Specialist Schools Will Aid Future of Northern Ireland Economy
Session: 2009/2010
Date: 03 June 2009
Reference: EDU 03/08/09
St Paul’s High School in Bessbrook today plays host to a public meeting of the Northern Ireland Assembly Education Committee, where St Paul’s and St Colman’s College will brief Committee Members on the importance of their specialist science status.
Chairperson of the Committee for Education, Mervyn Storey MLA, said: “Education and the use of scarce resources are of great concern to the Committee. One of the most innovative programmes that we are supporting is encouraging young people to study science, technology, engineering and maths—known as the STEM subjects.
“ St Paul’s and St Colman’s are both specialist science schools. As a Committee, we want to learn from them and see what lessons can be applied elsewhere.
“We are also pleased to meet with some members of the Newry and Mourne Learning Community. This is another innovation which, through collaboration, aims to maximise the use of scarce educational resources. In this current economic climate, it is crucial that all available monies are used to provide the greatest benefit to our young people.”
The Committee is also taking evidence from the Department of Education on the current Education budget and area based planning policy. In addition, the Committee will be meeting with some members of the Newry and Mourne Learning Community, a group of 15 schools which share both teaching and other learning resources to maximise learning opportunities for local students.