Northern Ireland Assembly Commission Retention and Disposal Schedule

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Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - What is covered by this Retention and Disposal Schedule?

Section 3 - Categories of Retention/Disposal

Section 4 - Operation of the Retention and Disposal Schedule

Section 5: Retention and Disposal Schedule

Clerk/Chief Executive's Office

Assembly Commission

Speaker's Office

Parliamentary Services

Corporate Services

Legal, Governance and Research Services

Section 6-Signatories


Section 1 - Introduction

Function of the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission

The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission ('Assembly Commission') is the corporate body which provides the Northern Ireland Assembly ('the Assembly'), or ensures that the Assembly is provided with the property, staff and services required for the Assembly's purposes. The Assembly Commission is established under section 40 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

The Assembly Commission Records Management Policy and Guidance

The Assembly Commission recognises that its administrative records are a unique and irreplaceable resource. The proper management of this resource is necessary to satisfy its internal business processes and to comply with legislation, including the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which provides for access to information held by the Assembly Commission. The Assembly Commission Records Management Policy and Guidance sets out a commitment to the development of an efficient and effective records management system. Crucial to the success of the Policy and Guidance is the development and implementation of a Retention and Disposal Schedule ('the Schedule').

Purpose of the Retention and Disposal Schedule

The Schedule aims to support the development of greater control over the records created by the Assembly Commission. It will enable the Assembly Commission to dispose of records promptly when they cease to be of any continuing administrative, historic or legal value and will identify records that should be transferred to the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland ('PRONI') because of their long-term historical/research value.

The Schedule complies with the requirements in the Public Records Act (NI) 1923 and the Disposal of Documents Order (S.R.& O.1925 No 167).

Section 2 - What is covered by this Retention and Disposal Schedule?

The Schedule identifies the arrangements for all records created by the Assembly Commission. For the purposes of the Schedule, a 'record' is defined as "recorded information in any form (electronic or paper) created, received or shared by the Assembly Commission."

Within the Assembly Commission, a range of information/ documents exists which do not need to be captured into the formal records management system. This information (e.g. reference material and convenience copy) is not covered by the Schedule and includes:

  • Rough or early drafts where these do not contain evidence of policy development;
  • Circulated copies of drafts or unaltered drafts;
  • Convenience copies or information retained for reference purposes only (it is not retained to provide evidence of transactions, but only for its informational value);
  • Reference or published materials from external sources which are not needed for record purposes, e.g. papers from conferences and seminars, policy briefings, sales catalogues, brochures, "junk-mail";
  • CC'd emails;
  • Emails that are not the primary record of decisions or transactions (e.g. the information is recorded in some other way following the email exchange);
  • Personal records and emails, e.g. social arrangements, personal copies of performance reviews;
  • Stocks of publications that have been superseded;
  • Bookings for internal services (e.g. rooms, equipment) where no charges are made;
  • Notes taken during meetings where formal notes/minutes have been prepared;
  • Meeting requests, acceptances and apologies;
  • Corporate notices and circulars (circulated copies, i.e. not the original);
  • Superseded circulation/contact lists;
  • Covering/transmission documents such as covering letters, compliments slip or emails accompanying attachments, that do not provide additional information to the main document and where evidence of date and time of receipt or dispatch, are not required; and
  • Reservations and confirmations of arrangements with third parties, such as joining instructions for conferences, training, etc. when invoices have been received.

These categories of information should be destroyed as soon as reference to the information has ceased. Unnecessary retention of such information represents a resource burden for the Assembly Commission in terms of storage costs, administration and freedom of information and data protection obligations.

In almost all cases, the disposal periods given in the Schedule relate to master copies of records which form the official version retained for regulatory or business reasons. Where it is clear that a master copy is being retained elsewhere within the Assembly Commission, there is no requirement to keep such documents. In all cases, copies of records should not be retained any longer than the period stated for the master copy in the Schedule.

Electronic Documents

The Assembly Commission does not currently have an Electronic Document and Records Management System ('EDRMS') which would enable the control, retention and transfer of records in electronic format. The Assembly Commission, therefore, operates a print to paper policy, and electronic documents which form part of the official record should be printed out and placed on the appropriate file.

The principles governing the retention of electronic documents are the same as those for paper records. In support of these principles, it is important that electronic folders should be organised in a similar way as paper records. In addition, electronic documents of no enduring value, such as those of purely personal relevance, should be deleted from the system at the earliest opportunity.


Emails potentially form part of the Assembly Commission's corporate record, as such all staff should review emails to decide whether they are subject to its Records Management Policy and Guidance.

As with other electronic documents and material, where an email message forms part of the corporate record, staff should retain the record in line with the Records Management Policy and Guidance in addition to the Schedule.

Section 3 - Categories of Retention/Disposal

There are four broad categories of disposal


These are records which the Assembly Commission considers to be low grade, providing no continuing business/legal value and are of no historical or research value to PRONI.

PRONI Appraisal

Where the action is PRONI Appraisal, the long term historical and evidential value of the records cannot be confirmed and therefore requires appraisal by PRONI. This takes place after the prescribed retention period.

If PRONI deem that there is no long-term value, the records can be destroyed; otherwise, they are transferred to PRONI, in line with policies and procedures.

PRONI Permanent Preservation

These are records which PRONI has determined to be of long-term historical or research value. These records are held until they are twenty years old and are reviewed through the Sensitivity Review process. These records must then be transferred to PRONI.

Further guidance on the Sensitivity Review process is available on the Information Standards AssISt page.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

There are likely to be few records which fall into this category, but they are records which the Assembly Commission has decided should be retained permanently for business purposes.


The Schedule continues to display records for functions which no longer exist. Where this occurs, the record has been shaded in grey and noted as a "Discontinued Function". These records will continue to be held, until the last remaining records have completed their retention period and are then either destroyed, transferred or permanently archived.

Section 4 - Operation of the Retention and Disposal Schedule

Closing a file

In order for the Schedule to operate effectively, it is important to maintain a streamlined filing system through regular and systematic closure of files. Closing a file does not mean that it has to be immediately removed from the filing system. What it does mean, is that no additional papers should be added to the file and that it should be used only for reference. If files are not closed on a formalised and regular basis, the following problems are likely to occur:

  • Files inevitably become untidy with resulting damage to documents;
  • Older files cannot be moved to inactive storage;
  • File fasteners and covers come under excessive strain from the weight of paper;
  • Access to items on a file becomes difficult; and
  • Inactive information is held on current files.

Regular file closure has the following benefits:

  • Files are kept to a manageable size;
  • Files remain neat and tidy;
  • Access to material on files is faster; and
  • The progressive disposal of records is made easier.

A file should be closed and a new one created if necessary, when one of the following conditions are met:

  • The file exceeds a thickness of 2.5 cm;
  • No papers have been added for two years; and
  • The contents of the file span more than five years.

In addition, some files should be closed at:

  • The end of the financial year;
  • The end of a project; or
  • The end of a mandate.

When a file is due to be closed, the appropriate member of staff should consult the Schedule and detail the follow up actions on the File Closure Form. For example, the date on which the record can be destroyed, transferred to PRONI, or whether it should be subject to the review procedures.

Misfiled legal material should be appropriately filed and the correct retention applied.

Retention Period

Retention periods are based upon the specific business needs of the Assembly Commission, in addition to the regulatory environment within which the Assembly Commission operates. The retention period required for each type of file, is calculated from the point the file is closed.


Destruction of files will take place on a planned basis following the annual file review, in line with the Schedule. Destruction will be organised by the Information Standards Office, in consultation with the relevant business area.

All destruction decisions must be agreed by relevant business area before destruction can take place. A disposal log of all file destruction will be kept for audit purposes and all files will be destroyed in line with the arrangements for the destruction of confidential waste.

Where there continues to be a business need to retain the files beyond the destruction date, staff are asked to review the record using the File Review Form at the end of the period outlined in the Schedule, or as indicated on the covering File Closure Form. Staff have the option to extend for an additional period or to transfer to Assembly Commission Permanent Retention as required. These options will require senior management approval in consultation with the Information Standards Team.

PRONI Appraisal

These records have been identified by PRONI as requiring appraisal, as they may be of future historical significance. Following a period of retention as outlined in the Schedule, Assembly Commission staff will review these files to ensure the Assembly Commission has no further requirement to hold the records.

PRONI will then carry out a first stage review, in which the Assembly Commission will be notified of those files that PRONI has determined should be retained for a second stage review. The second stage review will be carried out when the records are approaching twenty years of age.

If PRONI determines that the records should be not be retained for second review, Assembly Commission staff will be provided with a list of the records before destruction, as guided by the Information Standards team. Those files not requiring further retention can be destroyed through appropriate means.

PRONI Permanent Preservation

Where the action is PRONI Permanent Preservation, the records need not undergo the normal review procedures. Appropriate arrangements will be put in place to ensure timely transfer to PRONI, once the record approaches 20 years old (from closure).

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Where the action is Assembly Commission Permanent Retention, the records need to undergo the normal review procedures to ensure that the file only includes those records for permanent retention.

Upon closure the records will be transferred to Office Resources and permanently retained.

Note that there is no legal basis to amend a Final Action without the approval of a subsequent Retention and Disposal Schedule through PRONI. For further advice and assistance, please contact the Information Standards team.

Commitment to Preserving Files/Records

The Assembly Commission declares that it will take measures to ensure that the records it creates will be physically well maintained and cared for while they are in its custody. These measures will include:

  • Removing paper clips and pins from papers before filing with particular attention being given to those records, which, according to the Schedule, are to be preserved permanently;
  • Removing any CDs and other storage devices from paper files and converting its contents to hard copy;
  • Using files with file covers as opposed to buff folders, which do not offer the same protection to the papers inside;
  • Using continuation files if files get too bulky (i.e. more than 2.5cm thick);
  • Punching papers to be filed 2.5cm in and 2.5cm down from the edge to minimise the danger of detachment and resulting loss of information;
  • Storing bulky or outsize items in a pocket or envelope inside the file cover on the left-hand side.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Clerk/Chief Executive of the Assembly Commission has overall responsibility for ensuring that the Assembly complies with the requirements of legislation affecting the management of records, and with any supporting regulations and codes.

The Information Standards Office is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the Records Management Policy and Guidance is implemented effectively;
  • The provision of record management guidance to Assembly Commission staff;
  • Producing procedures and documenting all necessary record management arrangements;
  • Making recommendations to senior management in relation to changes or improvements; and
  • Liaising with PRONI, to ensure that the Assembly Commission complies with the Northern Ireland Records Management Standard ('NIRMS').

The Information Standards Office will work closely with Directorates, to ensure that there is consistency in the management of records, and that advice and guidance on good records management practice is provided.

The Support Services Manager is responsible for:

  • Office Resources, which has responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the Assembly Commission's registered file system and ensuring that controls operate effectively. This is a database which records the file title, reference code, date of opening the file, date of closing the file and the date the file is due for review, disposal or transfer to PRONI. The system requires updating, to ensure all relevant action is captured on the registered file system. The registered file system can produce reports to identify files which require action, such as review, disposal or transfer. The system can also produce reports to identify files which have been disposed of, and when the files were disposed of.

Line Managers are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the Records Management Policy and Guidance is fully observed and implemented within their area of responsibility; and
  • Ensuring that all staff within their area of responsibility, receive the appropriate training.

All members of staff are responsible for:

  • Documenting their actions and decisions, and for maintaining the records in accordance with the Records Management Policy and Guidance and the Schedule.

Section 5: Retention and Disposal Schedule

Clerk/Chief Executive's Office

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Corporate correspondence


End of correspondence

6 years

Business need


Correspondence and associated records concerning the formal relationship between the Northern Ireland Assembly and/or the Assembly Commission and external bodies such as Commissioners, parliamentary bodies at corporate level. It is not intended to cover routine contact.

PRONI Appraisal

Correspondence with MLAs and Political Parties

End of session

1 year

Business need

Correspondence to and from Members.

PRONI Appraisal

Minutes of meetings of the Senior Management Team


End of session


Current and previous mandate

Business need

Agreed minutes.

"Secretariat Management Group (SMG)" prior to July 2022.

PRONI Appraisal

Electronic Senior Management Team Meeting Packs

End of session

6 years

Business need

"Secretariat Management Group (SMG)" prior to July 2022.

PRONI Appraisal


End of Session


Corporate Value

Include first day brief.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention


Assembly Commission

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Minutes of meetings of the Assembly Commission

End of mandate

20 years

Business need


Agreed minutes.


PRONI Permanent Preservation

Assembly Commission Meeting Packs

End of mandate

20 Years

Business need


PRONI Permanent Preservation

North/South Inter-Parliamentary Association (NSIPA)

End of mandate

20 Years

Business need

Reports of Plenary sessions of the NSIPA.


PRONI Permanent Preservation

North/South Inter-Parliamentary Executive Committee


End of mandate

20 Years

Business need

Agreed minutes.



PRONI Permanent Preservation

Inter-Parliamentary Contact Group


End of mandate

6 years

Business need

Agreed minutes.


Discontinued Function

PRONI Appraisal

North South Parliamentary Forum Working Group


End of session

20 Years

Business need


PRONI Permanent Preservation

Assembly Commission Induction Material and Handbook

When superseded

20 Years

Business need

Induction Information for Assembly Commission Members. (Presentations and Packs).

PRONI Permanent Preservation

Assembly Commission Reports

On production of report

20 Years

Business need

This relates to formal reports prepared by the Assembly Commission rather than routine business.

PRONI Permanent Preservation


Speaker's Office

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Gifts Register

On production of record


Corporate value


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Speaker's Special Advisory Group Meetings (agendas, minutes, briefing notes and papers)

On production of record


20 Years

Business need

This Group was facilitated by the Assembly Commission, as directed by the Secretary of State, and operated during Direct Rule from 29 June 2006 - 16 November 2006.


Discontinued Function


PRONI Permanent Preservation

First Day Briefings

End of session

20 Years

Business need

First Day Briefs provided to the Speaker and Deputy Speakers upon taking office.

PRONI Permanent Preservation

Official Correspondence

End of calendar year

5 years

Business need

Correspondence (originals or annotated copies) to and from the Speaker/Deputy Speakers of the Northern Ireland Assembly.


PRONI Appraisal

General Correspondence

End of calendar year

2 years

Business need

From/To Members of the public, interest groups.


Speaker's Cases; Routine

End of mandate

6 Years

Business need

Correspondence between the Speaker and a requestor on a variety of issues requiring advice and/or response.










Speaker's Cases; Exceptional interest

End of Mandate


Corporate value

Review and identify cases of exceptional interest for permanent retention.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Visitors' Book

Closure of book


Corporate value

Book recording visitors (VIP) to the Speaker.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Appointments and Resignations

End of mandate


Corporate value

Formal documentation of resignations and appointments of Members, Ministerial Appointments, Ministers, Committee Chairs and Deputy Chairs.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention


Significant Meetings, Events and Visits

End of event and completion of follow up action

5 years

Business need

Significant events and visits arranged by the Speaker's Office in support of the Speaker's representational duties, records including submissions, plans, programme, guest lists, and catering etc.

PRONI Appraisal


End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Official correspondence to and from the Office of the Speaker in relation to Bills at all stages.

PRONI Appraisal

Parliamentary Services

Plenary and Business Management

Bill Office


Official Hansard


Plenary and Business Management

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Roll of Membership

On production of record


Corporate value

Members' formal documentation of membership of the Northern Ireland Assembly.


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Guidance for Members and Departments

When superseded


Corporate value

A record of all guidance issued and retained by the Assembly.


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Speaker's Rulings, Assembly Conventions and Precedents

When superseded


Corporate value

Northern Ireland Assembly Companion published - hard copy from 1998 - 2002. No further publications.

Copy of information held in Speaker's Rulings and Conventions document, updated as necessary during recess, and held in the Business Office from 2002 onwards.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Routine advice to the Speaker/others on procedural matters

End of mandate

6 years

Business need

Includes advice on Matter of the Day (MOTD), Urgent Oral Questions (UOQs), motions, amendments etc. Also includes advice to the Business Committee.


Office Procedures


When superseded

1 year

Business need



All Party Notices

On production of record

End of mandate

Business need

Permanent record held on Northern Ireland Assembly website.


Assembly Information Management System

On production of record


Corporate value

Records of all items of Plenary Business held permanently on AIMS.


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Papers of the Business Committee

End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Includes draft Order Papers, draft Indicative Timings, Notice of Forthcoming Executive Business. No Day Named list and Adjournment Debate list.


Approved (signed) Business Committee minutes

End of mandate

6 years

Business need

Approved minutes of Business Committee are published on the Assembly's website.

PRONI Appraisal

Table Clerk (left) logs and papers

End of mandate


Corporate value

Includes table clerk logs and lobby voting records. Results of votes are recorded in the Official Report (Hansard), and the Hansard Bound Volumes.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Plenary sitting papers

End of mandate


Corporate value

Speaker's Brief, Order Papers, Indicative timings, points of order responses and Members attendance at Ministerial Statements. A record of what happens in Plenary is recorded in the Official Reports (Hansard).

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Points of order responses


End of mandate

6 years

Business need



Agreed Minutes of Proceedings (plenary)

On signature by Speaker

20 Years

Business need

Copy signed by Speaker. Text permanently preserved in Hansard Bound Volumes. Published on Assembly website.

PRONI Permanent Preservation

Record of Statutory Rules (SR) laid

On laying of SR

End of mandate

Business need

Permanent record of SR laid held electronically in Aims. Listed in Minutes of Proceedings in the Hansard Bound Volumes. Copy of legislation held on Laying authority sends original signed SR to PRONI.


Record of Documents laid and presented

On production of record (laying or presented)

End of mandate

Business need

A record of the documents laid and presented is included in the Minutes of Proceeding and in Hansard Bound Volumes.


Petitions of concern (ABO/7) and Motions requiring 30 signatures (ABO5, ABO5A and ABO6 forms)

End of mandate


Corporate value

Permanent record on Assembly Information Management System (AIMS). Valid petitions included in the Official Report (Hansard) and the Hansard Bound Volumes.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Adjournment Debates; Motions and Amendments to Motions; Matters of the Day

On production of record (tabling)

End of session

Business need

Request and administration destroyed. Permanent record of tabled items held on AIMS.



Assembly questions

On production of record (tabling)

End of session

Business need

Request for oral, written, urgent oral questions, written answers and the administration of same.

There is a record of all questions in the Official Report (Hansard) and the Hansard Bound Volumes.

Permanent record of all Written questions held on AIMS.


Daily list of Questions; Daily list of Motions and amendments; Marshalled List of amendments to Motions; and Oral Questions list

On production

End of mandate

Business need

Lists produced in electronic form by the Business Office, published on the Assembly website and circulated by email.

Permanent record of tabled items held on AIMS.


Question time statistics

End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Held in spreadsheet.




Tabling authorisations

On production

End of mandate

Business need

Authorisations received on ABO1 form and record held on spreadsheet.



Bill Office

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action


Introduction to the Assembly


Corporate value

Copy provided to PRONI within 6 months of Royal Assent as routine business.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention


Introduction to the Assembly


Corporate value

The Bill Office will hold this record.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Proposal for Private Members Bill

End of mandate

6 years

Business need

All notes leading to the Bill including those cases that may not proceed to final stage.

PRONI Appraisal

Guidance for Departments and Members

When superseded


Corporate value

A record of all guidance retained by the Assembly.


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Office Procedures


When superseded

When superseded


A record of procedural decisions taken.





RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Guidance and Procedures

When superseded

When superseded

Business need



Contact Details


When superseded

When superseded

Business need



Meeting Papers

End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Includes Chair's brief - contained in part 2 of Committee pack.


Legislation - Primary

End of mandate

5 years

Business need

It should be noted that the Committee Report will contain all evidence and be held by the Assembly Library. Reports of formal clause-by-clause scrutiny are published in the relevant Official Report (Hansard) Bound Volume.


Legislation - Subordinate

End of mandate

End of mandate

Business need

Committee decisions will be held in meeting packs and in minutes. The Reports from the Examiner of Statutory Rules will also be in meeting packs and will be held separately. There will therefore be no business need for files to be held permanently.



Legislation - Consent Motion (LCM)

End of mandate

5 years

Business need

As above re. Primary and Subordinate Legislation - in addition Committees now produce a short report on LCMs. This will be in the Committee pack as well as on the website.



Agreed minutes of proceedings

End of mandate

20 Years

Business need

Minutes of proceedings are printed on cream paper and signed by the Chairperson.

PRONI Permanent Preservation


End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Papers relating to Committee visits including administrative matters, financial, travel, accommodation arrangements, visit packs, etc.




End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Papers relating to Committee events such as stakeholder conferences. All papers including administrative matters, financial matters, etc.




End of mandate

6 years

Business need

Communication of general information concerning the Committee not specific to an inquiry, investigation or policy.

PRONI Appraisal


End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Formal investigation into matters relevant to the Committee remit, including minutes of evidence for inquiries and relevant correspondence. As the Committee Report will contain all evidence and will be held by the Assembly Library, these papers may be destroyed. All evidence not printed in the report should also have been deposited in the Library.




End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Files relating to Committee reports, including Bill and inquiry reports. May be largely administrative in content such as drafts, as well as copies of Minutes of Proceedings, Minutes of Evidence, written submissions and other contents of the report. There will be large elements of duplication with other files. As the Committee Report will contain all evidence and be held by the Assembly Library, these papers may be destroyed. (All evidence not printed in the report should also have been deposited in the Library.)



Policy/Scrutiny of single-issue topics

End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Files relating to policy and scrutiny of a single-issue topic. There is likely to be substantial duplication as the policy is likely to originate from another organisation and many of the papers are likely to be in meeting packs.



Consultation documents

Committee stage of a Bill and other consultations

End of mandate

5 years

Business need



Budget scrutiny and Programme for Government (PfG)

End of mandate

6 years

Business need




End of session/mandate reports

End of mandate

5 years

Business need

A copy of the final agreed report should be held in the appropriate meeting pack and will also be on the website. Details of Members' attendance is not published within End of Session reports, but is available via a separate link on each Committee homepage.


Declaration of interests

End of session


Corporate value

Standards and Privileges hold this information centrally. Files held on this by Committees should be destroyed.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Specialist Advisers

(Paper relating to selection and appointment)

End of contract

6 years

Business need

Papers relating to selection and appointment of a specialist adviser, terms of reference, selection process, claim for payment, etc. Information may also be held by Procurement.

PRONI Appraisal

Chairpersons' Liaison Group


End of mandate

5 years

Business need




Meeting Administration


End of mandate

5 years

Business need



Standing Orders

When superseded


Corporate value

Includes associated work in drafting/amending the Standing Order.


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Inadmissible Complaints received from the Commissioner for Standards.

Once the Committee on Standards and Privileges is notified of the (final) decision of the Commissioner for Standards that the complaint is inadmissible

1 year

Business need

Inadmissible complaints are not investigated.

(the inadmissible statistics are noted in the Annual Report).


Admissible Complaints received from the Commissioner for Standards

End of mandate


5 years

Business need

The Commissioner's report is presented to the Committee, who publish redacted version on the Northern Ireland Assembly website.


Admissible Complaints: Supplementary material (not relied on to reach decisions) received from the Commissioner for Standards


On publication of the Committee's Report

1 year

Business need



Admissible Complaints received from the Commissioner for Standards: Papers relating to the Reports of the Committee on Standards and Privileges on admissible complaints

End of mandate

5 years

Business need




EU Affairs

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Brexit & Beyond newsletters

Publication date

5 Years

Business need

Published on the Northern Ireland Assembly website.


Assembly Commission EU Exit Working Group meeting papers

End of meeting

5 Years

Business need

Meets monthly.


Assembly Commission EU Exit Working Group meetings - minutes

On agreement of minutes

5 Years

Business need

Meets monthly.

PRONI Appraisal


Official Report (Hansard)

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Papers/ information relating to Committee inquiries

Completion of inquiry

Duration of inquiry

Business need



Papers/ information relating to Committee Stages of Bills

Bill progressing to Consideration Stage

Duration of Committee Stage

Business need



Paper/ information/Members' notes from plenary sessions

Publication of daily Hansard report

1 day

Business need





Papers/ information relating to Committee inquiries

Completion of inquiry

Duration of inquiry

Business need



Papers/ information relating to Committee Stages of Bills

Bill progressing to Consideration Stage

Duration of Committee Stage

Business need




Media Relations




Media Relations
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Press Briefings

Date of Briefing

End of mandate

Business need

Briefings will take place on a weekly basis.

PRONI Appraisal

Communications Plans

Date of event

End of mandate

Business need

Plans for significant events - e.g. visit of Prime Minister or US President.

PRONI Appraisal


Press Enquiries

End of session (once enquiry resolved)


Corporate value

The activities involved in managing the Assembly's communications with and through the media.

Records containing correspondence between the Assembly and the enquirer, details of who handled the request and how the request was resolved. Includes media lines. Held on press enquiries database.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Enquiry of long-term operational Value

End of session


Corporate value

Summaries of enquiry responses, anonymous data of long-term operational value.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Media cuttings including transcripts

End of Mandate

5 years

Business need

Activities involved in monitoring the media coverage of the Assembly.

Significant transcripts may be held and will be determined by Communications Officer. NOTE: Record of destruction not required for press cuttings.


Press releases

End of Mandate

5 years

Business need

The activity involved in managing the Assembly's communication with and through the media and includes Committee press releases, video news releases and media briefing papers.


Image Library: High Value Images

Date of picture being taken



Withdrawal of consent




Destroy /remove Data Subject Immediately



Business need

High value images of long-term value to the Assembly should be maintained for Assembly Commission Permanent Retention.


Images of people will have consent agreements preserved along with the photograph.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Image Library: Low Value Images

Date of picture being taken / Withdrawal of consent

5 years

Business need

All other low value or inconsequential images should be weeded regularly and destroyed.


Images of people will have consent agreements preserved along with the photograph.



Media contacts

When superseded

When superseded

Business need

Media Contacts database is continually updated and outdated contacts deleted.


Complaints database (with details of complainant)

When received by Communications Office

When Complaints Report (this is sent to the Assembly Commission on an annual basis) is uploaded to the Assembly Website

Business need

A summary document and the Complaints Report, will be uploaded to the website and retained. This document will contain anonymised details of the complaints received and the action taken.


Public enquiries (enquiries and responses)

When received by Communications

1 year

Business need

It is important the Assembly has a record of the enquiries and the responses sent to the general public for a period of time. This will allow the Assembly to demonstrate that it has responded appropriately to members of the public.



RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Recording of Committee Meetings

End of session


Corporate value


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Recordings of Parliamentary proceedings

On production of record


Corporate value

The full and authoritative audio-visual recording of proceedings in the Assembly and its Committees.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Recordings of events



End of session


Corporate value

Full audio-visual recordings of high value or significant events and visits will be retained.


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Recordings of events: low value or inconsequential



End of session

End of session

Corporate value

Low value or in consequential, routine recordings will be destroyed at the end of the session.



RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Internal Publications

On production

Until superseded or a maximum of 3 years

Business need

Includes Internal Staff magazine, etc.


Guidance documents, media guide, style guide, EIS Guidelines

When superseded

When superseded

Business need




Public Engagement

Parliamentary Outreach

Public Outreach


Education Service

Student Placements


Parliamentary Outreach
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Official visits and events

End of visit


5 years

Business need

Records consist of programmes, briefings and correspondence concerning visits by officials from the Assembly and visits to the Assembly.

PRONI Appraisal

Significant visitors and Parliamentary events

End of visit


Corporate value

These records will require a judgement from External Liaison Unit staff.

Visit programmes and visit reports concerning significant visits by the Clerk/Chief Executive should also be offered to PRONI.

Records programmes, briefings and correspondence concerning significant visits by officials from the Assembly and visits to the Assembly.

Significant visits to the Northern Ireland Assembly by political leaders, heads of state and global figures and high-profile parliamentary events hosted by the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention


End of session


Corporate value

Minutes of meetings including Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Meeting Administration

Date of meeting

2 years

Business need

Information necessary for the organisation of meetings and events.


Information Packs provided for visits and conferences

Date of meeting or conference

After meeting/ conference

Business need

Destroy hard copy packs.



Public Outreach
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Event organisation

End of event

5 years

Business need


Information gathered in planning and delivery of events.

Attendee lists as per security retention policy.


Enquiries/ information requests

End of calendar year

1 year

Business need

The activities involved in responding to requests for information concerning Outreach services.



Extract information required for monitoring purposes

1 month

Business need

Feedback form.


ACC hard copy registration forms

To register people on the ACC database

1 day

Business need




Feedback and event reports

5 years

Business need





RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Events (non-significant)

End of event

5 years

Business need

Records consisting of event plans, guest lists, and briefs. (Excludes significant visitors and Parliamentary events listed under "Official Visits and Events").


Event administration

End of event

1 year

Business need

Event planning records including proformas, programmes, and emails pertaining to the event.


Declined events

End of mandate

1 year

Business need

Documentation supporting decisions.



From the end of the exhibition

1 year

Business need

The activities involved in organising exhibitions held by the Assembly.


Guest details

Date of the event

1 day

Business need

Guest names and vehicle details.


Event/Tour feedback form

Receipt of feedback

2 weeks

Business need

Information gathered for monitoring purposes only.


Sponsorship form (Electronic)

Date of issue to sponsor

5 years

Business need

This includes title, brief description of the event, sponsor's name and date of approval.


Room booking application

Date of booking

1 year

Business need

This includes title, brief description of the event, and name of primary sponsor.



Education Service
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Event Organisation

End of event

5 years

Business need

Information gathered in planning and delivery of events.




10 years

Business need

Information used to communicate with stakeholders.


Resource Development

Completion of resource

5 years

Business need

Information gathered in the process of developing Education Service resources.


Services Enquiries

End of year

1 year

Business need

Requests concerning Education Service activities.


Placement Students

End of placement

1 month

Business need

Student details



Project participation details

End of project

1 year

Business need

Participant details.



Meeting date

5 years

Business need


Minutes, action points.


Procurement information

Delivery of products

6 years

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Information pertaining to the purchase of products or hire of services.


Indemnity Forms

Date of event


The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

e.g. Photographic consent.




End of mandate

5 years

Business need

Project reports,

Annual reports.



Student Placements
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Work Experience Student Placements

On completion of placement

1 month

Business need

Student details and correspondence regarding placement.


Work experience application forms

End of placement

Retain until the end of the academic year

Business need

If applicants do not accept placement offer the application form will be destroyed following confirmation from applicant.


Indemnity forms

On receipt

3 years

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Retained for insurance purposes.


Work experience feedback questionnaire

On receipt

1 year

Business need

No personal details held. Forms retained for monitoring of the work experience programme only.



Information Systems

IT Systems Management and Development

IT Systems User Support

Assembly Commission Staff Request Forms

Data Management

ICT Projects



IT Systems management and development
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Third Party Systems (Operational documentation)


Last action

5 years

Business need



In-house applications


On production of record

Lifetime of application

Business need





Lifetime of application

1 year

Business need



Operations Logs

Closed daily

6 months

Business need

Log of activity on the network, including Internet and email, log on and log off details.


Records of the operational management of IT systems

Decommission of system

1 year

Business need

Includes change controls, requests for change, modifications and maintenance of the IT system.


New IT account requests

Completion of account creation


2 years

Business need



Tracking Logs

On production of log


1 year

Business need



Software development

On receipt of record


Corporate value

Software lifecycle documentation.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Records of the routine testing and monitoring of the operation of IT systems, and action taken to rectify problems and optimise performance


Used on rolling year basis


1 year

Business need

Systems log


Records of software licences for live IT systems


End of licence

5 years

Business need




IT Systems User Support
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Records of faults reported by users of IT systems and action taken to investigate and resolve faults

(help desk transaction records)

Lifetime of equipment used

1 year




Business need

The activities involved in handling fault reports from IT users, and the action taken to resolve reported faults and includes retrieval of information requests.


Records requesting Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) access


When superseded

3 months


Business need

Requests for BYOD access must be re-authorised on an annual basis.


Assembly Commission Staff Accounts


On creation of account

When superseded

Business need



Party Support Accounts

Disable pending review at end of mandate

End of mandate

Business need

At the end of a mandate all Party Support accounts are disabled. The party whip reviews this information following election and advises accounts to be reactivated.



Assembly Commission Staff Request Forms

Includes access authorisation

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Requests for access to sensitive information

On receipt of request form

Lifetime of application

Business need

E.g. CINTRA system etc.



Routine request forms


2 years

Business need

Information not of a sensitive nature - this could be confirmed by authoriser.


Members'/Party Support Requests


End of mandate

2 years

Business need




Data Management

Back-up tapes

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Daily back-up tapes


End of current day

1 week

Business need

Tapes are overwritten when reused.



Weekly back-up tapes


End of current week

1 month

Business need

Tapes are overwritten when reused.



Monthly back-up tapes

End of current month

6 months

Business need

Tapes are overwritten when reused.



Operation of data back up and archiving routines

From date of record

1 year

Business need


Recorded daily.


Email tracking/monitoring log

On production of log / or closure of investigation

1 year


Business need / Information Assurance Policy

In the event of an investigation within the Assembly Commission in regards to e.g. unauthorised disclosure, email tracking /monitoring log should NOT be disposed until the investigation or inquiry is complete.


Contract Management

End of contract

5 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

The activities involved in recording the performance of contractors throughout the lifetime of the contract. Additional contract information held by the Contract Manager i.e. copy contracts etc. should be destroyed at the end of the contract. The Procurement Office is responsible for maintaining original contract records for over £30k contracts.

See Procurement for further information regarding Contract Management



ICT Projects
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Project Documentation (PIDs, briefs, plans, framework documents etc.)

Close on project completion

Greater of 5 years or 1-year past life of system

Business need

Includes installation and testing, specifications.




RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Record of Loss/Disposal


Loss/disposal of item

6 years

Business need



Assembly Information Management System (AIMS) System

On production of record


Corporate value

Information on MLAs, procedural business of the Assembly; lists of Members' parliamentary or constituency office contact details based on name, party, constituency or Committee; Register of Interests for Members; All Plenary Business from 1998; Plenary Business can be reported on through 14 reports, i.e. Division Voting by Party/Member, Plenary Business tabled by Party/Member, Motions tabled, Adjournment Debates etc.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention




Corporate Services

Financial Management

Asset Management


Statutory Accounting


Members' Financial Services

Payroll/Pension Administration for Assembly Commission Staff

Members' Payroll Administration

Members Pension Administration

Members' Support Staff, and Party Support Staff


Public Appointments


Assembly Commission Services to the Trustees

We have a legal obligation to ensure that any salary, pensions and allowances are regulated, paid and administered in accordance with the provisions in The Assembly Members (Salaries and Expenses) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2016 (as amended) and as provided in The Assembly Members (Pensions) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2016. The Determinations were made under Assembly Members (Independent Financial Review and Standards) Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.

We will process your personal information to fulfil our legal obligations under any present or future legislation or regulation, such as, in relation to Companies Act 2006, Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and National Fraud Initiative (NFI), where have a legal obligation under Audit and Accountability (NI) Order 2003, articles 4A to 4H, to take part in the exercise.

Note: As outlined in section 4, the retention period is only applied when the files have been formally closed, typically this occurs after the Annual Report and Accounts have been signed off.


Asset Management
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Fixed Asset Records



End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Records documenting the value of the Assembly capital assets.


Including invoices and Disposal Logs.






(event that prompts start of retention period)

Retention Period

Legislation/ Reason


Final Action

Records/Schedules - for preparation of budget


End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Includes electronic records kept on 'S' and 'O' drives.


Actual v budget reports, monthly expenditure reports, variance analysis


End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Electronic records on 'O' drive.


DoF budget returns


End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Central Expenditure Division (CED) monitoring



Statutory Accounting
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Final copy of accounts



On approval of accounts


Corporate value


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Accounting schedules and working papers

Post year end approval of accounts

6 years

Business need

Includes interim and year-end audit files including recs and necessary journals. Personal information to be deleted if papers are kept.


Review to consider extension for extraordinary years.


DoF Financial Returns

End of financial year


6 years

Business need



Statutory monitoring returns (for example National Fraud Initiative, National Statistics return)

On completion of return

2 years

Business need

Information held electronically. Base forms held to resolve any queries at the time of return completion or data match queries relating to National Fraud Initiative (NFI).




RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Gifts and Hospitality records

End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Details of official engagements both attended and declined by the Assembly Commission staff - held centrally by Finance Office.


Monthly Accounts

End of financial years

6 years

Business need

Information kept on 'S' drive and includes balance sheet reconciliations and working paper.



End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Hard copy destroyed however electronic journals can continue to be run but should not contain personal information

Including bank lodgements, chaps recodes 'GJ', 'CFER' and 'GJACC'.


Banking Records


End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Hard copy BACS, reports, bank statements destroyed. R drive statements can be destroyed too, however vision report can be run indefinitely on K ledger to re-create information.


Suspense Account Records

End of financial year

6 years

Business need



Creditor Payment Statistics

Signing of annual accounts

1 year

Business need



VAT Returns

End of financial year

6 years

Business need



PECOS new users/ set ups

End of financial year


6 years

Business need



Pay Run Reports



End of financial year

6 years

Business need

BACS payments including payroll, PECOS uploads and cheque payments.


Creditors payments -

Invoices and credit notes (Inc. PECOS & AP1's)

End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Hard copies destroyed. Electronic record will remain on PECOS.


Creditor (supplier) set ups

Final Payment

7 years

Business need

Hard copies are not kept. Annual exercise to destroy electronic copies of creditors that have not been paid in 7 years. Supplier accounts will be closed in SUN.


Assembly Commission staff expense claims

End of financial year

6 years

Business need



Assembly Commission staff travel claims


End of financial year

6 years

Business need



T&S - Car insurance documents

On receipt of record

1 year


Business need



Bank reconciliations



End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Hard and soft copies destroyed.


Reconciliation of Salaries

End of financial year

6 years

Business need



Electronic Procurement card travel journal and backup

End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Documents relating to procurement card journal maintained by travel section.


Procurement card statements and transaction reports


End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Includes documents relating to procurement card journal maintained by Travel section as well as Bookkeeping section.


Procurement card Application Forms

Withdrawal of Procurement card

3 months

Business need




Members' Financial Services
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Members' Constituency Office Expenditure Forms


End of financial year

Later of 6 years or 1 complete mandate

Business need

Approval to destroy must be sought from AG4.

Papers include COOE form, Establishment form, Declined payment expenses, Recall expense, Disability expenses form PIID forms. Electronic and paper copies.


Declaration forms

End of financial year

6 years /1 complete mandate

Business need

Papers include declaration of compliance, declaration of winding up, signature verification form, sharing accommodation form and ATA records. Electronic and paper copies.


Party Allowance Claim Forms


End of financial year

6 years / 1 complete mandate

Business need



Whips Allowance Claim Forms

End of financial year

6 years / 1 complete mandate

Business need



Constituency Office Rent agreements


On vacation of premises

6 years / 1 complete mandate


Business need

Includes copy of lease, rental declaration and signage evidence.

Paper and electronic copies.



Details of salary payments, commitments and reconciliation (Members staff and Party staff)

On approval/ completion of audit

1 year

Business need

Electronic location S drive/ members/ salary information section: Commitment calculations, salary spreadsheets, associated backup and payroll uploads.


Travel Details



When MLA ceases to be an MLA or moves address

6 years /1 complete mandate

Business need

New Determination has made MMA1 forms and associated mileage claims redundant however they are still maintained until the end of this mandate.


Contact details (MLA contact details i.e. constituency office addresses, home address, phone numbers etc.)


End of financial year following receipt of MF15 (Declaration of Completion of Winding Up) or Member moves address

1 Year

Business need

Telephone details maintained - necessary for authorisation of telephone bills. Electronic location 'S' drive/members/information spreadsheets & Members folders. Paper and electronic copies.

Maintain until completion of audit.


Car Insurance documents

On receipt of record

End of financial year if certificate has expired in that year.

Business need

Insurance documents.



Payroll/Pension Administration for Assembly Commission Staff
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Bank details - current

End of Financial year following termination of employment

6 years after leaving

Business need

iTrent maintains only current bank details and can be changed online by staff. Hardcopy kept in payroll file - provided by HR as part of recruitment process.


Month end payroll audit file

End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Include month end reports and salary information (also includes electronic files (F and S Drives).


Payroll documents

End of financial year following leaving date

6 years

Business need

Excess hours and overtime claims (including insurance document). Overpayment documentation.

Electronic calculations maintained on S Drive. Communications, payroll input calculations, receipts, etc. maintained in payroll file.

Underpayment documentation (for example of pension contributions, annual leave). Include details of loan repayment.

Travel (taxi payments). Work to home approval form, business case, receipt.

Third party claims. Payroll calculations; copy cheque; communications. Voluntary deductions.

Earnings assessment, invoices, correspondence, payment confirmation and any other related information.

Child care vouchers information.

Cycle to work - includes hire agreement and invoices.

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) forms. SSP1 and trigger communications.

Passport/Birth certificate (cease National Insurance).

Instruction to pay (HR) for deputising/temporary promotion, substitution allowance and/or overtime excess travel related claim.

Claim form and includes TOIL (time off in lieu).


Payroll history

End of employment

Until data subject is aged 76 or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)


Business need/ Pension Administration

Includes: record of pay, performance pay, overtime pay, allowances, pay enhancements, other taxable allowances, payment for untaken leave, reduced pay, maternity/paternity/adoption/parental pay, unpaid leave periods, occupational sick pay periods (full, half and off pay), Pension Rate of Pay, pension contributions including Added Years, AVCs and Added Pension.

Only summary information held.


Death certificates

End of Financial year following receipt

6 years


Business need

Return original to provider, copy sent to CSP and copy retained.



Decree absolutes

End of Employment

6 years

Business need

Return original to individual, copy sent CSP and copy retained.


Marriage certificates and documentation relating to civil registration

End of Employment

6 years

Business need


Return original to individual, copy sent to CSP and copy retained.



Underpayment of pension contributions documentation

After payment of write-off

6 years

Business need



Personal payroll history

On production of record

Until data subject is aged 76 or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)


Pensions administration/ Business need

Includes: record of pay, performance pay, overtime pay, allowances, pay enhancements, other taxable allowances, payment for untaken leave, reduced pay, maternity/paternity/adoption/parental pay, unpaid leave periods, Occupational sick pay periods (full, half & off pay), Pension Rate of Pay, pension contributions including Added Years, AVCs, Added Pension and EPA.

Only summary information held.


Monthly transfer of pension contributions to CSP and AVC/partnership providers

On production

6 years

Pensions administration/ Business need

AP1s, contribution schedules, payment templates.


Hartlink CSP Interface (Penserver) monthly files

On production

6 years

Pensions administration/ Business need

Penserver files for each month, CSP feedback.



Members' Payroll Administration
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Bank details - current

End of financial year following leaving date

6 years after leaving

Business need

Current bank details maintained in iTrent and in electronic (S Drive - Members section) and hard copy on Members payroll file.


Payroll documents

End of financial year following leaving date

6 years or 1 complete mandate (whichever is later)

Business need

Unpaid leave periods

Overpayment/underpayment documentation (Includes calculation sheets and letters).

Passport/Birth certificate (cease National Insurance).

Resignation, retirement (includes resettlement calculation sheets, documentation and evidence, if applicable).

Travel allowances, payment and deductions.

Details of additional voluntary contributions. This information will be held by the AVC provider.


All payroll records for Members can be destroyed apart from any documents relating to break in service record. When Member leaves this data should be passed to Pensions file to form part of the Members deferred paper file.


Month end payroll audit file

End of financial year

6 years

Business need

Include month end reports and salary information (also includes electronic files ('F' and 'S' Drives)).


Payroll history

End of Employment

Until data subject is aged 76, or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)


Business need, Pension Administration

Includes: record of pay, allowances, office holders' payment, other taxable payments, reduced pay, no pay, pension contribution history. Summary information held only.


Pension awards

End of employment

Until data subject is aged 76, or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

Pensions administration. Business need

Pension awards records maintained in Payroll and Pensions.


Members details for Assembly Members' Pension Fund Accounts purpose

End of financial year

Until data subject is aged 76, or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

Pensions administration, Business need

Includes: Full name, National insurance, payroll number, activity number, pensionable pay, contributions paid, communication letters, refund calculations, confirmation of refund payment to HMRC and former member, Members pension options choice (necessary for accounting recognition only) amount of lump sum, transfers in and out.


Medical Reports

End of financial year following final payment

6 years

Business need

Includes specialist reports, associated internal paperwork and payroll instruction.



Members' Pension Administration
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Bank details - current

End of Membership

6 years

Business need



Death in Service Benefit Nomination and Revocation Forms

End of Employment or superseded

6 years


Business need



Death certificates

Expiration of Pension Liability

6 years

Business need

Return original to provider, copy to be retained.



Decree absolutes

Expiry of Pension Liability

6 years

Business need

Return original to individual, copy to be retained.


Marriage certificates and documentation relating to civil registration

Expiration of Pension Liability

6 years

Business need

Return original to individual, copy to be retained.


Partner Declaration Forms

Expiration of Pension Liability

6 years

Business need



Payroll history

On production or receipt of record

Until data subject is aged 76, or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

Pensions administration, business need

Includes: record of pay, office holder pay, reduced pay, no pay, pension contribution history.


Pension awards

Expiration of Pension Liability

6 years

Pensions administration, business need

Pension application forms, pension award letters, commutation forms, new pension notifications, AVC paperwork (if appropriate).


Medical Reports

Date of report

6 years

Business need

GP reports, Specialist reports, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) reports.


Transfers In

Commencement of pension payments

6 years

Business need

Transfer in application and paperwork from previous scheme; signed confirmation of transfer and final amount of transfer; service credit letter.


Transfers Out

On production or receipt of record

Until data subject is aged 76 or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

Business need

Transfer out application, signed paperwork from receiving scheme, signed confirmation of transfer and details of payment to receiving scheme.


Pension Increase Letters/Data Cleanse forms

On production or receipt of record

Until superseded

Pension administration, Business need



Refund of Contributions

On production/ receipt of record

Until data subject is aged 76 or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

Pension administration, business need

Service and contribution summary, refund calculation, signed paperwork and confirmation of payment to former member and HMRC.


Dependents Pensions

Expiration of Pension Liability Former Member

6 years

Pension administration, Business need

Spouse and child pension application form, copy of spouse/ child birth certificate, copy of marriage certificate/civil partnership certificate/partner declaration form (if appropriate).


Members' details for pension purposes


Commencement of pension payments

6 years

Pension administration, Business need

Full name and date of birth;

National Insurance number;

Pensionable pay at leaving;

Reckonable service for pension purposes (and actual service where this is different, together with reasons for the difference);

Last day of service and reason for leaving;

Amount and date of any Contributions;

Equivalent Premium paid - amount of any lump sum gratuity paid, Pension Sharing Orders;

All other papers relating to pension not listed above (e.g. break in service payroll records, papers about pension of other employment; papers about other dependant's pensions; and

Correspondence with pension administrators, or the individual and his/her representatives about pension matters.


Annual Benefit Statements/Annual Allowance Statements

On production

Until superseded

Business need



Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC)

Commencement on pension payments

6 years

Pension administration, business need

AVC annual statement.



Members' Support Staff and Party Support Staff
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Written particulars of employment


End of financial year following leaving date

6 years or 1 complete mandate (whichever is later)

Business need

Contracts of employment; name, date of birth, National Insurance number, address, e-mail, pay and employer and employee pension contributions. Changes to terms and conditions.

Where a Member is still serving, seek confirmation from Member in relation to destroying documents.


Personal payroll history

End of employment

Until data subject is aged 76, or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

Business need

Includes: record of pay, performance pay, overtime pay, allowances, pay enhancements, other taxable allowances, payment for untaken leave, reduced pay, no pay, maternity pay and other maternity pay. Summary information held on iTrent only.


Breakdown of payment to Pension company

On production

6 years

Pensions administration, Business need

Held for balance sheet record purposes: includes employer and employee contribution.


Month end payroll audit file

End of financial period

6 years

Business need

Include month end reports and salary information (also includes electronic files ('F' and 'S' Drives)).


Unpaid leave periods

End of Employment

Until data subject is aged 76, or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

Business need

Breaks in service maintained for pension purposes.

Hard copy only. iTrent record maintained and covered in 'Written particulars of employment'.


Payroll documentation

End of financial year following leaving date

6 years /1 complete mandate (whichever is later)

Business need

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) forms; Passport/Birth certificate (cease National Insurance); Bonus nominations (Party/Whips staff only); Payroll input forms (hard copy on payroll file and electronic in 'S' Drive); Redundancy details (Includes: calculations of payments, refunds, notification.); Resignation or termination; Overpayment/underpayment documentation (Payroll calculations, receipts and communications); Statutory sickness/maternity and other maternity pay documents; Instruction from Members (as the employer) regarding leave and attendance of staff (including dates of sick absence); Papers relating to third party claim; Bank details - current; Variation of hours (Calculation sheets for individual/ timesheets and authorisation); recruitment documentation (declaration of compliance on recruitment, job description and job advert).



RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Travel authorisation forms


On completion of audit

2 years

Business need

For Assembly Commission staff and Members.


Personal travel documents


Commencement of travel

Completion of travel

Business need

For example, copy of passport.


Travel supporting documentation

On completion of audit

2 years

Business need

For Members' and Assembly Commission staff, includes business justification.



Public Appointments
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Payroll Details

End of appointment

6 years

Business need

Includes contract of employment and details of terms and conditions for pay calculation and expense payments.



RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Insurance claim

Date case is closed

6 years

Business need

Includes all case notes.



Insurance documents

End of financial year


6 years

Business need

Includes annual renewal documents etc.


Assembly Commission Services to the Trustees of the Northern Ireland Assembly Members Pensions Scheme (NIAMPS)
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Trustee Meetings

On production

20 Years


Business need

Meeting packs, chairs brief, agreed minutes.


Discontinued Function



Valuation Reports

On production

20 Years

Business need

Final Triennial Valuation reports

Scheme Actuarial Factors


Discontinued Function



Annual Report and Accounts

On production

20 Years

Business need

Final Report and Accounts

Final NIAO Audit Report


Discontinued Function

PRONI Permanent Preservation

Statement of Investment Principles

On production

20 Years

Business need

Final SIP

Final Investment Strategy


Discontinued Function




Human Resources


Job Evaluation

Personnel Files

Sick Absence / Health

Staff Performance, appraisal and development


Grievance and Dignity at Work


HR Policy

Training and Development

Employee Relations

Equality and Good Relations



The activities involved in identifying the workforce competencies and numbers required to implement the Northern Ireland Assembly's strategic plan and determining how to meet these requirements.

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Assessment and analysis of workforce requirements

End of calendar year

3 years

Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Order 1998, gender pay gap (Employment (NI) Act 2016.

Activities include analysing and reporting on the size, composition, structure and competencies of the Assembly's workforce.


HR section of Members' handbook

On production of the handbook


Corporate value


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention


Job Evaluation
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Pay and grading

When superseded

6 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989.

Activities include developing role descriptions and conducting role evaluations to assign roles to grades in a salary structure.



Personnel files
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action 

Written particulars of employment


On production

Until data subject is aged 76, or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

Business need, Pension administration, litigation. Statutory Sick Pay (General) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982 requires records to be kept for 3 years

Contracts of employment. Names, date of birth, national insurance number, service and grade.

Changes to terms and conditions, includes application forms, variation of hours, recruitment and selection documents, promotion/deputising and/or substitution documentation, interchange agreements, resignation, retirement or termination letter including redundancy or VES.


Current address details

End of Employment

6 years

Business need



Special leave


After last action

3 years


Business need



Voluntary Exit Scheme

After last action

6 years

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Scheme documents, calculations, selection process, applicant information, selected/not selected letters.



End of employment

6 years

Business need



Working Time Directive opt-out forms

After opt-out has rescinded or has ceased to apply

3 years

Pension administration, litigation. Statutory Sick Pay Regulations 1982



Records required for pension purposes

End of employment

Until data subject is aged 76 or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

CIPD recommendation, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

To include grade, salary, hours of work, pay history including bonuses and allowances, periods of absence which affect pay e.g. maternity, career break and sick absence.


Acknowledgement of receipt of Dignity at Work, Equal Opportunities and Social Media Policies

End of employment

6 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989



Signed Duty of Confidentiality form


End of employment

1 year

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989



Sick Absence/ Health
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Sick Absence

After last action on absence or related management intervention

4 years

Business need, Statutory Sick Pay Regulations 1982

Medical/Self Certificates. Return to work interviews


Sick absence record

End of employment

6 years, if loss of pay keep record until employees 100th birthday for pension purposes

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989, Art 13 of the Statutory Sick Pay (General) Regulations (NI) 1982 requires records retained for 3 years if employee sick for 4 or more consecutive days in a tax year. Sick/Statutory Sick Pay Regulations 1982

Dates and reason for absence, Includes periods of phased return.


Adjustment to work place

End of employment

6 years

Management of Health and Safety at Work (NI) Regulations 2000

OHS reports, other medical advice, details of adjustment.


The order requires employer to keep records of assessment of risks to health and safety of employees. The assessment needs to be reviewed.


Health referrals, including medical reports from doctors and consultants, correspondence with Occupational Health

After last action or related management intervention

6 years

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

OHS referrals and reports. Addiction NI referrals and reports


Welfare Papers

After last action on absence or related management intervention

6 years

Business need

Welfare reports, stress questionnaires.


Papers relating to injury on duty

End of employment


6 years after leaving

If injury involved hazardous substance/asbestos/lead retain for 40 years.

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Includes medical certificates in relation to injury on duty.


Application for temporary access to Upper Car park on medical grounds

End of period of access

6 months

Business need



Employee exposure to Lead

Date of last entry

40 years

Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002


Includes potential exposure.


Employee exposure to Asbestos


Date of last entry

40 years

Control of Asbestos (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2012

Includes potential exposure.


Compressed Air


Date of last entry

40 years

Work in Compressed Air (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2004




After last entry

50 years

Ionising Radiation Regulations 2006




Staff Performance, Appraisal and Development
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Annual/ Performance Review reports

After end of reporting period

3 years

Business need

Including Record of Performance Conversation held online.


Performance review reports where performance did not meet expectations

End of employment

Until pension goes into payment

Business need

Impact on pay progression.


Personal Performance Agreement

After end of reporting year

3 years

Business need




RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Papers which detail any change to terms and conditions of service, salary, performance pay or allowances arising from a disciplinary penalty.

After last action

Until data subject is aged 76, or 6 years after leaving (whichever is later)

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989



Other disciplinary files where action did not result in any change to terms and conditions of service, salary, performance pay or allowances

End of live disciplinary period

As per Disciplinary Policy.

Business need

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989



Capability papers



After last action

As per Capability Policy.

Business need




Grievance and Dignity at Work
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Case files (correspondence, minutes, etc.)


Closure of case

6 years

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Includes tribunal papers.


Mediation Notes

On production

End of mediation process

Business need

Notes are generally not taken during mediation. However, if notes are required a copy will be provided to all parties. All notes will be destroyed at the end of the mediation process.

Notes are not held by HR.



RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotes Final Action

Recruitment authorisation


Closure of merit list

1 year

Business need



Vacancy advertisement and enquiries

Closure of merit list

1 year

Fair Employment Code of Practice, business need

Includes request for application forms and interest circulars.


Recruitment documentation for non-appointed applicants.

Closure of merit list

1 year

Business need

Fair Employment Code of Practice

Includes e-mail addresses used to set up online account.


Health Declaration

End of employment

6 years

Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

Includes referrals to OHS for medical.


Public Appointments for appointees

End of appointment

1 year

Business need

IFRP, ACARC, NIPSO, Commissioner for Standards.



Public Appointments -



End of merit list

1 year

Business need

IFRP; ACARC, appointments of Members.


Inward secondments



End of secondment

1 year

Business need


Includes signed secondment.


Agency Workers

End of placement

1 year

Business need

Name and invoices from Agency.



Interchange applications

Closing date for applications

1 year

Business need




HR Policy
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action


When superseded


6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989




When superseded

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989




RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Equal opportunities (monitoring forms)

Completion of annual return

4 years


Information held electronically. Base forms held to resolve any queries at time of return completion.




Learning and Development

The activities involved in providing training and development for Assembly Commission staff.

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Development of training and development programmes including induction

When superseded

1 year

Business need

Includes, training material, training administration.


Training record including proof of completion (certificates, awards, exam results, etc.)


On completion

6 years after leaving

Business need- multiple statutes require employer to train employees on different areas, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Includes support through Further Education.




Training feedback

Completion of analysis of feedback

1 year

Business need



Analysis of the impact of training and development programmes


On completion of relevant annual training report

1 year

Business need




Employee Relations
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Trade Union agreements

End of period to which agreement applies

1 year

Business need

Joint agreement e.g. working arrangements.


Trade Union Meetings

End of financial year

3 years

Business need

Agenda, minutes, papers.


Pay and conditions

When superseded

6 years

Business need

Documents detailing negotiation with Trade Union regarding pay and conditions. This includes policy issues.



Equality and Good Relations
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Action Plans - (including working papers, SMT/Commission papers, approved final plan, etc.)

When superseded.


6 years

Business need


Relevant legislation, policies, guidance: s75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998; Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995; Assembly Commission Equality Scheme.

For example, the Disability Action Plan, the Gender Action Plan and the Good Relations Action Plan.

Final action plans are published on the website.

A separate file is to be created for

public consultations on these action plans - see 'consultations' below.


PRONI Appraisal

Annual Reports to the Equality Commission


When superseded

6 years

Business need


Published on Assembly website.

PRONI Appraisal

Audit of Inequalities

When superseded

6 years

Business need


The retention period for a review of the Audit of Inequalities will be the same - i.e. standard retention period of 6 years once review is superseded.

Audits and reviews are published on Assembly website.

PRONI Appraisal

Complaints received under the equality scheme's complaints procedure (section 75 complaints)

When response issued by Equality and Good Relations Unit

3 years



Business need


A file copy may be kept electronically for longer than 3 years but all personal data must be redacted from this copy. Other business areas holding personal information relating to the complaint are responsible for disposal of their records.

Relevant legislation, policies, guidance: s75 Northern Ireland Act 1998; Assembly Commission Equality Scheme.


Complaints/comments received in relation to policy screening, and general equality queries and comments


When response issued by Equality and Good Relations Unit

3 years

(A file copy may be kept electronically for longer than a year but all personal data must be deleted/redacted from this copy. Other business areas holding personal information relating to the complaint are responsible for disposal of their records)

S75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998

Although business areas are responsible for the policy screening, the Equality and Good Relations Unit will hold information relating to comments/complaints on screening. Responses to comments/complaints may include reference to several different policies if, for example, they are comments arising from a quarterly screening return.



Consultations (public and staff)

When superseded

6 years

s75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998

For example, consultations on language policy, Good Relations Action Plans, Disability Action Plans, EQIA. Files to be marked restricted.


Disability Action Plan - five-year review

When superseded


6 years

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995

Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998

Five-year review will be published on Assembly website.


Disability Working Group - minutes and agendas

End of mandate

3 years

Business need

Minutes and membership are published on the Assembly website.

(Minutes and agenda held electronically. No registered file required.)


Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs)

Publication of report on results of EQIA


6 years

S75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998

Equality Commission for Northern Ireland Guide for Public Authorities on S75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998

For example, Flag EQIA. Information relating to EQIAs conducted by other business areas to be retained by relevant business area for 6 years.


Stage 7 of the EQIA process is monitoring for adverse impact. Monitoring will include review of progress with regard to any mitigating measures recommended in the EQIA report. Monitoring updates will be included in Annual Reports to the Equality Commission, which have a separate retention period.


Equality Scheme

When superseded


6 years

s75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998

Equality Commission determine how often the Equality Scheme is reviewed.



Policy development

When policy is superseded, or, if policy is not renewed, end of mandate

6 years

Business need



Procurement (for equality projects)

e.g. procurement of translation services, consultants to facilitate EQIAs

Award of contract

Until end of successive contract and in any case no less than 6 years from trigger

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Relevant legislation, policies, guidance: Assembly Procurement Office guidance and procedures.


Screening forms of policies owned by the Equality and Good Relations Unit


When policy is superseded

6 years

s75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998

Policy screening documents are to be retained for 6 years.

The Equality Unit publishes the screening forms on the Assembly website on a quarterly basis as required by the Equality Commission.



Management, Policy and Planning


Strategic and Business Planning

Business Performance Management

Policy and Procedure

Organisation Development

Business Continuity

Risk Management

Project Governance


RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Final Internal Audit Reports

Final consideration by Assembly Commission Audit and Risk Committee (ACARC)

6 years

Business need

'Secretariat Audit and Risk Committee (SARC)' prior to October 2022.




Report papers used in the course of a fraud investigation

Completion of legal proceedings

7 years

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

An investigation is a piece of internal audit work which falls outside regular planned internal audit work. Audit report papers used in the course of a fraud investigation should be kept 6 years after legal proceedings have been completed.



Other Audit Reports

Final consideration by Assembly Commission Audit and Risk Committee (ACARC)

5 years

Business need

'Secretariat Audit and Risk Committee (SARC)' prior to October 2022.


Terms of reference


Completion of audit

3 years

Business need






Last date of plan

1 year

Business need



Minutes of meetings and related papers including those of Assembly Commission Audit and Risk Committee

End of parliamentary year

3 years

Business need




End of Parliamentary year

3 years

Business need



Working papers

Completion of audit

3 years

Business need



Internal audit guides


When superseded

1 year

Business need



Local auditing standards

When superseded

1 year

Business need



Manuals and guides relating to Departmental procedures


When superseded


1 year

Business need



Annual Report to Accounting Officers


On creation of record

3 years

Business need




Strategic and Business Planning

The activities involved in developing the Assembly Commission's strategic plans.

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Strategic and Business Planning

- key records

When superseded

5 years

Business need

Strategic and Business Planning - key records.


Strategic and Business Planning

- working papers

Publication of plan

6 years

Business need

Strategic Planning

- working papers.


Corporate Plan

Financial year end

20 Years

Corporate value


PRONI Permanent Preservation

Corporate Plan

- working papers

Publication of plan


6 years

Business need




Business Performance Management

The activities involved in monitoring the Assembly Commission's key performance indicators, benchmarking and monitoring performance against strategic plans. Activities include developing performance.

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Reports on Assembly Commission performance

On production of final report

10 years

Business need

Includes Clerk's monthly report to the Assembly Commission.



Data and analysis of performance

On production of final report

10 years

Business need

Data on, and analysis of, the Assembly Commission's performance against the strategic plan.



Monitoring statistics and reports

End of financial year

5 years

Business need

Internal monitoring of performance. Includes exception reports.



Assembly Commission Annual Report: Circulated copy


On production of final approved report

20 Years

Business need

PRONI currently on circulation list.

PRONI Permanent Preservation

Assembly Commission Annual Report: Original


On production of final approved report


Business need


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Background papers of annual report


On production of final approved report

3 years

Business need




Policy and Procedures
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Corporate Policy and Procedures


When superseded

5 years


Business need

The activities involved in developing and establishing strategic or high-level policies and procedures. Includes drafts documenting significant changes. Includes Equality, Freedom of Information; records management; data protection; procurement; finance; HR; Health and Safety, etc.



When superseded

6 years

Business need

Activities involved in developing and establishing office or low-level policies and procedures.


Working papers (development)

Approval of policy procedure

2 years

Business need



Consultation documents


End of mandate

5 years

Business need




Organisational Development
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action


Charts, correspondence regarding restructuring

When superseded

6 years

Business need



Survey Information

When superseded

5 years

Business need

Information regarding Members' and staff surveys. Includes survey report, action plan, monitoring reports and meeting papers.



Business Continuity
 RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Business Continuity Plans and related documentation.

When superseded

6 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Business Continuity plans for the crisis management team, emergency response team and decision report team including the introduction document.

Records documenting the formulation, testing and maintenance of the business continuity plans.


Business continuity reports on exercises or incidents

End of exercise or incidents

6 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Records documenting responses and experiences from business continuity exercises and incidents.



Risk Management
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Corporate Risk Register

When superseded


Corporate value


The activities involved in managing risks to the viability or success of the Assembly Commission. NB this is held as part of Assembly Commission Audit and Risk Committee papers which are subject to Assembly Commission Permanent Retention.


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Directorate Risk Registers

When superseded

6 years

Business need

The activities involved in managing risks to the success of each Directorate.



Assurance Statements in relation to Corporate Risk Register

When superseded

5 years

Business need



Assembly Commission Audit and Risk Committee Meetings


On approval


Corporate value

Includes agenda, minutes and papers submitted.


Assembly Commission

Permanent Retention

Assembly Commission Audit and Risk Committee (ACARC) Annual Report

On approval


Corporate value


Assembly Commission

Permanent Retention


Project Governance Corporate

Records documenting the design of projects and preparation of formal proposals

RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Approved projects

Completion of project

10 years

Business need



Rejected or deferred projects

Completion of project/project proposal

6 years

Business need



Business Case (Project Initiation Documents (PID) and supporting documentation): Minor Projects

Completion of project

5 years

Business need

The justification for undertaking a project, defining the benefits which the project is expected to deliver and the constraints within which the project is required to operate.


Business Case (Project Initiation Documents (PID) and supporting documentation): Major Projects

Completion of project

25 years

Business need

Records relating to major projects may be kept for second review (25 years).


Records documenting the management of projects

Completion of project

10 years

Business need

Plans and specifications (statements of requirements, operational requirements, technical plans, resource plans, and budgets, etc.). Reports (stage assessments, quality reviews, highlight reports, GANTT charts).


Financial records of projects

Please refer to Financial Management


Feasibility studies; Minor Projects

After issue

10 years

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Reports, draft reports, working papers and correspondence.

Records relating to major projects may be kept for second review (25 years).


Feasibility studies: Major Projects

After issue

25 years

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Records relating to major projects may be kept for second review (25 years).


Project Boards

After date of last paper

6 years

Business need

Assessment meetings, etc. Minutes and correspondence.




Management Meetings

On agreement of minutes

6 years

Business need

Includes Employee Relations Board Meetings.

Internal Communications Group included.



Building Services

Ownership and occupancy

Drawings/Building Plans

Surveys and Inspections

Project Reports

Sustainable Development

Waste Disposal


Ownership and occupancy
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Inventory of Artefacts including art

On production of record


Corporate value


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Contract Management

End of contract

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

The activities involved in recording the performance of contractors throughout the lifetime of the contract. Additional contract information held by the Contract Manager i.e. copy contracts etc. should be destroyed at the end of the contract - the Procurement Office is responsible for maintaining original contract records.


Maintenance Contract Management

End of contract

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989




Drawings/ Building Plans
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Building and project plans and drawings

Last action


Corporate value

Plans including working copies, consultants' and contractors' drawings and associated records and manuals.

Assembly Commission Permanent Retention


Surveys and Inspections
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Building maintenance and inspections

Award of contract/ instigation of report or inspection

Until end of successive contract and in any case no less than 6 years from trigger

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Records concerning maintenance schedules, diaries or logs, installation surveys, programmes, operational manuals and forward maintenance registers. Records include gas safety; lifting equipment; work equipment; pressure systems; fixed electrical installations and portable appliances.



Project Reports- Please refer to Project Governance
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Maintenance log


Final entry

12 years

Business need,



Maintenance schedule


When superseded

6 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989



Maintenance programme


When superseded

6 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989



Payment disputes

End of contract

6 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989



Final accounts

End of contract

6 years



Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989




Sustainable Development
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Environmental Management System

Last action - elimination of risk or updating the risk assessment

6 years

Business need,

Management of Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978.

Employer duty to record risk assessment in Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000.

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989 - negligence claim

Records documenting identified environmental aspects of the Assembly, including Environmental Records and procedures regarding waste management and energy.



Records documenting the recording of environmental incidents in the Assembly or caused by its operations

Last action

40 years

Facilitate Health Surveillance under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 as amended

The activities involved in recording and investigating environmental incidents in the Assembly or caused by its operations, and the reporting of reportable incidents to the enforcing authorities.


Include accident books, records and reports.


Records documenting the notification and reporting of reportable environmental incidents to enforcing authorities


Last action

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 as amended (RIDDOR) puts duties on employers to report certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and specified dangerous occurrences (near misses). RIDDOR records to be retained for 3 years.



Environmental performance data

Last action

6 years

Business need,

The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022

The activities involved in monitoring and controlling the Assembly's environmental performance; the conduct and result of formal reviews of the Assembly's environmental performance; and action taken to address issues raised.



Waste Disposal
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

General Waste (WTN)

Last action

2 years

Business need, The Controlled Waste (Duty of Care) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002

The activities involved in collecting, storing and disposing of Assembly waste. Includes: office waste, catering waste; redundant equipment and consumables.


Hazardous Waste

Last action

3 years

Business need, The Hazardous Waste Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005

The activities involved in collecting, storing and disposing of Assembly special waste. Includes: batteries and fluorescent bulbs.


Contractor Licence

End of contract

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Licences that expire during the contract should be destroyed on receipt of a valid licence.



Health and Safety


Risk Assessment

Fire Safety


RecordTrigger (event that prompts start of retention period)RetentionPeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Accidents, incidents and near misses



Claim made


Involving Child

Date of issue




Settlement date


18th Birthday

3 years


Business need, The Health & Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978. Management of Health & Safety Regulations 2000. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

The activities involved in recording and investigating accidents incidents and near misses.



Display Screen Equipment and General Risk Assessments


Date of issue

5 years

Business need, Display Screen Equipment Regs (NI) 1992

Risk assessments conducted by Assembly.


Inspection Reports

Date of issue

5 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

The activities involved in inspecting common areas and offices.



Risk Assessment
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Fire Risk Assessments (FRA)

Date of issue

5 years

Fire and Rescue Services (NI) Order 2006

Records of significant findings of fire assessments and action taken to remove or reduce risk.



Fire Safety
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Fire safety manual and log and log and fire safety training records

Date of issue

5 years

Business need,

Fire Safety Regulations (NI) 2010

Records of statutory fire alarm tests, equipment checks, staff training etc.



Fire safety evacuation plans

When superseded

5 years

Business need

Evacuation plans for Assembly buildings and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans.




Usher Services

Control of access to premises

Visitor Management System

Control of removal of property


Information required for Assembly Pass


Control of access to premises
RecordTrigger (eventthat prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Assembly Identification pass, application and digital Image (issued as per Security Policy)

At end of employment, or no longer a regular building user.

Length of employment, or until no longer a regular building user.

Business need

Digital record, application and image will be destroyed.


Members and Party Assembly Identification Pass, application and digital image

On instruction of Member or Party Whips Office, or at the end of a mandate.

Six weeks following the start of a new mandate, or following instruction from a Member or Party Whips Office.

Business need

At start of dissolution, prior to an election, Members and Party passes will be put on-hold. Six weeks following start of the new Mandate, any information in relation to Assembly identification passes that have not been reapplied for by the relevant Member or Party/Whips Office will be destroyed.


Member and Party Pass Sign Off Sheets

On application for a Members staff or Party Staff pass.

Six weeks following start of new mandate.

Business need

Allocations for individual Members and Party/Whip staff are signed by each ID pass holder. When a pass holder leaves, their name is crossed out.

Applications are stored in a secure cabinet, and used as a back-up to the VMS and for record management.


Media Identification pass, associated personal information and Code of Conduct Pro Forma

Removed following notification by the Head of Communications, or at the end of a mandate.

Immediate Effect

Business need,

Media who are regular building users are required by Communications to sign a Code of Conduct when requesting a pass.


Media Identification passes (Regular, Correspondent and Intermediate passes) are valid for one year starting from the 1st June.

Any pass record and associated personal information is removed following notification from the Head of Communications or the end of a mandate.


Assembly Identification Pass - swipe in and out times

Collected as individual swipes through the VMS.

Until the end of working day

Business need

The Visitor Management System deletes information for all Assembly Identification Passes, early each morning.


Upper Car Park Permits and application data: Members and Party Staff.

On application from Member or Party Whips Office.

For duration of Mandate or criteria no longer met.

Business need

Information held for validation and identification of vehicles using Upper Car Parks.


Upper Car Park Permits and Application data: other building users.

On application of building user who meets the criteria set out in the Upper Car Park policy.

For the duration of entitlement, as per the Upper Car Park policy.

Business need

Information held for validation and identification of vehicles using Upper Car Parks.


Temporary Medical Permit

Following receipt of approval from HR office.

For the duration of entitlement as prescribed by Human Resources.

Business need

No information is held on reason for access being granted. Usher Services are informed of start and end date of entitlement.


Official Disability Parking Badge

On the request of the Badge Holder.

While the Badge is valid.

Business need

Building users who will regularly be accessing Upper Car Parks are requested to provide sight of their Disability Badges, and the date of expiry is recorded in the upper car parking system. This assists with car park management and vehicle identification. The user will not be required to submit an Upper Car Park Request for each entry.


Upper Car Park Requests

Following an approved submission for access to Upper Car Parks.

3 Months



Business need

Requests are made through a secure system, entering vehicle and driver details.

An Assembly App will automatically remove details after retention period is over.


Parliament Building Key Register


Following request for a room key

For duration of key issue.

Business need

Name of requestor and key number.



Information required for Assembly Pass
RecordTrigger (eventthat prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Lost pass Application

Reporting a Lost Assembly Identification pass

On receipt of notification a new pass will be issued after 7 days, application will be destroyed following issue.

Business need

Application for new pass following loss of Assembly Identification pass.


Access NI application, validation form and copies of proof of identification

On issue of Access NI certificate

90 days following issuing of certificate.


Business need,

Access NI requirement

Certificates are provided by Access NI to the individual.

Access NI require that copies of identification papers are securely held for 90 days.

Application information is stored in a secure cabinet until destroyed.


Employee clearance review panel documentation

On completion of review process

3 months

Business need

Information held in a secure database, with limited access.


Control Room, Rolling Brief and Door Logs

Reviewed and removed each month

1 year, removed during monthly review.

Business need

These logs record and document the conduct of routine incidents requiring the attention of Security staff, i.e. action taken and incident logging, telephone calls; messages from internal personnel; messages from external services/agencies; and radio & telephone calls to/from Control Room/Access points.

Note: Extracts of logs or reports used in investigations will be kept until proceedings have been concluded.



Visitor Management System
RecordTrigger (eventthat prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

VMS Regular Day Pass:

Temporary; Contractor and Media Day Passes


On creation

90 days from last day issued.

Business need

Record and image are held on the system for 90 days following the last date of issue, then automatically removed from system.


VMS Visitor Day Pass: Visitor Pass.

On creation

28 days

Business need

Record and image are held on the system for 28 days following the last date of issue, then automatically removed from system.


VMS Function Pass: Guest Lists and Sign-In Sheets

Named pass created from supplied Guest List attending function at PB.

90 days from the date of event.

Business need

No image captured. Record for event is automatically removed from the system after 90 days.


Visitor Names

On production of record

90 Days

Business need

Report listing visitor names will be produced every 2 weeks and retained for 90 days.


Control of removal of property
RecordTrigger (eventthat prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Clearance for contractors/ consultants - Contractor Database

End of clearance or work contract.

Information held on the Contractor Database until clearance date has expired, or the contractor requests their personal information to be removed.

Business need

The secure contractor database will purge records after clearance date has expired.

A Contractor may request their information is removed at any time.


Contractor pass

90 days from last date of issue.

Record and image are held on the system until 90 following previous issue.

Business need

The system automatically deletes records after 90 days.



RecordTrigger (eventthat prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Routine security surveillance

On creation

Maximum 30 days

Business need

The process of recording moving images (CCTV) for the purpose of security. CCTV images are deleted from the system automatically after 30 days.


Note: Recorded data used in investigations is kept until proceedings have been completed.


Non-routine surveillance

Request for images/date of incident

1 year

Business need

Following current procedures.


Theft reports and investigations

End of investigation

1 year

Business need



Lost/Found Property records and indemnity section.

Jewellery/Money/items of value

Following end of items' redemption period

Records are kept for 1 month or 6 months depending on the items retention period.


Business need

Depending on the items retention period, records are destroyed as follows: Clothing/Books/Stationary/Misc. - 1 month;

Jewellery/Money/items of value - 6 months.



Uniform Issue.

Payment and Delivery

1 Month

Business need

Used for the purposes of issuing uniform, destroyed following receipt and payment.



Team Administration
RecordTrigger (eventthat prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Overtime Forms

On submission of claim

3 Months

Business need

Overtime forms are held until confirmation of payment and destroyed as record will be held by Finance office.


Call-Out Sheets

Produced as part of staff rota production

3 Months

Business need



Internal Postal Duties.

Completion of rota.

1 year.

Business need

Details of rota, log of outgoing mail with cost, and record of offices visited.



Legal, Governance and Research Services

Legal Services Office

Legal Advice

Litigation files


The Office of the Examiner of Statutory Rules


Legal advice
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Legal advice on the employment rights and obligations of identifiable individuals.


Date of last action or end of legal action

6 years


Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Some of this legal advice, if it remains relevant and retains precedent value, will be destroyed only when that relevance ends.


Legal advice on significant institutional and constitutional matters and legal advice on the legislative competence of Bills

Date of issue


Business need


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

All other legal advice

Date of issue

15 years

Business need




Litigation files
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Litigation files (employment rights and obligations of identifiable individuals


Date of last action (by judgment, statement etc.)

6 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Some of these files if they remain relevant and retain precedent value will be destroyed only when that value ends.



RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Contracts, Service Level Agreements, Memoranda of Understanding etc.

Date of termination

6 years




Business need


This entry relates only to those contracts managed directly by the Legal Services Office.



The Office of the Examiner of Statutory Rules
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Legal advice requests and advice and associated documents

Creation of document, receipt of request


Knowledge base, consistency, record of decision making


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Documents and files related to the consideration of statutory rules under SO 43

Creation of document

10 years

Knowledge base, consistency, record of decision making




Creation/receipt of document

10 years

Knowledge base, consistency, record of decision making




Research and Information Service

Research Requests and Responses

Library Information Requests

Academic Engagement


Research Requests and Responses
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Members' queries and response

Date of request

10 years

Business need



Committee Research enquiries

Date of request

10 years

Business need



Assembly Commission Research enquiries

Date of request

10 years

Business need



Research papers

Completed papers

10 years

Business need

This includes published research material.



PRONI Appraisal


Library Information Requests
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Library Enquiries

Date of request

10 years

Business need

Personal information redacted from form prior to going into storage.



Information Packs

Prior to Plenary Debates

10 years

Business need



Inter Library Loan

Date of request

5 years

Business need

In line with British Library Guidelines.



Return of borrowed book



Business need



Purchasing Stock

Date of request

7 years

Business need

For internal audit purposes.




Academic Engagement
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS)

Attendee Registration

Seminar date

1 day


Business need

Information retained until day after the seminar.


KESS subscription



2 years

Business need



KESS Academic Presenter video clip

Seminar date

5 years

Business need

Also posted on YouTube.



KESS Panel University partners

On receipt of member's email

5 years

Business need

Details retained on RaISe CSU shared drive for the period specified.


KESS feedback forms/Questionnaires

Close of seminar

5 years

Business need

All Feedback Forms/Questionnaires/forms are anonymised and retained for the period specified, in order to enable analysis, in order to monitor and review, to improve efficiency and effectiveness.


KESS Panel Meetings

Date of meeting

10 years

Business need

Minutes of meetings; meeting administration, including information necessary for the organisation of meetings and subsequent follow up work; miscellaneous correspondence.


KESS Successful Applications

On receipt

1 year

Business need

Successful application forms, including declaration of interests forms; telephonic/email/in-person correspondence; contact details; material related to selection.


KESS Unsuccessful Applications

Programme Agreement

4 months

Business need

Unsuccessful application forms, including, e.g., declaration of interests forms; telephonic/email/in-person correspondence; contact details; material related to selection.


KESS Submissions (Policy Briefings and Power Points)

On receipt

10 years

Business need

Policy Briefings and Power Points produced for KESS seminars.



KESS Images

Point of collection

5 years

Business need



Media enquiries

Date of request

1 year

Business need

Activities arising in response to telephonic/email/in-person requests.


Assembly Register of Research

On receipt of online form

5 years

Business need

Details retained on database, which is overseen by the RaISe CSU.



Research Matters email subscriber details

When subscription ends


Consent is withdrawn

5 years




Business need,

Data Protection Act 2018, UK GDPR

If consent is withdrawn, destroy immediately. Can continue to hold enough to evidence the withdrawal of consent i.e. consent tracker





Initial Proposal

Monitoring of supplier performance

Surveys and Inspections

The policy below applies to all procurements within the Assembly Commission with the exception of quotations with a whole life costs of under £5,000. For such quotations, all relevant quotation information should be maintained for a period of the contract plus 1 year.

It is important that a record of all contracts and related transactions is kept. The files must contain a complete and accurate record of all internal and external documentation so that the stages and reasoning of the transactions are apparent.

Initial Proposal
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Contract Documentation

End of contract

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Business justification or case Procurement Strategy. Contract advertisement agreed specification (Pre-qualification questionnaire; includes evaluation methodology), Evaluation criteria, Invitation to tender, Non-competitive action or single Tender Actions (STAs). Contracts under Service Level Agreement (SLA), Ordinary contracts (final version only. Successful tenders, final contract, award letter, signed contract and any other additional documents forming part of the contract. Successful letters at PQQ stage Contract management documents, Amendments or variations to contracts.


Unsuccessful Statements of interest (PQQ stage)

End of Contract


Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Pre-qualification questionnaire; unsuccessful letters at PQQ stage including Evaluation Team comments, comparisons and evaluation criteria.


Unsuccessful tenders

End of Contract

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Unsuccessful tender bids, notification of award to unsuccessful tenderers including evaluation, comparisons and evaluation comments.


Evaluation meetings and forms

End of contract

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989

Evaluation reports at both PQQ and tender stages if applicable, evaluation comments and minutes or notes of proceedings.

Additional options paper.



Monitoring of supplier performance
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Reports from contractors

End of contract

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989



Schedules of work

End of contract

6 years

Business need, The Limitation (NI) Order 1989




Surveys and Inspections
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Equipment and supplies

End of contract

5 years


Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989




End of contract



Corporate Value,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention


End of contract

5 years


Business need



Payment disputes

End of contract

5 years



Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989



Final accounts

End of contract

5 years


Business need



Guidance/Policies and Procedures


When superseded

5 years

Business need



Reports - Internal e.g. monthly reports to Directors, general or ad hoc reports


End of financial or calendar year

3 years

Business need



Reports - external

End of financial or calendar year


5 years

Business need,

The Limitation (NI) Order 1989




Information Standards

Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations

Records Management

Data Protection


Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Case file: records detailing the FOI/EIR request, the consideration of possible exemptions and subsequent appeals

Internal review deadline (3 months after issued response)

5 years

Business need

Records containing correspondence between the Assembly Commission and the enquirer, details of who handled the request, how the request was researched and how the request was resolved, including any subsequent appeals for review.


Case files including access decisions where a complaint is made to the ICO

Information Commissioner decision Letter


Information Appeal Tribunal

5 years




5 years

Data Protection Act 2018, Freedom of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations 2004

Details of case file relating to a decision being made by the ICO following an investigation.






Entry in FOI Disclosure Log


Financial year end

10 years

Freedom of Information Act 2000




Publication Scheme

When superseded

5 years

Freedom of Information Act 2000


Records documenting the development and maintenance of the Assembly Commission's Publication Scheme as required by the FOI Act 2000.



Records Management
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Information Audits & Records Surveys

Last action

5 years

Business need

Quality assurance checks and bi-annual returns


Records Retention and Disposal Log

When superseded


Corporate Value,

The Public Records Act (Northern Ireland) 1923, Freedom of Information Act 2000, The Lord Chancellor's Code of Practice on Records Management

List of Assembly Commission records series and how long each series must be kept before it may be disposed of.


Assembly Commission Permanent Retention

Guides, manuals and instructions on the management of records

When superseded

5 years

Business need




Data Protection
RecordTrigger(event that prompts start of retention period)Retention PeriodLegislation/ ReasonNotesFinal Action

Data Subject Requests

Final Response date

3 years

Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR

Correspondence and associated papers relating to the receipt of and processing of formal Subject Access Requests made under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018.


Data Subject Request:



Internal Review/ ICO Complaint

Internal Review response date


ICO decision


Information Appeal Tribunal

2 years



2 years



2 years

Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR

Correspondence and associated papers relating to the receipt of and processing of formal Data Subject Requests (all rights) made under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018.



Notification expiration

6 years

Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR

Records documenting the Assembly's notification of data controller details to the Information Commissioner.


Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)

Completion of forms/ DPGO sign off

6 years

Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR,

Cabinet office code of practice



Data Sharing Agreements


Until Superseded

1 year

Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR,

Cabinet office code of practice

Sharing agreements should be reviewed on a regular basis


Privacy Notices

Until Superseded

6 years

Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR,

Cabinet office code of practice

Privacy notices should be reviewed on a regular basis


Data Breaches


Longer of

Final report date or ICO decision date

5 years

Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR

Cabinet office code of practice




Section 6-Signatories

Northern Ireland Assembly

The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission Disposal and Retention Schedule

Prepared as required by the Public Records Act (Northern Ireland), 1923 and in accordance with the Rules made pursuant thereto, approved by Order in Council dated 20th January 1925.

Donna-Marie Clark

Data Protection and Governance Officer

Northern Ireland Assembly Commission

Tara Caul

Director of Legal, Governance and Research Services

Northern Ireland Assembly Commission

Lesley Hogg

Clerk/Chief Executive

Northern Ireland Assembly Commission

Wesley Geddis

Acting Head of Records Management, Cataloguing and Access Section

Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

David Huddleston

PRONI Acting Director

Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

Colum Boyle

Permanent Secretary Department for Communities


Appendix A

Addendum for any new areas of work/ new classes of records created.

These must be approved by PRONI before being added and when Schedule is reviewed the updated document laid before the Northern Ireland Assembly for approval.