Northern Ireland Assembly Freedom of Information Disclosure Log


ReferenceDisclosure SummaryDetails

FOI 02-19

A request for information of list of visits/trips, funded by the Northern Ireland Assembly and also those funded by other bodies, made by Members to locations outside Northern Ireland from January 2017 to date, broken down by date and length of trip.

Response following clarification




FOI 03-19

A request for the names of all individuals working on behalf of political parties but funded and paid for by the Northern Ireland Assembly.


FOI 04-19

A request for details of utility costs and staffing costs at the Northern Ireland Assembly.




FOI 05-19

A request for details of the broadcasting provider at the Northern Ireland Assembly, the services they provide and details of payment.




FOI 06-19

A Request for information relating to the monthly breakdown of the subsidy paid to catering outlets at Parliament Buildings from January 2018 to today (inclusive).


FOI 07-19

A request for details of Mental Health budgets at the Northern Ireland Assembly and details of any training provided to Staff or Members.


FOI 09-19

A request for details of the costs of utilities, maintenance and staffing at the Northern Ireland Assembly.


FOI 10-19

A request for information for what precautions are in place to ensure that CCHQ, CIA or Cabinet Office are not eavesdropping on staff.


FOI 12-19

A request for a breakdown of costs of the broadcasting contract 16/17 and 17/18.


FOI 13-19

A request for details of Members who voted for the Welfare Reform Bill.


FOI 14-19

A request for information in relation to maintenance and utility Costs at Parliament Buildings.


FOI 15-19

A request for information in relation to maintenance and utility Costs at Parliament Buildings.


FOI 17-19

A request for the

policy for visiting Parliament Buildings.


FOI 18-19

A request for details on the number of staff employed by Members and costs of catering service over the last five years.


FOI 19-19

A request for details on the Confidence and Supply Agreement between the DUP and the Conservative Party.


FOI 20-19

A request for details of the costs spent on the RHI Inquiry including any costs reimbursed to the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Response following clarification

FOI 21-19

A request for details of Northern Ireland Assembly Secretariat Pay Bands for 2018, 2019 and anticipated 2020.


FOI 22-19

 A request for details of devices, which could store data being lost or stolen between June 2018 and June 2019.


FOI 23-19

A request for details of Members who are registered as having a disability.


FOI 25-19

A request for details of the final business case for the Education Authority considered by the Education Committee and associated DE papers considered by the committee from 18th February 2015 and 3rd March 2015.




FOI 26-19

A request for details of running costs at Parliament Buildings.


FOI 27-19

A request for details of inadmissible expenses claimed by Members.




FOI 28-19

A request for details on any Anti-Semitism legislation progressing at the Northern Ireland Assembly as well as updates on training in the subject matter.


FOI 30-19

A request for details of the legal advice obtained prior to the Assembly Sitting on Monday 21st October 2019.


FOI 31-19

A request for details of attendance records of Members who travelled to Parliament Buildings.


FOI 32-19

A request for details of a request for all correspondence sent to and received from the Attorney General (redacted where appropriate if necessary) in relation to the assembly recall and/or abortion legislation.




FOI 33-19

Details of voting records of MLAs from 1998-2017, showing how every MLA voted on a given bill.


FOI 34-19

Details of a request for information in relation the Security team at the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission in relation to including a job description/personnel specification for each role.




FOI 36-19

A request for details of numbers of staff employed at Parliament Buildings and any associated costs.


FOI 37-19

A request for details of printing costs for each Member for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019.


FOI 39-19

A request for details of all Members who have claimed over £6000 for travel expenses to the assembly between April 2018 – March 2019. 
