Economy Committee examines Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill
Session: Session currently unavailable
Date: 09 December 2021
Reference: CfE 02/21/22
The Assembly’s Committee for the Economy has begun its examination of the Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill. This important legislation focuses on statutory leave entitlements available to workers who are victims/survivors of domestic abuse.
The Bill aims to introduce a provision of at least ten days paid leave per year, and that the right of workers/employees to avail of the leave should not have a qualifying period.
Chairperson of the Economy Committee, Dr Caoimhe Archibald MLA, said: “Domestic abuse is a workplace issue. Many victims/survivors of domestic abuse do not have any leave from work or flexible working within their contracts when they need it. The threat of losing their job, or losing vital income are significant barriers that victims/survivors face when they attempt to seek help and support.
“This legislation could make a huge difference to those affected by domestic abuse by entitling all workers/employees to paid leave as soon they begin employment. It could also help address some of the costs of domestic abuse for employers, which could include lost output and the need for additional resources.
“The Committee will aim to ensure that this legislation works for victims/survivors of domestic abuse, and for employers who administer the statutory entitlements. The Committee has launched its consultation on the Bill to find out what people think of the Bill’s proposal.
“Following the Committee’s consultation, which will be open until 5pm on Friday 7th January 2022, we will review the findings, discuss our report and make recommendations on the Bill to the Assembly.”
You can respond to the Committee’s consultation on the Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill:
Committee Membership:
Chairperson: Dr Caoimhe Archibald MLA
Deputy Chairperson: Matthew O’Toole MLA
Keith Buchanan MLA
Stewart Dickson MLA
Stephen Dunne MLA
Mike Nesbitt MLA
John O’Dowd MLA
Claire Sugden MLA
Peter Weir MLA
Media enquiries to:
Caroline Moore
Deputy Communications Officer
Northern Ireland Assembly
Phone: 028 9052 1606