Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee to meet in Millennium Forum
Session: 2007/2008
Date: 22 May 2008
Reference: CAL 02/08
The Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure will hold a meeting in the Millennium Forum, Londonderry on Thursday 22 May 2008 at 10.30 a.m where they will hear a presentation on the development of the Brandywell area. The Committee will also receive a presentation from Derry City Council on the Commemoration of the ‘400 th Anniversary of the Plantation of Ulster ’
Mr Barry McElduff MLA, the Committee Chairperson said:
“The Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure is pleased to hold this meeting in a location outside Parliament Buildings and is looking forward to the visit to the award winning Playhouse Theatre. The Committee will hear about the plans for their newly refurbished theatre which will be the core of this dynamic arts organisation and provide for the best in the arts and entertainment.
“The Committee also welcomes the opportunity to see the other organisations in the area and hear about the work that goes on in the community.
“I would like to take this opportunity to remind local groups and individuals that the meeting is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.”
Following the meeting in the Millennium Forum, the Committee will visit the Playhouse Theatre, St Columb’s Theatre, Central Library, An Gaeláras and the Greater Shantallow Community Arts Centre.