Committee for Finance and Personnel - 2007-2011 Mandate


Here you will find a list of Committee for Finance and Personnel reports from the 2007-2011 Mandate arranged in date order with the most recent first. Links to the report text are available from each of the reports listed.


Session 2010 - 2011

Report NumberDateReport NameISBN Number
  12.04.2011 Legacy Report Only available online
  07.04.2011 End of Session Report - 10/11 Only available online
61/10/11R 21.02.2011 Third Report on the Inquiry into the Role of the Northern Ireland Assembly in Scrutinising the Executive's Budget and Expenditure  
44/10/11R 16.02.2011

Report on the Executive's Draft Budget 2011 - 15 
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3

45/10/11R 16.02.11 Report on the Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) Bill (NIA 10/10) 978-0-339-60383-7
09/10/11R 20.10.10 Report on the Construction Contract (Amendment) Bill (NIA 16/09) Only available online

Session 2009 - 2010

Report NumberDateReport NameISBN Number
  09.11.10 End of Session Report 09/10 Only available online
66/09/10R 30.06.10 Second Report on the Inquiry into the Role of the Northern Ireland Assembly in Scrutinising the Executive's Budget and Expenditure (Departmental Response to the Report)  
60/09/10R 02.06.10 Report on the Preliminary Inquiry into Public Sector Efficiencies 978 0 339 60336 3
41/09/10r 03.03.10 Report on the Review of 2010-11 Spending Plans for Northern Ireland Departments  
19/08/09r 10.02.10 Report on the Inquiry into Public Procurement in Northern Ireland 978 0 339 60320 2
    Report on the Presumption of Advancement Legislative Consent Motion  

Session 2008 - 2009

Report NumberDateReport NameISBN Number
  11.11.09 End of Session Report 08/09 Only available online
31/08/09r 06.05.09 Report on the Financial Provisions Bill 978 0 339 60277 9
1/08/09R 18.03.09 Report on the Civil Registration Bill (NIA 20/07)  
2/08/09R 14.01.09 Report on the Presumption of Death Bill (NIA 23/07) 978-0-339-60262-5
20/08/09R 03.12.08 Submission to the Executive’s Strategic Stocktake of the 
Budget Position for 2009/10 & 2010/11
15/08/09r 22.10..08 Report on the Inquiry into the Scrutiny of the Northern Ireland Executive’s Budget and Expenditure 978 0 339 60251 9

Session 2007 - 2008

Report NumberDateReport NameISBN Number
23/07/08R 11.06.08 Report on the Building Regulations (Amendment) Bill (NIA 11/07) 978 0 339 60239 7
12/07/08R 08.01.08 Report on the Executive’s Draft Budget 2008-2011 978 0 339 60209 0
06/07/08R 07.11.07 Report on the Committee's Response to the 2007 Executive Review of the Domestic Rating System 978 0 339 60206 9
2/07/08R 12.09.07 Workplace 2010 and Location of Public Sector Jobs: Department of Finance and Personnel's Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2006 - 07 978 0 339 60199 4

Session 2006 - 2007

Report NumberDateReport NameISBN Number
1/07R 04.07.07 First Report on Workplace 2010 and Location of Public Sector Jobs 978 0 339 60198 7