Registered Interests of the Northern Ireland Assembly Commissioner for Standards

BAIN, Douglas

1. Directorships


2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

Commissioner, Parades Commission for Northern Ireland.  (Registered 22nd November 2012)


Notification received that above interest ceased with effect from 1st January 2014. (Registered 2nd January 2014)


Lay Member, National Security Certificate Appeals Tribunal for Northern Ireland.  (Registered 22nd November 2012)

Examiner, Association of Electoral Administrators.  (Registered 22nd November 2012)

Notification received that above interest ceased with effect from 25th March 2013. (Registered 23rd April 2013)
3. Elected/Public Office

Appointed person under section 290 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 with effect from 1 March 2013.  (Registered 1st March 2013)

4. Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality

29th November 2012.  Lunch, Parliament Buildings  - estimated cost: £10 – Director General/Clerk to the Assembly.  (Registered 6th December 2012)

3rd December 2012.  Working lunch, Stormont House – estimated cost: £10 – Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland.  (Registered 6th December 2012)

7th March 2013.  Lunch, Parliament Buildings - estimated cost: £10 - Director General/Clerk to the Assembly.  (Registered 7th March 2013)

27th August 2013.  Lunch, Parliament Buildings - estimated cost: £15 - Director General/Clerk to the Assembly.  (Registered 29th August 2013) 

11th February 2014.  Lunch, Parliament Buildings - estimated cost £15 - Director General/Clerk to the Assembly.  (Registered 11th February 2014)

5th March 2014. Lunch, Parliament Buildings - estimated cost £12 - Director General/Clerk to the Assembly. (Registered 5th March 2014)

1st May 2014.  Lunch, Scottish Parliament - estimated cost £10 - Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.  (Registered 6th May 2014).

28th May 2014.  Lunch, Parliament Buildings - estimated cost £12 - Committee on Standards and Privileges.  (Registered 3rd June 2014).

23rd June 2014.  Round of golf and associated hospitality - cost unknown - Carson McDowell LLP.  Declined.  (Registered 25th June 2014).

25th September 2014. Lunch - Parliament Buildings - estimated cost £15 - Comptroller and Auditor General. (Registered 29th September 2014).

23rd october 2014. Dinner - Welsh Assembly - £25.00

24th October 2014. Lunch - Welsh Assembly - £5.00 approx

3rd December 2015  Lunch, Parliament Buildings estimated cost £20 Director General/Clerk to the Assembly

5. Shareholdings


6. Land and Property

Joint owner with spouse of dwelling and small holding in County Down.  (Registered 22nd November 2012)

7. Miscellaneous

Civil Service Pension.   (Registered 22nd November 2012)

Chief Electoral Officer for Northern Ireland Pension.  (Registered 22nd November 2012)

State pension. ( wef 15th September 2014.