Land Acquisition and Compensation (Amendment) Bill

OBill Number: Bill 78/11-16

Bill Type: Executive

Bill Sponsor: Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister

The Land Acquisition and Compensation (Amendment) Bill is:

A Bill to amend the Land Acquisition and Compensation (Northern Ireland) Order 1973 to provide for additional payments for loss following the compulsory acquisition of land.

                                                      Stages of a Bill

Bill Stage Date Completed / Status All Associated documents and links
First Stage 22 January 2016

Bill as Introduced (PDF) (HTM)
Explanatory and Financial Memorandum (PDF) (HTM)

Official Report - 22 February 2016


Second Stage 1 March 2016 Official Report 1 March 2016
Committee Stage Accelerated Passage  
Consideration Stage 7 March 2016

Official Report - 7 March 2016

Further Consideration Stage 14 March 2016 

Official Report - 14 March 2016 

Final Stage 15 March 2016  Official Report - 15 March 2016
Royal Assent 12 May 2016  Land Acquisition and Compensation (Amendment) Act