Committee Begins Examination of Superannuation Bill
Session: 2011/2012
Date: 27 March 2012
Reference: CFP 02/11/12
The Assembly Committee for Finance and Personnel today began its examination of the Superannuation Bill. The Bill will remove the requirement for public sector trade unions’ consent for any proposed changes in compensation for redundancy, whether voluntary or compulsory. The Bill will instead include a requirement that employers engage with the trade unions with the aim of reaching agreement on adverse changes.
Commenting on the Committee’s work, Chairperson, Conor Murphy, MP MLA, said: “Today my Committee heard from a panel of trade unions which was the first opportunity to hear from the main stakeholders affected by this Bill.
“We will give careful consideration to the provisions of this Bill and its wider consequences. We have identified a number of themes and issues to be explored with stakeholders over the coming weeks.”
The Committee will also invite written submissions, which will be considered as the Committee continues to examine the proposed Bill.