Deposited Papers 2012
The following list contains details of documents which have been deposited in the Library in 2012. Copies of these and all other Deposited Papers are currently available in the Assembly Library for consultation. Where possible, they have been made available as pdfs. The list is in reverse chronological order.
Deposited Papers from other years are also available:
[2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007]
Number: 1078 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 21/12/12
Letter from the Minister of the Environment to Members advising of his intention to announce his decision on planning applications for: Major mixed use regeneration to include recreation, retail and healthcare facilities at Drumahoe Industrial Estate, Drumahoe, Londonderry; The construction of a retail superstore, petrol filling station and associated highway, footpath, landscape and other works at lands to the east of Crescent Link and north of Sevenoaks, Londonderry (SUB/1221/12) [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street
Belfast, BT1 4NN, Tel: 02890 256025 (37025)
Number: 1077 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 21/12/12
Letter from the Minister of the Environment to Members advising of his intention to announce his decision on a planning application for: the reconfiguration and reduction in size of existng Homebase unit to create a new Class 1 food superstore with mezzanine floor, underground car park and associated works at Unit 1 Crescent Link Retail Park, Crescent Link Road, Londonderry (SUB/1154/12) [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street
Belfast, BT1 4NN, Tel: 02890 256025 (37025)
Number: 1076 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 19/12/12
Information provided by the Minister for Employment and Learning to Mr Sean Lynch MLA setting out the assistance available through the Steps to Work Programme for participants who incur travel and other expenses. (SUB/549/2012) [pdf]
Contact Private Office, Department for Employment and Learning Tel: 02890 257431
Number: 1075 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 19/12/12
Information provided by the Minister for Employment and Learning in response to Supplementary Question to AQO 2887/11-15 from Ms Michaela Boyle MLA requesting details of the number of young people from East Belfast and Strabane who are not in education employment, or training. (SUB/546/2012) [pdf]
Contact Sarah Sheppard, Private Office, Department for Employment and Learning, Tel: 02890 257431
Number: 1074 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 18/12/12
Information provided by the Minister for Employment and Learning in response to AQW 17479/11-15 from Mr David McNarry MLA detailing the number of engineering jobs or jobs requiring an engineering degree which have been advertised in each of the last five years [pdf]
Contact Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch,Department for Employment and Learning,
Tel: 02890 25 7798 E.mail
Number: 1073 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 18/12/12
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment to Members advising of his decision on amended planning application for:
1 no. 3175 sq.m Food Retail Unit, Landscaping & Associated Carparking adjacent to 42 Belfast Road, 2 Bedham's Walk opposite Redburn Nursing Home, 89 Belfast Road, Ballynahinch BT24 8EB. (SUB/1211/12) [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT1 4NN, Tel: 02890 254920 (54920)
Number: 1072 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 18/12/12
Information provided by the Minister for Employment and Learning in response to AQW 17493/11-15 from Mr Peter Weir MLA detailing the number of students in receipt of Education Maintenance Allowance, broken down by constituency. [pdf]
Contact Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, Department for Employment and Learning, Tel: 02890 257832 E.mail
Number: 1071 Issuing Office: DOJ Date Received: 18/12/12
Report provided by the Minister of Justice in response to AQW 17044/11-15 from Lord Morrow MLA. Review pursuant to the death in custody of Colin Bell on 1 August 2008: Review Team Report 9, June 2009 [pdf]
Contact DOJ Private Office, Tel: 02890 522823 (22823)
Number: 1070 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 17/12/12
North South Ministerial Council North South Language Body Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices Armagh, 12 December 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh Theas Cruinniú - An Foras Teanga, Oifigí Chomhrúnaíocht Na Catt, Ard Mhacha 12 Nollaig 2012, Chomhráiteas [pdf]
Contact North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 028/04837 515009
Number: 1069 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 17/12/12
North South Ministerial Council Aquaculture & Marine Meeting, Foyle, Carlingford & Irish Lights Commission (FCILC), NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices Armagh, 12 December 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 028/04837 515009
Number: 1068 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 17/12/12
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices Armagh, 12 December 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 028/04837 515009
Number: 1067 Issuing Office: DRD Date Received: 14/12/12
Revised information provided by Minister for Regional Development, in response to AQW 14033/11-15 from Mr Alban Maginness MLA re: actions by Roads Service to reduce congestion in the Exchange Street/Hector Street area of Belfast. [pdf]
Contact DRD Private Office, Clarence Court,10 - 18 Adelaide Street, BelfastBT2 8GB, Tel: 02890 541188
Number: 1066 Issuing Office: DFP Date Received: 14/12/12
Revised information, provided by Minister of Finance & Personnel, correcting original response to AQW 2077/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA which asked at part (i) to detail the number and cost of car parking spaces provided for civil servants, broken down by each town and city; and (ii) when each allocation was last assessed to determine whether the space was essential. [pdf]
Contact DFP Assembly Section, Craigantlet Buildings, Stormont Estate Tel. 02890 163380 (73380)
Number: 1065 Issuing Office: DFP Date Received: 14/12/12
Revised information, provided by Minister of Finance & Personnel, correcting original response to AQW 1576/10 from Mr Daithí McKay MLA which asked how much each Department spent providing car parking spaces for public sector workers in (i) 2007; (ii) 2008; and (iii) 2009 to date. [pdf]
Contact DFP Assembly Section, Craigantlet Buildings, Stormont Estate Tel. 02890 163380 (73380)
Number: 1064 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 12/12/12
Letter from the Minister for Employment & Learning (SUB/512/12) to Mr Sammy Douglas MLA, providing information on Department training schemes, in response to an enquiry regarding the target for gaining employment and the percentage being achieved through the Department's training schemes. [pdf]
Contact DEL Private Office, Department for Employment and Learning, Tel: 02890 257431
Number: 1063 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 12/12/12
Follow up response from the DETI Minister (SUB 582/2012) in response to AQO 20 November 2012 from Mr Leslie Cree MBE MLA, providing information on the assistance received by Northern Ireland companies to date under the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI). [pdf]
Contact Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 02890 529222 (29222)
Number: 1062 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 12/12/12
Letter from the DHSSPS Minister amending his response AQW/16202/11-15 from Mr Danny Kinahan MLA, concerning car parking charges at Antrim Area Hospital. [pdf]
Contact DHSSPSNI Private Office, Room C5.10 Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SQ. Tel: 02890 520638
Number: 1061 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 05/11/12
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to AQW 17012/11-15 from Mr Pat Ramsey MLA, requesting details of the (i) number and (ii) percentage of children in year 8 in receipt of free school meals, in each grammar school, for each of the last ten years. Library [pdf]
Contact Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel 02891 279946 (59946)
Number: 1060 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 05/12/12
Information provided by the Minister for Education pursuant to AQW 13464/11-15 from Mr Peter Weir MLA, requesting details of current Governor vacancies in each post-primary school. [pdf]
Contact Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel 02891 279946 (59946)
Number: 1059 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 30/11/12
North South Ministerial Council Trade & Business Development Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices Armagh, 28 November 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 028/04837 515009
Number: 1058 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 29/11/12
North South Ministerial Council Tourism Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices Armagh, 28 November 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)
Number: 1057 Issuing Office: SOCDEV Date Received: 20/11/12
Letter from the Minister for Social Development in response to AQW 16131 11/15 from Ms Dolores Kelly MLA, providing details of the location of Traveller sites of all types by council area and the number of associated units at each location, with a site map for further illustration. [pdf]
Contact Department for Social Development, Corporate Service Unit, 4th Floor Lighthouse Building, 1 Cromac Place, Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 2JB. (38026)
Number: 1056 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 20/11/12
North South Ministerial Council Fifteenth Health & Food Safety meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 21 November 2012, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English street, Armagh BT61 7LG, Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)
Number: 1055 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 20/11/12
Information provided by the Minister for Education in response to AQW 16696/11-15 from from Mr Gerry Kelly, providing details of (i) the number; and (ii) the percentage of Year 12 pupils, in each electoral ward, who failed to achieve 5 GCSE A*-C grades, in each of the last four academic years, broken down by gender. [xls]
Contact Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel 02891 279946 (ext 59946)
Number: 1054 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 20/11/12
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment to Members advising of his intention to announce his decision re: Planning Application for retail led, mixed use development, Shore Road, Belfast. SUB/1136/2012 [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street Belfast, BT1 4NN, Tel. 02890 256025 (37025)
Number: 1053 Issuing Office: DFP Date Received: 19/11/12
Letter from the Minister for Finance & Personnel to Mr Stephen Moutray MLA with a revised response to AQW15675/11-15 about the number of businesses in 1) Lurgan and 11) Portadown Centres that have benefitted from the recent non-domestic rates initiatives. [pdf]
Contact DFP Assembly Section, Phone 028 90163380 ext 73380
Number: 1052 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 07/11/12
Information provided by the Minister for Employment and Learning in response to AQW 13749/11-15 from Mr Mervyn Storey, MLA providing details on the number of students who received Education Maintenance Allowance in the 2011/12 academic year, broken down by (i) school; and (ii) Education and Library Board area. [pdf]
Contact Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, Department for Employment and Learning, Tel: 02890 257832
Number: 1051 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 07/11/12
Information provided by the Minister for Employment and Learning in response to AQW 15466/11-15 from Mr Paul Frew MLA providing details on the number of participants in Programme-Led Apprenticeships, broken down by the provider of each apprenticeship. [pdf]
Contact Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, Department for Employment and Learning, Tel: 02890 257832
Number: 1050 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 05/11/12
North South Ministerial Council Fifteenth Plenary Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 2 November 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh Tel: 02837 515004 (33004)
Number: 1049 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 01/11/12
Information provided by Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment in response to supplementary question AQO 2721/11-15 from Mr Ross Hussey MLA asking for an assessment of the number of jobs needed, per annum, to keep the employment rate at its current level, taking into account demographic changes. [pdf]
Contact Private Office, Department of Enterprise Trade & Investment, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP.
Tel: 02890 529209 (ext: 29209)
Number: 1048 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 01/11/12
North South Ministerial Council Agriculture Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 31 October 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh Tel: 02837 515007 (33007)
Number: 1047 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 01/11/12
North South Ministerial Council Environment Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 31 October 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact North/South Ministerial Council, Armagh, Tel no: 028 37515010
Number: 1046 Issuing Office: DRD Date Received: 22/10/12
Letter from the Minister for Regional Development to Mr Alex Easton MLA in response to AQW14614/11-15 providing details of the Department's plans for the gritting of roads this winter. [pdf]
Contact DRD Private Office, Room 708 Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide St., Belfast BT2 8GB, Tel: 02890 541186 (41186)
Number: 1045 Issuing Office: DOJ Date Received: 23/10/12
Oral Statement on the Youth Justice Review made by the Minister of Justice in the Assembly, 23 October 2012 and a copy of the Implementation Plan. [pdf]
Contact Department of Justice, Private Office, Block B, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SG, Tel: 02890 528127
Number: 1044 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 22/10/12
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment - Planning application Court Street, Newtownards/Castlebawn SUB 1009/2012. [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast, BT1 4NN.
Tel: 02890 256025 (37025)
Number: 1043 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 22/10/12
Information provided in response to AQW 15030/11-15 from Mr Danny Kinahan MLA, by the Minister of Education in relation to his announcement on 27 September 2012, (i) to detail the terms of reference of the working group; (ii) why the working group is only focusing on controlled schools; and (iii) for how long he envisages the working group functioning. [pdf]
Contact Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education.
Tel: 02891 279946 (ext. 59946)
Number: 1042 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 18/10/12
North South Ministerial Council Education Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 17 October 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact North/South Ministerial Council, Armagh, Tel no: 028 37515010
Number: 1041 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 15/10/12
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 14921/11-15 from Mr Mervyn Storey MLA, requesting for each of the last five years a list of the examination centres in England and Wales, where the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment provided GCSE and A level examinations, broken down by Local Education Authority. [xls]
Contact Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education. Tel: 02891 279946 (ext 59946)
Number: 1040 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 15/10/12
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment - Planning application Narrow Water, Newry Road, Warrenpoint, Co. Down SUB 976/2012 [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast, BT1 4NN.
Tel: 02890 256025 (37025)
Number: 1039 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 11/10/12
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment - Planning application for proposed retail development at Newry Road, Banbridge. SUB 992/2012 [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast, Town Parks BT1 4NN, Tel. 02890 254920 (Ext. 54920 )
Number: 1038 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 10/10/12
Letter from the DHSSPS Minister amending his response to AQW/9917/11-15 from Mr Jim Allister MLA, on the number of human embryos destroyed in each year since the introduction of publically funded IVF treatment. [pdf]
Contact DHSSPSNI Private Office,Room C5.10 Castle Buildings,Belfast BT4 3SQ. Tel: 028 9052 0638
Number: 1037 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 10/10/12
North South Ministerial Council Transport Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 5 October 2012, Joint Communiqué
Contact North/South Ministerial Council, Armagh, Tel no: 028 37515010 [pdf]
Number: 1036 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 10/10/12
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 14576/11-15 detailing (i) the schools in each Education and Library Board area where asbestos is present, (ii) the assessment of the risk in each case and (iii) the action planned to remove all traces of asbestos from these schools to minimise risk to pupils and staff. [xls]
Contact Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education. Tel: 02891279946 (ext 59946)
Number: 1035 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 10/10/12
Supplementary Planning Guidance to Planning Policy Statement 4 - Policy PED 8: Development Incompatible with Economic Development Uses. [pdf]
Contact Planning Policy Division, DOE, Milennium House, 25 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7AQ. Tel: 02890 416946 (Ext. 85946 )
Number: 1034 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 02/10/12
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment to Assembly Members re: Planning Application for an energy from waste power plant at 51 Ballyutoag Road, Belfast (SUB/946/12) [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast, Town Parks BT1 4NN, Tel. 02890 254920 (Ext. 54920 )
Number: 1033 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 20/09/12
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment to Assembly Members concerning a Planning Application for the proposed demolition of existing buildings & the construction of 19 no. of retail units & 150 no. apartments, with basement car parking, at Carryduff Shopping Centre, Church Road, Carryduff (SUB/834/12) [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast, BT1 4NN,
Tel. 02890 256025 (Ext. 37025)
Number: 1032 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 13/09/12
Article 31 Letter from the Minister of the Environment to Assembly Members concerning a Planning Application for a proposed development at Ards Shopping Centre [pdf]
Contact DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast, BT1 4NN,
Tel. 02890 256025 (Ext. 37025)
Number: 1031 Issuing Office: OFMDFM Date Received: 12/09/12
Report on the Brussels Programme of engagement led by Junior Ministers 27-29 March 2012 [pdf]
The following Powerpoint presentations from the Barroso Task Force Plenary March 2012 accompany this document:
Golden Growth - Reflections on the World Bank Report (DG Regio) [pdf]
Response to Golden Growth - Northern Ireland Economic Strategy (DETI) [pdf]
Common Strategic Framework 2014 - 2020 (DG Regio) [pdf]
Horizon 2020 - EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme 2014 - 2020 (DG RTD) [pdf]
Thematic leads - N.I. Departments. European Priorities 2012 - 2013 (Northern Ireland Executive) [pdf]
Contact Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Stormont Castle, Tel: 88057
Number: 1030 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 05/09/12
SUB/821/2012 Letter from the Minister of the Environment to Assembly Members concerning Article 31 Planning Application for mixed use development: Royal Exchange Belfast at lands bounded by Royal Avenue, Church Street, William Street, Writers Square, Donegall Street, Waring Street, Bridge Street, High Street, Lombard Street, Rosemary Street and including North Street and Lower Garfield Street, Belfast. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, 8th floor, Goodwood House, 44 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN, Tel: 02890 256047 (ext: 37047)
Number: 1029 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 26/07/12
North South Ministerial Council. Agriculture Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh 25 July 2012; Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh
Tel: 028/048 37515009 (Network 33009)
Number: 1028 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 19/07/12
North South Ministerial Council. Health and Food Safety Meetings, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh 18 July 2012; Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh Tel: 028/048 37515009 (Network 33009)
Number: 1027 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 17/07/12
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to question AQW 13598/11-15 detailing; (i) each private and voluntary nursery school provider; (ii) each statutory nursery school provider; (iii) the original Education and Training Inspectorate grading for each individual provider over each of the last two years; and (iv) whether there is research available to show differing educational outcomes for children who attend private as opposed to statutory nursery schools. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel: 02891 279946 (ext 59946)
Number: 1026 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 17/07/12
Follow up information provided by Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment in response to a question posed about the Jobs Fund during DETI Assembly Questions on 12 June 2012, AQO 2152/11-15. Letters to Mr McKay and Mr Ramsey [pdf]
Contact: Private Office Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP Tel: 028 9052 9222 (ext: 29222)
Number: 1025 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 10/07/12
North South Ministerial Council North South Language Body Meeting, Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh 9 July 2012; Joint Communiqué / An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh Theas, Cruinniú - An Foras Teanga, Oifigí Comhrúnaíochta Catt, Ard Mhacha 9 Iúil 2012; Comhráiteas [pdf] Gaelige [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 1024 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 10/07/12
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Meeting, Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh 9 July 2012; Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 1023 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 05/07/12
North South Ministerial Council Aquaculture & Marine Meeting, Foyle Carlingford & Irish Lights Commission (FCILC), Derry City Council Offices, 4 July 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 (33009)
Number: 1022 Issuing Office: DOJ Date Received: 02/07/12
Oral Statement on Ministerial Response to the Access to Justice Review from the Minister of Justice with a copy of Departmental Action Plan 2012-15 for implementation of the recommendations from the Access to Justice Review. [pdf]
Contact: Lesley Foster, Department of Justice, Tel: 02890 4123771
Number: 1021 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 22/06/12
Information provided by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in response AQW 12121/11-15 from Mr Oliver McMullan MLA, on details of (i) how much it has cost the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service to (a) purchase scrap cars to be used in training; and (b) buy missing parts for the scrap cars; and (ii) all suppliers of scrap cars and missing parts, broken down by command area. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, DHSSPS, Room C5.10, Castle Buildings. Tel: 028 905 20642
Number: 1020 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 21/06/12
Letter from the Minister for Employment and Learning in response to AQO from Mr George Robinson MLA, on the subject of measures employed by the Department to address the issue of young persons who are not in employment, education or training & specifically whether 'these measures take into consideration the employability skills of young people with disabilities?' [pdf]
Contact: DEL Private Office, Department for Employment and Learning. Tel: 028 90 257431
Number: 1019 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 21/06/12
Information provided by the Minister for Employment and Learning in response to AQO 2140/11-15 from Mr Sydney Anderson MLA, relating to achievement of targets within the Department's 'Employer Engagement Plan', with specific reference to the projects which contain targets to be met by September 2012, listing these projects, together with a brief update. [pdf]
Contact: Sarah Sheppard,DEL Private Office, Department for Employment and Learning. Tel: 028 90 257431
Number: 1018 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 19/06/12
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to:
AQW 12742/11-15 detailing the percentage of children who obtained 5 or more GCSEs, at grades A*-C, including English and Maths, in each of the last three years, who resided in (i) Belfast; (ii) Derry; and (iii) all other areas, broken down by (a) Catholic females; (b) Protestant females; (c) Catholic males; and (d) Protestant males;
AQW 12743/11-15 detailing the percentage of children who obtained 5 or more GCSEs, at grades A*-C, including English and Maths, in each of the last three years, broken down by (i) Catholic females; (ii) Protestant females; (iii) Catholic males; and (iv) Protestant males, in each council area;
AQW 12744/11-15 detailing the percentage of children entitled to free school meals who obtained 5 or more GCSEs, at grades A*-C, including English and Maths in each of the last three years, broken down by (i) Catholic females; (ii) Protestant females; (iii) Catholic males; and (iv) Protestant males, in each council area;
AQW 12745/11-15 detailing the percentage of children entitled to free school meals who obtained 2 or more A levels at grades A*-E, broken down by (i) Catholic females; (ii) Protestant females; (iii) Catholic males; and (iv) Protestant males, in each council area.;
AQW 12746/11-15 detailing the percentage of children who obtained 2 or more A levels at grades A*-E, broken down by (i) Catholic females; (ii) Protestant females; (iii) Catholic males; and (iv) Protestant males, in each council area.
AQWs from Mr. Mr Daithí McKay MLA. [xlsx]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education. Tel: 02891 279946 (ext 59946)
Number: 1017 Issuing Office: DOJ Date Received: 19/06/12
Minister's Oral Statement to the Assembly on Inter-Governmental Agreement on Co-Operation on Criminal Justice matters, made on Tuesday 19 June 2012 with a copy of the North/South Cooperation on Criminal Justice Matters: Work Programme 2012-2013. [pdf]
Contact: Department of Justice, Minister's Office, Block B, Castle Buildings, Belfast BT4 3SG. Tel: 028 90 528127
Number: 1016 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 18/06/12
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment in response to:
AQW 11020/11-15 the financial assistance provided by Invest NI to companies during the 2011/12 financial year, broken down by constituency; and what each amount represents as a percentage of the total financial assistance provided by Invest NI during this period;
AQW 11021/11-15 the number of new jobs created from inward investment projects supported by Invest NI during the 2011/12 financial year, broken down by constituency; and what each figure represents as a percentage of the total amount of new jobs created by inward investment projects during that period;
AQW 11022/11-15 the number of new jobs created from first time international investors that were supported by Invest NI during the 2011/12 financial year, broken down by constituency; and what each figure represents as a percentage of the total amount of new jobs created by first time international investors during that period;
AQW 11023/11-15 how many of the jobs created by Invest NI in each constituency during the 2011/12 financial year offer a salary of (i) above, but less than 25 percent above; and (ii) 25 percent or more above' the average private sector wage, expressed as a number and a percentage of all the new jobs created by inward investment projects during this period.
AQWs from Mr Colum Eastwood MLA in relation to follow up questions on 24 May 2012. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment, Netherleigh, Belfast, BT4 2JP
Tel: 028 9052 9222 (ext: 29222)
Number: 1015 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 18/06/12
Information provided by Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment in response to:
Information provided by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment in response to AQW 11470/11-15 from Ms Karen McKevitt MLA in relation to follow up questions on 24 May 2012, detailing the number businesses in the South Down area which have benefited from financial support fron InvestNI in each of the last three years. from Mr Colum Eastwood MLA in relation to follow up questions on 24 May 2012. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment, Netherleigh, Belfast, BT4 2JP Tel: 028 9052 9222 (ext: 29222)
Number: 1014 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 15/06/12
North South Ministerial Council Environment Meeting, Farmleigh, Dublin, 15 June 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 (33009)
Number: 1013 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 15/06/12
North South Ministerial Council Fourteenth Plenary Meeting, Farmleigh House, Dublin, 15 June 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh Theas, An Ceathrú Cruinniú Iomlánach Dhéag, Teach Farmleigh, Baile Átha Cliath, 15 Meitheamh 2012, Comhráiteas [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 (33009)
Number: 1012 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 15/06/12
North South Ministerial Council Education Meeting, Farmleigh, Dublin, 15 June 2012, Joint Communiqué [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 (33009)
Number: 1011 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 14/06/12
Information provided by the Minister of Education in response to questions:
AQW 12458/11-15 detailing the percentage of children who obtained 5 or more GCSEs in English and Maths in each of the last three years, broken down by (i) religious background; and (ii) gender in each council area.
AQW12459/11-15 detailing the percentage of children entitled to free school meals who obtained 5 or more GCSEs in English and Maths in each of the last three years, broken down by (i) religious background; and (ii) gender in each council area.
AQW12460/11-15 detailing the percentage of children entitled to free school meals who obtained 2 or more A levels at grades A*-E, broken down by (i) religious background; and (ii) gender in each council area.
AQW12461/11-15 detailing the percentage of children who obtained 2 or more A levels at grades A*-E, broken down by (i) religious background; and (ii) gender in each council area.
AQW12465/11-15 detailing the percentage of children who obtained 5 or more GCSEs in English and Maths in each of the last three years in (i) Belfast; (ii) Derry; and (iii) all other areas, broken down by (a) religious background; and (b) gender. [xlsx]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel: 02891 279946 (ext 59946)
Number: 1010 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 08/06/12
Information provided by the Minister of the Environment relating to questions and answers raised by Members at the Second Stage debate on the Marine Bill, 05 March 2012. [pdf]
Contact: Marine Policy, DOE Planning Policy Division, 3rd Floor Millennium House, 17-25 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7BN, Tel: 85963
Number: 1009 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 08/06/12
Statement by the Minister of the Environment in relation to the publication of the Planning Appeals Commission's Reports on the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan 2015 (BMAP); and the Banbridge, Newry and Mourne Area Plan. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN. Tel: 02890 256047, Ext. 37047
Number: 1008 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 29/05/12
Information provided by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in response to AQW 11752/11-15 from Mr Conall McDevitt, detailing (i) the number of Health Partnerships; (ii) when they were established; (iii) the purpose of the Partnerships; and (iv) the agendas and resulting forward work programmes of each meeting which took place in the last 12 months. [pdf]
Contact: AQ Manager, DHSSPS Private Office, Room C5.10,Castle Buildings. Tel: (028 905) 20647
Number: 1007 Issuing Office: OFMDFM Date Received: 28/05/12
Letter from the First Minister and deputy First Minister to the Chair of the OFMDFM Committee enclosing the Ministerial Statement and associated documents on the Brussels Engagement Programme and the Executives 2012/13 European Priorities. [pdf]
Ministerial Statement on the Brussels Engagement Programme and Executives 2012-2013 European Priorities [pdf]
European Priorities 2012-2013 [pdf]
European Priorities 2011-2012 [pdf]
European Priorities 2011-2012 Implementation Report [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Stormont Castle, Tel: 88057
Number: 1006 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 23/05/12
Letter from the Minister of the Environment: Article 31 Planning Application - Proposed development, Unit 1 Greenbank Industrial Estate, Warrenpoint Road, Newry, (SUB/257/2012). [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN, Tel: Tel. 02890 256025, Ext. 37025
Number: 1005 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 22/05/12
Letter from the Minister of Education in response to AQW 11722/11-15 from Mr Mervyn Storey MLA, pursuant to AQW 11194/11-15, listing the name of each voluntary school, broken down by (i) Education and Library Board area; and (ii) sector. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel: 02891 279946 (ext 59946)
Number: 1004 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 22/05/12
Letter from the Minister for Employment & Learning in response AQW 11331/11-15 from Mr Jim Allister MLA, providing details of careers fairs held outside Northern Ireland which were attended by representatives from Queens University, Belfast and the University of Ulster in each of the last five years. [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, Department for Employment and Learning, Tel: 028 9025 7798
Number: 1003 Issuing Office: DOJ Date Received: 21/05/12
Report on the Police Human Tissue Audit: Report into the Retention of Human Tissue by Police Forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Report by the Association of Chief Police Officers and the National Policing Improvement Agency (Final report replacing draft report received 17/02/2014) [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, Department of Justice, Block B Castle Buildings, Tel: 028 90 522071
Number: 1002 Issuing Office: DOJ Date Received: 21/05/12
Statement by the Minister of Justice on the UK Audit of Retained Tissue Samples: Police Human Tissue Audit 2010-2012, Monday 21 May 2012 [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, Department of Justice, Block B Castle Buildings, Tel: 028 90 522071
Number: 1001 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 16/05/12
Letter from the Minister of the Environment: Northcott Shopping Centre, Ballyclare Road, Glengormley - Amendments to planning consents U/2009/0303/F and U/2010/0293/F: SUB/333/2012 [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast BT1 4NN Tel: 028 9025 6027, Ext. 37027
Number: 1000 Issuing Office: DHSSPSNI Date Received: 14/05/12
Copy of Oral Statement to the Assembly on 'Health and Social Care Shared Services', by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Mr Edwin Poots MLA, Monday 14th May 2012. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, DHSSPSNI, Room C5.10 Castle Buildings Tel: 028 9052 0638
Number: 999 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 04/05/12
Details of the amount of capital investment by the Tourist Board in each council area in each of the last five years supplied by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment in response to AQW/9785/11-15 from Mr Phil Flanagan MLA. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JP, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 998 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 03/05/12
North South Ministerial Council Special EU Programmes Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 04 May 2012, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 (33009)
Number: 997 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 03/05/12
Details of (i) the rate, per thousand, of post-primary pupils who have less than 85 percent attendance, broken down by (a) council area; and (b) electoral ward; and (ii) what action is being taken to reduce the levels of absenteeism. Information provided by Minister of Education in response to AQW 11006/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA pursuant to AQW 707/11-15 . [pdf]
Contact: Central Support & Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel: 02891 279946 (59946)
Number: 996 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 03/05/12
Details of (i) the rate, per thousand, of 15 to 17 year old pupils who have less than 85 percent attendance, broken down by (a) council area; and (b) electoral ward; and (ii) what action is being taken to reduce the levels of absenteeism. Information provided by Minister of Education in response to AQW 11005/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA pursuant to AQW 706/11-15 . [pdf]
Contact: Central Support & Co-ordination Team, Department of Education, Tel: 02891 279946 (59946)
Number: 995 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 03/05/12
Details of (i) the rate, per thousand, of primary school pupils who have less than 85 percent attendance, broken down by (a) council area; and (b) electoral ward; and (ii) what action is being taken to reduce the levels of absenteeism, provided by the Minister of Education, in response to AQW 11004/11-15 from Mr Roy Beggs MLA pursuant to AQW 705/11-15. [pdf]
Number: 994 Issuing Office: DFP Date Received: 30/04/12
Copy of Model Contract for Employment for Special Advisers referred to in paragraph 20 of the Review of Arrangements for the Appointment of Ministers' Special Advisers supplied by Minister for Finance & Personnel in response to AQW 10368/11-15 from Mr Jim Allister MLA [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Section, DFP, Tel: 02890 163379
Number: 993 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 27/04/12
North South Ministerial Council Seventh Institutional Meeting. Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, 27 April 2012: Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 (33009)
Number: 992 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 20/04/12
North South Ministerial Council Transport Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 20 April 2012: Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 (33009)
Number: 991 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 19/04/12
Information provided the Minister of the Environment in response to AQO 1420/11-15 from Mr Willie Clarke MLA, giving an assessment of how Local Councils are performing in relation to providing residents with opportunities to avail of allotments. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Tel: 90 256025 (37025)
Number: 990 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 12/04/12
Letter from the Minister for Enterprise Trade & Industry in response to a question by Mr. Jim Allister MLA, during an Assembly Statement on 27 March 2012, persuant to the NSMC Trade and Business Sectoral Meeting 01 March 2012, relating to Northern Ireland companies' share of the £18 Billion cross border public procurement market. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue. Tel: 90 529209 (29209)
Number: 989 Issuing Office: DCAL Date Received: 13/04/12
Information provided by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure to Mr Robin Swann, MLA in response to AQW 5522/11 pursuant to AQW 4543/11-15 on the business case for a weed cutting machine, information about which was provided to the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure by departmental officials on 29 September 2011. [pdf]
Contact: Inland Fisheries Group, DCAL,Causeway Exchange,1 - 7 Bedford Street. Tel: 90 515112 (75112)
Number: 988 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 12/04/12
Response from the Minister for Employment & Learning in response to AQW 9977/11-15 from Mr Daithi McKay, MLA giving details of occasions in the last twelve months when his Department has made a presentation to an Assembly Committee & provided papers to the Committee less than 48 hours beforehand.[pdf]
Contact: Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, DEL. Tel: 90 257798 (57798)
Number: 987 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 04/04/12
Written Statement by the Minister of Health, Wednesday 4 April 2012 re: the Interim Report on Pseudomonas incidents in neo-natal units. [pdf]
Contact: DHSSPS Private Office, Room C5.10 Castle Buildings, Stormont, Tel: 02890 520638
Number: 986 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 04/04/12
Details provided by the Minister of Education in response to AQW 10128/11-15 from Mr.Phil Flanagan MLA, giving (i) the approved, maximum, and current enrolment number (a) at each school; and (b) in each Education and Library Board area; and (ii) any differences in the figures provided for (a) each school; (b) each board; and (c) the overall total. [pdf]
Contact: Verity Bell, Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91 279946 (59946)
Number: 985 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 04/04/12
Information supplied by Minister of Education to Mr Paul Frew in response to AQW 9968/11-15 concerning what strategy is in place to train staff in schools in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. [pdf]
Contact: Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91 279946 (59946)
Number: 984 Issuing Office: DRDNI Date Received: 03/04/12
Management Statement & Financial Memorandum (MSFM) between the Department for Regional Development & Northern Ireland Water Ltd. (NIW) effective from 01 April 2012. [pdf]
Contact: Department for Regional Development, Tel: 02890 346214
Number: 983 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 02/04/12
Letter from the Minister of Finance & personnel to Mr Jim Allister, MLA correcting information supplied 12/03/2012 in answer to AQW 8531/11-15 detailing what compensation has been paid out to staff in each of the last five years, including the largest and smallest amounts paid in respect of individual claims for damage to personal property whilst at work. [pdf]
Contact: DFP Assembly Section, Tel: 02890 163380 Ext. 73380
Number: 982 Issuing Office: DCAL Date Received: 30/03/12
Details of salmon redds for each river system counted in each of the last twenty years: information supplied by Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure in answer to AQW 7264/11-15 [pdf]
Contact: Ireland Fisheries Group, Dept. of Culture & Leisure (DCAL), Tel: 90515112 (75112)
Number: 981 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 28/03/12
Procedure for appointing Education and Library Board Chief Executives: supplied by Minister of Education in answer to AQW 9771/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91 279946 (59946)
Number: 980 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 12/03/12
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: mixed use development, AH Foods Ltd., Belfast Mills, Percy Street, Belfast: SUB/261/2012. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Tel: 90256025 (37025)
Number: 979 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 12/03/12
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: redevelopment of Lisnagelvin District Shopping Centre, Lisnagelvin Road, Londonderry: SUB/282/2012. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Tel: 90256025 (37025)
Number: 978 Issuing Office: DFP Date Received: 20/03/12
Inventory of the works of art currently held by each Northern Ireland Executive Department, with the location of each work of art: supplied by Minister of Finance and Personnel in answer to AQW 7554/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Section, DFP, Tel: 90163379 (73379)
Number: 977 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 14/03/12
North South Ministerial Council Environment Sectoral Meeting: a statement by Alex Attwood MLA, Minister of the Environment, 13 March 2012. [pdf]
Contact: DOE Private Office, 8th floor, Goodwood House, 90256026 (37026)
Number: 976 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 12/03/12
Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record Proof of Concept pre-qualification process scores of the four companies included in its Outline Business Case, the scoping and costs letter and the associated costs templates, supplied by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety in answer to AQW 9119/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: AQ Manager, DHSSPS Private Office, Room CS.10, Castle Buildings.
Number: 975 Issuing Office: DSD Date Received: 05/03/12
Places within Neighbourhood Renewal Areas with details of funding allocated to them for the years from 2004/05 to 2010/11: information supplied by the Minister for Social Development in answer to AQW 8324/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Corporate Services Unit, DSD, The Lighthouse, Tel: 38027
Number: 974 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 05/03/12
North South Ministerial Council Environment Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 01 March 2012: Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 973 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 05/03/12
North South Ministerial Council Trade and Business Development Meeting. NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 01 March 2012: Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 972 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 05/03/12
North South Ministerial Council Aquaculture & Marine Meeting, Foyle, Carlingford & Irish Lights Commission (FCILC). NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 01 March 2012: Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: North South Ministerial Council, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 971 Issuing Office: DRD Date Received: 05/03/12
Letter from the Minister for Regional Development top Mr Colum Eastwood MLA correcting figures given in answer to AQW 7694/11-15: how many civil service posts existed in the Department of Regional Development from Administrative Assistant to Grade 6 levels at the beginning of a) 2007 and B) 2012, broken down by local council area. [pdf]
Contact: DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, Tel: 90541190 (41190)
Number: 970 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 28/02/12
Letter from the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety to Mr Gregory Campbell MLA correcting information supplied in answer to AQW 2225/11-15: success rate of each Health and Social Care Trust and the Health and Social Care Board in meeting the 10 day target for the payment of invoices in the 2010-11 financial year and the 2011-12 financial year to date (correct answer attached). [pdf]
Contact: DETI Private Office, Netherleigh, Tel: 90529222 (29222)
Number: 969 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 23/02/12
List of Civil Service Posts in the Department for Employment and Learning from Administrative Assistant to Grade 6 level at the beginning of a) 2007, b) 2012, broken down by Local Council areas: information supplied by Minister for Employment and Learning in answer to AQW 7693/11-15 [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, DEL, Tel: 90257798
Number: 968 Issuing Office: Invest NI Date Received: 23/02/12
Copies of Invest NI's publication supplying guidance on support for tourism businesses: AQW 7301/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Co-ordination Team, SMP, Invest NI, Bedford Street, Tel: 90698241
Number: 967 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 21/02/12
Letter from the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr Joe Byrne MLA on start-up help to small businesses and investment in the Boosting Business Campaign: supplementaries to AQO 1236/11-15 oral questions 06/02/12. [pdf]
Contact: DETI Private Office, Netherleigh, Tel: 90529222 (29222)
Number: 966 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 21/02/12
Letter from the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr David Mc Clarty MLA on the percentage of companies supported in East Londonderry over the last four years that were foreign owned; AQO 1225/11-15 of 06/02/12 supplementary. [pdf]
Contact: DETI Private Office, Netherleigh, Tel: 90529222 (29222)
Number: 965 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 21/02/12
Letter from the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Ms Sandra Overend MLA on the impact of the fact that the Carbon Trust no longer delivers Invest Northern Ireland's Sustainable Energy Programme: supplementary to Oral Question AQO 1229/11-15 of 06/02/12. [pdf]
Contact: DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, Tel 90541190 (41190)
Number: 964 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 21/02/12
Letter from the Minister for Health Social Services & Public Safety to Mrs Judith Cochrane MLA amending information on the number of patients referred to another part of the UK for cyberknife stereotactic body radiotherapy in the last year, given in answer to AQW 7632/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: AQ Manager, DHSSPS Private Office, Room CS10 Castle Buildings, Tel: 90520647 (20647)
Number: 963 Issuing Office: OFMDFM Date Received: 15/02/12
Building a better future: the Northern Ireland Executive's Programme for Government 2008-2011: delivery report progress up to 31 March 2011 [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Section, OFMDFM, Stormont Castle, Tel: 88057
Number: 962 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 14/02/12
North South Ministerial Council North South Language Body, Meeting, Enniskillen, 14 February 2012: Joint Communiqué./ An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh Theas, Cruinniú den Fhoras Teanga Thuaidh Theas, Inis Ceithleann, 14 Feabhra 2012: Comhráiteas [pdf] Gaeilge [pdf]
Contact: NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 961 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 14/02/12
North South Ministerial Council Inland Waterways Meeting, Enniskillen, 14 February 2012: Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 960 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 14/02/12
Letter from the Minister for Employment & Learning to Mr Peter Weir MLA upgrading information supplied in answer to AQW 5942/11-15 . to take account of statistics from the Belfast ELB: i) Bar students and ii) solicitor students at the Institute of Professional Legal Studies who received grants in each of the last ten years and the average grant paid in each of these years. [pdf]
Contact: DEL Private Office, Room 502 Adelaide House, Tel: 90 257431 (57431)
Number: 959 Issuing Office: DRD Date Received: 13/02/12
Customer Performance Index (CPI) figures for Metro, Ulsterbus, and Northern Ireland Railways 1994-Spring 2011 detailed ratings of Service Quality for Ulsterbus and NIR: supplied by Minister for Regional Development in answer to AQW 7073/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: DRD Private Office, Clarence Court, Tel 90541190 (41190)
Number: 958 Issuing Office: DFP Date Received: 09/02/12
Details of the i) actual and ii) percentage composition profile of Civil Service non-industrial staff, by grade, within each Department/Agency for 2009, 2010 and 2011, broken down by a) gender b) community (including non-determined), c) ethnic background, d) people with a disability: information supplied by the Minister of Finance and Personnel in answer to AQW 6409/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Section, DFP, Tel: 90163379 (73379)
Number: 957 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 09/02/12
North South Ministerial Council Agriculture Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 8 February 2012, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 956 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 02/02/12
North South Ministerial Council Health & Food Safety Meetings, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 2 February 2012, Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515007 (33007)
Number: 955 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 02/02/12
List of schools capable of holding the pupil numbers recommended in the Bain Report, broken down by type: information supplied by the Minister of Education in answer to AQW 6153/11. [pdf]
Contact: Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91279946 (59946)
Number: 954 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 02/02/12
North South Ministerial Council Education Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 01 February 2012: Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 (33009)
Number: 953 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 01/02/12
Letter from the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety to Mr Gregory Campbell MP MLA correcting information in the answer to AQW 6128/11-15 on applicants for the recent Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service recruitment competition who failed in a section of the process and who following appeal were re-instated. [pdf]
Contact: AQ Manager, DHSSPS Private Office, Room CS10 Castle Buildings, Tel: 90520647 (20647)
Number: 952 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 01/02/12
Details of all pre-school education facilities, including whether they are statutory, voluntary, private or reception units, broken down by council area. AQW 6723/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Central Support and Co-0rdination Team, Department of Education, Tel: 91279946 (59946)
Number: 951 Issuing Office: NSMC Date Received: 31/01/12
North South Ministerial Council Tourism Meeting, NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, 25 January 2012: Joint Communiqué. [pdf]
Contact: NSMC Joint Secretariat, 58 Upper English Street, Armagh, Tel: 37515009 (33009)
Number: 950 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 30/01/12
Southern Health & Social Care Trust: Management Statement and Financial Memorandum. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 949 Issuing Office: Speaker’s Office Date Received: 26/01/12
Letter from First Minister and deputy First Minister to the Speaker on present and future arrangements for the tenure of the Justice Minister. [pdf]
Contact: Speaker’s Office
Number: 948 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 26/01/12
Letter from the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment on any technical trials carried out prior to the award of the Remote Broadband Services Contract to Onwave and details of the process undertaken to award the contract: follow-up information to AQO 1036/11-15 (Oral Questions 10/01/12). [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Tel: 90 529209 (29209)
Number: 947 Issuing Office: DETI Date Received: 26/01/12
Letter from the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to Mr Pat Doherty MP MLA on the increase in cost of the broadband services provided by Onwave Ltd under the Remote Broadband Services Contract: follow-up information to AQO 1033/11-15 Oral Questions 12/01/12. [pdf]
Contact: Private Office, DETI, Netherleigh, Tel: 90 529209 (29209)
Number: 946 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 26/01/12
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: proposed hotel construction at 126 Hillsborough Road, Old Warren, Lisburn: SUB/1776/11. [pdf]
Contact: Assistant Private Secretary, DOE Private Office, 8th Floor, Goodwood House, Tel: 90 2546047 (37047)
Number: 945 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 24/01/12
Management Statement between the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety and the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency: April 2010 (includes Financial Memorandum). [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 944 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 23/01/12
Management Statement between the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety and the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery: April 2011 (includes Financial Memorandum). [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 943 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 23/01/12
Health & Social Care Board: Management Statement and Financial Memorandum.[pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 942 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 23/01/12
Table showing numbers of unemployed clients assisted into employment between 2006/2007 and 2010/2011 broken down by age and gender: supplied by Minister for Employment and Learning in answer to AQW 5656/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, DEL, Tel: 90257832 (57832)
Number: 941 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 23/01/12
List of all bunscoilléanna including the location and the enrolment number in each of the last ten years: information supplied by the Minister of Education in answer to AQW 6279/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91 279946 (59946)
Number: 940 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 23/01/12
List of all naíscoilléanna including the location and the enrolment number in each of the last ten years. Information supplied by the Minister of Education in answer to AQW 6278/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel: 91 279946 (59946)
Number: 939 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 23/01/12
Regional Agency for Public Health and Social Wellbeing: Management Statement and Financial Memorandum. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 938 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 23/01/12
Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service: Management Statement and Financial Memorandum. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 937 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 23/01/12
South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust: Management Statement and Financial Memorandum. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 936 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 23/01/12
Western Health & Social Care Trust: Management Statement and Financial Memorandum. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 935 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 23/01/12
Belfast Health & Social Care Trust: Management Statement and Financial Memorandum. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 934 Issuing Office: DENI Date Received: 19/01/12
List of schools availing of the Primary Languages Programme in each of the last three years, with the language chosen by each school: information supplied by the Minister of Education in answer to AQW 6115/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Top Management Support Unit, Dept. of Education, Tel:91 279946 (59946)
Number: 933 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 19/01/12
Regional Business Services Organization: Management Statement and Financial Memorandum. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 932 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 19/01/12
Northern Health and Social Services Trust Management Statement and Financial Memorandum. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 931 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 19/01/12
Management statement establishing the framework for the Patient Client Council agreed with the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, with accompanying Fiancial Memorandum. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 930 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 19/01/12
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service HSC Trust Financial Memorandum and Management Statement. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 929 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 19/01/12
Management statement between the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety and the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board: May 2011. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 928 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 19/01/12
Management statement between the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety and the Northern Ireland Guardian ad Litem Agency: March 2008. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 927 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 19/01/12
Northern Ireland Social Care Council: management statement and financial memorandum: September 2007. [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 926 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 18/01/12
Management statement and financial memorandum for the regulation and quality improvement authority: July 2009 (Amended September 2010). [pdf]
Contact: Central Arms Length Bodies Governance Unit, DHSSPS, Tel: 90 528662 (28662)
Number: 925 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 17/01/12
Letter from the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety to Mr David McClarty MLA amending information given in answer to AQW 4461/11-15 on intensive care ventilators returned to supplier. [pdf]
Contact: AQ Manager, DHSSPS Private Office, Room CS 10, Castle Buildings, Tel: 90 520647 (20647)
Number: 924 Issuing Office: DHSSPS Date Received: 12/01/12
Letter from the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety to Mr Roy Beggs MLA correcting data supplied in answer to AQW 2741/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: AQ Manager, DHSSPS Private Office, Room CS 10, Castle Buildings, Tel: 90 520647 (20647)
Number: 923 Issuing Office: DOE Date Received: 10/01/12
Article 31 letter from the Minister of the Environment: proposed cemetery and crematorium, including associated access roads, car-parking and landscaping, on lands opposite 3 and 5 Lisburn Road, Moira: SUB/1753/11. [pdf]
Contact: Assistant Private Secretary, DOE Private Office, Goodwood House, May Street, Belfast, Tel: 90 2546047 (37047)
Number: 922 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 04/01/12
Table showing numbers of unemployed students assisted into employment by the Employment Service between 2006/2007 and 2010/2011 broken down by age and gender, supplied by Minister for Employment and Learning in answer to AQW 5656/11-15. [pdf]
Contact: Assembly Business Unit, Central Management Branch, DEL, Tel: 90257832 (57832)
Number: 921 Issuing Office: DEL Date Received: 03/01/12
Letter from the Minister for Employment and Learning to Mr Willie Clarke MLA correcting statement made about the Student Plus programme of Queen's University Belfast in answer to AQO 903/11-15. Annex A to letter consists of revised version of response. [pdf]
Contact: DEL Private Office, Tel: 90257431 (57431)