Committee Motion Highlights Crime against Local Businesses

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 08 December 2015

Reference: JUS 03/15/16

The Committee for Justice has called on the Minister of Justice to work with the PSNI to address business crime and its effects on the local business community in Northern Ireland.

Speaking after a debate in the Assembly, Committee Chairperson, Alastair Ross MLA said: “Business crime is continually evolving and there is evidence of a growing prevalence of cybercrime, organised crime and rural crime. It is not victimless, and the Committee takes the issue very seriously.

“Earlier this year we heard directly from those affected, and had an opportunity to discuss the need to increase confidence in the justice system and the importance of close co-operation and partnership between businesses, government, the PSNI and the community.”

Mr Ross continued: "Following the stakeholder event the Committee recommended three strategic actions including the development of a business crime strategy/business crime plan; improved strategic partnership working; and the adoption and use of an agreed definition of business crime.

“We are pleased that both the Department and the PSNI have taken time to consider these recommendations, and that work has already begun to address the Committee’s concerns.”

Mr Ross concluded: "We believe that if the business community, government and the PSNI work in partnership, business crime can be tackled in a meaningful and substantial way to the benefit of all businesses. This debate is another important step in the right direction."


Notes to Editors:

The Committee Report on the Business Crime Stakeholder Event, along with responses from the Department of Justice and the PSNI can be found here:

The full text of the debate can be found here: