Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill

Bill Number: Bill 25/11-15

Bill Type: Private Members Bill

Bill Sponsor: Mr Conall McDevitt MLA 


Please note: Bill fell. Member resigned. Bill Reintroduced by Pat Ramsey MLA - NIA Bill 30/11/15 (see here)


The Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill is:

A Bill to set a maximum speed limit on residential roads of 20 miles per hour.


Stages of a Bill

Bill Stage Date Completed
/ Status
All Associated documents and links
First Stage 17 June 2013

Bill as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)
Explanatory & Financial Memorandum as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)

Official Report - 17 June 2013

Second Stage Bill fell

Committee Stage

Consideration Stage

Further Consideration Stage

Final Stage

Royal Assent