Climate Change Top Item For Environment Committee

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 05 July 2007

Reference: ENV3/07

The Northern Ireland Assembly’s Committee for the Environment met today with the Minister, Arlene Foster, to discuss targets to reduce the amount of pollutants that can be released into the environment.

The Minister also updated the Committee on the Local Government aspects of the Review of Public Administration and the intention to set up a sub-committee to look at the transfer of functions and the number of councils.

Professor Sharon Turner briefed the Committee on the recently launched report “Foundations for the Future” setting out proposed changes to the way the environment is managed in Northern Ireland.

Patsy McGlone, Chairperson, said: “Today’s widespread discussion on the environment shows the priority which is being attached by the Committee to climate change, particularly when we see the recent flash floods. We also welcome the contribution from the Climate Change Coalition NI and Professor Sharon Turner. We had a detailed discussion on the Review of Public Administration as we seek to develop true local government for all our citizens”.

The Committee will next meet on Thursday 06 September 2007 at 10.30am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

Committee Membership: -
Patsy McGlone, Chairperson 
Cathal Boylan, Deputy Chairperson 
Billy Armstrong 
Trevor Clarke 
David Ford 
Tommy Gallagher 
Samuel Gardiner 
Alex Maskey 
Ian McCrea 
Daithí McKay
Peter Weir

Mrs Patricia Casey 
Clerk to the Committee 
Committee for the Environment, 
Room 245, 
Parliament Buildings, 
Belfast BT4 3XX.