The Common Frameworks Process

The establishment of common frameworks has five distinct phases: 

Phase one: Multilateral engagement on common frameworks between the UK Government and devolved administrations; 

Phase two: Detailed policy development resulting in an outline framework;

Phase three: Review, consultation and further detailed policy development resulting in a provisional framework confirmation; 

Phase four: Frameworks implementation and framework agreement;

Phase five: Post-implementation arrangements. This process also includes a period of reappraisal for each framework, spanning across phases four and five, where frameworks agreements will be re-evaluated according to the outcomes of cross-cutting issues.

Illustration of the framework delivery process

Illustration of the framework delivery process

 Source: Cabinet Office (April 2019) Revised Frameworks Analysis: Breakdown of areas of EU law that intersect with devolved competence in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland


UK Government/Devolved Authority parliamentary scrutiny process – mapped against phases of framework development

Source: Letter (01 June 2020) from Chloe Smith MP, Minister of State to William Wragg MP, Chair of Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee,  House of Commons.