Northern Ireland Assembly Freedom of Information Disclosure Log


ReferenceDisclosure Summary


A request for information in relation to the Assembly Commissions’ relationship with Stonewall.


A request for information in relation to female membership of the Executive (OFMdfM) and Justice Committees.


A request for information relating to any complaints received against building users for non-compliance of Northern Ireland Assembly Covid Regulations from 1 March 2020 to 13 January 2021.


A request for information in relation to PCR tests carried out by the NHS.


A request for information in relation to the Assembly Commissions' application to be a "Stonewall Diversity Champion."


A request for information in relation to all correspondence, written, email, transcripts of telephone conversations etc, between John Blair MLA and the Bills (legislation) section at Stormont from the period of 1st January 2020 until 8th February 2021.


A request for information to see all documents surrounding an alleged consultation exercise involving Mr Blair and his team in reference to his Private Members Bill.


A request for information in relation to lighting Parliament Buildings on 11 March to mark the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism seeking minutes of discussions and other exchanges in relation to this issue.


A request for information in relation to all Members of the Local Assembly (MLA) who were involved in the decision making process to extend the current NI lockdown period from 18 Feb 2021.


A request for information in relation to details of complaints of any sexual misconduct raised by any female or transgender member of the Assembly (including MLA’s) between 01/01/2010 and 01/01/2020.


A request for information in relation to Whistle-blowing at the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission.


A request for information in relation to details of alleged breaches of the code of conduct by Assembly Members.


A request for information in relation to Assembly Commission staff and how many of that staff were placed onto furlough under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. The requester also sought a copy of the organisation chart and details of any redundancies between February 2020 and March 2021.


A request for an itemised list of the Assembly Commissions'' collection of art and artefacts in particular looking for anything that was purchased or gifted between 1920 and 1955.


A request for information in relation to the vote on the motion of Conversion Therapy and the proposed DUP amendment to it.


A request for information in relation to taking time off for personal appointments i.e. medical, dental, or other appointments not attributed in any way to their role as an MLA and how that time off is reconciled with their salary.


A request for information in relation to services international law expectations under the UN Convention of Rights of Persons Disabilities regarding disabled service users.


A request for information in relation to full breakdown of the costs for major improvement works carried out in Parliament Buildings since 2015 that were identified as being available to Members in a response to AQO 1829/17-22


A request for information in relation to the vote on the motion of Conversion Therapy.


A request for information in relation to the formation of the NI Youth Assembly.


A request for information in relation to payments made to Stonewall as part of their Diversity Champions Programme


A request for information seeking more details of the technologies used by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission in relation to HR, Payroll, L&D, Finance, Procurement and Contact Centre functions. The requester also asked if any of these functions were outsourced and the expiry of any contract in relation to same.


A request for information in relation to pension and security details that a First Minister is entitled to receive when they leave office.


A request for information to see if the Ministers of the Northern Ireland Assembly use personal email to conduct business.


A request for all information relating to all documents or reports (redacted where appropriate if necessary) presented by the Commissioner for Standards to the Assembly's Standards and Privileges Committee in relation to her investigation against Trevor Clarke MLA.


A request for information in relation to MLAs who voted in favour of the new Licensing and Registration of clubs (Amendment) Bill. Do those who voted in favour drink alcohol, or have associations with the hospitality industry?


A request for information in relation to research that was published in relation to Electric and Ultra-low emission vehicles


A request for information disclosing
1. A copy of this correspondence from Mr Clarke to the commissioner's office.
2. A copy of any other correspondence sent to the commissioner's office making complaint against Mr Clarke in relation to Versatile Consultancy or otherwise not declaring his interests.


A request for information in relation to recruitment competitions where the Guaranteed Interview Scheme has been available to applicants since the scheme was introduced by the Northern Ireland Assembly


A request for the contact details of the Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland


A request for information to see if mask wearing is a prophylactic treatment and cannot be mandated for along with medical devices? 


A request for details on any Anti-Semitism legislation progressing at the Northern Ireland Assembly as well as updates on training in the subject matter.


A request for information to see typically how many acts of the Westminster Parliament include clauses, which state the Act, binds the Crown but if the Crown is in breach, there is no criminal sanction.


A request for information to provide a list and cost of all diversity, inclusion, equality and consent classes, workshops or programmes run by the Northern Irish assembly since January 2018?


A request for information in relation to ransomware incidents and software used at the Northern Ireland Assembly


A request for information to see how many Acts of the Assembly in the last 5 years would involve the Crown enjoying immunity from the legislation.


A request for information to seek copies of any advice sought in relation to redress for maladministration and the responsibilities owed by the executive and the individual departments in relation to maladministration and redress for maladministration this incorporates.


A request for information to see the medical and scientific evidence that was used by the Stormont Executive to come to a decision to implement these rules, regulations and the coronavirus act.


A request for information in relation to vaccination statistics in relation to Influenza and Covid-19 for Staff and Members at the Northern Ireland Assembly.


A request for information in relation to IT services or platforms used or planned to be used by the Northern Ireland Assembly.


A request for information on how the Northern Ireland Youth Assembly selection process adhered to the Equality Act 2010.


A request for information to see how many MLAs (if any) have faced an investigation and/or disciplinary proceedings in the last five years in matters relating to sexual misconduct.


A request for information on support staff employed by MLAs Including how many staff are employed by the MLAs at each grade (1, 2, 3)
46-21 A request for information to see if the NI Assembly accepted a donation/donations from the International Monetary Fund in relation to Covid-19 and if so how much was it for and what was the agreement on how it would be used?

A request for information in relation to questions asked by Rachel Woods MLA

48-21 A request for information in relation to CCTV cameras in operation at the Northern Ireland Assembly.
49-21 A request for information in relation to funding received by the Assembly Commission from a US Businessman to help MLAs improve their political skills.
50-21 A request for the Legal advice given to the Standards and Privileges Committee. 

1. A request for the gender breakdown of all staff currently employed by MLAs, if possible can you also break this down by employment grade (grade 1, grade 2, grade 3).


2. Does the Recruitment and Selection procedure document provided in FoI 49-20 apply to the recruitment and selection of staff by MLAs? If not please can you provide documents relating to the recruitment and selection procedure for MLA support staff.


3. If the recruitment and selection procedure document in FoI 49-20 does apply to the hiring of MLA support staff: are MLA staff employed on permanent or temporary basis for the purposes of point 9 in the recruitment and selection procedures document. By this I mean is it the case that positions for MLA staff must be advertised externally?


4. Can you provide the most recent version of a handbook for MLA staff?


5. Can you provide information on what the three employment grades of MLA staff (grade 1, grade 2, grade 3) equate to. For example do they link to specific job titles or responsibilities?

A request for information in relation to the Minister for Health suing Van Morrison.


Northern Ireland Assembly members and staff who took part in any meetings held as part of a Palestinian-Israeli visit.


A request for information in relation to requesting a copy of all correspondence including briefing papers etc between the Health Committee and GMC/DoH/Health Minister/RQIA/Inquiry Panel/Any other stakeholder.


A request for information In respect of each of the years 2015-2021, please confirm what funding has been provided to Stonewall by the Northern Ireland Assembly.


A request for information regarding the parties and the names of the elected representatives that have donated to charity following a pay rise or a list of those members who have returned to any funds from the pay rise to a consolidated fund.


A request for information to see if the Northern Ireland Assembly accepted funds from the World Economic Forum in relation to COVID-19 and if so, what is the amount and agreement it is to be used for.


A request for information to obtain vaccine stats for all members of the Northern Ireland Assembly and who has received their vaccines to date.


A request for information regarding the NI Politicians votes for or against regarding hunting with dogs bill to include all information of the public officials’ voters’ names, parties, etc that make up all the votes cast.


A request for information in relation to the annual utility cost and kwhs used for Assembly Buildings at Stormont for the last 10 years (broken down by electricity and gas). If you could clarify if the gas is used for heating, hot water and cooking and the breakdown of these if that’s known, that would be great too. 


A request for the full disclosure of all complaints against The Northern Irish Assembly itself other than from the requestor alleging censorship, disinformation or data leaking between the dates of 31/1/2019 - 31/1/2021 respectively.


A request for all communications between the First Minister of Northern Ireland and the World Economic Forum between the dates 1st January 2020 and 21st December 2021.


A request for all correspondence between the Northern Ireland Assembly and the world economic forum from 20/12/19 to 20/22/21


A request for all correspondence between the world economic forum (W.E.F) and the deputy First Minister between the dates of 20/12/19 and 20/12/21.


A request for Information in relation to all communications between any MLA and the World Economic Forum between 1st of January 2020 and 21st December 2021.


A request for information in relation to all correspondence with the World economic forum and the Northern Ireland Assembly


A request for information in relation to all communications between The Stormont Assembly and The World Economic Forum between the 1st January 2020 and the 21st December 2021