January 2014
In addition to plenary sittings of the Assembly, Official Reports (also known as Minutes of Evidence) are published for some Committee meetings - generally those meetings, or parts of meetings, that involve the consideration of legislation or the taking of evidence as part of a Committee inquiry. Committee reports are published within three working days of the proceedings covered, excluding days on which the full Assembly sits.
The most recent minutes of evidence are listed below. For older reports please use the links on the right hand side.
Date | Title | Action |
22/01/2014 |
Area-based Planning: Briefing by Professor Tony Gallagher |
Read Area-based Planning: Briefing by Professor Tony Gallagher |
22/01/2014 |
Primary Integrating/Enriching Education Project: NEELB/University of Ulster Briefing |
Read Primary Integrating/Enriching Education Project: NEELB/University of Ulster Briefing |
22/01/2014 |
Financial Provisions Bill: Department of Finance and Personnel |
Read Financial Provisions Bill: Department of Finance and Personnel |
22/01/2014 |
Mental Capacity Bill: DHSSPS Briefing |
21/01/2014 |
Rural White Paper Action Plan: DARD Briefing |
16/01/2014 |
Judicial Appointments and Competition for a High Court Judge: Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Ombudsman |
16/01/2014 |
Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill: Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission |
16/01/2014 |
Housing Allocations: Departmental Briefing |
16/01/2014 |
Salmon Conservation Regulations: DCAL Briefing |
16/01/2014 |
Local Government Bill - Draft Code of Conduct for Councillors: Northern Ireland Ombudsman |
Read Local Government Bill - Draft Code of Conduct for Councillors: Northern Ireland Ombudsman |
16/01/2014 |
Human Trafficking and Slavery Consultation: DOJ Officials |
Read Human Trafficking and Slavery Consultation: DOJ Officials |
16/01/2014 |
Fuel Poverty Thematic Action Groups: Departmental Briefing |
Read Fuel Poverty Thematic Action Groups: Departmental Briefing |
16/01/2014 |
Local Government Bill - Draft Code of Conduct for Councillors: DOE Briefing |
Read Local Government Bill - Draft Code of Conduct for Councillors: DOE Briefing |
16/01/2014 |
Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill: Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Institute for Conflict Research |
16/01/2014 |
Campbell Tickell Report: Section 44 Notice |
15/01/2014 |
DFP Public Sector Reform Division: Remit and Functions (Department briefing) |
Read DFP Public Sector Reform Division: Remit and Functions (Department briefing) |
15/01/2014 |
Programme for Government, Business Plan and Savings Delivery Plan: Department of Finance and Personnel |
15/01/2014 |
Area-based Planning: Queen's University Belfast and University of Ulster |
Read Area-based Planning: Queen's University Belfast and University of Ulster |
15/01/2014 |
Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products: Legislative Consent Motion (DHSSPS Briefing) |
Read Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products: Legislative Consent Motion (DHSSPS Briefing) |
15/01/2014 |
2012-13 Year 12 GCSE and Year 14 A-level Results: DE Briefing |
Read 2012-13 Year 12 GCSE and Year 14 A-level Results: DE Briefing |
15/01/2014 |
TUPE Consultation Responses: DEL Briefing |
15/01/2014 |
Review of Apprenticeships: DEL Briefing |
15/01/2014 |
Procurement: Joint Department for Employment and Learning and Department of Finance and Personnel Briefing |
14/01/2014 |
Petitions of Concern: Briefing from Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service |
Read Petitions of Concern: Briefing from Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service |
09/01/2014 |
Inquiry into allegations, arising from a BBC NI 'Spotlight' programme aired on 3 July 2013, of impropriety or irregularity relating to NIHE-managed contracts and consideration of any resulting actions: Briefing by Barbara McConaghie |
09/01/2014 |
Inquiry into allegations, arising from a BBC NI 'Spotlight' programme aired on 3 July 2013, of impropriety or irregularity relating to NIHE-managed contracts and consideration of any resulting actions: Briefing by Stephen Brimstone |
09/01/2014 |
Inquiry into Allegations, Arising from a BBC NI 'Spotlight' Programme Aired on 3 July 2013 of Impropriety or Irregularity Relating to NIHE-managed Contracts, and Consideration of Any Resulting Actions: Will Haire |
09/01/2014 |
Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill: Ruhama |
Read Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill: Ruhama |
09/01/2014 |
Local Government Bill: Community Places |
09/01/2014 |
January Monitoring Round: DSD Briefing |