Minutes of Proceedings
Session: Session currently unavailable
Date: 30 December 2020
The Assembly met at noon, the Speaker in the Chair.
1. Prayers
Members observed two minutes' silence.
2. Executive Committee Business
2.1 Motion: Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union
That this Assembly takes note of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union.
The Executive Office
Amendment 1
Insert after 'Assembly':
'asserts our opposition to leaving the European Union; calls for the full implementation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland to mitigate some of the most negative impacts of Brexit; and'
Mr John O'Dowd
Dr Caoimhe Archibald
Mr Colm Gildernew
Mr Declan McAleer
Amendment 2
At end insert:
'; and calls on the United Kingdom Government, in view of the very serious impediments to the Northern Ireland economy being created by the Trade and Co-operation Agreement and the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, to apply safeguard measures as laid out in Article 16 of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland for a period of at least one year.'
Dr Steve Aiken
Amendment 3
At end insert:
'but regrets that while a free trade deal is better than no deal, for Northern Ireland this agreement does not undo the detrimental aspects of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland; and calls on the Northern Ireland Executive to continue to work with the United Kingdom Government to mitigate against those damaging outcomes flowing from the Protocol.'
Mr Paul Givan
Mr Gary Middleton
Mr Christopher Stalford
Mr Mervyn Storey
Amendment 4
At end insert:
'; rejects Brexit, in line with the democratically expressed view of the people of Northern Ireland; notes that this deal will mean new barriers to trade and other negative consequences for Northern Ireland's economy and society; and calls for the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, positive efforts to make arrangements work for all the people of Northern Ireland, and for this Assembly to decline legislative consent to the British Government to impose the European Union (Future Relationship) Bill, their inferior trade deal and their Brexit against the will of the people of Northern Ireland.'
Ms Nichola Mallon
Mr Matthew O'Toole
Debate ensued.
The Question being put, Amendment 1 was negatived (Division 1).
The Question being put, Amendment 2 was negatived (Division 2).
The Question being put, Amendment 3 was negatived (Division 3).
The Question being put, Amendment 4 was made (Division 4).
The Question being put, the motion as amended was carried (Division 5).
3. Adjournment
That the Assembly do now adjourn.
The Speaker
The Assembly adjourned at 3.52pm.
Mr Alex Maskey
The Speaker
30 December 2020
Northern Ireland Assembly
30 December 2020 Division 1
Motion: Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union – Amendment 1
Insert after 'Assembly':
'asserts our opposition to leaving the European Union; calls for the full implementation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland to mitigate some of the most negative impacts of Brexit; and'
Mr John O'Dowd
Dr Caoimhe Archibald
Mr Colm Gildernew
Mr Declan McAleer
The Question was put and the Assembly divided.
Ayes: 26
Noes: 38
Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Mr Boylan, Ms Brogan, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Mr Kearney, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O'Dowd, Mrs O'Neill, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan, Ms Sheerin.
Tellers for the Ayes: Dr Archibald, Mr McAleer.
Dr Aiken, Mr Allen, Mr Allister, Mrs Barton, Mr Beattie, Mr Beggs, Mr M Bradley, Ms P Bradley, Mr K Buchanan, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Ms Bunting, Mr Butler, Mrs Cameron, Mr Chambers, Mr Clarke, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Frew, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Humphrey, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Miss McIlveen, Mr Middleton, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Stewart, Mr Storey, Mr Swann, Mr Weir.
Tellers for the Noes: Mr Givan, Mr Stalford.
The following Members voted in both Lobbies and are therefore not counted in the result:
Ms Armstrong, Ms Bailey, Mr Blair, Ms S Bradley, Ms Bradshaw, Mr Carroll, Mr Catney, Mr Dickson, Mr Durkan, Ms Hunter, Mrs D Kelly, Mrs Long, Mr Lyttle, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Ms McLaughlin, Mr McNulty, Ms Mallon, Mr Muir, Mr O'Toole, Miss Woods.
The amendment was negatived.
The following Members' votes were cast by their notified proxy in this division:
Mr Dickson voted for Ms Armstrong, Mr Blair, Ms Bradshaw, Mrs Long, Mr Lyttle and Mr Muir.
Mr K Buchanan voted for Ms P Bradley, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Storey and Mr Weir.
Mr Butler voted for Mr Allen, Mrs Barton, Mr Beggs, Mr Chambers, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Stewart and Mr Swann.
Mr O'Dowd voted for Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Mr Boylan, Ms Brogan, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Mr Kearney, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mrs O'Neill, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan and Ms Sheerin.
Mr O'Toole voted for Ms Bradley, Mr Catney, Mr Durkan, Ms Hunter, Mrs D Kelly, Ms Mallon, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Ms McLaughlin and Mr McNulty.
Ms Bailey voted for Miss Woods.
Northern Ireland Assembly
30 December 2020 Division 2
Motion: Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union – Amendment 2
At end insert:
'; and calls on the United Kingdom Government, in view of the very serious impediments to the Northern Ireland economy being created by the Trade and Co-operation Agreement and the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, to apply safeguard measures as laid out in Article 16 of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland for a period of at least one year.'
Dr Steve Aiken
The Question was put and the Assembly divided.
Ayes: 38
Noes: 49
Dr Aiken, Mr Allen, Mr Allister, Mrs Barton, Mr Beattie, Mr Beggs, Mr M Bradley, Ms P Bradley, Mr K Buchanan, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Ms Bunting, Mr Butler, Mrs Cameron, Mr Chambers, Mr Clarke, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Frew, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Humphrey, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Miss McIlveen, Mr Middleton, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Stewart, Mr Storey, Mr Swann, Mr Weir.
Tellers for the Ayes: Dr Aiken, Mr Givan.
Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Ms Armstrong, Ms Bailey, Mr Blair, Mr Boylan, Ms S Bradley, Ms Bradshaw, Ms Brogan, Mr Carroll, Mr Catney, Mr Dickson, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Mr Durkan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Ms Hunter, Mr Kearney, Mrs D Kelly, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mrs Long, Mr Lunn, Mr Lynch, Mr Lyttle, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms McLaughlin, Mr McNulty, Ms Mallon, Mr Muir, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O'Dowd, Mrs O'Neill, Mr O'Toole, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan, Ms Sheerin, Miss Woods.
Tellers for the Noes: Mr McAleer, Ms McLaughlin.
The amendment was negatived.
The following Members' votes were cast by their notified proxy in this division:
Mr Dickson voted for Ms Armstrong, Mr Blair, Ms Bradshaw, Mrs Long, Mr Lyttle and Mr Muir.
Mr K Buchanan voted for Ms P Bradley, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Storey and Mr Weir.
Mr Butler voted for Mr Allen, Mrs Barton, Mr Beggs, Mr Chambers, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Stewart and Mr Swann.
Mr O'Dowd voted for Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Mr Boylan, Ms Brogan, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Mr Kearney, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mrs O'Neill, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan and Ms Sheerin.
Mr O'Toole voted for Ms Bradley, Mr Catney, Mr Durkan, Ms Hunter, Mrs D Kelly, Ms Mallon, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Ms McLaughlin and Mr McNulty.
Ms Bailey voted for Miss Woods.
Northern Ireland Assembly
30 December 2020 Division 3
Motion: Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union – Amendment 3
At end insert:
'but regrets that while a free trade deal is better than no deal, for Northern Ireland this agreement does not undo the detrimental aspects of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland; and calls on the Northern Ireland Executive to continue to work with the United Kingdom Government to mitigate against those damaging outcomes flowing from the Protocol.'
Mr Paul Givan
Mr Gary Middleton
Mr Christopher Stalford
Mr Mervyn Storey
The Question was put and the Assembly divided.
Ayes: 37
Noes: 49
Dr Aiken, Mr Allen, Mr Allister, Mrs Barton, Mr Beggs, Mr M Bradley, Ms P Bradley, Mr K Buchanan, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Ms Bunting, Mr Butler, Mrs Cameron, Mr Chambers, Mr Clarke, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Frew, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Humphrey, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Miss McIlveen, Mr Middleton, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Stewart, Mr Storey, Mr Swann, Mr Weir.
Tellers for the Ayes: Dr Aiken, Mr Givan.
Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Ms Armstrong, Ms Bailey, Mr Blair, Mr Boylan, Ms S Bradley, Ms Bradshaw, Ms Brogan, Mr Carroll, Mr Catney, Mr Dickson, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Mr Durkan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Ms Hunter, Mr Kearney, Mrs D Kelly, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mrs Long, Mr Lunn, Mr Lynch, Mr Lyttle, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms McLaughlin, Mr McNulty, Ms Mallon, Mr Muir, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O'Dowd, Mrs O'Neill, Mr O'Toole, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan, Ms Sheerin, Miss Woods.
Tellers for the Noes: Mr McAleer, Ms McLaughlin.
The amendment was negatived.
The following Members' votes were cast by their notified proxy in this division:
Mr Dickson voted for Ms Armstrong, Mr Blair, Ms Bradshaw, Mrs Long, Mr Lyttle and Mr Muir.
Mr K Buchanan voted for Ms P Bradley, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Storey and Mr Weir.
Mr Butler voted for Mr Allen, Mrs Barton, Mr Beggs, Mr Chambers, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Stewart and Mr Swann.
Mr O'Dowd voted for Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Mr Boylan, Ms Brogan, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Mr Kearney, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mrs O'Neill, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan and Ms Sheerin.
Mr O'Toole voted for Ms Bradley, Mr Catney, Mr Durkan, Ms Hunter, Mrs D Kelly, Ms Mallon, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Ms McLaughlin and Mr McNulty.
Ms Bailey voted for Miss Woods.
Northern Ireland Assembly
30 December 2020 Division 4
Motion: Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union – Amendment 4
At end insert:
'; rejects Brexit, in line with the democratically expressed view of the people of Northern Ireland; notes that this deal will mean new barriers to trade and other negative consequences for Northern Ireland's economy and society; and calls for the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, positive efforts to make arrangements work for all the people of Northern Ireland, and for this Assembly to decline legislative consent to the British Government to impose the European Union (Future Relationship) Bill, their inferior trade deal and their Brexit against the will of the people of Northern Ireland.'
Ms Nichola Mallon
Mr Matthew O'Toole
The Question was put and the Assembly divided.
Ayes: 49
Noes: 38
Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Ms Armstrong, Ms Bailey, Mr Blair, Mr Boylan, Ms S Bradley, Ms Bradshaw, Ms Brogan, Mr Carroll, Mr Catney, Mr Dickson, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Mr Durkan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Ms Hunter, Mr Kearney, Mrs D Kelly, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mrs Long, Mr Lunn, Mr Lynch, Mr Lyttle, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms McLaughlin, Mr McNulty, Ms Mallon, Mr Muir, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O'Dowd, Mrs O'Neill, Mr O'Toole, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan, Ms Sheerin, Miss Woods.
Tellers for the Ayes: Ms McLaughlin, Mr Muir.
Dr Aiken, Mr Allen, Mr Allister, Mrs Barton, Mr Beattie, Mr Beggs, Mr M Bradley, Ms P Bradley, Mr K Buchanan, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Ms Bunting, Mr Butler, Mrs Cameron, Mr Chambers, Mr Clarke, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Frew, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Humphrey, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Miss McIlveen, Mr Middleton, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Stewart, Mr Storey, Mr Swann, Mr Weir.
Tellers for the Noes: Dr Aiken, Mr Givan.
The amendment was made.
The following Members' votes were cast by their notified proxy in this division:
Mr Dickson voted for Ms Armstrong, Mr Blair, Ms Bradshaw, Mrs Long, Mr Lyttle and Mr Muir.
Mr K Buchanan voted for Ms P Bradley, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Storey and Mr Weir.
Mr Butler voted for Mr Allen, Mrs Barton, Mr Beggs, Mr Chambers, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Stewart and Mr Swann.
Mr O'Dowd voted for Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Mr Boylan, Ms Brogan, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Mr Kearney, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mrs O'Neill, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan and Ms Sheerin.
Mr O'Toole voted for Ms Bradley, Mr Catney, Mr Durkan, Ms Hunter, Mrs D Kelly, Ms Mallon, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Ms McLaughlin and Mr McNulty.
Ms Bailey voted for Miss Woods.
Northern Ireland Assembly
30 December 2020 Division 5
Motion as amended: Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union
That this Assembly takes note of the trade and cooperation agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union; rejects Brexit, in line with the democratically expressed view of the people of Northern Ireland; notes that this deal will mean new barriers to trade and other negative consequences for Northern Ireland's economy and society; and calls for the implementation of the protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, positive efforts to make arrangements work for all the people of Northern Ireland, and for this Assembly to decline legislative consent to the British Government to impose the European Union (Future Relationship) Bill, their inferior trade deal and their Brexit against the will of the people of Northern Ireland.
The Executive Office
The Question was put and the Assembly divided.
Ayes: 47
Noes: 38
Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Ms Armstrong, Mr Blair, Mr Boylan, Ms S Bradley, Ms Bradshaw, Ms Brogan, Mr Carroll, Mr Catney, Mr Dickson, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Mr Durkan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Ms Hunter, Mr Kearney, Mrs D Kelly, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mrs Long, Mr Lunn, Mr Lynch, Mr Lyttle, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms McLaughlin, Mr McNulty, Ms Mallon, Mr Muir, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O'Dowd, Mrs O'Neill, Mr O'Toole, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan, Ms Sheerin.
Tellers for the Ayes: Ms McLaughlin, Mr Muir.
Dr Aiken, Mr Allen, Mr Allister, Mrs Barton, Mr Beattie, Mr Beggs, Mr M Bradley, Ms P Bradley, Mr K Buchanan, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Ms Bunting, Mr Butler, Mrs Cameron, Mr Chambers, Mr Clarke, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Frew, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Humphrey, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Miss McIlveen, Mr Middleton, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Stewart, Mr Storey, Mr Swann, Mr Weir.
Tellers for the Noes: Dr Aiken, Mr Givan.
The motion, as amended, was agreed.
The following Members' votes were cast by their notified proxy in this division:
Mr Dickson voted for Ms Armstrong, Mr Blair, Ms Bradshaw, Mrs Long, Mr Lyttle and Mr Muir.
Mr K Buchanan voted for Ms P Bradley, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stalford, Mr Storey and Mr Weir.
Mr Butler voted for Mr Allen, Mrs Barton, Mr Beggs, Mr Chambers, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Stewart and Mr Swann.
Mr O'Dowd voted for Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Mr Boylan, Ms Brogan, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Mr Kearney, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mrs O'Neill, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan and Ms Sheerin.
Mr O'Toole voted for Ms Bradley, Mr Catney, Mr Durkan, Ms Hunter, Mrs D Kelly, Ms Mallon, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Ms McLaughlin and Mr McNulty.
Northern Ireland Assembly
Papers Presented to the Assembly on 16 December 2020 to 30 December 2020
1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly
3. Orders in Council
4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly
Northern Regional College Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 July 2020 (Department for the Economy)
Registrar General Annual Report 2019 (Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency)
National Museums Northern Ireland Annual Report and Accounts for year ended 31 March 2020 (Department for Communities)
Quarterly Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service July 2020 - September 2020 (Department of Finance)
Tourism Northern Ireland Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20 (Department for the Economy)
Belfast Metropolitan College Annual Report and Accounts for year ended 31 July 2020 (Department for the Economy)
Northern Ireland Police Fund Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20 (Northern Ireland Police Fund)
5. Assembly Reports
Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules to the Assembly and the Appropriate Committees Seventeenth Report of Session 2020 – 2021 (NIA 67/17-22) (Examiner of Statutory Rules)
Joint Report on Management of the NI Direct Strategic Partner Project – helping to deliver Digital Transformation and The LandWeb Project: An Update (NIA 68/17-22) (Public Accounts Committee)
The Northern Ireland Assembly Members' Pension Fund Annual Report and Accounts (NIA 69/17-22) (Finance Office)
6. Statutory Rules
SR 2020/330 The Health and Safety (Amendments and Revocation) (EU Exit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for the Economy)
SR 2020/331 The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Amendment of Relevant Period for Meetings of Registered Societies and Credit Unions No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for the Economy)
SR 2020/332 The Business Tenancies (Coronavirus) (Restriction on Forfeiture: Relevant Period) (Northern Ireland) (No. 3) Regulations 2020 (Department of Finance)
SR 2020/334 The Road Traffic Offenders (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Order 2020 (Department for Infrastructure)
SR 2020/335 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 20) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2020/336 The Road Traffic (Fixed Penalty) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for Infrastructure)
SR 2020/338 The Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 (Public Service Obligations in Transport) (Amendment) (EU Exit) (Northern Ireland) (Revocation) Regulations 2020 (Department for Infrastructure)
SR 2020/341 The Addition of Vitamins, Minerals & Other Substances (Amendment) (Revocation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2020/342 The Financial Assistance (Coronavirus) (Airports) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Finance)
SR 2020/343 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 21) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2020/344 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 26) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2020/345 The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)
SR 2020/346 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No.2) (Amendment No. 22) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2020/351 The Statutory Sick Pay (General) (Coronavirus Amendment) (No. 7) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for Communities)
SR 2020/352 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 23) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2020/353 The Animals (Health, Identification, Trade and Veterinary Medicines) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)
SR 2020/354 The Financial Assistance (Coronavirus) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Finance)
SR 2020/355 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 27) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2020/356 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 24) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2020/358 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 25) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
For information only
SR 2020/333 The Alien and Locally Absent Species (Aquaculture) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)
SR 2020/339 The Marketing of Plant and Propagating Material (Legislative Functions) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)
SR 2020/340 The Carriage of Explosives (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Justice)
SR 2020/248 The Maximum Number of Judges Order (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Justice)
Explanatory Memorandum for SR 2020/335 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 20) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2020/347 The Social Security (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) (Citizens' Rights Agreement) (Revocation) Order (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for Communities)
SR 2020/348 The Social Security (Switzerland) (Citizens' Rights Agreement) (Revocation) Order (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for Communities)
7. Written Ministerial Statements
Decisions of the Executive on COVID-19 (First Minister and deputy First Minister)
COVID-19 Vaccination Programme (Minister of Health)
8. Consultation Documents
Consultation on Legislative Options to Inform the Development of an Adult Protection Bill for Northern Ireland (Department of Health)
Consultation on the draft Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031 (Department of Health)
9. Departmental Publications
Coronavirus Act 2020 Temporary Disapplication of Education Duties (No.17) Notice (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Education)
Coronavirus Act 2020 Temporary Modification of Education Duties (No.18) Notice (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Education)
10. Agency Publications
11. Westminster Publications
SI 2020-1557 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Amendment) Order 2020 (Privy Council Office)
12. Miscellaneous Publications
The following Members notified the Speaker, under Standing Order 112, that they wished to avail of proxy voting arrangements for the sitting on Wednesday 30 December 2020:
Andy Allen |
Gerry Kelly |
Martina Anderson |
Liz Kimmins |
Caoimhe Archibald |
Naomi Long |
Kellie Armstrong |
Gordon Lyons |
Rosemary Barton |
Séan Lynch |
Roy Beggs |
Chris Lyttle |
John Blair |
Nichola Mallon |
Cathal Boylan |
Declan McAleer |
Paula Bradley |
Fra McCann |
Sinead Bradley |
Daniel McCrossan |
Paula Bradshaw |
Patsy McGlone |
Nicola Brogan |
Colin McGrath |
Thomas Buchanan |
Philip McGuigan |
Jonathan Buckley |
Maolíosa McHugh |
Pat Catney |
Sinead McLaughlin |
Alan Chambers |
Justin McNulty |
Linda Dillon |
Andrew Muir |
Diane Dodds |
Karen Mullan |
Jemma Dolan |
Conor Murphy |
Gordon Dunne |
Mike Nesbitt |
Mark Durkan |
Robin Newton |
Alex Easton |
Carál Ní Chuilín |
Sinéad Ennis |
Michelle O’Neill |
Arlene Foster |
Edwin Poots |
Órlaithí Flynn |
George Robinson |
Colm Gildernew |
Emma Rogan |
Paul Givan |
Pat Sheehan |
Deirdre Hargey |
Emma Sheerin |
Harry Harvey |
Christopher Stalford |
David Hilditch |
John Stewart |
Cara Hunter |
Mervyn Storey |
William Irwin |
Robin Swann |
Declan Kearney |
Peter Weir |
Dolores Kelly |
Rachel Woods |