First Minister And Deputy First Minister To Appear Before Committee

Session: 2008/2009

Date: 04 November 2008

Reference: AER- 04/08/09

The Assembly and Executive Review Committee met today and resumed its discussions on the devolution of policing and justice matters.

The Chairperson, Mr. Jimmy Spratt, MLA, said

“Members welcomed the fact that the First Minister and the deputy First Minister had responded, positively, to the ‘standing invitation’ to appear before the Committee to discuss matters relating to the devolution of policing and justice.”

Mr Spratt went on to say,

“Given the sensitivities surrounding the devolution of policing and justice matters, the Committee agreed to a suggestion, from the First Minister and the deputy First Minister, that the meeting should take place in ‘closed session’, next Tuesday morning, 18 November 2008.”

Mr Spratt also said,

“The Committee also welcomed the undertaking given by the First Minister and the deputy First Minister to make themselves available to appear before the Committee, in ‘public session’, at a later stage in the process.”

Finally, Mr Spratt confirmed,

“The Committee is committed to finalising its forward work programme when it meets next week.”