Legal Aid and Coroners’ Courts Bill

Bill Number: Bill 33/11-15

Bill Type: Executive

Bill Sponsor: Minister of Justice 

The Legal Aid and Coroners’ Courts Bill is:

A Bill to dissolve the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission and provide for the exercise of functions of the Commission by the Department of Justice or the Director of Legal Aid Casework; to amend the law on legal aid in criminal proceedings, civil legal services and criminal defence services; to provide for theLord Chief Justice to be president of the coroners’ courts and for the appointment of a Presiding coroner; and for connected purposes.

Stages of a Bill

Bill Stage Date Completed
/ Status
All Associated documents and links
First Stage 31 March 2014

Bill as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)
Explanatory & Financial Memorandum as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)

Official Report - 31 March 2014

Second Stage 8 April 2014 Official Report - 8 April 2014

Committee Stage Extended to 20 June 2014

Official Report - 13 May 2014 (Extension of Committee Stage)

Committee's Report on the Legal Aid and Coroners' Courts Bill (NIA 33/11-15)

Consideration Stage 16 September 2014

Notice of Amendments - 3 September 2014
Notice of Amendments - 10 September 2014
Notice of Amendments - 11 September 2014
Marshalled List of Amendments - 11 September 2014
Grouping List - 11 September 2014

Bill as Amended at Consideration Stage (HTM) (PDF)
Explanatory and Financial Memorandum as Amended at Consideration Stage (HTM) (PDF

Official Report - 16 September 2014 (Part 1) (Part 2)

Further Consideration Stage 30 September 2014

Notice of Amendments - 25 September 2014
Marshalled List of Amendments - 25 September 2014
Grouping List - 25 September 2014 

Bill as Amended at Further Consideration Stage (HTM) (PDF)
Explanatory & Financial Memorandum as Amended at Further Consideration Stage (HTM) (PDF)

Official Report - 30 September 2014

Final Stage 13 October 2014 Official Report - 13 October 2014
Royal Assent 17 November 2014

Legal Aid and Coroners' Courts Act