Minutes of Proceedings

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 14 September 2020

The Assembly met at noon, the Speaker in the Chair.

1. Prayers

Members observed two minutes' silence.

2. Assembly Business

2.1 Motion: The draft Flags (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2020


That this Assembly takes note of the proposed changes to the Flags Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 as set out in the draft Flags (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2020.

Mr Keith Buchanan
Mr John O'Dowd
Mrs Dolores Kelly
Mr Robbie Butler
Ms Kellie Armstrong
Ms Clare Bailey

Debate ensued.

The Question being put, the motion was carried without division.

The Principal Deputy Speaker took the Chair.

3. Private Members' Business

3.1 Motion: Living Over the Shops Scheme


That this Assembly recognises the role that repurposed and attractive residential space above retail premises can play in promoting the success of town centres across Northern Ireland; notes that making high streets high-quality locations to live as well as work can aid the economic recovery from COVID-19; and calls on the Minister for Communities to consider establishing a living over the shops grant scheme to assist landlords to convert space above retail premises into residential accommodation.

Mr Jonathan Buckley
Ms Paula Bradley



Leave out all after 'repurposed' and insert:

'and accessible space above commercial properties could potentially play in revitalising town and city centres by providing additional affordable, accessible and high quality accommodation; further recognises this potential to increase the supply of homes to meet demand; acknowledges that increasing this type of housing in high streets can help assist in the social and economic recovery from COVID-19; and calls on the Minister for Communities and her Executive colleagues to explore this option to reduce housing demand based on objective need.'

Ms Sinéad Ennis
Mr Fra McCann
Ms Karen Mullan
Mr Cathal Boylan

Debate ensued

The debate stood suspended for Question Time.

The Speaker took the Chair.

4. Question Time

4.1 The Executive Office

Questions were put to, and answered by, the First Minister, the Rt Hon Arlene Foster.

4.2 Economy

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister for the Economy, Mrs Diane Dodds.

5. Question for Urgent Oral Answer

5.1 COVID-19: Local Restrictions

The First Minister, the Rt Hon Arlene Foster, responded to a Question for Urgent Oral Answer tabled by Mr Colin McGrath.

5.2 COVID-19: Testing

The Minister of Health, Mr Robin Swann, responded to a Question for Urgent Oral Answer tabled by Mr Colm Gildernew.

The Principal Deputy Speaker took the Chair.

6. Private Members' Business (cont'd)

6.1 Motion: Living Over the Shops Scheme (cont'd)

Debate resumed.

The Question being put, the Amendment was negatived (Division).

The Question being put, the motion was carried without division.

7. Assembly Business

7.1 Motion: Extension of Sitting on Monday 25 January 2021 under Standing Order 10(3A)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 10(3A), the sitting on Monday 14 September 2020 be extended to no later than 8.00pm.

Mr Keith Buchanan
Mr John O'Dowd
Mrs Dolores Kelly
Mr Robbie Butler
Ms Kellie Armstrong
Ms Clare Bailey

The Question being put, the motion was carried.

The Deputy Speaker, Mr Beggs, took the Chair.

8. Private Members' Business (cont'd)

8.2 Motion: Race Equality


That this Assembly recognises that the Racial Equality Strategy 2015 - 2025 was not fully implemented and is now significantly outdated; acknowledges the commitment contained in New Decade, New Approach to the publication of a new and updated racial equality strategy within 100 days of the restoration of the Assembly; further recognises the positive contribution made to society by those from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds; deplores the discrimination Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities face regularly; condemns racism in all its forms; commits to act urgently on the forthcoming report on the review of hate crime legislation; calls for the promotion of an anti-racism ethos in our schools; and further calls on the Executive to formulate and implement urgently a meaningful racial equality strategy.

Ms Emma Sheerin
Ms Martina Anderson
Mr Colm Gildernew
Ms Linda Dillon



Leave out all after second 'further calls'' and insert:

'on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to set up a working group with members of the Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities to co-design and co-produce an updated racial equality strategy and to publish a timetable for the implementation of the strategy.'

Ms Paula Bradshaw
Ms Kellie Armstrong

Debate ensued

The Question being put, the Amendment was made.

The Question being put, the motion, as amended, was carried without division.

9. Adjournment


That the Assembly do now adjourn.

The Speaker

The Assembly adjourned at 6.38pm.

Mr Alex Maskey
The Speaker
14 September 2020


Northern Ireland Assembly

14 September 2020

Living Over the Shops Scheme - Amendment


Leave out all after 'repurposed' and insert:

'and accessible space above commercial properties could potentially play in revitalising town and city centres by providing additional affordable, accessible and high quality accommodation; further recognises this potential to increase the supply of homes to meet demand; acknowledges that increasing this type of housing in high streets can help assist in the social and economic recovery from COVID-19; and calls on the Minister for Communities and her Executive colleagues to explore this option to reduce housing demand based on objective need.'

Ms Sinéad Ennis
Mr Fra McCann
Ms Karen Mullan
Mr Cathal Boylan

The Question was put and the Assembly divided.

Ayes: 40
Noes: 41


Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Ms Bailey, Mr Boylan, Ms S Bradley, Mr Carroll, Mr Catney, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Mr Durkan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Ms Hunter, Mr Kearney, Ms C Kelly, Mrs D Kelly, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms McLaughlin, Mr McNulty, Ms Mallon, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O'Dowd, Mrs O'Neill, Mr O'Toole, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan, Ms Sheerin.

Tellers for the Ayes: Mr Boylan, Ms Ennis.


Mr Allen, Ms Armstrong, Mrs Barton, Mr Beattie, Mr Beggs, Mr Blair, Mr M Bradley, Ms P Bradley, Ms Bradshaw, Mr K Buchanan, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Ms Bunting, Mr Butler, Mrs Cameron, Mr Chambers, Mr Clarke, Mr Dickson, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Frew, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Humphrey, Mr Irwin, Mrs Long, Mr Lyons, Mr Lyttle, Miss McIlveen, Mr Middleton, Mr Muir, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr Robinson, Mr Stewart, Mr Swann, Mr Weir.

Tellers for the Noes: Mr Buckley, Mr Newton.

The Amendment was negatived.

The following Members' votes were cast by their notified proxy in this division:

Mr Blair voted for Ms Armstrong, Mr Dickson, Mrs Long, Mr Lyttle and Mr Muir.

Mr K Buchanan voted for Ms P Bradley, Mrs Cameron, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mrs Foster, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Mr Newton [Teller, Noes], Mr Poots, Mr Robinson and Mr Weir.

Mr Butler voted for Mr Allen and Mr Swann.

Mr O'Dowd voted for Ms Anderson, Dr Archibald, Mr Boylan [Teller, Ayes], Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Ms Ennis [Teller, Ayes], Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Mr Kearney, Ms C Kelly, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mrs O'Neill, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan and Ms Sheerin.

Mr O'Toole voted for Ms S Bradley, Mr Catney, Mr Durkan, Ms Hunter, Mrs D Kelly, Ms Mallon, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Ms McLaughlin, Mr McNulty.


Northern Ireland Assembly

Papers Presented to the Assembly on 9 September 2020 to 14 September 2020

1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly

3. Orders in Council

4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly

5. Assembly Reports

Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules to the Assembly and the Appropriate Committees Second Report of Session 2020 - 2021 (NIA 42/17-22) (Examiner of Statutory Rules)

6. Statutory Rules

SR 2020/193 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 9) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)

SR 2020/194 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 10) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)

SR 2020/195 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)

Explanatory Memorandum for SR 2020/193 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 9) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)

7. Written Ministerial Statements

8. Consultation Documents

9. Departmental Publications

10. Agency Publications

11. Westminster Publications

12. Miscellaneous Publications



The following Members notified the Speaker, under Standing Order 112, that they wished to avail of proxy voting arrangements for the sitting on Monday 14 September 2020:

Andy Allen

Liz Kimmins

Martina   Anderson

Naomi Long

Caoimhe Archibald

Gordon Lyons

Kellie   Armstrong

Séan Lynch

Cathal Boylan

Chris Lyttle

Sinéad   Bradley

Nichola   Mallon

Paula Bradley

Declan   McAleer

Pam Cameron

Fra McCann

Pat Catney

Daniel   McCrossan

Stewart   Dickson

Patsy McGlone

Linda Dillon

Colin McGrath

Diane Dodds

Philip   McGuigan

Jemma Dolan

Maolíosa   McHugh

Gordon Dunne

Sinead   McLaughlin

Mark Durkan

Justin   McNulty

Sinéad Ennis

Andrew Muir

Arlene Foster

Karen Mullan

Órlaithí   Flynn

Conor Murphy

Colm   Gildernew

Robin Newton

Paul Givan

Carál Ní   Chuilín

Deirdre   Hargey

Michelle   O’Neill

Harry Harvey

Edwin Poots

David   Hilditch

George   Robinson

Cara Hunter

Emma Rogan

William Irwin

Pat Sheehan

Declan   Kearney

Emma Sheerin

Catherine   Kelly

Christopher   Stalford

Dolores Kelly

Robin Swann

Gerry Kelly

Peter Weir