Health and Personal Social Services (Amendment) Bill

Bill Number: Bill 68/11-16

Bill Type: Executive

Bill Sponsor: Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety

The Health and Personal Social Services (Amendment) Bill is:

A Bill to make provision about the Northern Ireland Social Care Council and other provision about social care workers.

                                                      Stages of a Bill

Bill Stage Date Completed / Status All Associated documents and links
First Stage 23 November 2015

Bill as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)
Explanatory and Financial Memorandum (HTM) (PDF)

Official Report - 23 November 2015

Second Stage 1 December 2015 Official Report - 1 December 2015 
Committee Stage 3 February 2016 Report on the Health and Personal Social Services (Amendment) Bill 
Consideration Stage 22 February 2016 Official Report - 22 February 2016
Further Consideration Stage 7 March 2016 Official Report - 7 March 2016
Final Stage 15 March 2016  Official Report - 15 March 2016 
Royal Assent 12 May 2016  Health and Personal Social Services (Amendment) Act