Assembly Committee Scrutinises Local Banks and Mortgage Lenders

Session: 2008/2009

Date: 17 June 2009

Reference: Media Notice

The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Finance and Personnel will take evidence from local banks and mortgage lenders on Wednesday 17 June) from 12.45pm in the Senate Chamber.

Abbey Group Financial Services, Halifax and Nationwide will be giving evidence from 12.45pm to 2.00pm

Bank of Ireland, First Trust and Ulster Bank will be giving evidence from 2.00pm-3.15pm

The issues to be discussed include:

  • the availability of mortgages in NI, including to first time buyers;
  • the passing on of base rate cuts to mortgage customers;
  • the level of fees and charges;
  • mortgage difficulties and repossessions;
  • the availability and cost of loans and overdrafts;
  • the calling in of loans to businesses; and
  • progress being made on recent initiatives to stimulate lending/support borrowing.

Interviews with the Chair, Mr Mitchel McLaughlin, MLA can be arranged by contacting:

Debra Savage 
Communications Officer 
Northern Ireland Assembly