Committee for Finance and Personnel - 2007-2011 Mandate

Minutes of Evidence

Proceedings of the Committee for Finance and Personnel from the 2010-2011 Session of the Northern Ireland Assembly:

8 March 2011
Rating Issues
1 March 2011
Public Procurement Action Plan: Update on Implementation of Committee Recommendations
23 February 2011
Damages (Asbestos-related Conditions) Bill
16 February 2011
Civil Registration Bill: Proposed Amendments
16 February 2011
Outcome of February Monitoring Round
16 February 2011
Damages (Asbestos-related Conditions) Bill
9 February 2011
Draft Budget 2011-15
9 February 2011
Rating Issues: Statutory Rules
9 February 2011
Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) Bill
2 February 2011
Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) Bill
2 February 2011
February Monitoring Round
2 February 2011
Draft Budget 2011-15: Spring Supplementary Estimates and Vote on Account
2 February 2011
Draft Budget 2011-15: Strategic Issues
26 January 2011
Draft Budget 2011-15 and Business Plan 2011-12
26 January 2011
Draft Budget 2011-15: Northern Ireland Assembly
19 January 2011
Update on Presbyterian Mutual Society Plan
19 January 2011
Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) Bill
19 January 2011
Outcome of December 2010 Monitoring Round
12 January 2011
Corporate HR Issues Including NICS Absenteeism, Equal Pay and Pensions
12 January 2011
Equal Pay: Evidence from Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance
12 January 2011
Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) Bill
12 January 2011
Draft Budget 2011-15: Strategic Issues
15 December 2010
PSA and Business Targets Progress
8 December 2010
European Funding Issues

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8 December 2010
Damages (Asbestos-Related) Conditions Bill
8 December 2010
Apartment Developments' Management Reform Bill
1 December 2010
December Monitoring Round
1 December 2010
Spending Review and Budget 2011-2015
24 November 2010
Spending Review and Budget 2011 - 2015
17 November 2010
British Bankers’ Association: Task Force Report
17 November 2010
Rating of Empty Homes: Consultation on the Landlord Allowance
17 November 2010
Spending Review and Budget 2011-2015
10 November 2010
Spending Review and Budget 2011-15

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10 November 2010
Department of Finance and Personnel: Preparations for Budget 2011-15
3 November 2010
Implications of Spending Review: 2011-12 to 2014-2015
3 November 2010
Industrial Derating
3 November 2010
Spending Review and Budget 2010
3 November 2010
‘Time for action: Northern Ireland — delivering public services in a time of austerity’
20 October 2010
Enterprise Shared Services: HR Connect and Centre for Applied Learning
20 October 2010
Enterprise Shared Services: Account NI
13 October 2010
Land and Property Services Update
13 October 2010
Enterprise Shared Services: IT Assist, Network NI and Records NI
6 October 2010
Construction Industry and Public Sector Expenditure
6 October 2010
Industrial Derating
6 October 2010
Preliminary Inquiry into Public Sector Efficiencies: Response to Inquiry Report
29 September 2010
Construction Contracts (Amendment) Bill: Clause-by-Clause Scrutiny
29 September 2010
Outcome of September 2010 Monitoring Round
22 September 2010
Banking Issues (Concurrent Meeting with the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment)
22 September 2010
Institute of Directors (Concurrent Meeting with the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment)
22 September 2010
Finance Issues (Concurrent Meeting with the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment)
15 September 2010
Outcome on Consultation on Pleural Plaques
15 September 2010
Construction Contract (Amendment) Bill
15 September 2010
Outcome of June Monitoring Round
15 September 2010
Consideration of DFP Budget Process Action Plan
8 September 2010
DFP Spending and Savings Plans 2011-15
8 September 2010
Outcome of Senior Civil Service Pay Review
8 September 2010
September Monitoring Round

Proceedings of the Committee for Finance and Personnel from the 2009-10 Session of the Northern Ireland Assembly:

30 June 2010
Public Procurement in Northern Ireland
30 June 2010
Budget Issues
30 June 2010
Equal Pay Issues
16 June 2010
Allowances to Members of the Assembly (Repeal) Bill
16 June 2010
Budget Scrutiny Inquiry: Stage 2
16 June 2010
Cost of Insurance in Northern Ireland
9 June 2010
Budget Scrutiny Inquiry: Stage 2
9 June 2010
Budget (No. 3) Bill
9 June 2010
Progress against Public Service Agreements and Departmental Targets
2 June 2010
Budget (No. 3) Bill: Main Estimates 2010-2011: Briefing by the Department of Finance and Personnel
2 June 2010
Multiple Deprivation Measures: Outcome of Consultation: Briefing by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
2 June 2010
June Monitoring Round — Departmental Position
26 May 2010
Departmental Briefing on Building Regulations
26 May 2010
Electrical Standards in Building Regulations
26 May 2010
Budget Scrutiny Inquiry: Stage 2
12 May 2010
Review of Budget Process 2008 - 2011
12 May 2010
Access to Benefits Progress Review
21 April 2010
Cost of Insurance in Northern Ireland
21 April 2010
Construction Contracts Bill
21 April 2010
Review of 2010-11 Spending Plans
21 April 2010
Payment of Rates by Credit Card
14 April 2010
Briefing by DFP on Preparations for the 2011 Census
14 April 2010
Performance and Efficiency Delivery Unit
14 April 2010
Performance and Efficiency Delivery Unit: Review of Land and Property Services - Update on Progress
24 March 2010
Workplace NI
24 March 2010
DFP Business Plan 2010-11
10 March 2010
Budget No.2 Bill
3 March 2010
February 2010 Monitoring Round Outcome View as HTML View as PDF
24 February 2010
Options for Rate Relief for Carers
17 February 2010
Land and Property Services - Implications of Revised 2010-2011 Spending Plans
17 February 2010
Strategic Financial Issues
11 February 2010
Review of 2010-11 Spending Plans for NI Departments
10 February 2010
Budget Bill 2010 - Spring Supplementary Estimates and Vote on Account
27 January 2010
NICS Shared Service Centres
27 January 2010
Equal Pay
20 January 2010
Reviews of Budget and In-Year Monitoring Processes
20 January 2010
Revised Expenditure Plans 2010-11
13 January 2010
Strategic Financial Pressures
13 January 2010
Outcome of 2009 December Monitoring Round
13 January 2010
Legislative Consent Motion - Presumption of Advancement
6 January 2010
Progress On EU Programmes
6 January 2010
Policy Evaluation of Rating of Non-Domestic Property View as HTML View as PDF
6 January 2010
EU Commission Taskforce Action Plan
9 December 2009
Dormant Accounts Scheme
2 December 2009
December 2009 Monitoring Round
2 December 2009
Departmental Efficiency Delivery Plan
2 December 2009
Performance to Date Against DFP Business Plan
25 November 2009
Rating Issues
25 November 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Policy and Practice in Northern Ireland
18 November 2009
Efficiency Savings
11 November 2009
Efficiency Savings
4 November 2009
Building Regulations
4 November 2009
Multiple Deprivation Measures
14 October 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Policy and Practice in Northern Ireland
14 October 2009
September Monitoring Round
7 October 2009
Consultation Responses on Pleural Plaques
30 September 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Practice in Northern Ireland
30 September 2009
Consultation Report on the Contruction Contracts Bill
23 September 2009
PEDU Review of Land and Property Services
23 September 2009
Role of Local Banks in the Current Economic Downturn
23 September 2009
Financial Provisions Bill
16 September 2009
DFP September 2009 Monitoring Round Position
16 September 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Policy and Practice in Northern Ireland
16 September 2009
Review of Performance against PSA targets
9 September 2009
Northern Ireland Civil Service Pay Issues
9 September 2009
Rates (Amendment) Bill

Proceedings of the Committee for Finance and Personnel from the 2008-09 Session of the Northern Ireland Assembly:

7 July 2009
Outcome of June 2009 Monitoring Round and Provisional Out-Turn 2008-09
1 July 2009
HR Connect
24 June 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Practice
24 June 2009
Performance Against Targets in DFP PSAs and Business Plan 2009/09
17 June 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Practice
17 June 2009
Performance and Efficiency Delivery Unit
17 June 2009
Role of Local Mortgage Lenders in the Current Economic Downturn
17 June 2009
Role of Local Banks in th Current Economic Downturn
10 June 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Practice
10 June 2009
Survey on NI Businesses Accessing Finance from Local Banks
27 May 2009
June Monitoring Round
27 May 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Practice
27 May 2009
Budget No2 Bill
20 May 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Practice
13 May 2009
Inquiry into Public Procurement Practice
13 May 2009
NI Civil Service Equal Pay Claim
29 April 2009
Implications of the Chancellor's Budget for Northern Ireland
29 April 2009
Interim Report of the Construction Industry Forum for Northern Ireland Procurement Task Force
22 April 2009
Financial Provisions Bill
1 April 2009
Financial Provisions Bill
25 March 2009
Implications of Whithall Review of Pay
25 March 2009
Draft DFP Business/Operational Plan for 2009-2010
18 March 2009
Lessons Learned from Legal Challenges to Public Procurement Exercises
11 March 2009
Varney II and Strategic Economic Issues
11 March 2009
Scrutiny of Performance and Efficiency Delivery Unit
4 March 2009
Outcome of February Monitoring
4 March 2009
Barroso Taskforce Report
25 February 2009
Evaluation of Workplace 2010
25 February 2009
HR Connect
18 February 2009
Mitigating the Recession: Options for the Northern Ireland Executive
11 February 2009
Public Procurement Practice in Northern Ireland: Evidence from Carson McDowell Solicitors
4 February 2009
Budget Bill
4 February 2009
Financial Provisions Bill
21 January 2009
Civil Registration Bill: Consideration of Issues Arising from Evidence
21 January 2009
Monitoring of Post-Project Evaluations
21 January 2009
Outcome of the Strategic Stocktake
14 January 2009
Civil Registration Bill
14 January 2009
Role of Banks in th Current Economic Downturn
7 January 2009
December Monitoring Round
7 January 2009
Draft Rates Amendment Bill
10 December 2008
Role of Local Banks in th Current Economic Downturn
10 December 2008
Regional Economic Strategy
10 December 2008
Presumption of Death Bill
10 December 2008
Criteria for Awarding Bonuses to Senior Civil Servants
3 December 2008
Presumption of Death Bill
26 November 2008
Inquiry into Public Procurement (Federation of Small Businesses)
26 November 2008
Inquiry into Public Procurement (Quigg Golden Limited)
26 November 2008
Strategic Stocktake 2009-11
19 November 2008
Progress on Implementation of Efficiency and Investment Delivery Plans
12 November 2008
Rates Relief and Rating of Second Homes
12 November 2008
Presumption of Death Bill
5 November 2008
Workplace 2010
22 October 2008
Land and Property Services
15 October 2008
Role of DFP's Central Expenditure and Supply Divisions in Overseeing Public Expenditure
8 October 2008
Domestic Rating System
24 September 2008
Public Consultation on Amendments to the Domestic Rating System
24 September 2008
Presumption of Death Bill
17 September 2008
Presumption of Death Bill
10 September 2008
Building Regulations

Proceedings of the Committee for Finance and Personnel from the 2007-08 Session of the Northern Ireland Assembly:

25 June 2008
Maze/Long Kesh Regeneration Site
25 June 2008
Peace Funding
25 June 2008
Dormant Accounts Bill
18 June 2008
Workplace 2010
18 June 2008
Performance Against Targets
11 June 2008
Varney Report
4 June 2008
Construction Contracts Bill
4 June 2008
Review of NI Tax Policy
4 June 2008
Budget (No 2) Bill
28 May 2008
Draft Budget (No 2) Bill
28 May 2008
Draft Civil Registration Bill
21 May 2008
Public-Sector Jobs Location
21 May 2008
Draft Presumption of Death Bill
14 May 2008
Public-Sector Jobs Location
7 May 2008
Update on Peace II Clousure and Peace III Funding
7 May 2008
Case Study Public-Sector Jobs Location
9 April 2008
Land and Property Services
2 April 2008
Department of Finance and Personnel
12 March 2008
Response to Committee Report on Executive's Draft Budget
5 March 2008
Update on Varney Review
5 March 2008
Next Steps on Varney Report
6 February 2008
Budget Bill
30 January 2008
Brief on Spring Supplementary Estimates and Vote on Account
28 November 2007
Performance and Efficiency
21 November 2007
Strategic Budget Issues
14 November 2007
Draft Budget
7 November 2007
Building Regulations (Amendment Bill)
7 November 2007
Civil Service Reform
7 November 2007
Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Bill
24 October 2007
Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Bill
17 October 2007
Review of Domestic Rating
10 October 2007
Review of Domestic Rating
3 October 2007
Review of Domestic Rating
26 September 2007
Review of Domestic Rating
26 September 2007
Work of Special EU Programmes Body

Proceedings of the Committee for Finance and Personnel from the 2006-07 Session of the Northern Ireland Assembly:

23 May 2007 Budget (No2) Bill View as HTML
23 May 2007 New Rating System View as HTML
16 May 2007
Budget Bill