Primary Legislation - Bills that fell at the end of the 2011 - 2016 Mandate


2011/2016 Mandate - Executive Bills

Proceedings as at 25 May 2016

Bill Title
(Click on Bill title for associated documents)

Accelerated Passage Bill

Last Stage Completed


NIA Bill 13/11-15 Welfare Reform Bill No completed 24 February 2015 

Final Stage failed to pass on 26 May 2015

NIA Bill 14/11-15 Education Bill No completed on 8 April 2013  
NIA Bill 17/11-15 Planning Bill No completed 24 & 25 June 2013 Minister not moving Bill to Further Consideration Stage, now or in the future
NIA Bill 43/11-16 Regeneration Bill No completed 28 May 2015 Minister NOT MOVING Bill to Consideration Stage


2011/2016 Mandate - Non-Executive Bills

Bill Title

Accelerated Passage Bill

Last Stage Completed


NIA Bill 25/11-15 Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill No completed 17 June 2013 Bill fell. Member resigned. Bill Reintroduced by Pat Ramsey MLA - NIA Bill 30/11/15 (see below)
NIA Bill 30/11-15 Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill No completed 17 February 2015 Committee Report available
NIA Bill 59/11-16 Rates (Relief for Community Amateur Sports Clubs) Bill No completed 30 June 2015 Bill failed to pass Second Stage on 20 October 2015
NIA Bill 61/11-16 Civil Service (Special Advisers) (Amendment) Bill No completed 14 September 2015 Bill failed to pass Second Stage on 13 October 2015
NIA Bill 63/11-16 Local Government (Numbers and Addresses of Buildings in Townlands) Bill No completed 12 October 2015 Bill failed to pass Second Stage on 17 November 2015
NIA Bill 64/11-16 Human Transplantation Bill No completed 16 November 2015 Member not planning to move Bill forward
NIA Bill 65/11-16 Scrap Metal Dealers Bill No completed 29 February 2016 Further Consideration Stage NOT scheduled

A list of Bills that passed through the Assembly to become Acts during the 2011-2016 mandate can be found here.