Topical Questions - Monday 11 November 2013

Members Successful in Ballot for Topical Questions to the
Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
for Question Time on Monday 11 November 2013

Each of the Members listed below has been selected by computer ballot under Standing Order 20A(4), to ask a topical question to the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment for Question Time on Monday 11 November 2013

1. Mr D Kinahan (South Antrim) - Ulster Unionist Party [AQT 321/11-15]
2. Mr A Maskey (South Belfast) - Sinn Féin [AQT 322/11-15]
3. Mr J Byrne (West Tyrone) - Social Democratic and Labour Party [AQT 323/11-15]
4. Mr L Cree (North Down) - Ulster Unionist Party [AQT 324/11-15]
5. Mr M Brady (Newry and Armagh) - Sinn Féin [AQT 325/11-15]
6. Mr B McElduff (West Tyrone) - Sinn Féin [AQT 326/11-15]
7. Mr T Lunn (Lagan Valley) - Alliance Party [AQT 327/11-15]
8. Mr C Hazzard (South Down) - Sinn Féin [AQT 328/11-15]
9. Ms M Boyle (West Tyrone) - Sinn Féin [AQT 329/11-15]
10. Mr A Maginness (North Belfast) - Social Democratic and Labour Party [AQT 330/11-15]


Members Successful in Ballot for Topical Questions to the
Minister of the Environment
for Question Time on Monday 11 November 2013

Each of the Members listed below has been selected by computer ballot under Standing Order 20A(4), to ask a topical question to the Minister of the Environment for Question Time on Monday 11 November 2013

1. Mr P Frew (North Antrim) - Democratic Unionist Party [AQT 331/11-15]
2. Mr O McMullan (East Antrim) - Sinn Féin [AQT 332/11-15]
3. Mr S Wilson (East Antrim) - Democratic Unionist Party [AQT 333/11-15]
4. Mr T Clarke (South Antrim) - Democratic Unionist Party [AQT 334/11-15]
5. Ms C Ruane (South Down) - Sinn Féin [AQT 335/11-15]
6. Mr J Craig (Lagan Valley) - Democratic Unionist Party [AQT 336/11-15]
7. Mr M McLaughlin (South Antrim) - Sinn Féin [AQT 337/11-15]
8. Mr A Easton (North Down) - Democratic Unionist Party [AQT 338/11-15]
9. Mr D Bradley (Newry and Armagh) - Social Democratic and Labour Party [AQT 339/11-15]
10. Mr R Beggs (East Antrim) - Ulster Unionist Party [AQT 340/11-15]