Research and Information Service

Research Publications 2024

Synopsis: The Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service (RaISe) produces a number of Research publications each year. These cover a variety of topics which are of interest to Members, Committees and the general public.

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School Governance
This paper examines school governance with a specific focus on accountability relationships between School Governors, School Principals, Managing Authorities and the Department of Education in Northern Ireland. Crucially, it considers the accountability of Governors to Parents as a key stakeholder in pupils' education journey.


Social Licence: Background information, implementation and issues arising

This Briefing Paper – commissioned by the Public Accounts Committee in the Northern Ireland Assembly – examines the concept of “Social Licence” in  various relevant sources identified through research undertaken by RaISe Publlic Finance Scrutiny Unit. It sets out background information on the development of the concept and its development over time, providing examples
of its implementation in other jurisdictions.


Public Sector Procurement in Northern Ireland

This Briefing Paper prepared for the Committee for Infrastructure provides an overview of procurement processes and roles and responsibilities in Northern Ireland.


Climate Change/Net Zero Targets and Related "Public Purse" Costs: preliminary considerations

This Briefing Paper provides initial consideration of key estimated costs for the “public purse”, when implementing and meeting legislative and non-legislative targets relating to climate change and net zero in Northern Ireland. The Paper draws on available estimates compiled centrally and regionally within the United Kingdom and those compiled centrally in the Republic of Ireland.


Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland :A Reading List - Updated

When compiling this reading list, an attempt has been made to select commentary, analysis and media coverage which has particular relevance to the specific context of Northern Ireland. The list also includes strategically important documents, such as the published positions of the UK and Irish governments and the EU institutions.


Chancellors' Autumn Budget 2024: initial considerations for Northern Ireland

This Briefing Paper aims to facilitate Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in the Northern Ireland Assembly, as they initially consider the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Autumn Budget 2024.


Responses to Historic Abuse in the Republic of Ireland
This paper provides an overview of the processes carried out by the Irish Government in response to historic institutional abuse in the Republic of Ireland. It summarises those processes already undertaken, ongoing and proposed in relation to Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalen Laundries, Residential Institutional Abuse and Abuse in Religious Schools.
This paper contains references to sexual, physical and emotional abuse, including in relation to children.


Scottish Biometrics Commissioner: costs for public purse of the Commissioner and staff

This Briefing Note seeks to further inform the Committee for Justice’s scrutiny of the Justice Bill.  At the Committee’s request, it outlines costs for the public purse of the office of the Scottish Biometric Commissioner, in terms of the Commissioner and staff (administration and remunerations costs).


Addressing Public Sector Skills Gaps: a preliminary discussion
This Briefing Paper presents a preliminary consideration of key issues regarding skills gaps in public sector organisations across the United Kingdom.


An overview of the 'Right to Buy' in other jurisdictions
This paper was requested by the Committee for Communities and explores developments in the ‘Right to Buy’ in Scotland, Wales, England and the Republic of Ireland.


Child Support Enforcement Bill 
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Child Support Enforcement Bill which completed its Second Stage on 25 June 2024.  The Bill contains provisions to allow the Department for Communities to make administrative liability orders which will replace the current court-based liability order process.  It also contains provisions to require the Department for Communities to make regulations in respect to the right of appeal to a court against the making of such an order.


Review of Costings: Justice Bill 2024

This Briefing Paper draws on available evidence, including submissions by the Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Police Service for Northern Ireland, to review the financial implications arising from the Justice Bill for the public purse, which the DoJ identified in the accompanying Explanatory and Financial Memorandum when introducing the Bill.


Assessing compliance with the UK Government's commitment to no diminution of rights in the Windsor Framework
This briefing note highlights a six-question test which has been used in the courts in Northern Ireland to determine if Northern Ireland or UK law is compliant with the commitment to no diminution of rights, in Article 2(1) of the Windsor Framework


Planning decision and statutory consultee response times

As requested by the Committee for Infrastructure, this paper provides an overview of planning decision times and statutory consultee response times in Northern Ireland, and across the UK and Ireland.


The Current Financial Services Landscape in Northern Ireland: preliminary considerations
This Briefing Paper presents an overview of the current financial services landscape in Northern Ireland, highlighting key themes concerning access to cash services for customers, following recent bank branch closures.


Fair Employment in Northern Ireland: an update 2022

This paper updates a previous paper (NIAR 113-19). It chronicles the significant change which has occurred in the community composition of the workforce since the Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1989 came into operation on 1st January 1990.


Electronic voting in parliamentary chambers

This briefing paper provides information on electronic voting in selected legislatures, including the capacity for remote voting.


Rural policy and delivery in Northern Ireland – an overview
The recognition of the distinct challenges and opportunities faced by rural communities has become increasingly central to policy development within the public sector across Northern Ireland. This paper provides an overview of the emergence of rural policy in Northern Ireland since the 1980s. The paper seeks to highlight key milestones and developments in the intervening years.


Large-scale energy storage methods for wind energy

This Briefing Paper explores potential options for the integration of wind energy and grid-scale energy storage systems into the energy infrastructure of Northern Ireland within the context of governmental net zero goals. It includes relevant international agreements, prevailing legislation in the wider United Kingdom, Northern Ireland specifically, and the Republic of Ireland. Subsequent sections offer a more technical explanation of the most relevant technologies, including key economic implications of each method.


Justice Bill
The paper has been prepared to inform the Justice Committee’s consideration of the Justice Bill which was introduced into the Assembly on 17 September 2024. The Bill contains 34 clauses and 4 schedules. It has four aims: to amend retention periods for DNA and biometric material; to make changes to bail and custody arrangements for children and young people; to improve services for victims and witnesses; and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of aspects of the justice system


Just Transition: Background and examples
This paper provides some background on the concept of Just Transition as well as some current examples of its application in other jurisdictions.


Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System: Overview
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the key issues and impacts associated with mental ill-health and the criminal justice system. The paper considers the experiences of a range of individuals who come into contact with the criminal justice system, such as offenders, witnesses, and victims. It also considers the experiences of criminal justice partners, and the staff within those organisations, who make the system operational.


Summary of International Human Rights Standards' Concluding Observations on Northern Ireland
This paper provides a summary of equality issues relating to Northern Ireland as identified by Concluding Observations of UN treaty body examinations of the UK and Council of Europe reports on the UK. It also highlights where these recommendations could potentially require changes to legislation.


Comparative study of equality legislation in the United Kingdom and Ireland
This paper considers divergences in equality legislation and protections across the jurisdictions of Northern Ireland, Great Britain and Ireland. It is intended to inform the Committee for the Executive Office’s inquiry into equality gaps in legislation in Northern Ireland.


Information on fostering in Northern Ireland
This briefing paper has been prepared following a request from the Committee on Procedures. The committee asked RaISe for information on: a list of Agencies, as well as the HSC, that potential foster carers can register with; what registration process is in place in Northern Ireland for people who want to be foster carers; any differences between registration for long and/or short-term care and kinship care.


Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland: A Reading List - Updated
When compiling this reading list, an attempt has been made to select commentary, analysis and media coverage which has particular relevance to the specific context of Northern Ireland. The list also includes strategically important documents, such as the published positions of the UK and Irish governments and the EU institutions.


Management of Algal Blooms
This research paper considers management options to prevent and control freshwater algal blooms.


Election Report: Westminster General Election, 4 July 2024
This paper presents an analysis of the Westminster General Election, held on 4 July 2024, and compares the outcome with that of the 2019 election. The paper also includes trends over time in voter turnout and results by party and constituency. 


Transition planning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disability

This Briefing Paper has been prepared for the Committee for Education, to provide an overview of the transition planning process for pupils with special educational needs and/or a disability. The paper commences with consideration of relevant legislation and strategies in Northern Ireland, including current policy developments that may impact the transition planning process. The Paper then considers the legislation and policy in the rest of the UK that underpins the transition of young people with SEND into adulthood.


Understanding ADHD Care: Exploring Assessment Waiting Times, NICE Recommendations and Care Pathways in the UK and RoI

This paper provides an overview of ADHD in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, including prevalence rates among children and adults. The paper explores the challenges that recent increases in demand for ADHD services present for service providers and patients, the extent of delays in accessing an ADHD assessment, developments in NICE guidance, and recent developments in diagnosis and treatment policies.


Responding to Youth Vaping: The UK Experience

This paper provides an overview of the current perspectives on the health and environmental considerations of vapes, as well as the efforts to reduce their use among children and young people across the UK.


The Small Business Research Initiative and Innovate UK Contracts for Innovation

This briefing note provides a brief overview of Innovate UK Contracts for Innovation/ the Small Business Research Initiative, including scope, competitions and case studies. It responds to a request from the Assembly Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for some examples where this initiative has been used on agriculture and environment projects in the past.


Pensions (Extension of Automatic Enrolment) Bill
This paper has been prepared to inform consideration of the Pensions (Extension of Automatic Enrolment) Bill which completed its Second Stage on 3 June 2024.  The Bill contains provisions to confer regulation making powers to the Department for Communities to facilitate the implementation of reforms to Automatic Enrolment.


Legislative consent motions
This briefing paper presents an overview of the latest discussions and developments around the Sewel Convention and legislative consent.


Executive Budget 2024-25:Northern Ireland Economic Context (Paper 3 of 3)

This Briefing Paper aims to facilitate Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in Northern Ireland Assembly committees and plenaries, when considering the Northern Ireland Executive Budget 2024-25.


Executive Budget 2024-25: Allocations (Paper 2 of 3) 

This Briefing Paper aims to facilitate Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in Northern Ireland Assembly committees and plenaries, when considering the Northern Ireland Executive Budget 2024-25.


Executive Budget 2024-25: Context Setting for 24-25 Northern Ireland Executive Budget (Paper 1 of 3)

This Briefing Paper aims to facilitate Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in Northern Ireland Assembly committees and plenaries, when considering the Northern Ireland Executive Budget 2024-25.

 15/24 Economic inactivity, key employment barriers and childcare costs potentially impacting those barriers: initial considerations for Northern Ireland
This Briefing Paper has been prepared for the Committee for the Economy, to provide an overview of Northern Ireland’s economic inactivity and barriers to employment, including the potential impact of childcare costs on those barriers. The Paper draws on available sources (governmental, inter-governmental, academic and other) and identifies initial considerations arising from them.

Government data reporting on self-employment trends from 2019–2024
This Briefing Paper, prepared at the request of the Committee for the Economy, examines trends in official statistics of individuals classifying as self-employed from 2019 to 2024.


Motor insurance premiums in the United Kingdom
This Briefing Paper, requested by the Committee for Infrastructure, provides background information and data on motor insurance premiums across the United Kingdom and in Northern Ireland.


Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Large Language Models
This paper outlines the main differences between artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and large language models. The regulatory approach of the United Kingdom and the potential challenges are also detailed. In addition, specific use cases for large language models in research are explored. 


Artificial Intelligence Regulation, Use and Innovation in the United Kingdom: a broad overview
This Briefing Paper, requested by the Committee for the Economy, provides a broad overview of AI (Artificial Intelligence) regulation, use and innovation in the United Kingdom, to inform the Committee’s initial consideration of this area.  Included are regulatory frameworks at United Kingdom and Northern Ireland governmental levels, with a comparative look at the European Union’s and the United States of America’s regulatory approaches.  The paper outlines AI deployment in public sector. Where available, the Paper highlights governmental data reporting on key potential economic impacts of AI deployment.


Children's Services Co-operation Act (Northern Ireland) 2015

This paper provides an overview of the Children's Services Co-operation Act (Northern Ireland) 2015. It commences with an introduction to co-operation and then turns to the enablers and barriers of effective co-operation. The paper presents some examples of co-operation in education in Northern Ireland, and considers whether the full potential of the Act is being realised.


Translink use of public funds: initial observations

This Briefing Paper, prepared for the Committee for Infrastructure, highlights current governance and financial arrangements that are relevant to Translink use of public funds, in light of recent evidence sessions and related correspondence with Assembly statutory committees; and makes some initial observations, to help inform the Committee’s further consideration in this area.


Support for Unpaid Carers in Northern Ireland: a preliminary consideration

This Briefing Paper, prepared for the Committee for the Economy, identifies a number of key issues in relation to support for unpaid carers in Northern Ireland


Northern Ireland external trade in goods and services - 2013-22 governmental data
This Briefing Paper highlights key governmental data reporting on Northern Ireland’s external trade, taking a specific look at the value and share of that trade in key markets, disaggregated by industry.


An overview of algal bloom in Lough Neagh
This paper considers the causes, impacts and potential remediations for the 2023 Lough Neagh blue-green algae bloom.


Issues under consideration by procedures committees in other legislatures
This briefing paper has been prepared for the Committee on Procedures. It highlights issues under consideration and/or recently considered by procedures committees in other legislatures.


Zebra mussels in Northern Ireland
This paper gives an introduction to the impacts and control of the zebra mussel, an invasive alien species found in water bodies across the island of Ireland. It outlines vectors and routes for further spread into un-infested waters and discusses proactive and reactive measures to limit spread and remove existing infestations. It also provides an overview of existing legislation which applies to zebra mussels in Northern Ireland, Ireland, the UK and the EU


Northern Ireland economic overview

This Briefing Paper has been prepared for the incoming Committee for the Economy, to provide an overview of the Northern Ireland economy as of early March 2024. Drawing on the most recent available data, it looks at areas in which Northern Ireland’s economy is performing well and highlights some challenges facing it. 


Committee engagement with 2023/24 departmental budgets

This Briefing Paper aims to facilitate Northern Ireland Assembly committees (statutory committees and Audit Committee), when engaging with departments near the end of the current financial year - 2023/24 – and in anticipation of a (draft) Executive Budget 2024/25 for the next financial year commencing 1 April 2024.


Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland: A Reading List - Updated

The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, which is the part of the EU-UK withdrawal agreement, addresses the unique circumstances on the island of Ireland. The ‘Windsor Framework: A New Way Forward’, which was agreed in principle on 27 February 2023, amends the Protocol and includes a new procedure: the ‘Stormont Brake’.


The UK Government has recently published a Command Paper ‘Safeguarding the Union’ which sets out a range of measures designed to strengthen the operation of the UK internal market.


When compiling this reading list, an attempt has been made to select commentary, analysis and media coverage which has particular relevance to the specific context of Northern Ireland. The list also includes strategically important documents, such as the published positions of the UK and Irish governments and the EU institutions.


* Please note: Date refers to the date on which the paper was published on the website.