DP1643 - FOYLE


Information provided by the Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in response to Assembly Question AQW 7916/17-22 from Mr Jim Allister MLA, in which he asked the Minister whether he will lay in the Assembly Library a copy of all documentation for a proposed Certificate of Lawful Use or Development at Larne Port in connection with his Department's application to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, on or about 15 September 2020.


ALP001 Site Boundary 05.08.2020-A2.pdf

ALP002 Site Plan 05.08.2020-A2.pdf

ALP003 Plans _ Elevations 05.08.2020-A1.pdf

ENC 01 Foyle Compliance with The Planning ~ Permitted Development) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015.pdf

ENC 02 Foyle - DfC HED Map.pdf

ENC 03 Foyle - LDC2 Fees.pdf

Foyle Port - Screening against the EIA Regs to support CLUD application.pdf

Foyle Port PoE Application - Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening.pdf

LDC2 application form Foyle 19.8.20 (signed).pdf

Outline CEMP - Foyle Harbour 21.10.20.pdf