Details of inadmissible expenses claimed by Members
Information Standards Freedom of Information Response
Our Ref: FoI 27- 19
15th November 2019
Freedom of Information Act 2000
I can confirm that the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission holds information relevant to your request of 07 October 2019. In your request you asked for the following information:
“Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request details of expenses recovered from MLAs after the claims were found to be inadmissible.
For example in 2018-19, DUP MLA Pam Cameron repaid £52.50 of inadmissible Sundry Expenses, but the NI Assembly website does not detail the nature of the expenses claimed or any individual or business which was paid.
I would like to request more information on the nature of the expenses and individuals or firms paid, beyond what is disclosed on the NI Assembly website.
For each MLA and for each inadmissible expense recovered since 2017-18, please disclose the following:
1. The Account Name; Transaction Date; Transaction Amount; Expenditure Description; and Supplier Name.
2. If the NI Assembly website does not detail the specific nature of the expense (for example, only says 'Sundry Expense'), please disclose:
- The specific nature of the expense.
- The name of the individual or business which ultimately provided the service.
3. The amount recovered due to it being inadmissible.
4. The reason why the expense was deemed inadmissible”
The requested information is provided by MLA at Appendices A-O and split between:
- Inadmissible expenditure that was identified in respect of a prior year. The expenditure recovered is paid to the Consolidated Fund and the published MLA expenses in respect of the prior year are not adjusted to exclude this expenditure as recovery was received in a subsequent year.
- Inadmissible expenditure that was identified and recovered in the same financial year. Details of this expenditure will not appear in the published MLA expenses as there is no net expenditure.
The majority of the inadmissible items relate to sundry expenses. The Assembly Members (Salaries and Expenses) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2016 does not require Members to retain a record of sundry expenses but, following a review by HMRC, Members were asked to submit any receipts that were held for sundry expenses that had been claimed previously. These receipts were reviewed for compliance and payments for any expenses that were found to be inadmissible were recovered.
Where an item was claimed as sundry expenses but could have been claimed under a different category of expenditure under the Determination (e.g. Mobile Phones), the cost was allocated to the correct category of expenditure provided the maximum recoverable expenditure had not been exceeded. If the maximum recoverable expenditure had been exceeded, the surplus amount was recovered.
If you feel that the information we have provided does not meet your request fully, please contact this office as soon as possible. You have the right to request a formal review by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission and if you wish to do so, please write to me at the above address.
If after such an internal review you are still unhappy with the response, you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF who will undertake an independent review.
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please remember to quote the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
- Appendix D
- Appendix E
- Appendix F
- Appendix G
- Appendix H
- Appendix I
- Appendix J
- Appendix K
- Appendix L
- Appendix M
- Appendix N
- Appendix O
Appendix A
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Feb 18 | £4.12 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Feb 18 | £8.20 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 06 Mar 18 | £12.32 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 12 Apr 18 | £4.12 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 12 Apr 18 | £8.20 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Telephones | 04 Jan 17 | £83.40 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
S Aiken | Telephones | 14 Feb 17 | £83.52 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
S Aiken | Telephones | 14 Feb 17 | £84.81 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
S Aiken | Telephones | 21 Apr 17 | £85.91 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
S Aiken | Telephones | 21 Apr 17 | £83.46 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
S Aiken | Telephones | 16 Jun 17 | £83.40 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
S Aiken | Telephones | 16 Jun 17 | £83.44 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
S Aiken | Telephones | 26 Jul 17 | £83.40 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
S Aiken | Telephones | 20 Sep 17 | £83.40 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
S Aiken | Telephones | 20 Sep 17 | £84.35 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
The following expenses were recovered in the financial year in which they were paid, so were included in the published figures
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £4.12 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £31.15 | Website Domain Fee | One.Com | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £4.12 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £4.12 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
S Aiken | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
Appendix B
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
S Agnew | Sundry Expenditure | 09 Jan 18 | £45.50 | Newspapers | Eurest Services | Newspapers were for Party, not MLA |
Appendix C
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
J Allister | Sundry Expenditure | 16 Mar 18 | £40.00 | Room hire for constituency surgery | Unknown | No provision in the Determination for room hire |
J Allister | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Apr 18 | £40.00 | Room hire for constituency surgery | Unknown | No provision in the Determination for room hire |
J Allister | Sundry Expenditure | 12 Feb 18 | £30.00 | Room hire for constituency surgery | Unknown | No provision in the Determination for room hire |
The following expenses were recovered in the financial year in which they were paid, so were included in the published figures
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
J Allister | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £40.00 | Room hire for constituency surgery | Unknown | No provision in the Determination for room hire |
J Allister | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £40.00 | Room hire for constituency surgery | Unknown | No provision in the Determination for room hire |
Appendix D
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
P Cameron | Sundry Expenditure | 31 May 17 | £52.50 | Photocopier Servicing | SBM | Printer/Copiers not admissible. |
P Cameron | Sundry Expenditure | 04 Aug 17 | £52.50 | Photocopier Servicing | SBM | Printer/Copiers not admissible. |
P Cameron | Sundry Expenditure | 06 Oct 17 | £52.50 | Photocopier Servicing | SBM | Printer/Copiers not admissible. |
P Cameron | Sundry Expenditure | 30 Nov 17 | £52.50 | Photocopier Servicing | SBM | Printer/Copiers not admissible. |
P Cameron | Sundry Expenditure | 06 Apr 18 | £52.50 | Photocopier Servicing | SBM | Printer/Copiers not admissible. |
The following expenses were recovered in the financial year in which they were paid, so were included in the published figures
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
P Cameron | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £52.50 | Photocopier Servicing | SBM | Printer/Copiers not admissible. |
Appendix E
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
P Bradshaw | Sundry Expenditure | 25 Jan 17 | £85.00 | Website Hosting | | Party Information included on website. |
Appendix F
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
R Butler | Sundry Expenditure | 26 Nov 16 | £23.90 | Website Hosting | | Electioneering material included on website. |
R Butler | Sundry Expenditure | 18 Dec 17 | £52.32 | Website Hosting | | Electioneering material included on website. |
Appendix G
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
G Lyons | Sundry Expenditure | 27 Mar 18 | £58.00 | Mobile Phone Cables | Telefonica | Inadmissible as a sundry expense however it is admissible under a separate category but insufficient funds available to allow transfer |
Appendix H
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
C McGrath | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Oct 16 | £55.00 | Sandwich Platter | Unknown | Not an Assembly function |
C McGrath | Sundry Expenditure | 05 Dec 16 | £4.63 | Ribbon for opening ceremony | Unknown | Not an Assembly function |
Appendix I
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 10 Aug 16 | £12.54 | Food items - Bread, Sandwiches, butter | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 20 Mar 17 | £6.00 | Food items - Bread, Sausage Rolls | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 08 Nov 17 | £2.35 | Food items -Ham | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 17 Nov 17 | £35.00 | Bank Overdraft Facility Fee | Bank of Ireland | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 17 Nov 17 | £13.07 | Food items - Bread, Ham | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 23 Jan 18 | £13.01 | Food items - Bread, Ham | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 07 Feb 18 | £2.09 | Food items - Bread, Ham | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 07 Feb 18 | £6.18 | Food items - Bread, Ham | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Apr 18 | £9.74 | Food items - Bread, Ham, cheese | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Apr 18 | £8.43 | Mobile top up | Post Office | Inadmissible as a sundry expense however it is admissible under a separate category but insufficient funds available to allow transfer |
The following expenses were recovered in the financial year in which they were paid, so were included in the published figures
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £6.36 | Food items - Bread, Ham | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £1.79 | Food items - Bread | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
J O'Dowd | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.17 | Food items - Bread, Ham | JS Barry Ltd | Not an Assembly function |
Appendix J
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
M Storey | Sundry Expenditure | 28 Apr 17 | £100.00 | TV Licence | TV licensing | Constituency Office TV Licences not allowable |
M Storey | Sundry Expenditure | 03 Jul 17 | £47.00 | TV Licence | TV licensing | Constituency Office TV Licences not allowable |
The following expenses were recovered in the financial year in which they were paid, so were included in the published figures
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
M Storey | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £100.00 | TV Licence | TBV licensing | Constituency Office TV Licences not allowable |
Appendix K
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 01 Sep 16 | £15.75 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 01 Sep 16 | £12.46 | Domain Name | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 01 Sep 16 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 12 Oct 16 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 14 Nov 16 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 02 Dec 16 | £22.95 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 02 Dec 16 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 02 Dec 16 | £9.00 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 02 Dec 16 | £16.00 | Gift for Volunteer | Asda | Volunteer expenses not admissible |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 11 Jan 17 | £13.50 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 11 Jan 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 14 Feb 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 16 Mar 17 | £1.20 | Deodorant | Tesco | Not an Assembly function |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 16 Mar 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 10 Apr 17 | £4.95 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 10 Apr 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 18 May 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 07 Jul 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 03 Jul 17 | £21.15 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Jul 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Aug 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 21 Sep 17 | £12.46 | Domain Name | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 31 Oct 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 29 Nov 17 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 11 Jan 18 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 31 Jan 18 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 07 Mar 18 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 30 Mar 18 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 30 Mar 18 | £4.50 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
The following expenses were recovered in the financial year in which they were paid, so were included in the published figures
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £36.90 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £54.00 | Train Travel | Stansted Express | MLAs cannot claim travel through COOE |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £9.80 | Train Travel | Underground | MLAs cannot claim travel through COOE |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £26.35 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £9.00 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 20 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £20.65 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £12.46 | Domain Name | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £8.20 | Website | | Website removed and could not be verified for content |
K Armstrong | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £15.30 | Staff Travel | Staff Member | No provision in the Determination for staff travel |
Appendix L
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
R Hussey | Telephones | 22 Sep 16 | £312.39 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
R Hussey | Telephones | 22 Sep 16 | £119.45 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
R Hussey | Telephones | 13 Oct 16 | £118.60 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
R Hussey | Telephones | 10 Nov 16 | £118.20 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
R Hussey | Telephones | 19 Dec 16 | £118.20 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
R Hussey | Telephones | 06 Jan 17 | £119.93 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
Appendix M
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
D McCrossan | Telephones | 05 Jul 17 | £112.01 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
D McCrossan | Telephones | 05 Jul 17 | £148.38 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
D McCrossan | Telephones | 04 Aug 17 | £109.95 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
D McCrossan | Telephones | 04 Sep 17 | £110.98 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
D McCrossan | Telephones | 04 Oct 17 | £111.51 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
D McCrossan | Telephones | 04 Jul 17 | £152.36 | Telephone Charges | | Company registered outside the EU |
Appendix N
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses were recovered in the financial year in which they were paid, so were included in the published figures
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
P Catney | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £33.11 | Electricity | Energia | Expense should have been claimed in previous year |
Appendix O
FOI 27/19 - Inadmissible Expenses Recoveries
The following expenses related to prior years and the recovery was not shown in the published figures.
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 04 Sep 17 | £10.00 | Photographs for IDs | Alan Leighton Photography | Not an Assembly function |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 04 Sep 17 | £5.00 | Photographs for IDs | Alan Leighton Photography | Not an Assembly function |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 04 Oct 17 | £5.00 | Photographs for IDs | Alan Leighton Photography | Not an Assembly function |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 06 Nov 17 | £5.00 | Photographs for IDs | Alan Leighton Photography | Not an Assembly function |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Feb 19 | £10.00 | Photographs for IDs | Alan Leighton Photography | Not an Assembly function |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Mar 18 | £10.00 | Photographs for IDs | Alan Leighton Photography | Not an Assembly function |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 13 Mar 18 | £5.00 | Photographs for IDs | Alan Leighton Photography | Not an Assembly function |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 20 Apr 18 | £5.00 | Photographs for IDs | Alan Leighton Photography | Not an Assembly function |
The following expenses were recovered in the financial year in which they were paid, so were included in the published figures
Member | Account Name | Transaction Date | Amount | Description | Supplier | Reason for expense being inadmissible |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £5.00 | Fruit | Not Known | Not an Assembly function |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £10.00 | Fruit | F Arlown | Not an Assembly function |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £70.66 | Telephone Bill | Causeway Telecom Ltd | Expense should have been claimed in previous year |
M Bradley | Sundry Expenditure | 19 Feb 19 | £10.00 | Photographs for IDs | Alan Leighton Photography | Not an Assembly function |