DP1643 - Larne


Information provided by the Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 7916/17-22 from Mr Jim Allister MLA, in which he asked the Minister whether he will lay in the Assembly Library a copy of all documentation for a proposed Certificate of Lawful Use or Development at Larne Port in connection with his Department's application to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, on or about 15 September 2020.


Annex A - SCAIL Assessment - Larne Harbour 6 October 2020.pdf

Annex B - Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) - Larne Harbour 21 August 2020.pdf

ENC 01 Larne - Compliance with The Planning (General Permitted Development) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015.pdf

ENC 02 Larne - DfC HED Map.pdf

ENC 03 Larne - LDC2 Fees.pdf

Item 6 Text CLUD-Larne Rev 18.8.20.pdf

Larne Port - Screening against the EIA Regs.pdf

Larne Port PoE Application - Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening.pdf

LDC2 application form Larne 25.9.20 (signed).pdf

LNE 003 - Product Inspection Facility - Floor Plan - E.PDF

LNE 003D - Product Inspection Facility Floor Plan.pdf

LNE 005A - Office A - Product Inspection Facility.pdf

LNE 006A - Office B - Livestock Inspection Facility.pdf

LNE 008A - Equine Facility & Other Commercial Transport Animals.pdf

LNE 012 - Small animals (Pets) Inspection Facility.pdf

LNE 014C - Livestock Inspection Facility Floor Plans.pdf

LNE 016B - Other Commercial Transport Animals.pdf

LNE 019A - Office C - Equine and Pets Live Animal Inspection Facility.pdf

LNE 029 Larne Port Site Layout.pdf

LNE 030 Larne Port Location Map.pdf