the Minister for his assessment of the levels of naturally occurring fluoride in the water in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area. [pdf]

Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1705          Issuing Office: Department of Justice                                       Date Received: 27/09/21
Correction to comments made during Question Time on 13th September 2021 by the Minister of Justice in response to Oral Questions AQO 2382/17-22 and AQO 2383/17-22 regarding amounts allocated this financial year to victims' groups for the provision of advice and support for applicants to the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme[pdf]
Contact: DOJ Assembly Section, Minister’s Office,  5th Floor, Castle Buildings.  Email:


Number: 1704           Issuing Office: Department of Education                                Date Received: 22/09/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 22372/17-22 from Ms Kellie Armstrong MLA, in which she asked the Minister for a breakdown of all the beneficiaries of the Pathway Fund, including the amounts for 2020/21 and 2021/22  [pdf]

Contact: Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email:


Number: 1703           Issuing Office: DAERA                                                           Date Received: 21/09/21
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 22175/17-22 from Ms Kellie Armstrong MLA, in which she asked the Minister to provide details of (i) the number of reports of dead badgers which have been received through the Badgerline phone number or email; (ii) of those badgers tested, to provide the number that tested positive for bovine Tuberculosis; and (iii) the geographical areas where those badgers were found, for each of the past five years.[pdf]

Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1702           Issuing Office: Office of the Speaker                                   Date Received: 17/09/21
Response to the Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly from the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland regarding the Members' debate on the UK Government proposals on Legacy. [pdf]

Contact: Office of The Speaker, Parliament Buildings, Ballymiscaw, Stormont, Belfast, BT4 3XX. Tel: +44 (0) 28 9052 1130 Email:


Number: 1701           Issuing Office: DAERA                                                           Date Received: 14/09/21
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQO 2407/17-22 from Mr Christopher Stalford MLA, in which he asked the Minister to outline the scientific evidence informing the policy of culling badgers as a. means of controlling Bovine Tuberculosis. [pdf]

Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1700           Issuing Office: Department of Finance                                    Date Received: 04/08/21
Information provided by the Minister of Finance in response to Assembly Question AQW 13809/17-22 from Ms Claire Sugden MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail each disclaimer for every grant or application process related to COVID-19 in the event the grant was paid incorrectly. [pdf]

Contact: Department of Finance Private Office, Clare House, 303 Airport Road Belfast. Tel. 028 9081 6338 (ext. 76338)  Email: 


Number: 1699           Issuing Office: NSMC                                                              Date Received: 30/07/21 
North South Ministerial Council Twenty Sixth Plenary Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, and by Videoconference, 30 July 2021.  Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG. Tel: 02837 515002 (33002) Email:


Number: 1698        Issuing Office: Department of Education                             Date Received: 23/07/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Questions  AQW 21511/17-22, AQW 21512/17-22 and AQW 21513/17-22 from Mr William Humphreys MLA, in which he asked the Minister to provide information in relation to funding allocated from her Department, the former Belfast Education and Library Board and the Education Authority,  for Irish-medium youth work  [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1697        Issuing Office: DAERA                                                        Date Received: 21/07/21
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 21528/17-22 from Mr Andy Allen MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of instances of dumping of tyres, in each of the last five years, broken down by constituency [pdf]
Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1696         Issuing Office: DAERA                                                           Date Received: 23/06/21
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 20111/17-22 from Mr John Blair MLA, in which he asked the Minister, pursuant to AQW 18991/17-22, to detail any discussions his Department has had with Northern Ireland Water in relation to the prevention of further significant water pollution incidents caused by the public body. [pdf]
Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1695       Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 23/06/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 20585/17-22 from Mr Pat Sheehan MLA in which he asked the Minister to outline the (i) average class sizes and (ii) current pupil teacher ratios in (a) primary and (b) post primary schools. [pdf
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1694       Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 18/06/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 20315/17-22 from Ms Sinead McLaughlin MLA in which she asked the Minister for the geographic breakdown of the schools receiving funding through the School Summer Scheme, broken down by (i) council area; and (ii) constituency.   [pdf] 
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1693         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 11/06/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 19249/17-22 from Mr Justin McNulty MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of applicants for single storey and ground floor accommodation in each constituency, in each of the last five years. [pdf]
 Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1692         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 11/06/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 18380/17-22  from Mr David Hilditch MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the number of successful Housing Executive house swaps in each of the last five years, broken down by (i) accomodation type; (ii) number of bedrooms; and (iii) region.  [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1691         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 11/06/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 18839/17-22 from Mr Andy Allen MLA in which he asked the Minister, pursuant to AQW 17715/17-22 (relating to the number of applicants taken off the housing waiting list without being housed in the last five years), for a breakdown of the cancellations outlined by housing district. [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1690       Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 11/06/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 19840/17-22 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the rate per thousand of post-primary school pupils with a less than 85 percent attendance in 2019/20, broken down by (a) constituency; (b) electoral ward by constituency; and (ii) any action being taken to reduce the levels of absenteeism.  [pdf]  [xls]
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


 Number: 1689       Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 11/06/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 19839/17-22 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the rate per thousand of fifteen to seventeen year old pupils with a less than 85 percent attendance in 2019/20, broken down by (a) constituency; (b) electoral ward by constituency; and (ii) any action being taken to reduce the levels of absenteeism.  [pdf]  [xls]
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1688       Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 11/06/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 19838/17-22 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the rate per thousand of primary school pupils with a less than 85 percent attendance in 2019/20, broken down by (a) constituency; (b) electoral ward by constituency; and (ii) the action being taken to reduce the levels of absenteeism.  [pdf]  [xls]
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1687           Issuing Office: NSMC                                                              Date Received: 09/06/21 
North South Ministerial Council Education Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, and by Videoconference, June 2021.  Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG. Tel: 02837 515002 (33002) Email:


Number: 1686        Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 08/06/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 19356/17-22 from Mr Christopher Stalford MLA in which he asked the Minister to outline how the Education Authority proposes to re-establish positive links with schools and restore good will to the staff, some of whom are reported to feel very demoralised by the lack of assistance and support during the pandemic.  [pdf
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1685          Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 08/06/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 17725/17-22  from Ms Joanne Bunting MLA in which she asked the Minister  to detail (i) the (a) number; and (b) location of sites identified for social housing in Belfast, broken down by constituency; and (ii) the (a) number; and (b) type of accommodation designated for each potential site. [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1684           Issuing Office: Department of Health                                         Date Received: 03/06/21
Information provided by the Minister of Health, Mr RobinSwann, in correction to a response given previously to Assembly Question  AQO 2070/17-22 from Ms Paula Bradshaw MLA, in which she asked the Minister for an update on his Department’s work to improve outcomes for people with endometriosis. [pdf]
 Private Office, Department of Health, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SQ. Tel: 028 9052 2556


Number: 1683            Issuing Office: NSMC                                                              Date Received: 21/05/21 
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh and by Videoconference, 21 May 2021. Joint Communiqué.  [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG. Tel: 02837 515002 (33002)  Email:


Number: 1682         Issuing Office: Department for Infrastructure                               Date Received: 21/05/21
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 18683/17-22 from Miss Michelle McIlveen MLA in which she asked the Minister to list the roads in the Strangford constituency that have had a road bond for (i) one year; (ii) two years; (iii) three years; and (iv) more than three years, specifying the number of years for those more than three years.  [pdf]
Contact:  Private Office, Department for Infrastructure, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast  BT2 8GB  Email:


Number: 1681         Issuing Office: Department for Infrastructure                               Date Received: 21/05/21
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 18611/17-22 from Miss Michelle McIlveen MLA in which she asked the Minister to list all of the current undischarged road bonds in Strangford. [pdf]
Contact:  Private Office, Department for Infrastructure, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast  BT2 8GB  Email:


Number: 1680         Issuing Office: Department for Infrastructure                               Date Received: 21/05/21
Information provided by the Minister for Infrastructure in response to Assembly Question AQW 18684/17-22 from Miss Michelle McIlveen MLA in which she asked the Minister to detail the unadopted roads in the Strangford constituency with an outstanding road bond, where the houses have been occupied for more than one year. [pdf]
Contact:  Private Office, Department for Infrastructure, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast  BT2 8GB  Email:


Number: 1679         Issuing Office: Department of Justice                                 Date Received: 19/05/21
Information provided by the Minister of Justice in response to Assembly Question AQW 18614/17-22  from Mr Doug Beattie MLA in which he asked the Minister pursuant to AQW 18168/17-22, to provide a copy of the policy which the NI Prison Service follows in regards to body worn cameras.    [pdf]                                                                             
Contact: DOJ Assembly Section, Minister’s Office,  5th Floor, Castle Buildings.  Email:


Number: 1678          Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 07/05/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 17624/17-22 from Ms Clare Sugden MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail the youth work initiatives his Department has facilitated in order to reach the most vulnerable and hard to reach young people in each of the past five years in (i) East Londonderry; and (ii) Northern Ireland.  [pdf not currently available] (17mb)
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1677             Issuing Office: NSMC                                                              Date Received: 06/05/21 
North South Ministerial Council Transport Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh and by Videoconference, 05 May 2021. Joint Communiqué   [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG. Tel: 02837 515002 (33002)  Email:


Number: 1676           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 27/04/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 17083/17-22  from Mr Justin McNulty MLA in which he asked the Minister (i) to detail the number of social housing units her Department, the Housing Executive and Housing Associations have procured on an Off the Shelf Purchase basis, broken down by location in each of the last five years; and (ii) given the high demand for Social Housing Units in Newry and Armagh, to detail the rationale behind a 25 unit cap being placed by NIHE’s Place Shaping Unit.  [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1675            Issuing Office: NSMC                                                              Date Received: 22/04/21 
North South Ministerial Council Trade and Business Development Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh and by Videoconference, 21 April 2021. Joint Communiqué   [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG. Tel: 02837 515002 (33002)  Email:


Number: 1674           Issuing Office: Department of Health                                         Date Received: 22/04/21
Copy letters provided by the Minister of Health, Mr RobinSwann, in response to questions raised by Pam Cameron MLA, Cara Hunter MLA, Paula Bradshaw MLA, Caral Ni Chuilin MLA, Dolores Kelly MLA, Jonathan Buckley MLA and Gerry Carroll MLA during a debate on the matter of The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 5) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021, which took place on 23 March 2021.  [pdf]
 Private Office, Department of Health, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SQ. Tel: 028 9052 2556


Number: 1673         Issuing Office: The Executive Office                                        Date Received: 19/04/21
Copy of the First and deputy First Ministers’ letter to The Rt Hon Alok Sharma, MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy entitled 'Response by the Northern Ireland Executive to the Internal Market White Paper Consultation'. [pdf]
Contact: The Executive Office, Assembly Section, Stormont Castle, Belfast, BT4 3ST  Email:


Number: 1672         Issuing Office: DAERA                                                           Date Received: 15/04/21
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 16822/17-22 from Mr John Blair MLA, in which he asked the Minister for his assessment on the potential merits of introducing seaweed into cows’ diets to cut methane emissions.  [pdf]
Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1671           Issuing Office: Department of Health                                         Date Received: 12/04/21
Information provided by the Minister for Health in correction to a response given previously to Assembly Question AQW 15365/17-22  from Ms Sinead McLaughlin MLA in which she asked the Minister to detail which dates have hairdressing businesses in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area been required not to trade as a result of COVID-19 regulations.  [pdf]
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Health, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SQ. Tel: 028 9052 2556


Number: 1670           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 02/04/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 16449/17-22  from Ms Pam Cameron MLA in which she asked the Minister to detail the number of social housing units (i) built in the last two years; and (ii) planned to be built over the next five years, broken down by constituency.  [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045  Email:


Number: 1669           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 30/03/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in correction to response given previously to Assembly Question AQW 12155/17-22  from Mr Mark Durkan MLA in which he asked the Minister for Communities to detail the public libraries managed by Libraries NI in each constituency; and to detail the number of hours each library is open per week.  [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515075 DD 75075


Number: 1668           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 30/03/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 14720/17-22  from Mr Maolíosa McHugh MLA in which he asked the Minister for a breakdown of the financial support received in the Strabane district from her Department for the year 2020/21. [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515075 DD 75075


Number: 1667             Issuing Office: NSMC                                                              Date Received: 29/03/21 
North South Ministerial Council Health and Food Safety Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh and by Videoconference, 26 March 2021. Joint Communiqué   [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG. Tel: 02837 515002 (33002)  Email:


Number: 1666           Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 24/03/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 16233/17-22  from Mr Christopher Stalford MLA in which he asked the Minister to list the social housing developments scheduled for the next three years, broken down by constituency. [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515075 DD 75075


Number: 1665          Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 24/03/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW16348/17-22 from Mr Justin McNulty MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the status of each of the 22 New School Build Projects announced by then Minister of Education John O’Dowd on 22 January 2013, including the amount spent on each project to date. [pdf]
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1664          Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 19/03/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 15634/17-22 from Mr Mark Durkan MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail (i) the current or planned Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) maintenance schemes in each constituency for which financial contributions are being sought from owners or leaseholders of former NIHE properties; (ii) the level of compliance among owners and leaseholders; and (iii) for each scheme, (a) from how many leaseholders or owners payment has been sought; (b) the average amount of payment sought; and (c) the amount recouped.  [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  90 512664 DD 75664


Number: 1663        Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 11/03/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 15713/17-22 from Mr Justin McNulty MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail how much has been allocated per school to help with the implementation of new special educational needs legislation.  [pdf] [xls file]
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1662         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 04/03/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 15179/17-22 from Mr Alex Easton MLA in which he asked the Minister to detail all listed buildings in North Down.  [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515045 DD 75045


Number: 1661          Issuing Office: DAERA                                                           Date Received: 26/02/21
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 14476/17-22 from Ms Claire Sugden MLA, in which she asked the Minister to detail (i) the expected timeframe for the implementation of the 25 recommendations made by the Rural Needs Working Group; and (ii) any planned initiatives that may directly affect people living in rural areas of East Londonderry.  [pdf]
Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1660         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                             Date Received: 16/02/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 13717/17-22 from Mr Colin McGrath MLA in which he asked the Minister  (i) for a breakdown of all vacant properties and land owned by her Department; (ii) how long each property has been vacant; (iii) how much has been spent on rates in each of the last five years, per property; and (iv) how much has been spent on maintenance in each of the last five years, per property.  [pdf]
Contact:  Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast  BT2 7EG. Tel  02890515075 DD 75075


Number: 1659         Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 11/02/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 14314/17-22 from Mr Gerry Carroll MLA in which he asked the Minister whether he has powers under the Education Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 to remove individuals from the Education Authority Board if they act in a manner that shows prejudice.  [pdf]
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1658         Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 08/02/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 13466/17-22 from Ms Rachel Woods MLA in which she asked the Minister what investigations or complaints procedure exists with regard to conduct of members of the Board of the Education Authority Northern Ireland.  [pdf]
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email: 


Number: 1657        Issuing Office: Department of Education                                 Date Received: 03/02/21
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to Assembly Question AQW 13209/17-22 from Mr Colin McGrath MLA in which he asked the Minister, pursuant to AQW 11801/17-22 and AQW 12524/17-22,  relating to vacant properties which the Education Authority has responsibility for; (i) to provide a breakdown of the 50 individual properties listed; and (ii) to detail how much has been spent on rates per annum for the last five years, per property.  [pdf] [xls file]
Contact:  Private Office, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Tel : 028 91858161 (Network: 68161) Email:


Number: 1656        Issuing Office: NSMC                                                         Date Received: 04/02/21 
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh and by Videoconference, 3 February 2021. Joint Communiqué   [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, BT61 7LG. Tel: 02837 515002 (33002)  Email:


Number: 1655        Issuing Office: Department of Finance                                 Date Received: 03/02/21
Information provided by the Minister of Finance in response to Assembly Question AQW 13065/17-22 from Ms Rachel Woods MLA in which she asked the Minister, pursuant to AQW 12467/17-22, and with regard to Construction and Procurement Delivery within his Department, (i) when environmental statements within contracts and tenders around addressing unnecessary single use plastic were amended; (ii) the details of the amendments made; and (iii) to lay a copy of the environmental statements within contracts and tenders in the Assembly Library.  [pdf]
Contact: Department of Finance Private Office, Clare House, 303 Airport Road Belfast. Tel. 028 9081 6338 (ext. 76338)  Email:


Number: 1654        Issuing Office: Department of Finance                                 Date Received: 01/02/21
Information provided by the Minister of Finance in clarification of a response given to a question from Mr Jim Allister MLA on 19th January 2021, during the Minister's oral statement on the 2021-22 Draft Budget, in which Mr Allister asked how much the Executive intends to spend on the centenary.  [pdf]
Contact: Department of Finance Private Office, Clare House, 303 Airport Road Belfast. Tel. 028 9081 6338 (ext. 76338)  Email:


Number: 1653         Issuing Office: Department of Justice                                 Date Received: 28/01/21
Information provided by the Minister of Justice in clarification of a response given to a supplementary question from Mr Matthew O'Toole MLA in relation to Assembly Question AQO 1394/17-22 in which he asked the Minister to outline the post-Brexit challenges identified by the Cross Border Joint Agency Task Force with regard to organised crime.  [pdf]
Contact: DOJ Assembly Section, Minister’s Office,  5th Floor, Castle Buildings.  Email:


Number: 1652         Issuing Office: Department for Communities                      Date Received: 19/01/21
Information provided by the Minister for Communities in response to Assembly Question AQW 11687/17-22 from Mr Alex Easton MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail the land that can be used for new build housing currently owned by the Housing Executive.  [pdf]
Contact: Minister's Private Office, Department for Communities, Level 9, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street,  Belfast BT2 7EG. Tel. 02890515075 DD 75075. Email: 


Number: 1651         Issuing Office: Department of Health                                      Date Received: 12/01/21
A copy of a letter to health care professionals from the UK Chief Medical Officers, regarding the UK COVID-19 vaccination programmes. This letter has been deposited in the Assembly Library at the direction of the Minister of Health. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, Department of Health, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SQ. Tel: 028 9052 2556


Number: 1650          Issuing Office: DAERA                                                           Date Received: 11/01/21
Information provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 10977/17-22 from Mr Declan McAleer MLA, in which he asked the Minister to detail which geographical areas were zoned for Basic Payment Scheme inpection by satellite in the years (i) 2020; (ii) 2019; (iii) 2018; (iv) 2017; (v) 2016; and (vi) 2015.   [pdf]
Contact: DAERA Private Office, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast BT4 3SB. Email:


Number: 1649          Issuing Office: Department of Finance                                      Date Received: 07/01/21
Information provided by the Minister of Finance, Mr Conor Murphy, in response to Assembly Question AQW 12165/17-22 from Mr Jim Allister MLA in which he asked the Minister to place in the Assembly library copies of the slides and material used in unconscious bias training in the Civil Service.  [pdf]
Contact: Digital Learning and Programme Delivery, NICSHR Learning & Development, Department of Finance, 2nd Floor, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast.  BT1 4NN Tel: (028) 90254916


* This DP was added retrospectively at the end of the mandate.