Assembly Committee Calls for Arts and Heritage Support

Session: 2011/2012

Date: 24 January 2011

Reference: CAL 07/10/11

The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure will call on investors to recognise the role that arts and heritage can play in stimulating the local economy.

The message comes as the Committee is to hold a meeting, on 27 January, in the recently completed Mossley Mill Civic and Cultural development in Newtownabbey.

Speaking before the meeting, Committee Chairperson, Barry McElduff MLA said: “As a Committee we are aware that the Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure is one of the hardest hit departments in the recently announced Executive’s Draft Budget for 2011-2015.

“However, we ask the Executive and the private sector not to ignore the great economic potential there is in heritage tourism, cultural activities and the arts. Statistics show that theatre attendances are up in London’s West End, despite the recession, as people give themselves a treat in these tough times.

“Many visitors from overseas come here in search of a real cultural experience and to explore our vast heritage and it is therefore important that the Executive supports the sector and the fantastic assets we have to offer.”