Minutes of Proceedings
Session: Session currently unavailable
Date: 18 January 2021
The Assembly met at noon, the Speaker in the Chair.
1. Prayers
Members observed two minutes' silence.
2. Speaker's Business
2.1 Assembly Business
The Speaker made some remarks referencing a letter he had issued to all MLAs providing an update on discussions on the management of Assembly business during the current COVID-19 restrictions.
2.2 Resignations/Nominations
The Speaker informed Members that he had received notification from the First Minister and the deputy First Minister that Ms Carál Ní Chuilín had resigned the office of Minister for Communities, effective from 15 December 2020. The Speaker also informed Members that he had received notification from the nominating officer for Sinn Féin that Ms Deirdre Hargey had been nominated as Minister for Communities. Ms Hargey accepted the nomination and affirmed the pledge of office in the presence of the Speaker and the Clerk/Chief Executive on Wednesday 16 December 2020.
3. Matter of the Day
3.1 Belfast Multicultural Association
Mr Gerry Carroll, under Standing Order 24, made a statement on the destruction of the Belfast Multicultural Association building. Other Members were also called to speak on the matter.
The Principal Deputy Speaker took the Chair.
4. Public Petition
4.1 Remove Fines for Protesters Following Social Distancing
Mr Gerry Carroll was granted leave, in accordance with Standing Order 22, to present a Public Petition to Remove Fines for Protesters Following Social Distancing.
5. Assembly Business
5.1 Motion: Committee Membership
That Ms Carál Ní Chuilín replace Mr John O'Dowd as a member of the Committee on Procedures.
Mr John O'Dowd
Ms Sinéad Ennis
The Question being put, the motion was carried.
6. Executive Committee Business
6.1 Statement: North/South Ministerial Council Plenary and Institutional Meetings
The deputy First Minister, Mrs Michelle O'Neill, made a statement regarding the recent North/South Ministerial Council Plenary and Institutional Meetings, following which she replied to questions.
The Principal Deputy Speaker took the Chair.
6.2 First Stage: The Protection from Stalking Bill (NIA Bill 14/17-22)
The Minister of Justice, Mrs Naomi Long, introduced a Bill to provide protection from stalking, and from threatening or abusive behaviour, and for related purposes.
The Protection from Stalking Bill (NIA Bill 14/17-22) passed First Stage and was ordered to be printed.
6.3 Final Stage: Domestic Abuse and Civil Proceedings Bill (NIA Bill 03/17-22)
The Minister of Justice, Mrs Naomi Long, moved that the Final Stage of the Domestic Abuse and Civil Proceedings Bill (NIA Bill 03/17-22) do now pass.
Debate ensued.
The debate stood suspended for Question Time.
The Deputy Speaker, Mr Beggs, took the Chair.
7. Question Time
7.1 Justice
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister of Justice, Mrs Naomi Long.
The Deputy Speaker, Mr McGlone, took the Chair.
7.2 Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Mr Edwin Poots.
The Speaker took the Chair.
8. Question for Urgent Oral Answer
8.1 Supply Chain between Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Minister for the Economy, Mrs Diane Dodds, responded to a Question for Urgent Oral Answer tabled by Mr John Stewart.
The Deputy Speaker, Mr McGlone, took the Chair.
9. Executive Committee Business (cont'd)
9.1 Final Stage: Domestic Abuse and Civil Proceedings Bill (NIA Bill 03/17-22) (cont'd)
Debate resumed.
The Domestic Abuse and Civil Proceedings Bill (NIA Bill 03/17-22) passed Final Stage with cross-community support.
The Speaker took the Chair.
10. Assembly Business (cont'd)
Motion: Extension of Sitting on Monday 18 January 2021 under Standing Order 10(3A)
That, in accordance with Standing Order 10(3A), the sitting on Monday 18 January 2021 be extended to no later than 7:30pm.
Mr Keith Buchanan
Mr John O'Dowd
Mrs Dolores Kelly
Mr Robbie Butler
Ms Kellie Armstrong
Ms Clare Bailey
The Question being put, the motion was carried.
11. Executive Committee Business (cont'd)
11.1 Statement: Public Expenditure: Draft Budget 2021-22
The Minister of Finance, Mr Conor Murphy, made a statement regarding Public Expenditure: Draft Budget 2021-22, following which he replied to questions.
12. Adjournment
That the Assembly do now adjourn.
The Speaker
The Assembly adjourned at 6.46pm.
Mr Alex Maskey
The Speaker
18 January 2021
Northern Ireland Assembly
Papers Presented to the Assembly on 1 January 2021 to 18 January 2021
1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Protection from Stalking Bill (NIA Bill 14/17-22)
3. Orders in Council
4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly
Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Foundation Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Foundation)
Report of Proceedings of the Agricultural Wages Board for the Two Years ended 31 December 2019 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)
5. Assembly Reports
Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules to the Assembly and the Appropriate Committees Eighteenth Report of Session 2020 – 2021 (NIA 70/17-22) (Examiner of Statutory Rules)
Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules to the Assembly and the Appropriate Committees Nineteenth Report of Session 2020 – 2021 (NIA 71/17-22) (Examiner of Statutory Rules)
6. Statutory Rules
SR 2021/3 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department of Health)
SR 2021/4 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department of Health)
SR 2021/5 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No.2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2021/6 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department of Health)
SR 2021/8 The Mental Health (1986 Order) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department of Health)
SR 2021/9 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 4) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department of Health)
SR 2021/10 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel, PreDeparture Testing and Operator Liability) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department of Health)
For information only
SR 2020/357 The Social Security (Norway) Order (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for Communities)
Explanatory Memorandum for SR 2020/325 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Public Health Advice for Persons Travelling to Northern Ireland) (No.2) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
Explanatory Memorandum for SR 2020/344 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 26) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
Explanatory Memorandum for SR 2020/343 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 21) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
Explanatory Memorandum for SR 2020/346 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No.2) (Amendment No. 22) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
Explanatory Memorandum for SR 2020/352 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 23) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
Explanatory Memorandum for SR 2020/356 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 24) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Health)
SR 2021/7 The Coronavirus Act 2020 (Revival) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department of Health)
7. Written Ministerial Statements
COVID-19 Update (Minister of Health)
8. Consultation Documents
9. Departmental Publications
Coronavirus Act 2020 Educational Continuity Direction (No.1) Notice 2021 (Department of Education)
The Coronavirus Act 2020 Education Continuity Direction Cancellation (No.1) Notice 2021 (Department of Education)
The Coronavirus Act 2020 Educational Continuity Direction (No.2) Notice (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department of Education)
10. Agency Publications
UK Sport Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20 (UK Sport)
11. Westminster Publications
12. Miscellaneous Publications
The following Members notified the Speaker, under Standing Order 112, that they wished to avail of proxy voting arrangements for the sitting on Monday 18 January 2021:
Andy Allen |
Dolores Kelly |
Martina Anderson |
Gerry Kelly |
Caoimhe Archibald |
Liz Kimmins |
Kellie Armstrong |
Naomi Long |
Rosemary Barton |
Gordon Lyons |
Roy Beggs |
Séan Lynch |
John Blair |
Nichola Mallon |
Cathal Boylan |
Declan McAleer |
Paula Bradley |
Fra McCann |
Sinead Bradley |
Daniel McCrossan |
Paula Bradshaw |
Patsy McGlone |
Nicola Brogan |
Philip McGuigan |
Jonathan Buckley |
Maolíosa McHugh |
Pat Catney |
Sinead McLaughlin |
Alan Chambers |
Justin McNulty |
Stewart Dickson |
Andrew Muir |
Linda Dillon |
Karen Mullan |
Diane Dodds |
Conor Murphy |
Jemma Dolan |
Mike Nesbitt |
Gordon Dunne |
Robin Newton |
Mark Durkan |
Carál Ní Chuilín |
Alex Easton |
Michelle O’Neill |
Sinéad Ennis |
Matthew O’Toole |
Arlene Foster |
Edwin Poots |
Órlaithí Flynn |
George Robinson |
Colm Gildernew |
Emma Rogan |
Paul Givan |
Pat Sheehan |
Deirdre Hargey |
Emma Sheerin |
Harry Harvey |
Christopher Stalford |
David Hilditch |
John Stewart |
Cara Hunter |
Mervyn Storey |
William Irwin |
Robin Swann |
Declan Kearney |
Peter Weir |