Payments to A C Print Ltd (Randalstown)

Information Standards Freedom of Information Response

Our Ref: FoI 09-20

26 February 2020

Freedom of Information Act 2000

I can confirm that the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission holds information relevant to your request of 28 January 2020. In your request you asked for the following information:

“I am writing under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act to request copies of all information held by the Northern Ireland Assembly regarding payments to A C Print Ltd (Randalstown). I request this information from 2007 to date.

As well as payments made, I would ask that this information also includes any requested payments/invoices from MLA office cost allowances which were declined or payments which were subsequently reimbursed. I would ask that this information be itemised by individual MLA”

Clarification of your request was sought on 04 February 2020 as follows:

“The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission does not supply copies of invoices. I would therefore like to know if you content with a list of Members and the amount spent or do you require each invoice listed and what detail is provided?”

Your response of 04 February 2020 provided the following clarification:

“I am content with amount listed by MLA”

Please see information attached at Appendix A in relation to your request.


If you feel that the information we have provided does not meet your request fully, please contact this office as soon as possible.  You have the right to request a formal review by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission and if you wish to do so, please write to me at the above address.

If after such an internal review you are still unhappy with the response, you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,  Cheshire SK9 5AF who will undertake an independent review.

If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me.  Please remember to quote the reference number above.

Yours sincerely



Appendix A

Under the legislation the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission is not required to provide information that is already available in a form accessible by the public.

All payments made to Members are provided in accordance with the provisions of the Assembly Members (Salaries and Expenses) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2016 (the Determination) and are published annually on the Members’ Salaries and Expenses pages on the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission website

This provides details of all claims by Member, including a description of the transaction, the amount of the payments and the name of the supplier.  Please note that the supplier, in respect of payments to AC Print, is listed as ‘Maine Supplies’.


Payments declined in relation to AC Print

During the period requested, one request for payment has been refused. The detail is itemised below:



Bunting, Joanne



Payments recouped in relation to AC Print



Lockhart, Carla



Lockhart, Carla
