Committee to Raise Age of Ban on Sale of Aerosols
Session: 2011/2012
Date: 10 February 2011
Reference: ENV 09/10/11
The Assembly Committee for the Environment today released its report on the Clean Neighbourhoods Bill. The Bill looks to address many issues including anti-social behaviour, nuisance vehicles, control of dogs, noise abatement and graffiti.
Committee Chairperson, Cathal Boylan MLA said: “The Clean Neighbourhoods Bill is an important one. It deals with many issues that impact on the daily lives of people here. Noise, dog fouling, litter and fly-posting for example are all issues that can have a negative impact on our day to day life.
“Having reviewed the Bill put forward by the Department of the Environment the Committee was satisfied that it set out sufficient measures to address anti-social behaviour and many other nuisances from abandoned vehicles, to unattended alarms going off in the middle of the night.
“However, when it came to addressing graffiti, the Committee felt the Bill needed strengthening. It was the Committee’s view that the age for a ban on the sale of aerosols should be raised from 16 to 18, in line with comparable restrictions on the sale of noxious chemicals. The Committee felt this was an important amendment and is pleased that the Department has agreed to accept it.”