Northern Ireland Assembly Calls on East Antrim to Get Involved

Session: 2011/2012

Date: 26 March 2012

Reference: SO 17/11/12

The Northern Ireland Assembly will host a major event at the Town Hall, Carrickfergus on Friday 30 March to help local voluntary and community groups work better with the Assembly and its Committees.

The event which will be delivered in partnership with the Carrickfergus Community Forum will include workshops and presentations from the Assembly and will include advice to local community and voluntary organisations on how they can make submissions to Assembly Committees and contribute to inquiries. Local MLAs will also provide practical tips on how to get local community based issues recognised.

As well as practical workshops and information sessions, a panel of local MLAs will also be on hand to take part in a panel event, hosted by political journalist and broadcaster, Eamonn Mallie. The question and Answer session will give representatives from the Community and Voluntary sector an opportunity to ask their MLAs questions on the issues that affect local people.

Deputy Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly and East Antrim MLA Roy Beggs said: “MLAs are mindful of the very vital and crucial role that the community and voluntary sectors play across Northern Ireland. It is therefore a great pleasure for me, both as Deputy Speaker and as a local MLA to host these workshops on behalf of the Northern Ireland Assembly and I hope that they will provide tangible benefits for local organisations in East Antrim. The Assembly is committed to engaging with local Communities and by doing so, making it easier for all sectors to work with the Assembly, its Committees and our MLAs.

“This event will provide local representatives with an opportunity to speak directly to local MLAs and to highlight and raise important local issues and concerns. Delegates will also be able to take part in a simulated committee meeting to give them a practical understanding of how to work with Committees and take advantage of opportunities for their organisations in the future

“In recent years, the Assembly has recognised the importance of getting out and about and meeting with individuals, groups and organisations right across Northern Ireland. This event will provide a valuable opportunity for local MLAs to see first-hand the work that goes on in the local community and to do what we can to make working with the Assembly as easy as possible.