Northern Ireland Assembly Freedom of Information Disclosure Log


ReferenceDisclosure Summary
EIR 1-22 A request made under Environment Information Regulations for any and all correspondence between the information that the Bill Office holds which is connected in all ways and anyways with private members bills to ban 'fracking'.
 01-22 A request for information regarding the vaccination status of Members, MPs and Executive Ministers in relation to Coronavirus.
 02-22 A request for information in relation to the disclosure of all communications between Ms Arlene Foster and Ms Michelle O’Neill and the World Economic Forum between the dates of 21 December 2019 and 21 December 2021.


A request for information in relation to sponsorship, contributions or cash donations to Members or Parties from corporations such as pharmaceuticals for the past 5 years.


A request for information to determine if anyone at the Assembly - be it lawyers, clerks or any other employees or officials - advise Mr Pat Catney that his bill needs to be written in the way set out above (avoiding mention of women and girls)?

If so, what was their basis for asserting this?


A request for information in relation to a liquor license at the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission.


A request for information on organisations represented at the Palestinian-Israeli political and community leaders event when they visited the Northern Ireland Assembly in October 2021.


A request in relation to to correspondence received by the Assembly Commission which was dated 6 January 2021 and discussed under Agenda Item 12 in the minutes of Wednesday 17 February 2021. It is listed as follows in the same minutes under Correspondence (Agenda Item 7).


A request for information in relation to:
A) full list of all elected male and trans-male MLAs.
B) All recorded complaints of sex crime or violent crime raised against such members by women or transgender women along with the outcome of each complaint being found as innocent, not-proven- or guilty by any British Criminal Court.
C) All measures in place by the Assembly to protect women or transgender women from none-consensual action by male or transgender male MLAs.


A request for information in relation to any communications made between and Executive or Assembly member and the WEF (World Economic Forum) between 1/1/2020 and 21/12/2021.


A request for information in relation to a complaint about the Department for Infrastructure.


A request for information in relation of all communications between this 'panel of professional parliamentary drafters' and anyone else involved in the drafting of the Catney period products bill.

I am also requesting you tell me the names of all the people who belong to this select group of 'professional parliamentary drafters'.


A request for information into MLA Expenses for the last five years.


A request for information in relation to Covid 19 and deaths affecting the under 12yrs age group in Northern Ireland.


A request for information relating to minutes of meetings of the All Party Group on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


A request for information on how correspondence between outside parties such as Charities and other bodies is received, logged and disseminated to the relevant recipients


A request for information in relation to minutes of the meeting held between Paul Givan and co and the Evangelical Alliance on 29th Sept 2021


A request for information similar to that disclosed in FOI reference 27-19.

Requesting more information on the nature of the expenses and individuals or firms paid, beyond what is disclosed on the NI Assembly website.

For each MLA and for each inadmissible expense recovered from October 2019 to present, please disclose the following:

1. The Account Name; Transaction Date; Transaction Amount; Expenditure Description; and Supplier Name.

2. If the NI Assembly website does not detail the specific nature of the expense (for example, only says 'Sundry Expense'), please disclose:

3. The amount recovered due to it being inadmissible.

4. The reason why the expense was deemed inadmissible.


A request for information relating to Project Stratum, including the terms and conditions of the Tender allocation.


A request seeking information on the illumination of Parliament Buildings.


A request for information in relation to a breakdown of the names & associated political parties of the MLA's who voted on Monday 21st March 2022 to reduce the number of days on which the Union Flag is to fly on government buildings in Northern Ireland.


A request for information in relation to Freedom of Information Statistics at the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission.

 23-22 A request for information to provide the number of cov19 deaths reported since March 2020 to date 6th Feb 2022 for the under 12yrs age group in Northern Ireland.
 25-22 A request for information in relation to the provision of a network maintenance and support contract
 26-22 A request for information in relation to food and refreshments at Parliament Buildings
 28-22 A request for information in relation to when the public galleries in the Assembly were re-opened to the public following restrictions put in place due to the Covid pandemic.
 29-22 A request for information in relation to MLA declarations of connected or associated persons.
 30-22 A request for information in relation to corruption in care.
 31-22 A request for information in relation to the Climate Change (No. 2) Bill which passed its final stage on 8 March 2022.
 33-22 A request for information that relates to all information on the expense claims and costs for the Commissioner for Standards, Dr Melissa McCullough since 7th September 2020.
 34-22 A request for information in relation to nominations has the Assembly made (or been party to) for orders, decorations, and medals of the United Kingdom.
 35-22 A request for information into the amount of CO2 Monitors and HEPA filters are located in Parliament Buildings.
 36-22 A request for a copy of the briefing paper discussed at the Department for Communities Committee Meeting on 3 March 2022.
 37-22 A request for information in relation to MLAs' declarations of employing connected or associated persons.
38-22 A request for information to see in which year the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission website ( was created and if there are there any current plans to redesign/renovate the website for better accessibility and usability by the public.
39-22 A request for information in relation to the number of devices deployed by the Assembly Commission, whether any equipment is due to be replaced within the next three financial years and what software applications are due to be replaced?
40-22 A request for information for the names of the MLAs who have made declarations under section 9 of the determination, "payments to associated persons" and the names of the MLAs who have made declarations under section 35 of the determination, "employment of associated persons".
41-22 A request for information in relation to attempts that have been made to access blocked websites at the Northern Ireland Assembly on their internet service.
42-22 A request for information in relation to the script given to tour guides/those providing tours around the Parliament Buildings at Stormont.
43-22 A request for information in relation to the Northern Ireland Assembly assuming any catering services operating costs as per the contractual agreement and do they subsidise until the company breaks even, or is profit factored in? And if so, what level of profit?"
44-22 A request for information in relation to excess deaths in N. Ireland between March 2020 to date and of all deaths in N. Ireland between Dec 2020 to date how many have been cov19 vaccinated?
45-22 A request for information in relation to utility bills at Stormont Parliament buildings since February 2022 to as present as possible and can you detail the cost of electricity, heating, insurance, rates, broadband, telephone from February to as present as possible?
46-22 A request for information in relation to the utility bills for Parliament Buildings for each month in the last 24 including the suppliers.
47-22 A request for information in relation to the cost of Members attending the Lying in State of Queen Elizabeth II.
48-22 A request for information in relation to the funding of travel to pay respects to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and for details of any fast passes that may have been supplied for Members.
49-22 A request for information in relation to payments from the Northern Ireland Assembly to Stonewall.
50-22 A request to see how much money has been spent by the Northern Ireland Assembly since 1st March 2022 to subsidise catering services.
51-22 A request for information received since June 2021 (not including June 2021 itself) from the UK Government's Department for Education relating to Covid policy in schools.
52-22 A request for details of the Assembly "offering" to arrange travel for MLAs to see the late Queen Elizabeth II lying in state in London.
53-22 A request for the names and addresses of websites that MLAs have accessed on devices within the internal network in the past 12 months.
54-22 A request for information in relation to any individuals or Members who travelled to London for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.
55-22 A request to receive a copy of the correspondence between Emma Little-Pengelly and the Japan Karate Association.
56-22 A request for information in relation to the cost of the Assembly since the May 2022 election.
57-22 A request for information in relation to the Guaranteed Interview Scheme.
58-22 A request for information on expenses incurred by Members who attended the Lying- in-State or State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.
59-22 A request for the full and comprehensive breakdown of flights and costs for Members who attended the Lying-In-State.
60-22 A request for information in relation to the cost of Assembly recalls.
61-22 A request for information in relation to food wastage generated by the Assembly canteen.
62-22 A request for a copy of the contract between the Assembly Commission and Sodexo.
63-22 A request for information in relation to the electricity and gas prices incurred by the Assembly Commission for the month of October.
64-22 A request for information in relation to whether the Assembly Commission has submitted an entry to be included by Stonewall in their 2023 Workplace Equality Index.
66-22 A request for information in relation to the number of roles at the Assembly Commission (expressed in numbers of FTE), that are mainly or exclusively focussed on issues of equality, diversity, or inclusivity.
67-22 A request for information in relation to printing arrangements within the Assembly Commission.
68-22 A request for information about the cost of Christmas decorations in MLA constituency offices